Home » Open thread 5/4/22


Open thread 5/4/22 — 47 Comments

  1. he was even for preemptive nuclear war, until the Soviets got the bomb, then he flipped and started scourging the west,

  2. Interesting. Yes, times have changed. Now, we know that nothing is fixed, and maybe expect it to be that way. History is interesting. So many do not know the flow of History. He was brought up by a man born in the 18th Century and he lived well into the 20th.
    My Great Grandfather fought in the Civil War, his Father in the War of 1812, my Grandfather was a little old for WWI but my Father was in WWII. I might have had a relative in the Revolution. Maybe it says something that I put this in terms of US Wars.

  3. Kate, I really liked that cartoon when Elon put it out. I’m glad to know who actually produced it. I suppose many of us could relate to it. For myself I would just change the timeline starting at about 2005, and place myself slightly right of center.

    Several of the friends I’ve referenced here from FB, I would place about where the author had himself. Unfortunately, many of them got caught up in the undertow of the rush to the far left and got dragged further out to sea. I think they know it at some level, but as Neo has pointed out many times, are afraid to admit it to themselves.

  4. Speaking of changers, Tucker interviewed Brandon Straka, of Walk Away fame. Brandon was in DC on Jan. 6, but was nowhere near the Capitol. They rounded him up and threw him in jail and released him on two conditions.

    One, he had to plead guilty to a misdemeanor (class D I think, I forgot the description) and two, he had to consent to having all of his communications and devices surveilled for three years. Do you suppose any AntifA people are having their communications surveilled by consent?

  5. Two days ago, Neo wrote (https://tinyurl.com/3jz63hut) about Dinesh D’Souza’s movie “2000 Mules,” which documents how the 2020 election was stolen.

    Today, I noticed that a trailer for the movie has been posted to Rumble (https://tinyurl.com/4zt46yzw). So far, the trailer’s been viewed about 1.5 million times. Many more people could have seen it on Youtube, but D’Souza has (correctly) assumed that it would have been immediately canceled.

    We’re lucky to have Rumble.

    The DVD costs $25. Release date is May 8, 2022 (https://tinyurl.com/bdfa6e2d).

  6. turley is somewhat naive, the point of the exercise, is you can’t even think such things, the progs can proselytize all sorts of abomination against man and god, and they get reward, we will stack mountains of embryos, and you will say it is good, like that exercise in the empire state some years ago, we will trade parts of those like scrap that was stem express, and harris then atty general, persecuted the one who pointed it out,

  7. someone was speaking up for bill barr, his performance in the last year of the trump presidency, was at best derelict, at worst treasonous, allowing the whole sale vandalism of whole cities then enabling the fraud that has brought us to this precarious point in time,

  8. Russell had the same view about Soviet Russia, that Curtis Lemay,* had until 1949, thereabouts, now mathematicians and philosophers are entitled to any opinion,
    *the model for general ripper,

  9. we have expectation that the people we vote for, won’t at least deliberate commit malpractice against us, (i’m using the most diplomatic language I can think of)

    when you vote for a mayorkas, an austin a garland, that’s what you are doing,

  10. if a college isn’t about free speech, then what is it, not a rhetorical question,

  11. I have a feeling the Ds were a bit rattled by that cartoon posted by Musk. Just now, Biden has come out saying it’s the GOP that has goneso far right and now is the greatest threat in recent history. They would redraw the cartoon with the conservative speeding off to the right. Nothing like a bit of projection.

  12. Russell is also descended from the “Noble Lord” to whom Burke wrote. The family was Bolshie from way back. But he was good at his day job.

    Ronald Knox – same generation, not that much lower on the social scale – did write that Russell’s upbringing was far more Puritanical than the norm. So a grain of salt may be in order.

  13. My grandfather was 59 when I was born, as I was when my grandson was, what will happen when he is 59, 168years after the birth of his great-great grandfather? It is pretty easy to span multiple generations of time.

  14. Jesse:

    One of my grandfathers was born in 1875 and the other in 1869. Those are my grandfathers, not my great-grandfathers. The grandfather born in 1869 was one of the youngest in a large family. He had an older sister born in the 1840s. Yes, my grandfather’s sister was born in the 1840s, and not only that but she lived an extremely long time and died around the time I was born.

  15. Fascinating video that popped up for me on youtube from a woman in Russia giving a sample of life there (St Petersburg) from a couple of weeks ago. Doesn’t look to me like too much hardship from the sanctions, but she points out about not being able to access dollars, etc.


  16. why the MSM and the Potato administration are so obsessed with Ukraine:

    Country A is trying to conquer and absorb country B, and if they succeed in that effort, they’ll be gunning for country C, D, E, F, and G. Country C, D, and E are NATO members. This isn’t that obscure; Tucker Carlson is overthinking this. Most of those given to whinging about ‘neocons’ are doing the same.

  17. Not surprised by anything Tucker Carlson said. The benefit of living here in So. Cal. where I do is that every time I walk outside my door I am confronted with how seriously our representatives top to bottom, Federal to State to City take our borders, our civic structure, our culture, our lifestyle and our hard-earned money (for those of us who are working and have an open vein to the system with the confiscatory structure that punishes the middle-class). Cry me a river! I want to go on record that from the first “Prayer of the Faithful” that set apart the poor people of Ukraine I add before God, “and us and the poor people of Russia and China etc.” Being Catholic has trained me to listen to every prayer and make the necessary adjustments. All the more in the political realm.

  18. “Prayer of the Faithful” that set apart the poor people of Ukraine I add before God, “and us and the poor people of Russia and China etc.” Being Catholic has trained me to listen to every prayer and make the necessary adjustments. All the more in the political realm.

    So, you’re saying that in deference to the welfare of the poor in Russia, we sit on our hands and let Russia conquer the Ukraine. Do I have that right?

  19. Art Deco, I am not saying that. I’m saying our own bad players that are on board with this are instrumental in upending our entire country. I am saying take care of business at home first. Not only is that not being done, the Republic is in critical condition. Maybe you see it differently. You like statistics and so forth. I have no time to look into it, but when my first grandchild was born and took her first breath as an American citizen on May 30, 2010 she was $60,000 in debt. Generational theft is a thing. Also listed in the 10 Commandments as “Thou shalt not steal.”

  20. physicsguy —

    They would redraw the cartoon with the conservative speeding off to the right.

    After getting into it with a moderately-progressive old friend of mine, I coined the Law of Political Special Relativity, where each side perceives the other as receding from them while they stand still.

    Unlike regular special relativity, however, there is at least the possibility of an objective frame of reference, and it sure looks like while both sides have receded from the original center, the left has done so a whole lot more.

  21. Art Deco, Sharon W —

    Maybe now that the Current Thing has moved on from Ukraine, professional oppositionists like Carlson can get past the reflexive “if they’re fer it I’m agin it” stance and recognize that defeating Putin is in the world’s interest, not just the American left’s.

  22. Sharon W:

    Problems with your neighbor always appear more pressing until some yahoo lights a wildfire up in the canyon that burns your entire neighborhood down.

    The world at times has a way of making local issues moot.

    Hope that Don is completely recovered from his Covid trials.

  23. Bryan, I’ve never been in that group. I simply believe that if our government takes care of business at home instead of printing money/borrowing money/making deals with the very entities they are villifying then we have a completely different story. Trump with his hands tied behind his back by the very people pictured in that Carlson video did more to curtail Putin etc than these frauds ever would or will. There is a war going on in our own country because of our breached border. The fallout is ahead, count on it.

  24. Om, I’m thinking of the $80 billion dollars in military equipment left in Afghanistan by these usurpers of the Republic. I’m thinking of the victims of our version of the Reichstag Fire on Jan. 6. Not just my backyard, believe me. Gov. Newsom and Mayor Garcetti are the current instruments of destruction of this state. These people have a lot more than creating an oligarchy in California on their minds.

    And thank you for asking after my husband, Doug. Thankfully, neither one of us have suffered any longterm issues and have been leading as normal a life as we are allowed to in Los Angeles CA (i.e. can’t go to a museum, get my hair done in a salon, a gym etc etc because we are not vaccinated.)

  25. Fascinating.

    It’s the rate of change over the past 200 years that’s so astonishing. Each generation has and is growing up, in many ways, in a different world. Yet human nature remains the same.

  26. “Country A is trying to conquer and absorb country B, and if they succeed in that effort, they’ll be gunning for country C, D, E, F, and G. Country C, D, and E are NATO members.” Art Deco

    It really should come as no surprise how often intelligent people manage to get it so wrong. Country A is not trying to “conquer and absorb” country B. It is trying to both cut off a piece of country B and prevent country B from joining NATO. It will succeed in the former and fail in the latter.

    But if country A did want to conquer and absorb country B and succeeded, it would not be gunning to conquer and absorb countries C, D or E.

    Simply because country C, D, and E are NATO members and, attacking C, D or E would draw it into war with the US* and would carry a great risk of precipitating nuclear war**.

    To posit that country A seeks territorial expansion into NATO countries is to assert that Country A is suicidal.

    * see treaty committments and WWI

    ** nuclear war simulation

  27. Fascinating. Nonapod has already mentioned Russell’s encounter with Soviet Russia, which he discussed in The Theory and Practice of Bolshevism.

    Freda Utley, a British liberal who became disillusioned with the Soviet Union, at least in part because her Russian husband got sent to the camps, had a fair amount of interaction with Bertrand Russell.
    From a Russell Kirk review at http://fredautley.com/ :

    Thorny and indomitable, Freda Utley now is 72 years old, full of reproaches and resentments, possessed of acerbic wit, passionately didactic and remarkably readable. Life has not gone well for her, what with ambitions blighted and talents run to waste; even this book is set in lamentably small type and blemished by misprints. Yet it ought to be read widely, for London-born Freda Utley has had some part in many of the grand and grim events of our time, and has known half the people worth knowing.
    Her friends, or quondam friends (Miss Utley being as disputatious as she is candid, with considerable of a reputation for mischief-making in several circles) may not be utterly delighted by the publication of this volume. Consider her remarks on Bertrand Russell, a number of whose previously-unpublished letters are included here:
    “I am one of the few, if not the only woman who enjoyed Russell’s friendship for many years who did not have an affair with him. Although he wanted to make love to me, as was his nature, and laughed at my “Puritan prejudices,” he understood me and helped me to understand myself. . . . Through the years I was occasionally to be appalled when Bertie’s terrific sexual urges, which were the accompaniment of his genius, caused him to assume the repulsive expression of a lustful satyr. My reverence for him as philosopher and humanitarian enabled me to dismiss these recollections from my mind. But buried in my subconscious they can still evoke an all too vivid vision of his hungry lips and avid eyes momentarily blotting out the image of philosopher and friend which mattered most.”
    This is not political partisanship, despite Miss Utley’s revulsion against the left; for Norman Thomas and Sidney Hook are among the few associates whose character is unblemished in Freda Utley’s eyes; and in another fashion she is as hard upon that amiable conservative the late William Henry Chamberlin:
    “Chamberlin did a great deal by his books and articles to ‘debamboozle’ the Western world befuddled by the illusions spread by the ‘totalitarian liberals’ about Soviet Russia. But he had no inclination to be a hero, crusader or martyr, and made an impression of being cold hearted or callous. Sasha [the author’s stepson] used to do a good imitation or caricature of William Henry, literally twiddling his thumbs and giggling – as the Japanese do when very upset – while recalling some dreadful experience of Soviet callousness, cruelty and deception. Determined to see life as the comedy Voltaire said it is to those who think rather than feel, William Henry was a man of integrity and courage after his fashion and was loyal to his friends.”
    These are men she esteems; on the many time-servers and turncoats she has known – people whose duplicity has raised them to high places – she is harsher. Successively socialistic liberal Communist, anti-Communist, ally of American conservatives, and mordant critic of many of those conservatives, Miss Utley has been all her career a keen polemicist, a gadfly (or perhaps a wasp), and a woman of principle. There is much ego in her cosmos; yet repeatedly she sacrificed her prospects, and endured poverty, rather than connive at a lie or submit to an error.

    This can be found at http://fredautley.com/ , where one can also find many of her books free for the download. Bertrand Russell wrote the forward for her Lost Illusions.

    Odyssey of a Liberal is her autobiography.

    What happened to Artfldgr?

  28. Country A is not trying to “conquer and absorb” country B.

    Buy my bridge, Geoffrey.

    It is trying to both cut off a piece of country B and prevent country B from joining NATO.

    That’s the improvised plan B after they couldn’t implement plan A. If we’re fortunate, they’ll have to move to plan C.

  29. Simply because country C, D, and E are NATO members and, attacking C, D or E would draw it into war with the US*

    Some people are gamblers, Geoffrey. Note, they’ve already been threatening various parties with nuclear strikes through the Russian media.

  30. Geoffrey plays with his Playschool blocks while Vlad tries to consume Ukraine one bite at a time. Schools us about WWI and somehow can’t remember those little territorial adjustments that preceeded Poland in 1939.

    We are not worthy to sit at his feet. Or in his estimation?

  31. For Geoffrey:

    A = Russian Federation
    B = Ukraine
    C = Moldova.

    D, E, F, G = not sure, but since you are in intimate conversation or in a cosmic mine meld with Vlad we can surely trust your judgement.

  32. om,
    I no longer read your ramblings.

    Art Deco,
    “That’s the improvised plan B after they couldn’t implement plan A.”

    Nice support for the mass media and UniParty’s line. Russia never sent enough troops to seriously demonstrate an intention to take Kiev, a neccessary precondition to conquering the Ukraine. It was a feint, to prevent the Ukrainian military from concentrating the majority of its forces in fully contesting the Russians intent to seize the Donbas region.

    “Simply because country C, D, and E are NATO members and, attacking C, D or E would draw it into war with the US*” GB

    Some people are gamblers, Geoffrey.

    No nation ‘gambles’ with the near certainty of nuclear war. Such a gamble would necessarily imply a suicidal death wish.

  33. Geoffrey continues to play up Vlad’s threats and carry Roosian water, stuck in the Nuclear Freeze of the 1980s.

    You see, the Donbas and Transnistria are just little nibbles from Ukraine and Moldova.

    Existential threats you see from the mind of Geoffrey. Certainty is another word that doesn’t mean what you think. Hubris much?

  34. Russia never sent enough troops to seriously demonstrate an intention to take Kiev,

    You keep recycling this from your sources. Whatever your sources fancy is ‘enough’, they did attack Kiev, so they did in fact have that intention.

  35. Geoffrey fienting with Hong. Is the Moskva fienting towards Sevastopol too, Geoffrey? That port that used to be leased from Ukraine. Just a little nibble, A?

    Is the May 9, 2022 Victory Parade going to be special this year?


  36. President John Tyler has 2 grandsons living until recently, I believe. Tyler married late and had a son with her rather late.

  37. The open thread seems like the only place to post this little tidbit about the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, aka the Nerd Prom: this year’s party turned out to be a fer-sure superspreader event: “Employees of CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and other outlets have all reported positive COVID-19 tests after the event, which saw host Trevor Noah joke about its potential as a ‘superspreader,’ according to a report. . . . One ABC reporter, Jon Karl, who has since tested positive, was seen shaking hands with President Joe Biden at the event.”


    Biden’s gonna put us all back in masks– the chains will come later.

  38. Related:
    Not sure if anyone would really want to get inside Putin’s mind…but on the chance that one might just happen to…

    “Former Putin Adviser Andrei Illarionov: Inside the Mind of Vladimir Putin;
    “Before the Russia-Ukraine war began, most analysts did not believe Vladimir Putin would actually invade—until he did.;
    “Andrei Illarionov was one of the few that accurately predicted what was to come;
    “From 2000 to 2005, he was chief economic adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Putin’s personal representative at the G-8. In 2005, he resigned and became an outspoken critic of Putin and the Kremlin.”—

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