Home » More on that Titanic survivor, Frank Prentice


More on that Titanic survivor, Frank Prentice — 15 Comments

  1. I can just see him thinking to himself, in that British way that seems so rare now, when he is shipwrecked a second time: “Oh, well, this again.”

  2. At the very end of the book “The Making of the Atomic Bomb”, by Richard Rhodes you’ll find several eyewitness accounts of people who survived the bombing of Hiroshima, including a ship designer who wasn’t from the city but merely worked there. After the bomb went off he went back home – to Nagasaki, where he survived that one too.

  3. The wife of my wife’s pastor growing up was a young physician in Japan and although severely injured, survived the bombing at Nagasaki. She later emigrated to the US and married my wife’s pastor (who incidentally married my wife and I years later).

    After raising three successful children she took some classes and eventually obtained a medical license here in the US. She practiced for a number of years and passed away a few years ago in her’90s. A wonderful woman we will never forget.

  4. Correction- upon looking up her obituary my wife’s pastor was injured at Hiroshima, not Nagasaki.

  5. My grandparents survived the Titanic.
    Their names are on the manifest.
    They missed the boat and caught the next one.
    Prentice survived another shipwreck?
    I wonder what he learned the first time that helped him the second?

  6. a ship designer who wasn’t from the city but merely worked there. After the bomb went off he went back home – to Nagasaki, where he survived that one too.

    I remember reading an account of his story when I was a child in the 1950s.

  7. The waters of the North Atlantic are cold, year-round. Immersion survival in those waters is measured in minutes, not hours. Whatever he did (I did not read the link), Prentice was damn lucky.
    Never mind the Hollywood BS movie, “Titanic”.
    I once dumped my canoe in 60 degree waters, and my co-paddler and I became mentally sluggish and indecisive after less than 15 minutes, just hanging on to the water-filled canoe. That was in March in South Carolina.
    Fortunately a cabin cruiser came by, rescued us, had blankets. It took some time we warmed up enough to shiver with cold.

  8. Today, “the coldest North Atlantic Ocean surface temperature now is 3.3°C (in Saint-Pierre, Saint Pierre and Miquelon).” These are French islands off the coast of Newfoundland, also where the Titanic went down, albeit in April.

    From http://www.coldwatersafety.org: “However, unless you’re wearing thermal protection like a wetsuit or drysuit, cold water immersion is immediately life-threatening. In fact, most people will experience maximum-intensity cold shock, including a complete loss of breathing control, at water temperatures between 50F – 60F (10C – 15.5C).”

  9. Big Brother alert — https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/election-integrity-volunteers-afraid-attend-recount-after-michigan-ag



    “Kari Lake just filed a 70-page complaint charging that there were hundreds of thousands of illegal votes counted in the midterm election in Arizona.

    “Lake has detailed witness affidavits from various tabulation and vote centers and whistleblowers from Dominion and Runback Election Services.”

    Hundreds of thousands is a rather large number. The whistleblowers should be interesting.

  10. “…missed the boat…”

    Looks like we might just have to tweek that, um, concept a bit…

  11. @ Chases Eagles > “How about this lady Violet Jessop?”

    Well, using the scientific method and considering common factors, they were all her fault!

  12. The morality of the Democrat voter —

    if you choose not to bake a cake and vote against Democrats, you are an evil person and should be denied your civil rights.

    If you firebomb a police car or otherwise try to kill people, but vote for Democrats, you are basically a good, moral person. Jail isn’t really fair for such a good person.

    Liberals have completely bastardized the normal process of judging the behavior of others. The only act that matters is one’s vote. It’s not possible for a lefty to commit a crime heinous enough to be a bad person. Or for an opponent to do anything wonderful enough for others to be a good person. Period.

    Was it 100 million that one of the Kochs tried to donate to a hospital that was returned because they’d been fingered as evil by the lefty hordes?

    I am not a psychologist, a moral philosopher or a psychiatrist. But I have to think there is something seriously damaged in people whose beliefs are this deeply disturbed.

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