Home » Open thread 6/9/22


Open thread 6/9/22 — 59 Comments

  1. One can’t be too, too careful in today’s mixed-up world:
    ‘UK’s NHS Scrubs The Word “Women” From Ovarian Cancer Guidance To Be More “Inclusive”‘—
    (At least the Bronze age didn’t suffer from this kind of thing…)

    On a shinier note…
    “Biden” is giving the American People incentives to—finally!—lose weight (by making food less available and more expensive), clean up the planet (by driving less because of impossibly high fuel prices) and become less materialistic (because of an ingeniously-designed shortage of available goods to buy—together with a most creative promotion of “hyper-inflation to make whatever IS available often too expensive to afford).
    To be sure, the Loyal American Media (LAM) is fully committed to these “Progressive” programs.
    And now, in a brilliant stroke, “Biden” (and LAM) is providing huge incentives for female criminals to change their lives and stay out of prison. This remarkable program—an extraordinary breakthrough initiative—has been expressly designed to foster a significant reduction of recidivism….
    “Men Keep Committing Heinous Crimes, Then Identifying As Women After Being Arrested. The Media Is Playing Along”—

    So successful is the new program, in fact, that it has been adopted by other enthusiastic countries around the globe…

  2. Yancey Ward predicted political assassination would be a tool used by the opposition this year. He was talking about successful attacks on members of Congress. Right now we’ve had an unsuccessful plot against a Supreme Court Justice. So, we’re 25% of the way there.

    Mr. and Mrs. Kavanaugh need to get their concealed carry permits and be taking lessons from the Barretts down at the firing range if they haven’t done so already.

  3. DC still maintains onerous firearms regulations, I believe, despite SCOTUS decisions intended to unshackle the citizens in the District. Carrying firearms into DC from their homes in Md. and Va. yet staying in compliance with the regs, while possible, may yet prove a giant pain in the keister. But then too, in a time of two tiered enforcement, could be the J’s can just seek privileged cutouts from the humps in DC gov?

  4. One of the best ways to tell someone is lying to you, and maybe themselves, is when they act against their own supposed self-interest.

    If you genuinely believed that getting guns out of American society would increase safety, you’d be all over a story about a guy with a guy showing up outside the home of a Supreme Court Justice. Especially if it was a Republican-appointed Justice. You’d do everything you could to make that biggest thing in the news to try and persuade the other side.

    When you ignore a story like that, it proves you don’t care about safety or even about guns, really.

  5. “Well being as this is a 44. Magnum, the most powerful handguy in the world and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”

  6. MBunge, they are NOT lying.

    (They are just being very honest about having a finely-tuned sense of…priorities….)

  7. The YouTube channel that you linked is outstanding. I’ve watched most of its videos over the years.

  8. Miguel,
    That’s an interesting story about fraud in the petition signature operations. It’s not a particularly new story. One might think that they (conservative pols) would put extra energy into organizational integrity and double or triple the number of signatures collected. That costs a lot of extra money I suppose.

  9. Sure thats it, now do the 15,000-20,000 whitmer killed in the nursing home in michigan

  10. The fix is in uvalde the one who presided over the terrorist attack in orlando 6 years ago, is on the review panel

  11. Great video Neo,
    It’s amazing that in some sweeping overview of the world, many of the big issues haven’t changed that much in 3,000+ years. The narrator is something of a slow talker. The speedup function helps wonderfully.

    300 years of draught? A swarm of earthquakes? Uhg. The latter is believable, but the former seems extremely strange and unlikely.

  12. Archaeology sensation: An ancient city reemerges in Iraq reservoir
    Extreme drought in Iraq have given German and Kurdish archaeologists the unique chance to examine an ancient Bronze Age city, Zachiku. It was a race against the clock.


    It’s possible that a massive earthquake that struck the city around 1350 BC helped preserve those walls — when the building was destroyed and the rubble fell, it may have covered the lower parts of the wall, thereby preserving them.

  13. RE: UFOs and the helplessness of our military.

    The DOD’s message at the recent UFO Hearing —Not to worry, “nothing to see here folks, just move along,” it’s all just easily explained nonsense. Probably Russian or Chinese drones, or something. A tempest in a teapot.

    This was deliberate disinformation, an attempt to play the public and the committee; the same old cover-up.

    Why this great secrecy?

    There may be several reasons, but here is a major one.

    The fact is that our military is powerless in the face of all sorts of superior Alien UFOs/craft running rings around the best fighter aircraft we’ve got.

    Flying with impunity through our skies–not only over the cities and the countrysides of this world, but more importantly and ominously over human nuclear research labs, nuclear storage facilities, over our ICBMs, military installations, our nuclear aircraft carriers, and exercises, in our oceans, and in space–wherever and whenever they want.

    A situation which, according to released government documents, started to be the case at the end of WWII, when UFOs started to be seen flying over the nuclear research facilities like Los Alamos.

    Moreover, more recently, these UFOs have also demonstrated, apparently at several different times and locations, that they can shut down our nuclear armed ICBMs, as they did at Malmstrom AFB in 1967—an incident which declassified documents released under FOIA showed the Air Force viewed with “grave concern.”

    Yet, the Assistant Secretary of Defense said he had no knowledge at all about this well known incident at Malmstom AFB, while the Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence said that while he might “have heard something” about this incident, he had no “official” knowledge of it, nor was it in the case files the DOD’s new UFO investigative organization was compiling.

    Actually the potential threat level from UFOs is even higher because, according to reports, in Russia, UFOs have terrified Russian launch officers by activating the launch sequences of some of their ICBMs.

    Its hard to admit failure.

    Such obvious failure motive enough, I would think, for many of those in command of those military forces of the U.S. charged with out defense–and into which we have poured trillions of dollars—and in particular the Air Force–to try and make sure that we do not recognize this failure.

    To try to bury this issue, and to try to pretend and to tell us –as they have done for the past 70 plus years–that each and every one of these UFOs are harmless and can be explained away, are something other than actual, physical craft, and potential threats.

    Thus, we’ve had them said to be identified by various government “experts” as being a wide array of non-threatening things like “swamp gas,” “ball lightning,” “defects/crazes in aircraft windows,” “birds,” “camera malfunctions or artifacts,” various types of “misidentifications” of planets and other things, “weather events,” floating weather balloons, “air trash” like plastic bags, “figments of the imagination” or, finally, as just flat out “hoaxes.”

    Thus, by implication, there is, really, no threat (and thus no failure) at all; our defense “is in the best of hands.”

    But yet, but yet, there is that 5 to 10 percent of UFOs which remain stubbornly “unexplained.”

    Moreover, the 2021 UAP Task Force Report had to admit that, after thoroughly investigating 144 reports generated by government witnesses, they could “explain” only one.

    This Hearing was supposed to make us forget that.

  14. “We come in peace.”

    Mars Attacks

    “To serve humanity. It’s a cookbook!”

    Twilight Zone

  15. when I was wee lad, around 1974 thereabouts, there was a tv show called project blue book, starring the fellow who major flagg on MASH, it was about the airforce taskforce, that was assigned to assess, nee debunk most ufo’s about 20 years later, there was a series called dark skies which following the flavor of skepticism cultivated by the x files, suggested it was a deliberate cover up going back to roswell new mexico (relying on the now debunked majestic 12 documents) of an alien incursion, id4 also had a similar tone, then 20 years thereabout came another series bluebook on the history channel, which revisited the same material, the more disturbing elements is they still don’t know,

  16. I’ve commented here before about the several identified “out of this world” “flight” characteristics of UFOs that have persuaded me that they are real physical objects with capabilities that no one on Earth can even come close to i.e. that they’re very likely Alien in origin.

    Since the witnesses at the recent UFO Hearing left what I believe to be the deliberate impression that the best explanation is that UFOs are probably “drones” of some kind, I point out that one UFO was observed by our most advanced Radars going from 80,000 feet—on the edge of space—down to hover at sea level in 0.7 second.

    Lou Elizondo, former head of the DOD’s formerly secret ATIP program Investigating UFOs, has said that it has been calculated that the energy it would take to do what this UFO did would equal the total energy consumed by New York city over the course of three years.

    Sure, it musta been a “drone.”

  17. a friend of mine, who has long since passed was in the Air Force in vietnam,* and he witnessed one siting, which he couldn’t rationally explain, in the way it maneuvered, or otherwise operated,
    *he was officially assigned to a japanese air base, tachikawa, in the years before official direct involvements, the experience there and in two metropolitan police departments, soured him on many institutions,

  18. Miguel cervantes—spent some time myself at “Tachi” in my misspent youth, nice view of Mt. Fuji.

  19. If the Biden Administration actually was trying to engineer a systems collapse in the US… what would they be doing differently than what they are currently doing?

    Snow on Pine,

    Given the sightings by credible pilot witnesses, I think it quite probable that we have long been under observation by alien observers.

    If we are under alien observation, their tech has to far surpass our own, so much so that we would be essentially helpless against determined aggression by them.

    In which case, why would the government enable the chaos and panic that would arise by confirming that aliens are watching us but making no effort to communicate with us?

    The gradual preparation of humanity for first contact seems the most probable explanation for strictly visual sightings that have not quickly led to either communication or aggression.

  20. If you believe, as I do, that UFOs are real physical objects, and probably Alien technology, other sorts of questions start to arise.

    My impression is that, especially in the last couple of years, the number of publicized UFO sightings has drastically increased.

    How much of this increase can be attributed to increasingly ubiquitous cell phones, and their increasingly capable cameras?

    How much can be attributed to the gradually lessening stigma associated with reporting a sighting?

    When talking about military/government sightings, it seems likely that the increase in such sightings may be caused by our government fielding new and increasingly capable surveillance systems i.e. these UFOs may always have been there–perhaps even in numbers–but it is only in the the last few years that we have had technology capable of sensing/detecting/seeing them.

    I’d imagine that another thing contributing to this increase is the fact that various news sources—hungry for content to fill a global 24/7 news cycle–are now more willing to report such sightings.

    Seventy percent or so of the surface of the Earth is covered with water, and in recent years reports have emerged of UFOs, these now dubbed USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects), entering and exiting the waters of our planet in all sorts of locations, and being tracked–sometimes moving at incredibly high speeds–though the Earth’s waters by various underwater sensor systems.

    Moreover, it is said that NORAD tracks hundreds or more anomalous objects traveling in our atmosphere and up though it each year.

    Curiously, though, I have seen no mention of any tracking of USOs by what may be the most capable system for this job—satellites–which have the advantage of covering large areas of our planet where there may be no human observers.

    Similarly, no mention of what our satellites may have observed of UFOs flying over the Earth, landing, or “flying” out into near earth obit, or higher into space.


    I note that witnesses from both the Air Force and Space Force were conspicuously absent from the recent UFO Hearing.


  21. Lou Elizondo offers this analogy.–

    Likely before you retire for the night, you make sure your doors and windows are locked, and you turn on your security system.

    Coming down in the morning–doors and windows locked and security system still on–you discover a set of muddy footprints on the living room rug that weren’t there when you went up to bed.

    Do they denote a threat?

    Well, they could, but at least this mystery has to be investigated.

    As to the question of what the motivation or stance of the Aliens I believe to be there might be, Lou Elizando has quite ably laid out what logically seem to be the three main possibilities—the Aliens are Benevolent, the Aliens are Neutral, or the Aliens are Malevolent.

    To this I would add a fourth possibility–that these Aliens are so “alien” that it will be impossible for humans to understand them, or to be able to place them firmly in one or the other of these three logical “boxes.”

    As for the “Benevolent” box–Elizando points out that while they may be heavily surveilling our nuclear weapons development, deployment, use of nuclear weapons, and our military forces, these Aliens didn’t stop our development of nuclear weapons, or their use against Hiroshima or Nagasaki, nor have they intervened to stop WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, terrorist attacks, world famine, Covid, or the current war in the Ukraine.

    Though, perhaps all of these UFOs loitering around our nuclear weapons, and turning off some of our ICBMs, are sending us a “stop” signal we may be too dense or stubborn to recognize, or pay close attention to.

    As for the “Malevolent” box, if “Abductions” by Aliens—reportedly some number of them horrific experiences for abductees–have actually happened, this would certainly seem to put the Aliens carrying them out into that malevolent category.

    As for the Neutral box, Elizondo has recently disclosed that many of those humans who have come physically close to UFOs have suffered demonstrable medical consequences, some of them serious.

    But, Elizondo points out that these deleterious effects may not be deliberately induced, but may just be the consequence of getting too close to a technology that has harmful side effects on humans–similar to what would happen if you went to an airport, and instead of sitting in the cabin of the aircraft, you stood behind it’s jet engine when it started up.

    As of now, it appears that these Aliens zooming around may just be interested observers, or perhaps they’re actually advance scouts.

    Elizondo says that, as of now, he doesn’t have enough information to actually determine what these Alien’s motivations might be, and neither do I.

  22. It’s the WEF/Davos great reset, or flying sorcerors, or uninsured flailing obelisks, or the Vogon Constructor Fleet. Or not.

    Don’t you worry, they picked the Brandon junta by design as the time to reveal themselves. The aliens are vastly powerful and technoligically advanced, but still complete and utter morons. Or not.

  23. In Larry Niven’s short story War Movie, the aliens came across the Earth at the middle of the 30s, and with just the equipment on board they filmed the whole glorious war that ended with nuking Japan.
    The aliens hurried home and released the footage and made bank on their war movie on a primitive planet, and bought the equipment to do it right, and then spent a century waiting for the next one, going broke.

    Aliens are like the nat geo documentary crew filming the meerkat ccolony

  24. ObloodyHell—If neither things like the TicTac, Gimbal, and Go Fast UFO/UAP videos— admitted by the government to be legitimate— backed up by eye witness testimony of our highly trained and qualified fighter pilots who saw and interacted with these UFOs, additionally backed up by radar and other sensor data of these same UFOs, nor what has been revealed by the former head of the DODs ATIP program, Lou Elizondo, and by Christopher Mellon, the former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence are not “actual serious evidence,” I’m curious as to what you would consider “actual serious evidence,” a saucer landing on the White House lawn?

  25. Aliens are already in the cabinet and the january 6th committee change my mind

  26. Im only half kidding people this disengaged from reality cannot be from this planet,

  27. Snow On Pine:
    I commented on your UFO post of ~a week ago, but didn’t see a response, so I will reprise it. Are you a materialist, i.e. do you think that everything in the world can be explained by physical science, or do you accept the existence of the supernatural?

    I ask because my (not original) theory is that UFOs are supernatural, possibly demonic. If Satan is the Great Deceiver, he might have a reason to perplex us with these phenomena.

  28. Its not a question of if, a whole host of untruths like the priory de sion and other fabrications made themselves into society

  29. A classic battlestar galactica had the humans confront a seemingly omnipotent being played by patrick macnee he also narrated the intro he seemed to have extraordinary abilities but spoiler alert it turned out he was the original cylon leader from a 1,000 years before

  30. Wesson—Our five senses constrain what we are able to perceive to 5% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Thus, it seems pretty obvious that there might be many forces operating, many things going on around us that we are just not equipped to perceive. Moreover, if the theories of quantum mechanics are to be believed, while we live in and are aware of three dimensions plus a fourth–time, there are at least 11 dimensions.

    Could some of these higher dimensions coexist along with our lower dimensions in the same space, could higher dimensions and whatever beings may inhabit them occasionally intrude into our lower dimensions? Perhaps such intrusions account for the strange happenings at Skinwalker Ranch and elsewhere around the Earth.

    As I grow older I am also more and more persuaded that everything in our Universe is as some base level alive, and that mind, consciousness may be the basis of everything.

    As for UFOs, I’m with Lou Elizondo—they may be Alien, they may be time travelers from our distant past or future, they may be from another dimension, they may be something that has always been here on Earth, but we have just arrived at the point where our technology can allow them to be observed or, perhaps, these UFOs are something else, something utterly beyond our comprehension.

  31. “We as a civilization have achieved extraordinary technological and scientific breakthroughs…but have lost our sense of humor.
    “Without it we are doomed.
    “Your Prime Directive is to get it back.
    “Should you succeed, we will be saved.
    “Should you fail, we will end up just another lost civilization.
    “Should you be discovered and/or caught, we will deny your existence. Moreover, you and all your equipment will automatically self-destruct. (You understood the dangers when you signed on for this mission.)
    “If, on the other hand, you succeed, you will earn for yourselves fabulous wealth along with extraordinary honor and prestige.
    “You may still back out if you wish… Seriously.
    “None of you?….
    “Go then, and may you be blessed with all the myriad blessings of the Lords of the Universe….”

  32. Oh well…the FBI again.
    And Schumer.
    And Pelosi.
    (And crickets….)

    “Jan. 6 Bombshell: Schumer team received FBI intel about possible violence, frontline cops didn’t;
    “Capitol Police executive’s email tipoff to Schumer aide night before riot raises concerns in Congress that politics put over security.’—

    Gonna have to get the Cover-Up machinery back into high gear…

  33. Heh, terrific find!
    And what a piece of work! A veritable barrel of Unity, Civility and Decency:

    ‘…”Civility and decency are solely needed to heal this country. Biden has that,” Houlahan said before the 2020 election. Just one year prior, the congresswoman compared President Donald Trump to a terrorist.

    ‘Prior to joining Congress in 2019, Houlahan served as COO at sportswear company AND1, a position her campaign site touts. During her time at AND1, the company was implicated in a National Labor Committee watchdog report that accused AND1 of working with Chinese “sweatshops” where workers are “in a trap” and “stripped of their rights.”[Emphasis mine: Barry M.]…’

    “Civility and decency” INDEED! And no doubt precisely the kind of “civility and decency” that her party and its “Dear Leader” is cooking up for their opponents.

  34. RE: UFOs–The point has been made that, if these UFOs were engaged in some sort of general survey or mapping of the Earth, and given their numbers and widespread appearances, it appears covering every continent and our oceans– likely every nook and cranny of this Earth–these UFOs could have “surveyed” this Earth many times over by now.

    So, what the hell do they want or, perhaps, what are they waiting for?

    I’ve read a hell of a lot of Science Fiction in my almost 80 years, and it would seem that there are a myriad of possibilities as to what is actually going on, and how things are going to play out.

    How will things actually play out?

    Your guess is as good as mine.

  35. snow on pine
    Far back, in his “The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects”, the official
    Blue Book investigator, Ruppelt, listed numerous sightings.

    One was interesting for its context. A pilot in a P47, flying whatever you might call it (combat air patrol, air cover, aerial surveillance, whatev) over Oak Ridge spotted something.

    In other words, the government was paying a lot of WW II pilots to get some flight pay stooging around the sky in obsolete fighters, possibly 24/7 for….how long? Now, the aircraft expense was minimal since nobody cared how many P47 ran over their hours and were scrapped–we had thousands–instead of maintained. Gas was cheap. You want your Guard and Reserve pilots to get some flight time/pay to keep the numbers up and have some stick and rudder time which might make upgrading to a newer aircraft type easier and faster.

    But, still. You needed an organization to run it, to keep track, to keep the rosters up to date, the maintainers in the hangers, argue with the finance office about pay screw ups, APs to guard the base(s) or at least flight lines, snow plows just in case, various wheeled vehicles to haul people and stuff around, keep the offices lit and heated……..

    All of which could have been devoted to something else. But, by definition, this was more important than any other possibility. Ruppelt doesn’t say why.

    And at another point, he took ten of his best sightings to the Air Technical Intel Center at Wright Pat. Five were determined to be under intelligent control. Turn the page….next chapter, about something else.

    Anybody know if Oak Ridge still has air cover?

  36. Got a problem with the Collapse piece. The Sea Peoples, whoever the were, seem to have shown up in bunches as such organization and transport allowed.
    After which, they immediately formed up into disciplined, trained, organized first-rate military formations which could, in larger numbers, send organized cohorts–speaking figuratively–sprinting around the flanks or whichever, moving in coordinated fashion to surround or block a chariot, according to a central command.
    Not getting it.

    Would, on the wagon train trail if you had a couple of hundred guys, you expect them to form up and act like Regulars?

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