Home » Open thread 11/9/22


Open thread 11/9/22 — 25 Comments

  1. I just learned they are going to close all the bridges on the beachside this afternoon, so D. and I are going to have to make a run for West Palm today to catch our planes tomorrow.

    It’s blowing like hell and raining off and on in bands. So the plan is to pack quickly now — including my wet clothes because I discovered the hotel dryer is out of order *after* I washed a load — then get across the bridge and as far south down I-95 as we can today. By tomorrow Nicole should be past West Palm and things will work out.

    I’ll drive slow because of the winds and pull over when the rain comes down hard.

    Like I told D. “Welcome to Florida!”

  2. Always better to be Safe than sorry.

    Disappointing results yesterday. I wonder how Dems could vote for some of the ones that won, but then I vote Straight Rep even though I am not a Rep anymore but an Independent. That makes me no better than they are. My only hope is that I don’t vote for people that are as bad as some of the Dems that won.
    Just read that AZ is Blue too.

  3. I just dropped into read Insty a bit and again the only reason Republicans lost is because of Mail In Voting. That’s it.
    Well I have some news for you. If you only blame MV then you will never win. That is an excuse. You sound like a Dem when they say “didn’t get the message out”. Excuses. I am not saying that bad things didn’t happen yesterday but to blame it all on one thing isn’t getting you any where.

  4. Agree with Shirehome about the excuses. We need to get pass the sour grapes losing comments. Don’t confuse that with not believing it is a problem. However, you don’t motivate voters with a negative message the way you do with a positive one.

  5. I grieve for a country i don’t recognize, well intellectually I grasp it, how could people vote themselves more suffering, and suffering it will be, at the hand of these pirates,

  6. Don’t confuse not wanting to focus on voter fraud with not believing it is a problem.

    I want to focus on good candidates. Not backing Oz. Or in my local case, betting on GOP county judge candidate in Texas, who was raised in California and lived most of their life outside Texas. Crenshaw is a local guy, yet he has become untethered from his supporters, but you won’t beat him in a primary by bringing in a candidate from Louisiana to run against him.

    We need to win from the ground up. We need to win locally to win nationally. Winning locally is the way to resolve the cheat, because that is where it is occurring. There are a lot of positive messages at the local level. Reducing crime, returning education to the 3R’s, and making sound economic choices. Running as not a brain dead Democrat makes a fun meme but poor campaign to attract voters.

  7. oz was fine, I wanted bernard, fwiw, but you had caligula’s horses hind quarters,

    what is hassan, just another looter, who has made life miserable not only for the state whose motto was ‘live free or die’

  8. One of the most troubling things is that so many Americans don’t think that we’ve hit bottom and are willing to sink even lower.

  9. What worked was the Dems calling us racists. Many people believe this. I had an example in the polling place where I worked yesterday.

    Since ugly rhetoric is what won, we can expect it to continue.

  10. So far my immediate takeaway is that there seems to be some misunderstandings on the part of many Republicans and conservatives about the mindset of the electorate, and in particular the hypothetically persuadable “swing voters” in key areas. I think that while it’s generally true that voters are unhappy with the current administration and the economic situation (as indicated by exit polling questions), many of them appear to not particularly like the candidates the GOP have been offering up and are at least content with status quo incumbents. There could be any number of explanations for that, many of them we may not want to hear or believe. But clearly we have to think about them.

    Perhaps I’ll have more thoughts on some of these potential explanations later.

  11. Americans are being told (by experts!) that Democrats’ spending had nothing to do with inflation, that the economy is fine, and that they can fix inflation with price controls and tax increases.

    Of course, that’s all nonsense, but the only way to demonstrate that is to win with a competant conservative candidate and then govern effectively, a la Reagan who faced a similar scenario. (“It isn’t that our liberal friends don’t know anything. The problem is that they know so many things that just aren’t so.”)

    But the first step is to win. The so-called experts will explain away every failure of leftist policy as either being beyond their control (secular stagnation) or being the fault of whiteness or whatever. If the conserverative candidate doesn’t win, there’s no way to counter that narrative. What did Buckley say, support the most conservative candidate who can win? There’s wisdom in that.

  12. FWIW, we’re at a McD in Melbourne, halfway to West Palm. Once we were several miles inland on I-95, the wind eased up and not much rain.

    By the time our planes depart tomorrow evening Nicole will be well past Tampa and not a problem for our flights.

  13. when there are no gas stoves in the northeast and the people freeze, when they are murdered and raped, this is the problem with painful make believe,

  14. What worked was the Dems calling us racists. Many people believe this. I had an example in the polling place where I worked yesterday.

    I’d like to say you are wrong, but I’ve experienced otherwise. That rhetoric is working. Neo has noted it. What I’ve seen of it is best captured in recent Triggernometry podcast, in which the hosts play recordings as guest to other podcasts that call them out for even trying to see the viewpoint of the right. The discussions are cordial, but the underlying hate for what they see as a racist ideology is palpable.

    We need to counter this, and it shouldn’t be hard. It is identity politics that still demands we look at a persons external appearance to then judge and classify them. That sentence should be reprehensible to anyone against racism, yet the media and academics have flipped it. If you don’t recognize a persons skin color, assume they are disadvantaged because of it, and then act to give them assistance as if they are unable to do for themselves; you’re the racist. It’s absurd, so it should be easy to challenge. The best voices on this are the recently red pilled, because their realization of this phenomenon caused their conversion.

  15. To expand on Leland, would Kate also please share? What did they say? And who (eg, age group) said it? Specifically, please?

  16. Update: From a Holiday Inn in Okeechobee….

    D. and I spent hours wandering around South Florida looking for a place to stay. All full up. We wound up here in Okeechobee. We beat the curfew by two hours. Otherwise we would have had to sleep in the car.

    Technically we are among the evacuees.

    No you don’t … have … to live like a refugee.

    –Tom Petty

  17. If this country is to survive, election DAY must be restored to its original intent. Hell, make it a national holiday ! But as mentioned; harvesting, mail in, remote boxes, extended early, felony, ranked choice are all mechanisms that do far more than extend the privilege across the electorate. These are now only able to be viewed as a disenfranchisement to the discerned and conscientious. The preservation of our republic via democracy deserves effort.

  18. ranked choice are all mechanisms that do far more than extend the privilege across the electorate. These are now only able to be viewed as a disenfranchisement to the discerned and conscientious. The preservation of our republic via democracy deserves effort.

    Madam, you as a delegate attend a convention and vote on candidates. No one wins a majority, so the trailing candidate is compelled to drop out and you all vote on the remainder. Rinse, repeat, until someone wins a majority. Does this procedure bother you?

    How ranked-choice voting differs is that you delineate a set of instructions as to how your vote is to be recorded in given contingencies rather than casting it anew on each round. You tabulate everyone’s first preference. If no one receives a majority, you eliminate the trailing candidate and redistribute his ballots to the others, with each ballot going to the highest ranked candidate marked thereupon among those candidates surviving. If the candidates remaining are not to be found marked on a given ballot, the ballot is excluded from the tally and the majority vote is thus redefined. Those ballots not redistributed in effect re-affirm the vote they cast in the previous round. Each round of tabulation is analogous to a round of balloting at a convention.

    This isn’t some scam. It’s a way of replicating the multi-round convention ballot. A cruder alternative would be to hold a runoff election a week after the initial ballot, with the top two candidates from the initial round competing.

  19. I hope this post means you are out of Florida safely.


    Not quite.

    In fact the eyewall of Nicole passed by only 20 miles away from Okeechobee (where D. and I are staying) a few hours ago. But Nicky will be well past Tampa when our flights depart in the late afternoon.

    Thanks for asking.

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