Home » More on what the California primaries reveal


More on what the California primaries reveal — 21 Comments

  1. In November’s runoff for mayor, the voters of Long Beach will have a choice between a sane candidate (Suzie Price, an attorney who is not a conservative) and a black supporter of BLM. In a solidly blue city in a solidly blue state, Richardson, unfortunately, is likely to prevail. It would perhaps be a mistake to read too much into Tuesday’s defeat of the egregious spawn of terrorists in Baghdad-by-the-Bay; amusingly, the egregious Soros-funded Chesa blamed the success of the recall on “right-wing billionaires”.

  2. Observing the denizens of the great blue enclaves as they struggle with reality is bewildering, sad, and satisfying in a dark way.

    It’s bewildering because it’s often difficult to understand how so many voters evidently obstinately ignored reality, prefering some strange virtuous delusion that actually enforcing the law was somehow evil. And that encouraging the aggregation of the homeless was somehow kind and humane rather than the opposite.

    It’s sad because many of these places were once fantastic and desirable places to live and work.

  3. “and rising gun violence…”
    I’m still waiting for somebody to explain to me how guns (inanimate objects) become violent. Do you tease them or bully them or do they just snap and start shooting people?

  4. Caruso switched to republican about 3 years ago. I live in north of LA. Not getting hopes up but cautiously hopeful.

  5. The CA Rebel Base podcast says only 16% voted despite mailed ballots to every voter, extended vote-center hours, print your own ballot and so on.
    The former mid term primary in 2018 saw 37% voted, iirc.

    Many, many Dems are a bit dispirited and confused. My guess is that they didn’t vote for Repubs, they just … stayed home. And of course, large numbers of Repubs have voted with their feet. Lots of uninformed apathy and indifference in the remaining population.

    I’ve heard that Asian voters made a difference in the Boudin vote. Many Prog-Dem issues like homelessness, sexualization of very small children, waste and corruption combined with incompetence, racial bias against Asian kids who work hard to get good grades (the list continues …) strike raw nerve after raw nerve among the many who have a fairly old-fashioned traditional outlook on life.

  6. who would think san francisco and maybe los angeles, would be more sensible, on this point then san diego

  7. I hear a Repub candidate for Gov in Michigan has been arrested today for having been present in DC on Jan 6th.

    It’s beginning to feel like we’re living in Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Russia.

    John Hayward @Doc_0
    Nobody involved will want to hear this, but all this Pride Month stuff blasting from every branch of the government and military, plus every corporation and media outlet, is totalitarian. It’s the definition of totalitarianism, in fact:
    no-escape political messaging.

    – Totalitarianism is the politicization of everything, and one of its goals is to ensure its messages are inescapable. No one is allowed to resist or argue – or even to ignore the Approved Message and peacefully get on with their lives. Everyone is required to care.

  8. j e:

    Chesa thinks that only left-wing billionaires like Soros should be allowed to influence politics.

  9. this is the playbook from venezuela, as well capriles and lopez, sanctioned and arrested for defying the regime, the events of march 2002 were pretexts, but not reasons for,

    chesa like his father and godfather, sees revolution as his calling through other means,

  10. JimNorCal–

    Pride Month reminds me of kitty bathrooms: there’s a well-known brand of litter called Cat’s Pride: website at https://catspride.com/

    Thinking of kitty litter helps me keep a sense of humor about the annual month-long exercise in one of humankind’s seven deadly sins.

  11. Many democrat “voters are frustrated by the intractable homelessness crisis, unaffordable home prices and rising gun violence…”

    Willful blindness to reality has consequence.


    “I hear a Repub candidate for Gov in Michigan has been arrested today for having been present in DC on Jan 6th.”

    Yes reportedly, 5 of the ten GOP candidates have been disqualified. The answer is to vote and vote for whichever other GOP candidate supports the 2nd Amendment and, necessary to election… supports reasonable restrictions on abortion. Any such candidate has to have at least a modicum of common sense. If more than one, flip a coin. Showing Whitmer the door has to be the first priority.

  12. Another sign that “The times they are a-changing,” as B. Dylan once apprised us.

    Although the focus here is usually on the intractability of Democrats and their evil, stupidity or mental illness.

    Yet these Democrats are changing, they are responding to reality. Not as quickly as conservatives would wish, of course, but if Democrats were simply evil, stupid or mentally ill that wouldn’t happen.

    Perhaps these Democrats are merely human and only make big changes in the face of large mismatches with reality.

    Perhaps they are not that different from conservatives.

    Who knows?

  13. Dont believe any of it. The San Fernando Valley (North Los Angeles) is ground-zero in destruction of the Republic. The drug-addled criminal who threatened me in January, broke into various offices that week and averted jail time thanks to Gascon et al must have served some time subsequent to that. Back again 3 weeks ago. The immediate homeless/drug-addict community has grown. Yesterday I waited in my car, trying to determine whether to enter the office building or not. When police did a drive-by through the parking lot, I determined to do so. Here’s the thing, if you visit the Nextdoor app for area that includes upscale Encino/Sherman Oaks and Studio City, you have 1/2 the people making excuses for the derelicts. Tons of tax-payer dollars out the door and an escalation of the madness. If I worked 20 miles north, I might be wearing some well-fitted rose-colored glasses thinking all is fine and fixable. As it is, where I’m at I know exactly how things really are. If I didn’t believe in God, I would despair.

  14. Sharon W.
    Sorry to hear of your difficulties. I will pray for your situation to improve.

  15. I’m still waiting for somebody to explain to me how guns (inanimate objects) become violent.

    That’s an interesting question. We often hear that “gunfire erupted.” I have heard of “self-loading” [semi-automatic] firearms, but apparently there are also “self-firing” guns.

  16. Sharon W:

    So sorry to hear you’ve had to endure that. We’ll see whether Gascon is recalled. At least they have a lot more signatures to get the question on the ballot than they were able to collect last time. If that effort succeeds, I very much hope he’s recalled in November. It may be harder than in SF because in November the turnout will be greater.

  17. Actually, gunfire “rings out” more often than it erupts.

    The woman who, with her infant, was run over by a sixteen year old who subsequently was sentenced to five months in juvie camp, said she’d voted democrat. Does that mean she voted for this to happen to somebody else but not her, heaven forfend?
    Think she’ll think again?

  18. “Yet these Democrats are changing, they are responding to reality.”

    By imprisoning their opponents and disallowing them from running in an election…on absurd, unconstitutional and/or trumped-up charges.
    By upping the ante on the demonization of those opponents.
    By prevaricating like there’s no tomorrow.
    By inciting and promoting the targeting of Supreme Court judges…and then ignoring the lurid results of such incitement.
    By totally corrupting the concept of justice generally—along with all government agencies—and then regarding themselves as victims when there’s pushback.

    Reality? Well, Democratic-Party reality, perhaps….

  19. Sharon W

    I’m with you. Eric Swawell ended up with with 63% of the vote amidst news he has spent $60,000 on ‘travel’ in the past 6 weeks. The entire state is made up of lemmings ….

  20. miguel cervantes
    this is the playbook from venezuela, as well capriles and lopez, sanctioned and arrested for defying the regime, the events of march 2002 were pretexts, but not reasons for,

    chesa like his father and godfather, sees revolution as his calling through other means,

    You beat me to it with the comparison to Venezuela. BTW, Chesa Boudin spent a year in Venezuela as a translator for Hugo Chavez. Within 24 hours of arriving in Caracas, he got an invitation to Miraflores, the Venezuelan White House. When you are descended from leftist royalty, things happen.

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