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Children and the new sex ed — 50 Comments

  1. Michelle Morse, NYC’s chief medical official, recently wrote of white “birthing people” while referring to the plight of “black mothers”, merely the latest form of racialized insanity in the increasingly and disturbingly “woke” medical profession (“anti-racism” and “social justice” now being forced on students in many medical schools). It is also noteworthy that the one Western leader most sensibly devoted to ensuring the stability of the family has recently been re-elected in Hungary while subjected to hysterical and viciously untrue allegations not only from unhinged Twitter-mobs but also from most of our malicious, malign, and mendacious media.

  2. Sex ed in public schools was always gratuitous. What we see now is the logic of it. End it don’t mend it. And prosecute the groomers and their enablers.

  3. After what happened to Democrats in Virginia, and with school board elections going against them in elections this spring, I am astonished that Democrats seem to be putting all their eggs into this child sex abuse basket. Efforts to paint opponents of sexualizing small children as bigots don’t seem to be working.

  4. It is puzzling that Democrats would be pushing this pedophile stuff right before an election in which they seem to be in trouble. They even got a pedophile USSC justice confirmed. Maybe this is some insane gotterdammerung moment when they try to pass legislation with this crap in it ? Maybe NAMBLA has come up with big donations ? Maybe they know this chance won’t come again any time soon.

    Maybe that’s what got Putin into so much trouble.

  5. My recollection of sex ed in school (mine was a small college prep day school, not a public school) was that it was just one part of a series of sessions on the various organ systems of the human body. The course was taught at the ninth-grade level by the two phys ed teachers (one man and one woman), who used some pretty detailed anatomical charts for their explanations. It made sense to have the phys ed teachers doing the instruction because they were also our athletic coaches, and avoiding sports injuries was something we all agreed was a good thing. The sex ed part was tucked into the discussion of the endocrine system, and it was the only time the boys and girls were taught in separate classrooms– however, both the boys and the girls were expected to understand “how the other half lives,” so to speak, and both teachers were available to answer questions from any of the kids. They were good teachers, too, able to steer a middle course between an overly clinical tone and a fake adult-trying-to-be-one-of-the-kids chumminess. Looking back, I realize I was lucky to have that type of sex ed, informative without anything that could be remotely considered sexualizing the kids.

  6. It is fascinating, how doing not evil, but Evil is now considered a good thing, to be lauded. Are we approaching midnight, when evil is triumphant, to cite Sherlock Holmes? The Left seems to hope so.

  7. This has been a long battle but finally people are seeing it. Starting with cross gender toys, Tranny Reading Hour at libraries and pushing LGBQ to kids no where near puberty.

  8. I thought the recent AoS Drift Compatible podcast covered this topic very well.

    “N is for Nonbinary”. Are we now going to teach K-3 octagonal, decimal, and hexadecimal mathematics? This is the additional damage done by using other words or inventing new words to explain concepts that children are not yet capable of comprehending. As for as a kindergartener is concerned, if they said “I’m Nonbinary” it could be because they recognize themselves as an individual rather than a couple, thus not 2 (nonbinary by definition) but 1. Yet to the LGBTQ+, the statement “I’m nonbinary” is their opening to suggest the child is bi or transexual. They will then start teaching the child to believe this (rather than the mathematical context) and also to hide that belief from their parents. The result is a lesson on how to be dishonest and not what binary (or the modifier non) actually means.

  9. “Simon goes on to add that another goal, one the left has been trying to achieve through many methods as well as this one, is the destruction of the family.”

    Yes. This is the primary motivation for the abrupt, intense, obsessive push for everything Trans, no matter how absurd. Oh sure, the fools are convinced it’s about fundamental rights and dignity and other abstractions. The knaves know better. The goal is to implode (or at least significantly weaken) the bonds of the nuclear family. That has been a fundamental aim of all shades of the left since Marx (and arguably well before). The weaker the connection to, and reliance on, mom and dad, the stronger the dependence on, and love of, Big Brother.

  10. The evil activist left takes a big step toward their day of reckoning.

  11. I’m in a secular homeschool parents group on Facebook, even though I’m neither secular nor currently homeschooling (long story). It’s a very woke group, *especially* for homeschoolers, but I would hazard a guess that no less that 20% of the parents in that group have children that fall somewhere on the…queer spectrum. Is that a term yet? Many trans kids, even more non-binary kids, and plenty of gay kids to go around.
    The trans and nb kids are…interesting enough. But more than anything, I’m baffled by these 6, 7, 8 year old kids who are claiming to be bi, gay, or lesbians. Apparently an 8yo character on Law and Order SVU recently came out as “bi.”
    But…HOW? Kids these age have zero sexual attraction. How on earth do they know who their bodies are going to be attracted to until puberty? When I was that age, I “liked” girls more than boys because…I mean, they were my friends. I got along with girls more than boys. If I was 8 years old today going through this new sex ed, would I already be thinking I was a lesbian? Would I be even more confused once I hit puberty being suddenly attracted to boys? Are all these young “bi” kids thinking they’re bi simply because they “like” boys AND girls, even though, in reality, they are yet to be sexually attracted to either?

  12. Organizations that are not doing a competent job of their primary mission sometimes are eager to adopt a lot of *other* missions.

    Public school systems that fail to teach reading and arithmetic successfully, let along history and science, are very eager to take on sex and race.

  13. NS…”But…HOW? Kids these age have zero sexual attraction. How on earth do they know who their bodies are going to be attracted to until puberty?”

    There was a kid I knew in college who was 10 years old…he had a very high IQ and had skipped way ahead. He was Catholic and had some interest in becoming a priest, but thought he’d better wait a few years and see how interested he was in girls.

    Smart, that kid.

  14. Many parents were thrilled when schools took over the uncomfortable discussion of birds and bees. Today, they are paying the price. It’s time for parents to reclaim their position as the first and best teacher of their kids, especially when it comes to sex ed.

    So, here’s Section 117 of “If I Ran a School”:

    * The school will act as a facilitator to parents’ discussions of sex (and drugs) with students.

    * Before anything happens with the students, preliminary handouts and worksheets will be sent to parents to help parents work through what they want their children to be told and when.

    * Teachers will meet with parents without the students present to answer any questions and to mediate discussions between couples/parents.

    * Evening and day events will be held which bring parents together with their kids to follow through on the parent-student communications. Teachers will be on hand to help out, but the discussions will be between parents and their kids.

  15. I had an 8th grade biology teacher who seemed to be drawing our reproductive bits on the chalkboard about once a month…but that was 8th grade.
    I seem to recollect my 6th grade teacher early on announcing that if any girls found themselves “in need of feminine assistance” she or the school nurse were ready to help out.
    Everything else was from Mom and Dad.

    There really does need to be more rope and lamppost response to the groomers in public education.

  16. NOT making any new or old friends for the LQBTQRSTUVWXYZ community. If anything this sort of pushing sex onto the very young is making the LQBTQRSTUVWXYZ (and friends) many new enemies. Not a good look and not a good thing.

  17. My family has been blessed blessed with more nieces, nephews, grandsons, and granddaughters than I can count, and never once have I had to stop myself from discussing sex with them. You know why? Because the idea of doing such a wicked thing never crossed my mind. That doesn’t make me special. Far from it. All it does is make me normal and healthy. Decent people do not discuss sex with prepubescent kids who are not their own. Why? Because discussing sex with little kids behind their parents’ backs is called grooming.

    There’s no other word for it.

    That’s what it is.

    It’s grooming little kids into sexual beings ripe for exploitation.

  18. As James Lindsay says, “this is what they’re doing to your children in government schools under the guise of social-emotional learning and culturally responsive teaching.”

    Here’s the problem: a lot of well-meaning people think conservatives are just freaking out over kids being taught “empathy” and “tolerance.” We need people to know that “social-emotional learning” is a smokescreen for political indoctrination.

    Personally, I don’t know how anyone could teach using the materials quoted above and believe, in good faith, that they are just trying to help kids build character… Teach acceptance. Teach “everyone’s different, nobody’s perfect.” Teach that different people have different points of view. That’s fine. Of course I don’t want gay kids to be bullied. Of course I don’t want kids growing up thinking it’s okay to harm or be cruel to a gay or transgender person. But teaching basic values and ethics to children is how you prevent that.

  19. Many parents were thrilled when schools took over the uncomfortable discussion of birds and bees.

    Do you know anyone of that vintage who was actually ‘thrilled’ and admitted it?

  20. The school will act as a facilitator to parents’ discussions of sex (and drugs) with students.


  21. Here’s the problem: a lot of well-meaning people think conservatives are just freaking out over kids being taught “empathy” and “tolerance.” We need people to know that “social-emotional learning” is a smokescreen for political indoctrination.

    They’re not well-meaning people. They’re vain twits who live in their little bubbles.

  22. James Lindsay has a few good podcasts about this. He makes the point that this indoctrination not only seeks to destroy the family it also seeks to break the connections whereby parents pass down values and culture to their children. The goal is to completely atomize children and destroy any intrinsic sense of self and identity formed by relationships of love and trust. Making them forever damaged and dependent on the state. If they survive. I didn’t use to believe in Satan, the evil one who seeks to destroy life created from love. I do now. What else could this be?

  23. Before the pandemic, my daughter was a happy, sociable, popular, NORMAL girl, not “boyish” in any way, but one who was terrified of getting her period.

    Then the pandemic hit just after her 11th birthday, and during the next 18 months of the National Psychological Child Abuse Experiment, she got her period and it was traumatic, but otherwise again, perfectly ordinary and normal. A little while later, she told her mother that she was lesbian — as NB said above, probably because she “liked” other girls non-sexually.

    She started attending the school’s gay student alliance online meetings, and wouldn’t you know, about a month later declared that she was “non-binary” and wanted to use “they/them”. About 8 months — and probably a whole lot of social contagion and Tiktok videos — later, while still isolated, she declared that she wanted to use “he/him”.

    Oh, also she got diagnosed with ADHD (I agree), and autism spectrum (I disagree, or maybe she has just a touch of it).

    She’s gone back to in-person schooling now, and is shy, sullen, depressed, socially anxious, and withdrawn. Pretty much just like the other 44% of teens who have reported hopelessness and thoughts of suicide this last year, I suspect.

    She’s started with a new therapist last week, and I am worried sick that the therapist with the wholehearted encouragement of my ex is going to railroad her down the puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones route. I tried to have a talk with her last time she was at my house (week on/week off) where I implied that this might be a phase without saying it was a phase, and that she should wait because she has all the time in the world if she really wants to do it later.

    Of course, I’m just her stupid conservative dad, so I’m pretty sure she just ignored everything I said.

    On topic, I have no idea what she’s been getting as sex ed, but it’s the Seattle public school system, so I imagine it’s pretty bad. I intend to have a talk with her therapist in which I will assert that the parsimonious explanation of her issues is depression brought on by the Abuse Experiment, but I expect she’ll tell me I’m a transphobe and ignore everything.

  24. I think most of us here skew older. Those of us without school-age children have no idea how bad the schools have become.

    I have been fortunate to keep the year inside my home at about 1990, and able to find enough like-minded parents that my little boy can have friends who are also living in about 1990.

    1990 wasn’t the best year ever by any means but I do think it was the last flat bit before the greased slide.

  25. @Molly Brown:I didn’t use to believe in Satan, the evil one who seeks to destroy life created from love. I do now. What else could this be?

    More and more to me this is the explanation that makes sense. It’s because the wrongness keeps taking the same old forms, and makes the people who practice it miserable.

    You would think in this brave new world we’d invent new vices, but we don’t. And why doesn’t it make you happy if it’s fun?

    A secular explanation might be that we’re still basically savannah apes and will always be returning to that behavior if allowed.

  26. Molly Brown: ” He makes the point that this indoctrination not only seeks to destroy the family it also seeks to break the connections whereby parents pass down values and culture to their children.”

    Yes, it’s about destroying the nuclear family, which is an obstacle to the commie revolution. “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.” David Horowitz.

    When I see something that makes no sense and wonder why people are thinking/doing it, I remember that quote. It explains a lot.

  27. Bryan Lovely:

    I’m so sorry.

    Your daughter might not be willing to read this, but if there’s any way you can get her to do so it might be helpful. It’s a first-person transition/detransition story written by a young woman who sounds a lot like your daughter.

    Also, this might offer some hints for parents. Here’s another site. It’s not easy to find these things in a search; Google makes it very hard indeed. Go to Duck Duck Go for your research; it’s better.

    Good luck.

  28. neo —

    Sorry for the vent, I don’t have a lot of outlets. But thank you.

    I have read that one, and watched the video of her being interviewed. I mentioned detransitioners to my daughter, and I’m pretty sure she told her mother about it because apropos of nothing at all she posted a thing on Facebook saying that detransitioners basically didn’t exist. (Of course, that was “studied” by asking transitioned people if they had any regrets, while the people who had regrets and/or detransitioned wouldn’t be in that sample population, now would they? But try explaining survivor bias to a 13-year-old.)

    Thank you for the websites. I’ve already started poking around https://genspect.org/ but it’s so troubling that my brain keeps skittering off to go look at something less dire, like pictures of blown-up Russian tanks.

  29. When I was in the 8th grade, Nixon was the President. We got a week of sex education. The next year was just 3 days of sex education, all about diseases. Lots of private parts covered with, what were those, syphilis sores or something . Guess they forgot that the first time.

    The left does want to destroy the family. Hence easy abortion, no fault divorce, and same sex marriages. Sexually confusing children is a two-fer, helps destroy family and grooms future victims. We, as a society, need to turn our hearts back to God.

  30. Bryan, we can hope that some of what you’ve told your daughter will sink in. At least she has heard it.

  31. Bryan Lovely,

    I am so sorry to hear of your daughter’s confusion and struggle. I pray she and you renew your relationship and she is helped through this difficult time to understand her true nature. Our culture can be so damaging to the young, especially young women.

  32. I’m not a woman, so forgive me for making some assumptions here, but I have been married to a woman for many years and together we’ve raised some kids of both genders, so I have some experience as an observer of the feminine condition.

    Women are the most important “component” of our species. The very fundamental, most basic essence of humanity is nearly wholly dependent on them. All cultures put tremendous emphasis and pressure on the women.

    It must be very difficult to begin to understand that responsibility as a girl matures to womanhood. We men are hardwired to desire women and want to protect them. All the biological responsibility of perpetuating the species falls to women and I can imagine being 12, 13, 16, 18, 23… and understanding this more and more and simply wanting to bow out of the whole thing altogether.

    I think back to my immense, co-ed, public High School. Putting thousands of girls and young women in a building with thousands of idiotic, teen-aged boys with raging hormones for 8 hours?!?! I could imagine a lot of females grasping any social or cultural strategy to avoid participating in that mess.

    Male, sexual development is fairly simple and basic. Pretty easy to figure out. And it’s all generally very positive feelings. When the light switch goes on one is driven to do something that suddenly sounds amazingly fun. But women’s maturation has more “moving parts” so to speak, and it’s a more convoluted process. I know I cannot comprehend it, but it is easy to imagine enduring that lengthy metamorphosis must be a struggle for many and some must be initially repulsed by it.

    And in some ways the culture is telling them that if they aren’t embracing flowering into womanhood fully maybe there is something wrong. Maybe they are a different kind of woman, or not a woman at all. If, as your body develops, you don’t find yourself longing for the male gaze, or wanting to be the captain of the cheer squad parading in front of men in a short skirt, well, maybe you are not a “cis” woman.

    With our society de-emphasizing the importance of mothers and motherhood (nothing to do with working inside or outside of “the home”) and the breakup of families we have abandoned our youth, especially the girls.

  33. Bryan Lovely
    For a while I was worried that my niece would be sucked into this because she is a tomboy (and maybe a lesbian, but I prefer that over body mutilation), but it seems that having two older brothers, a mom who does jiujitsu and me as a tomboy aunt seems to have made her comfortable doing masculine things without being compelled to change her body.
    Similarly, I’ve been reading a lot of reddit about kids who were going down the trans path but realized that it was okay to be the sex you are without conforming to gender roles. It isn’t about these kids detransitioning as much as it’s about them realizing that roles are being forced on them by the trans community too, but more aggressively and less honestly. In that vein, I wonder if casually pointing out women who break the binary roles while still unabashedly being women would start to shift the needle for her. I don’t know how you feel about MMA, but there are few things more suited to demonstrating that you don’t need to be male to be powerful than watching Ronda Rousey or Holly Holm inside the ring and out. (Well, aside from actually taking MMA classes..)
    Actually, now that I’ve said that, I’d go so far as to say that when you know how to fight you don’t need to use the trans shit as a shield from criticism because when people find out you’re training they tend to be more polite. Plus you get bragging rights that are honestly come by rather than created out of whole cloth.
    Anyway, just food for thought.
    In the meantime, sending prayers that something gets through to her.

  34. Tough times Bryan. If you need to vent, this is the place. Neo knows how to point you toward some helpful things. You have moral support and empathetic ears here. Unfortunately, your daughter’s issues will take years to play out. Hopefully, patience and your love for your daughter will lead to better times.

  35. Megan,

    it’s about them realizing that roles are being forced on them by the trans community too, but more aggressively and less honestly.

    Very, very good point and well stated. I don’t know the statistical percentages in the trans community, those doing what you state may be a minority, but whatever their numbers they are doing tremendous harm, especially to young girls.

    Males like the Penn swimmer seem like tremendous bullies to me, picking on girls not their own size.

  36. Bryan, RTF, and Megan–

    Here’s a Substack post on “Explaining the LGBT Explosion” that you might find interesting, particularly the statistics (from a Gallup poll) on the startling increase in the number of people who identify as LGBT down the generations. “What’s really going on? The best stories are the very mechanisms that Wikipedia dismisses: recruitment and the media.”

    Here’s the link: https://betonit.substack.com/p/lgbt-explosion?s=r

  37. Rufus T. Firefly:

    You are so right. Not only that, but today’s culture tells young women that their own sexuality should resemble that of boys and men – straightforward and not complicated by such nuances as needing to be in love in order to have sex. No wonder so many are confused because the nature of female sexuality has been denigrated and/or ignored for the most part.

    I see this a lot in reaction videos to the Bee Gees, of all things. Young women get very wistful and teary-eyed listening to them sing of love, and the women say that modern music is so disgusting and disrespectful and not mostly about love at all. They wish they’d been around in earlier days instead. This is so commonly said as to be a near-universal.

  38. neo, you are so right as well. The culture tells young women they should be just like men, but they really aren’t. Those who try to become men will find out they can’t do it, not really.

  39. “Young women get very wistful and teary-eyed listening to them sing of love, and the women say that modern music is so disgusting and disrespectful and not mostly about love at all.”

    There is no such thing as “casual sex” for a woman. Don’t ask me how I figured this out.

  40. FOAF:

    I have known woman who are fine with casual sex, and whose sexuality is more like that of men in that regard. But I believe they are quite rare.

  41. That link Neo is quite eye opening, was wondering if rooming with male hunk might have showed her she wasn’t a real guy.
    Very cute young lady and hope she gets a better outlook on life and what she should be.
    I am convinced it’s all a push to destroy family lives. My view is no teenage girl has a clue what it means to be a male just as I have in my entire life ever figured out what it is to be female.

  42. neo, not to be contradictory (who, me?) but I wonder if they are/were as “fine” with it as you think. That was part of the “don’t ask” in my comment.

  43. Neo…”needing to be in love in order to have sex”….what about all those women over the centuries who were in arranged marriages, or marriages undertaken for economic or family-benefit reasons? It would be sad to think that none of them were ever able to experience enjoyable sex.

  44. david foster,

    The phrase originated in one Lady Hillingdon’s journal, where she wrote in 1912 that “When I hear his steps outside my door I lie down on my bed, open my legs and think of England.”

  45. Cappy:

    I didn’t realize that Florida had never descended.

    Georgia really has the balls?

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