Home » Tell us what you really think, Larry


Tell us what you <i>really</i> think, Larry — 18 Comments

  1. Amen to that.

    Yet the ghouls will carry right on blathering about a “sacred” this [Constitution] and a “sacred” that [Democracy] without a single honest attempt to Think in pious humility of any of it, or of us.


  2. Tell us what you really think, Larry

    He gets ritually banned on Facebook. Then he comes back after spending 30 days in Facebook jail and gets banned again a week or two later. His books are fun reading.

  3. He’s not the International Lord of Hate ™ for nothing!

    Neo, you might even like his Grimnoir series. Very violent, set in that 1930s era, but magic has appeared in the world. I recommend the audiobook version; the narrator is Bronson Pinchot, and he is very very good at narration. The first book is Hard Magic.

  4. Saw this whole substack from Sarah Hoyt yesterday…I think.

    F.I.R.E. The man’s on fire!

  5. I tracked down the full thread.
    Larry Correia is not shy about sharing his thoughts.


    Two replies of note:
    “The beltway doesn’t understand they are the equivalent of the British monarchy in 1775.”

    “When they tried to claim that January 6 was worse than the DC riots in May and June of 2020, they made their agenda clear and their case irrelevant.”

  6. Maybe I am just becoming a bitter old fart, but I do not recall ever having such enormous contempt and a literal hatred of our elected (and not elected) political leaders.

    Many of them are simply clueless; exactly what you would expect from politicians that never in their entire adult lives held a job outside of one whose salary was NOT paid for by the citizenry’s taxes (directly or indirectly).

    Further, how many of them have ever hired , or much less created a real job for someone or even ran (as either a manager or founder) a real business?
    Let me guess; none of them.
    But none of this hinders them from telling business how to run their business.

    What many of the politicians are good at are running off their anal pie holes , spitting out “solutions” to societal / economic problems, many of which they themselves created and about which they are clueless.

    Even worse, these politicians welcome and encourage the continuation of many societal / economic problems, because it provides them a platform to spew their stupidity and maintain themselves in the media limelight.
    It’s all about themselves; maintaining their influence and public face, the citizenry be damned.

    The stupidity of our ruling elites is independent of their level of education; oft times the “smarter” they are, the more stupid they are, and certainly the more arrogant they are.
    “Some ideas are so stupid only an intellectual can believe them.”

    Unfortunately, the voters obtain the representatives they vote for.

    Whether one believes or not that Biden stole the election, he could not have “won” the election without the help of millions of voters who legitimately voted for him.

    You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
    But all that is required is to fool the people just ONCE to remove their freedoms for several generations.

    The USA will not be the first nation on earth to self destruct.

  7. Maybe I am just becoming a bitter old fart, but I do not recall ever having such enormous contempt and a literal hatred of our elected (and not elected) political leaders.

    That makes at least two of us.

  8. “…enormous contempt and a literal hatred of our… ‘leaders’…”

    Motion passed by unanimous consent.

  9. OK. I still don’t get Larry.

    I mean we live in a new age of totalitarian censorship. But I was given to expect an EPIC RANT with hot replies.

    Instead, using internet archive, I get what neo posted (marked additionally “2 retweets” — that’s all).

    Elsewhere, searching for Twitter expander app and searching out unofficial and online versions of the same, I get a few more paragraphs of similar length. It rounds out the thought. OK…?

    But I read nothing I’d call EPIC. Nor can I find any replies — which I’d hope generate HOT and cutting responses from Larry.

    So. Was this the dud it seems to me to be? Or was the genuinely killer vibe I expected simply CENSORED? Or…what?

    I’m literally in the digital dark, here.

    Re JohnTyler. Eh. Friend. Buddy. Can we be more dull? Our enemies aren’t LISTENING TO YOU, you oughta know: They literally don’t five an F…. Why do you try to be so lame over our middle class DESTRUCTION? I’m sure you mean well, but…boring is as boring does.

  10. I disagree that the left is stupid or “clueless.” They are doing this on purpose. They have a fantasy of a socialist Utopia that requires they destroy the America we know. They have spent years in faculty lounges planning this. The fact that they have never built or created anything is no obstacle. “If you build it, they will come” is not just a movie theme. They are determined to destroy what we have. That is one reason for nonsense like “The 1619 Project.” “America was never that great.” “Systemic racism.” Blacks have had a rough time. So did my Irish ancestors. So did the Mexicans who are now voting Republican. My best friend in medical school was one. His mother never learned to speak English. He had 9 brothers and sisters. All but one had college degrees. Not just bachelors, but graduate degrees.

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