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Roundup — 38 Comments

  1. I know three people around here who got that food allergy from tick bites. It made life very difficult for a couple of years before the allergy faded. I am extremely careful about spraying my feet and ankles with insect repellent before doing yard work.

  2. A good first step for the next (if ever) Republican President would be to FIRE the entire upper level management of every federal agency.

  3. Now that Covid restrictions are (finally) winding down, I was thinking of a road trip east, stopping to visit some old commune friends who built their home on the edge of the Ozark National Forest.

    Really pretty country. My friends have got it beat for natural beauty. However, the Lyme disease ticks are serious in the summer.

    I decided to go east in the fall. Besides, in general the South is more comfortable after summer is over.

  4. Granted, the Ukraine-Biden connection is on the outer margin, but if this is where the wood chipper starts, so be it.

    The estimates of the Azov Battalion’s strength bounce around 900 men. The Azov Battalion was never the issue.

    Russia nicked 12 of the Ukraine’s 60 largest cities in 2014. There were 48 remaining and as of day 53 Russian forces have managed to occupy two of these cities.

    Gen. Vladimir Frolov was killed in action a few days ago. He is the seventh flag rank officer to lose his life in the Ukraine.

    For scale, 20-odd American flag rank officers were killed during the 2d World War, when we were in combat in two regional theatres and had 16 million men in uniform.

  5. 1) I have a close friend who got that allergy. If I didn’t know him well, or his story of how he discovered the allergy I would have been very skeptical that many people are inventing a reaction that didn’t exist. It’s very odd. Difficult to believe, but it’s a real thing.

  6. J6 defendants should probably waive their right to a jury trial. The one who was acquitted did that.

  7. The poll reveals that 75% of DC residents are highly biased, a fair trial of the Jan 6 protesters by a jury of their peers is not possible.

  8. (2) The CIA also knew that Carter Page was a CIA asset. Presumably then, they also knew that the Steele Dossier was fabricated. I guess the next questions are (i) what did the CIA know about what the FBI was doing; and (ii) if they did know, was there anything that they could legally do about it? (Assuming that they wanted to.)

  9. Alternative perspectives:

    “Jacques Baud. Former intelligence officer with the Swiss Strategic Intelligence Service who has served in a number of senior security and advisory positions at NATO, the United Nations, and with the Swiss military.”
    “US, EU Sacrificing Ukraine To “Weaken Russia”: Former NATO Adviser”

    ” Col. Douglas MacGregor, former Senior Advisor to the Acting Secretary of Defense under Pres. Trump”
    “Col. Douglas MacGregor on Ukraine: ‘We’re in the final phase of this war’”

  10. Otay, Buckwheat.

    Kyiv was a feint and the Moskva is just resting on her laurels. It will all be over in 13 minutes, or so I’ve been told.

  11. In regard to 3). Who would ever have thought that Biden may turn out to be the most consequential President of all time. The Man Who Lost Everything.

  12. Though I still struggle to reach a deeper appreciation of the wisdom herewith; “A fool cannot be protected from his folly. If you attempt to do so, you will not only arouse his animosity but also you will be attempting to deprive him of whatever benefit he is capable of deriving from experience.”

    Time will reveal upon whom the appelation “fool”… best rests.

  13. “(Assuming that they wanted to.)”

    Dollars to donuts, the answer to that is “John Brennan”.

  14. Taking care of the things—and people—that are really important:
    “Clyburn Inc.: South Carolina Dem showers family members with over $200K from campaign funds;
    “Clyburn was perhaps the most pivotal figure for President Biden’s 2020 campaign”—

    All this caring and reaching out is very touching. (Even if $200K is, any way you look at it, chump change…though one might be forgiven for wondering how much the honorable gentleman kept for himself….)

    It’s looking increasingly like the third-world “president” of our third-world country is setting the standard here.

  15. So many of the top stories I’ve been already looking at independently! As usual.

    Top folk at the CIA knew, and the FBI knew, but the truth isn’t as important as stopping Trump. Dem deep state – highly corrupt.

    Firing the top folk would be good, but needs Congress and the President to be pushing harder than Trump ever pushed – tho he seems ready to push, now. (The President should be able to fire anybody in the gov’t.)

    My suggestion is to have a 10 year term limit on all gov’t offices, including FBI & CIA. After 10 years, go to some other work, possibly including some state or local gov’t, but not Federal. Similarly, hire more experienced non-Feds to high level Fed jobs when they’re over 55, with the expectation that they’ll “retire” after 10 years. Term limits are more plausible than mass firing.

    The Dems wanting Iran to get nukes is insane – I think many of them actually believe they’re getting an agreement by Iran to not get nukes, but that’s as likely to be true as the Steele dossier. Finland & Sweden seem likely to join NATO soon, to avoid Ukraine’s fate. The expansion of NATO was to reduce Russia’s ability to bully and invade neighbors. Russia invaded Donbas & Crimea in 2014 with Obama as President – refused to send weapons to Ukraine. Trump sent weapons; Putin didn’t invade. Biden ran away from Afghanistan, weakly, Putin invaded more. At least this time the NATO EU countries are sending weapons.

    As noted in Freddie’s comments – the West is willing to fight Putin to the death of the last Ukrainian. As Diplomad noted, “war crimes” against civilians are not the same as “genocide”. Putin’s military is terrible, but it doesn’t look like genocide – compare with Rwanda or Cambodia.

    The J6 folk should all push for trials outside of DC. Uncharged political prisoners should be a bigger issue in America, but Dem media control that narrative – and most Reps are not happy about the riot. No investigation of the events is worth much without a clear, transparent description of all Federal assets who were there and who had been communicating with protesters & rioters. Whatever happened to Roy Eps? (after he testified he wasn’t a Fed asset a month or so ago)

    Early Christian church – very exciting. Visiting Israel remains on my (bucket?) list of desirable destinations, despite it being fairly expensive.

    Ticks are terrible.
    “Death to the fascist insects, who prey on the life of the people”
    Oh wait, that’s kinda sorta a socialist view against the rich.

  16. “Col. Douglas MacGregor on Ukraine: ‘We’re in the final phase of this war’”

    Col. MacGregor’s public pronouncements have taken on a Baghdad Bob vibe.

  17. Barry Meislin – Brennan left office at the end of Obama’s term, but this Durham filing sure does place his 2017 press appearances in a different light. If the CIA knew that the collusion evidence was fabricated, it’s difficult to believe that the recently-departed CIA director didn’t.

  18. He’s already a known liar under oath.

    (For the “greater good”, no doubt….)

  19. Walter Russell Mead, writing in the WSJ, talks about the “Russian world” ideology and the possible final end of the Russian empire. Taking at least the heart of eastern Ukraine is a necessity.

    As the war exposes the darkness inherent in Mr. Putin’s regime, and as atrocities abroad and repression at home impress the mark of Cain ever more deeply on its brow, it is impossible not to hope for a Russian defeat. Nevertheless, caution is in order. Mr. Putin and those around him know that in Ukraine they aren’t fighting only for an adjustment of frontiers. They are fighting for their world, and it may be psychologically impossible for them to accept defeat until every measure, however ruthless, and every weapon, however heinous, has been brought into play.


  20. And, the New York Times made clear that it does not side with civilization by running, on the eves of Passover, western Easter, and Orthodox Holy Week, when a fratricidal war is rending the Orthodox world, a piece by an embittered former Orthodox Jew who calls for an end to all belief in God.

  21. Not surprised…
    But I’m pretty sure that according to their own Op-Ed rules, they’re going to have to let God publish a rebuttal…

  22. “US, EU Sacrificing Ukraine To “Weaken Russia”: Former NATO Adviser”

    Geoffrey is annoyed that the Ukraine is defending itself.

  23. Fools don’t recognize the old Stalinist lament about America and Great Britain being quite happy that Soviet soldiers were dying in vast numbers to destroy the German armies, saving American and “English” soldiers who hadn’t yet invaded France.

    But you see the Ukrainians are just dupes and puppets to resist Vlad? Maybe not. Maybe the Ukrainians remember what it is like to live under Roosians.

  24. Fools don’t recognize the old Stalinist lament about America and Great Britain being quite happy that Soviet soldiers were dying in vast numbers to destroy the German armies, saving American and “English” soldiers who hadn’t yet invaded France.

    IIRC, Anton Antonov-Ovseenko estimated that 3/4 of Russia’s war deaths could be attributed to Joseph Stalin’s bad strategy and bad tactics. Not sure how other students of the Soviet war deaths view this.

    Note also the Soviets invested considerable manpower in occupying Roumania and Bulgaria in the last four months of 1944, even though both countries had cut ties with the Axis.

  25. Yes, history can be inconvienient, such as Stalin’s actions in Poland or the cooperation of the Red Army and Germany in the 1930s when Germany was rebuilding its Army.

    But Vlad is fighting the WEF / Davos!

  26. Russia controls the air space over Syria ?

    I’m going out on a limb to say that’s only because Israel LETS them. I bet that changes quite quickly if Israel chose to respond to a terrorist attack initiated from inside Syria.

    The thing about the 1/6 “four hour insurrection” is that we have no idea who was actually involved in the “rioting”. Ask yourself this question – where were the Antifa / BLM counter protests on 1/6 ? They were cosplaying as MAGA rioters. That, combined with the 20+ FBI assets present that day likely explains the vast majority of the “rioting”

  27. Art Deco; Geoffrey Britain; om; et al:

    For quite some time, Colonel Macgregor has been all for Russia taking over Ukraine. See this:

    In 2014, Macgregor went on Russian state-owned RT to express his opposition to U.S. intervention in the Kosovo War.

    In 2014, after Russia annexed Crimea and was engaged in a conflict with Ukraine over its eastern parts, Macgregor appeared on Russian state-owned network RT where he called for the annexation of the Donbas and said residents of the region “are in fact Russians, not Ukrainians, and at the same time, you have Ukrainians in the west and in the north, who are not Russians.”

    After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Macgregor appeared on three Fox News programs to speak in support of Russia’s actions. Russian state television broadcast excerpts of Macgregor’s appearances, which included a characterization of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a “puppet,” that Russian forces had been “too gentle” in the early days of the invasion and that Russian president Vladimir Putin was being “demonized” by the United States and NATO. Macgregor said he believed Russia should be allowed to seize whatever parts of Ukraine it wanted.

    Here’s what Macfregor said a full month ago, in mid-March:

    Ret. United States Army Col. Douglas Macgregor declared Ukraine has lost the war with Russia and that the country has been “grounded to bits.”…

    …In fact last month [that would be in February shortly after the invasion], Macgregor said the war was basically over before Ukrainians mounted a spirited if not inspired defense that continues to this day.

    At that same point in mid-March, Macgregor also said this:

    “The war is really over for the Ukrainians,” Macgregor continued. “They have been grounded to bits. There’s no question about that despite what we report on our mainstream media.

    Ah, but now – NOW – Macgregor means it: “we’re really in the final phase of the war,” according to Geoffrey Britain’s link.

  28. Don’t know why the man would be on RT in 2014 offering an opinion on a bombing campaign in 1999.

    I assume he has a consulting business with Russian interests on his client lists. It sounds like he’s talking book.

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