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Horrific shooting in Buffalo — 24 Comments

  1. Leaving aside the typical incompetence of the FBI (which fully merits the treatment of Carthage by the victorious Romans), the curious timing of this horrific act (nothing could be better for the dissemination of more propaganda from this illegitimate administration and from the malicious and mendacious MSM), not to mention the oddity of a clearly troubled adolescent producing a “manifesto” of nearly 200 pages, the contrast in the reporting of the Waukesha Christmas killings and the Buffalo shooting could hardly be more obvious. No-one can seriously doubt the validity of the argument that the goal of the activist media is always, not to report the truth, but to promote the narrative which is of the greatest benefit to the ideological/political left.

  2. Don’t worry folks Biden is going to visit Buffalo tomorrow so I’m sure the racial healing will begin immediately.

  3. How about Supermax cellmates Darrell Brooks and Payton Gendron?

    Ebony and Ivory and all that sort of thing.

  4. I’m sure Biden will be at his most divisive tomorrow with a fair mix of categorically inaccurate rhetoric.

  5. So… Biden’s no malarkey bus pulls into Buffalo and out steps…Corn Pop.
    Don’t laugh. It could happen.

  6. This is also really good with Megyn Kelly and Brandon Tatum. The best part starts at 7:58 when he talks about the left needing to tone down the lies and propaganda.


    Also look at YouTube adding a ‘context’ message about the The Great Replacement’ below this. Unbelievable.

  7. That the MSM goes on and on and on about the first type of murder, trying to link it to the GOP, and that it is mostly silent about the second type

    Glenn Greenwald did a great job on this vicious MSM syndrome yesterday – what kind of primitive and despicably opportunistic mindset is required not only to opine so definitively about how your political opponents are guilty of a heinous crime before the corpses are even taken away, but to demand that everyone else do so as well?


    Worth reading.

  8. I don’t compulsively follow the MSM, but two news reports I saw had ‘white’ as literally the second word in the articles. Compare and contrast…

  9. The commenter was fine, really good. But the fact remains that B on B violence vastly exceeds W on W, and we must address why without BS such as root causes.

  10. There is no need for the FBI to intervene in this matter except perhaps to inquire whether he acquired his weapons in violation of federal law and perhaps assist with some forensic testing. The New York State police should suffice to fill in any skill and manpower gaps the Buffalo police and Erie County sheriff may suffer.

  11. not to mention the oddity of a clearly troubled adolescent producing a “manifesto” of nearly 200 pages

    The impulse to produce a 180 page manifesto is indicative of something odd. My supposition would be that that’s what he’s been doing in lieu of attending school or working. (Some sources say he was enrolled at the local community college, some deny this). One curio not answered is what kind of supervision and guidance he was receiving from his parents. This is an intact professional class family.

  12. The Left’s MO is to actively foment violence, which makes them complicit in that violence. The calls of white supremacy and gun control are the obvious meme and ploy used to advance the overthrow of the established order (“fundamentally transform”) and disarm the law abiding citizenry.

    “Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.” David Horowitz

  13. Sickening, as are all the killings we see daily in the news. Gang shootings, often with innocent people hit in the crossfire, targeted “hate” killings by deranged individuals, fights in airports and in neighborhoods. Society’s glue seems to be too weak.

  14. Listen to the pitty-pat of little Benny Crump feet as he sprints to the money aid and comfort of victims’ families. America! Whatta country.

  15. Supposedly he claims he was radicalized during the lockdown. He had plenty of time to write a manifesto.

  16. I think this guy sums it up rather well…

    This guy is our friend, Ty Smith AKA Modern Renaissance Man, who has done some great music reaction videos, a few of which have been featured here.

    He also did a school board confrontation over CRT which went viral.


    Love the guy. He considers himself a Christian with a ministry. I get that too. God bless him and keep him.

  17. Ben Crump and Joe Biden on the same podium together?

    Ebony and Ivory indeed! Corn Pop RIP.

  18. @ Insufficiently Sensitive > “Glenn Greenwald did a great job on this vicious MSM syndrome yesterday”

    Thanks for the link. I don’t agree at all with many of Greenwald’s ideological positions, but at least he is an honest opponent, and a man who sticks to his principles rather than to particular political party.

  19. This guy went to a lot of trouble. How many late adolescents write 180 pages cumulatively the last three yeas of high school?
    I don’t have the stomach for it, but it would be interesting if somebody else looked at the manifesto for coherence, organization, lack of repetition.
    Apparently, he did some recon earlier, checking out the aisles and so forth. Probably–as we can assume of the Las Vegas shooter–enjoying the long, slow preparations.
    He acquired body armor sufficient to stop a full mag of pistol ammo from the security guard. Not an “add to my cart” thing at Amazon, is it?

    Looks as if he has a size eighteen neck. Was he physically intimidating? Being physically intimidating allows you to be personally a real jerk, up to menace, if you feel like it. Or was he personally okay in his social interactions up to this point? Was there reason, other than the previous year’s psych issue, to have an intervention of some sort, if only parental vigilance?

    This is certainly a goal-oriented life. Not to blame anyone, but a sudden impulse to do bad stuff doesn’t offer clues in advance. This guy was shedding clues for at least a year. Nothing…?

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