Home » Open thread 1/7/23


Open thread 1/7/23 — 66 Comments

  1. I had always remembered it was a lion, too, but

    Isaiah 11.6

    The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

    Nevertheless, thanks for the video.


    This links to other translations, all having a wolf rather than a lion.

    A while back Vox Day et al. were having conniption fits because none of the Bibles they owned had a lion lying down with the lamb. Some of his readers thought that Satan had miraculously changed the texts of all the Bibles extant.

  2. bob sykes,

    I remembered it as a lion and lamb also, but now that you’ve brought this to my attention I’m wondering if lions and lambs typically exist in one another’s ecosystems? Wolves and lambs certainly share terrain, but are there sheep on the Sahara? Seems unlikely.

  3. So the drama is over, for now. I hope that the Rep can get their act together and move forward to help the US. My wife and I are now Unaffiliated, because the Rep party left us here in CO.

    Now, I will make a prediction about 2024. I am sure it will gen up a lot of comments (HA HA HA). I don’t know if I will be alive in 2024 (being 76 now) but here goes:
    In the House, the Rep will lose over 50 Seats
    In the Senate, even though more Dem are up for reelection, the Rep will lose at least 5 if not more seats.
    Dems will retain the Presidency, but it won’t be Harris.

  4. I’m wondering if lions and lambs typically exist in one another’s ecosystems?

    You can find lions in the wild and domestic sheep herding in Kenya.

  5. Isn’t the saying related to weather & the night sky and not anything in the Bible.

    “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” So, March is still wintery and cold with strong winds but by the time April comes around, spring is emerging and the winds are gentler.

    For the night sky explanation, the constellation Leo (the lion) rises in the east to start March and ends the month with the constellation Aries (the ram, or lamb) setting in the west.

  6. Not too hard to find that lions used to be in Israel. Asiatic lion. Funny what you can find on the intertubes.

  7. One of the hippie communes I lived on was called LION — Love Is Our Nature.

    I don’t recall it being spelled out, but I always assumed that was partly a biblical reference.

    Wiki has a page, which notes that in Isaiah it is the wolf and the lamb, then gives a history of how the lion theme developed, including this bit from St. Augustine:

    The symbol is used in both Christianity and Judaism to represent the Messianic Age. In addition, in Christianity, according to a sermon by Augustine, the lion stands for Christ resurrected, the lamb for Christ’s sacrifice (“He endured death as a lamb; he devoured it as a lion.”—Augustine, Sermon 375A).


    I imagine this is the source of Aslan, the Lion-Christ in CS Lewis’s Narnia books.

  8. I read all the material from the J6 committee has been sealed for 50 years. Is that possible? Will the House release the information, or will it disappear down the sinkhole that is Washington accountability?
    While the J6 Democrat joyfest may have fizzled, almost 1000 have been charged or convicted, and there are another 1000 the Justice Department are going to find and convict.
    I was listening to 69 year old MAGA Granny Pam Hemphill on the local Christian station. Spent two months in federal prison for “one misdemeanor count of demonstrating, parading or picketing in the U.S. Capitol Building”.

    Here’s the statement of facts that led to a two month federal prison term. What a hardened criminal!


  9. I see neo has linked that wiki page with a “See this.”

    I started my comment in a cafe, then an interesting young fellow wearing a baseball cap with a big “LIFE ON MISSION” slogan displayed above the brim came and sat at the large table where I often work.

    He turned out to be an evangelical Christian, now a UNM student, who’s done mission work in India and Africa. He’s a Christian who talks about his relationship with God and Jesus. He really tries to live his faith. I admire that.

    We shared life stories and talked “1 John” which I find to be one of the most beautiful and challenging books in the Bible. I don’t run into many Christians who know that book. Maybe I’m not moving in the right circles. I’ll visit his church sometime.

    Has anyone else grappled with “1 John”?

  10. I hope the new “Church Committee” does some good instead of just talk. I hope the McCarthy releases all the J6 Star Chamber docs.
    I hope that McCarthy reins in the Capital Police, and releases Ashley’s Mom with charge.
    I hope that funds for the CIA/NSA/FBI are examined and cut.
    I hope that the IRS funds be explicitly used only for updating their IT systems and not for new agents.
    I hope that the House goes after funds that are being used to arm Fed agencies that should not have any police functions.
    I hope the McCarthy tears up Bidens State of the Union speech on live TV.
    I hope that McCarthy keeps certain Dems off committees as Polisi did to Rep.
    And, for a real fantasy I hope Mitch develops a backbone and calls out Chucky every day.

  11. The Jewish Old Testament makes numerous references to ” lion ” , ” lions ” and “lioness” . Obviously , not all are literally, as ” lion ” is used symbolically. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, by Thomas Nelson Publishers, using the King James Bible, has more than 120 verse references to various versions of ” lion”, just in the Old Testament.

  12. Rufus , why would you associate lions exclusively to the Sahara? Are there even lions in the Sahara?

  13. There were still lions in Thessaly as late as the 4th century. I imagine they existed in wild places (and to be sure almost nothing at the time was what we would call urban) in Israel for quite some time.

  14. My new Christian friend pointed me at GotQuestions.org. It’s for Bible questions.

    Typically, when someone is thinking of the “lion and the lamb,” Isaiah 11:6 is in mind due to it often being misquoted, “And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together.” The true “Lion and the Lamb” passage is Revelation 5:5–6. The Lion and the Lamb both refer to Jesus Christ. He is both the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb who was slain. The Lion and the Lamb are descriptions of two aspects of the nature of Christ. As the Lion of Judah, He fulfills the prophecy of Genesis 49:9 and is the Messiah who would come from the tribe of Judah. As the Lamb of God, He is the perfect and ultimate sacrifice for sin.


  15. The pike committee did the house church was the senate aaron latham who wrote urban cowboy covered it for the village voice inspired his novel flowers for mother where angleton was the antihero

  16. huxley,

    Listening to Andrew Klavan’s podcast has greatly advanced my understanding of John 1. I find Andrew Klavan’s interpretation of scripture clear and brilliant.

    I’ve been wrestling with Matthew 25 for the better part of 12 years.

  17. Rufus:

    Matthew 25 is quite challenging too!

    I remember a story about a Sunday School teacher who taught her class about Jesus withering the fig tree. The children said, that wasn’t nice. We don’t understand.

    The teacher said, “That’s right. Jesus wasn’t nice and you don’t understand him. Now let’s sing.”

  18. I would suggest that Matthew 25: 31- 46 may, and I emphasis ” may”, be about the initial separation of the previous non born again , those that were not immediately dealt with at Armageddon, who have survived the period of great tribulation . Those that are allowed to enter the 1000 year Messianic Kingdom and repopulate the Earth and those immediately , after judgement, sent to their doom. I do not think this has anything to do with those born again by faith whom 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18 will apply to and not to those who are killed at Armageddon and the Anti-christ in Revelation 19: 17-21. I think Matthew 5:31-46 is about the set up to part of the period covered in the latter part of Zechariah chapter 14 and Revelation 20:4-6. In summary, I think that portion of Matthew 25 is about the previously non born again that are allowed to enter the Messianic Kingdom in their natural bodies, not the resurrection, glorified bodies of believers that Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians 15:35-58. I could be wrong.

  19. I had a previous co worker that used to say ” God is not nicey nice.” So many Americans seem to be going to churches where a few happy verses about ” love” are taught and nothing coming close to a balanced , Biblical, truthful doctrine.

  20. I would add, that even those mentioned in that part of Matthew 25 must ultimately obtain ETERNAL salvation by faith, ( See Ephesians 2:8-10 ) not works, but their action during the end times allows them a chance to squeeze by the skin of their teeth, into the Messianic kingdom in non glorified bodies.
    Again, I may be missing the meaning there.

  21. Rufus:

    You’re welcome. Or, as the French say, “De rien!”

    In my reading Jesus is about the most mysterious person in history.

    I admit it — I really don’t get Jesus. From what I can tell that was some of his point, that the game is always bigger, different, more paradoxical than whatever comfortable rules, beliefs, opinions and simplifications I can come up with.

  22. I had a previous co worker that used to say ” God is not nicey nice.” So many Americans seem to be going to churches where a few happy verses about ” love” are taught and nothing coming close to a balanced , Biblical, truthful doctrine.

    jon baker:

    Ain’t that the truth! There’s much tough love in the Gospels if one is prepared to hear.

    There is a wonderful line which sang out to me from the Episcopalian Eucharist celebration, when I attended Mass on the weekdays.

    Deliver us from the presumption of coming to this Table for solace only and not for strength…


    The best Christians I know are loving and strong. Those are the ones I look to learn from.

  23. huxley, I call that “smiley face Christianity.” In the Christmas Eve service I attended this year, the Christmas carols included the verses about Jesus’s death and resurrection. People focus on the cute baby rather than on what he came to do. See Matthew 10:34.

    Even the angels in the Bible are frightening apparitions. Their first words are always, “Fear not!” because the humans are terrified.

  24. Jon, Rufus, Huxley, Kate,
    So then, the Parable of the Bags of Gold?
    I have a few ideas but I’d be interested to hear yours.

  25. So then, the Parable of the Bags of Gold?

    Molly Brown:

    As Austin Powers might say, “Tough love, baby!”

    IMO growth is an attribute of love. If one is not growing, one is not loving. And visa-versa.

    Hmm…the mushrooms are kicking in. Bye!

  26. Re: “smiley face Christianity.”


    I returned to Christianity by way of Joan of Arc. One may argue the myths of Joan and Jesus, but there is no disagreement that they both came to Bad Ends.

    Which kinda immunized me to Smiley Face Christianity, aside from the long long run.

  27. huxley, I recall working through a solo guided study workbook on the first epistle of John many years ago.

  28. Molly Brown,

    Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art a hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed: And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine. His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed: Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents. For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him, that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

  29. Molly Brown,I assume you are speaking of the ” talents ” of Matthew 25: 14-30? I do not have an exact answer to that other than some observations. This is a parable, and the tricky thing about parables is knowing how much specifics to read into them and how much to take literally or figuratively. In the broadest sense, there is a warning about using those resources God has given us in a wise way . In the broadest sense. The master in that parable is almost certainly Jesus and the journey He is taking is the one between the post resurrection ascension and the second coming. The Wycliffe Bible Commentary , copyright 1962, links the judgement in that parable to the scenery of the Judgement of the surviving Jewish people in Ezekiel 20:37-42, which seems to occur at the beginning of the upcoming Messianic period….Actually, go back to verse 32 of Ezekiel chapter 20 for greater context.

  30. Wycliffe Bible Commentary. Copyright 1962 by the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Fourth Printing 1968.

  31. I would add that the Wycliffe guys actually suggest that the Judgement in Ezekiel 20 is for both Jews and Gentiles who survive the great tribulation. The writers of that commentary appear to be both pre millennialist and pre tribulation rapture guys. ( Though I personally differ with them on the latter point, since I do not believe in a pre tribulation rapture of the saved, which makes me a bit of an outlier among American Evangelicals.)

  32. The Lion and the Lambs got a long way from the Kitty and the Duckies!

    The kitten’s facial expression of long-suffering patience with the avian throng could be an analog for Christ’s patience with the human mob, and the spot at 5:45 where they finally all snuggle down together and go to sleep is surely a parable of some kind.

    On a more mundane level from the YouTube comments:
    @almar8874 2 weeks ago
    I see this as a win-win situation: The ducklings get a 101 degree space heater, and the kitten gets a down jacket.

  33. Yea! the end of the world is nigh….
    (Collapses sandwich board, goes home after a good day’s work…)

    …BTW, can someone remind me how Jesus is of the tribe of Judah?

  34. And from the Keep-Thoses-Crise-Acomin’ File:
    …it looks like we definitely have another President Fentanyl WIN!
    “Tranq Dope: Animal Sedative Mixed With Fentanyl Brings Fresh Horror To U.S. Drug Zones”—

    + Special Bonus:
    “Fentanyl is now ‘integrated’ into our lives, thanks to our open southern border and progressive fads”/—

  35. @ Miguel cervantes on January 7, 2023 at 3:23 pm said: Oh

    Understatement of the year.
    TwitterFiles needs to be expanded to ChatCPG and every single corporate entity on the internet.

    As I was playing with ChatGPT and it gave false, scripted answers to questions about Black Lives Matter, I realized how the left is already weaponizing artificial intelligence (AI) for political purposes. This could have devastating consequences for freedom.
    …[“BLM was mostly peaceful protests” and the rest of the boilerplate]…

    Replying to @ben_kew
    NoT a ViOleNt PoLiTiCaL MoVemEnT
    …[and the usual pictures]

    Scroll down for replies, like these.

    Reilly, Stochastic Deplorable ?? @petenet321
    Replying to @ben_kew
    ChatGPT had answered a previous question by asserting that the BLM riots were ‘mostly peaceful, so I asked this:

    I can’t cut-and-past Tweets being referenced by someone else, but you’ll recognize not only the weaselly rhetoric but the double standards.

    Pete Reilly, Stochastic Deplorable ?? @petenet321
    Replying to @ben_kew

    Yes, I had the same experience with ChatGPT. AI is only a unbiased and factual as its programmers.
    Here’s ChatGPU’s answer to ‘What is a woman’ a few weeks ago before it caught the public eye and was revised to present day version.

    A little more refinement, and ChatGPT can sign on as the scriptwriter for all the talking heads of the MSM.

  36. Barry Meislin–

    Teachers are now ODing in front of their students, including a 50-something art teacher in NJ: “An art teacher at a suburban New Jersey middle school has been arrested after he overdosed in front of students, police said. Frank Thompson, a 57-year-old teacher at Roosevelt Intermediate School in Westfield, was found unconscious and unresponsive in a second-floor classroom just after 9 a.m. on Nov. 29, 2022, according to the Westfield Police Department.”


    Let’s hope Hunter Biden doesn’t start offering “painting lessons” to aspiring art students.

  37. Ah yes, “The-Heart-is-a-Lonely-Hunter” Biden! Art professor sans pareil….
    What a scream…

    Meanwhile, as Dear Old Dad “slouches towards” El Paso…
    “El Paso scrambles to tear down migrant camps ahead of Biden border visit;
    “El Paso has born the brunt of the migrant influx, with caravans arriving at the city en masse.”—
    …drowning one’s sorrows in a good game of “Compare and Contrast” may be just what’s needed to get one through the ordeal…
    “Bernie Sanders wants us to be more equitable like Sweden….”
    “Over Half a Million Swedes Can No Longer Afford Basic Necessities”—

    File under: Abstract Corruptionism(?)

  38. Another open thread offering –
    Excellent long piece about a Dane who saved hundreds of Jews by rowing them across to Sweden; how that event, and his family, connects in odd ways with events and people; and some reflections on why some people do the right thing even at the risk of their lives.


  39. Shirley just a mistake…
    “Kristi Noem demands answers after US Government leaks social security numbers of her and family”—
    File under: We (Feds) are all Julian Assange now!(?)
    – – – – – – – –
    Not to be undone, Putin has “HAD ENOUGH—finally takes the gloves OFFFF…
    “Photo Of Russian Soldier Using Bow And Arrow In Ukraine…”—

  40. And THIS just in: Democrats OFFICIALLY reveal their overarching political philosophy informing their policies vis-a-vis the nation (“OFFICIALLY”, since it’s been obvious for years to anyone whose eyes haven’t stapled shut)—:
    “House speaker drama: Democrat reads ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F**k’ book on floor…”—
    (OTOH, one COULD certainly say… “If only, IF ONLY… they merely didn’t give a F***….”)

  41. On the parable of the talents: Jon Baker’s “in the broadest sense” is probably the mainstream interpretation of the parable — using what God has given wisely.

    Barry Meislin, NT genealogies identify Jesus (Yeshua) as a descendant of David on his earthly father’s side; his mother’s is not so cited, but one can assume she was also of Judah.

  42. Hooo-eeee! President Fentanyl once again outdoes “himself”!!
    (No surprise to “his” fan base, of course….)
    “Biden Blames Southern Border Crisis On Republicans Before His First Planned Trip To The Region”—
    Yep! They’re at it again!!
    To be fair to “Biden” and “his” gaggle of insane prevaricators, though (and one MUST be fair!), the impeccable “logic” goes like this:
    Ahem: The Republicans refuse to CAVE to our demands for fast-tracking (AKA automatically giving) citizenship to MOST (i.e., 90%? 95%? or whatever percentage du jour) illegals; THEREFORE, THEY ARE CAUSING the border—WHICH IS REALLY SECURE—to be INSECURE.
    (Can’t get any more impeccable than that!! Though in a JUST world, this kind of “impeccable” should be easily transformable to “impeachable”…)

    File under: Lie of the land….PROUDLY brought to you, unceasingly, by the “Extortionists ‘R Us” party!

  43. “…overarching political philosophy…”, continued:
    Of course, where would the country be without the—constant and consistently endearing—agitprop…served up warm and steaming by the Party of Resistance (never mind they have managed to “consolidate” pretty much all of the power in the country…and even THAT’s not enough for ’em!).
    “Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries claims 5 police officers died ‘as a result of’ Jan. 6 riot;
    “Critics allege that suicides, stroke should be counted as deaths in connection with riot”—

    Me? I blame Teflon Nancy. (But then she’s responsible for a lot of the garbage that’s been going on for the past while.)

  44. This is why “The Country” NEEDS bills like the “Build Back Better” palooza and the “ANTI-INFLATION” extravaganza!
    Here’s the short version:
    “New York pols gift themselves epic pay raise”—
    “Rewarding themselves: Illinois lawmakers advance $12,000 pay raise in large spending bill;
    “Measure also puts $850 million into the state’s Budget Stabilization Fund, known as the rainy day fund.”—

    Before you get all hot under the collar with a WTH???…
    …Well, SOMEONE has to pay for it!
    …And it might as well be Joe & Josie Taxpayer, AKA the hoi polloi!!…but only for DESERVING states…
    (That exquisite Obama/”Biden” sense of humor kicks in once again…)

  45. Jesus of the tribe of Judah. Beyond the genealogies, there was the Old Testament prophecy , in Micah, that a ruler would come from Bethlehem Ephratah , which was of Judah and this future ruler, from Micah’s point of view, would actually be from before the time of Micah. ” But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting.” Micah 5:2 KJV

  46. Kate, there is a viewpoint that the genealogy in Matthew is through Joseph but the genealogy in Luke is really about Mary’s line.

  47. To complicate things, realize that say, two Irish people , a husband and a wife, if you knew every ancestor back many centuries, would likely have common ancestors and the lines cross multiple times. Same with a relatively small group such as the Jews.

  48. And then throw in the Jewish practice of Levirate Marriage and I bet those genealogies could get very complicated and one could take different routes back the line and still end up at one particular ancestor.

  49. No one mentioned David’s claim to killing a lion (and a bear) while working as a shepherd for his father. King Saul was sufficiently impressed to allow him to fight Goliath.

  50. Not that Saul had a whole lotta options, mind you…
    – – – – – – – – –
    But let us leave the Valley of the Giants for the scene of another giant…prestidigitator, , that is!
    Yes, President Fentanyl is on a roll, continued:
    (Trying to roll Americans, that is; and succeeding royally. Magnificently!)
    “China using fentanyl as weapon in ‘unrestricted warfare’ against US: former DEA special ops chief”—
    Gosh, Mistuh President, who’s ENABLING it all…?
    + Bonus:
    “Biden skips border, meeting with local residents, media in El Paso;
    “On his first trip to the southern border since he’s been in office, President Joe Biden met with Democratic officials in El Paso but didn’t actually visit the border, where record apprehensions are taking place. He also didn’t visit the downtown area overrun by homeless migrants”—
    To be fair to “POTUS”, though, how can one be expected to “visit” something that no longer exists???

    File under: Cancel culture….

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