Home » A trip back in time: December 9, 2019, the Biden campaign


A trip back in time: December 9, 2019, the Biden campaign — 23 Comments

  1. Wasn’t that the famous “look fat!” exchange?

    Time magazine omitted the “fat” reference. Biden also advised the fellow to “check my shape”.

  2. I am comming to believe that “debunked” is just like “inconceivable.”

    Round is a shape.

  3. The claims were debunked,
    and the public was punked,
    and what’s a poor robin to do, poor thing?
    She’ll find herself hidin’,
    in a law firm with Biden,
    while Hunter tells lies to the Times, poor thing.

  4. And I’m sure that guy got vilified and harassed by those lunatic Iowa Dems.

  5. Are we to believe that reporters and editors are less sociopathic than our politicians?

  6. ‘Debunk’ is now a term almost exclusively used by the Left and the MSM (I know, one in the same).

    Lefties and liberals alike relish in ‘debunking’ any assertion, opinion or, yes, fact, which may contradict their narrative.

    Any assertion, opinion or theory which supports their narrative cannot ever be debunked.

    When is something considered ‘debunked’? When the legacy media says so.

    Hunter Biden’s corruption? Debunked!! (Well, okay…maybe not!)

    Wuhan Lab origin theory of Covid? Debunked!! (Eh…)

    Election fraud possibly impacted the outcome of the 2020 election. ABSOLUTELY DEBUNKED!!!

    Trump-Russia collusion allegations/Steele dossier? ‘Not debunked. No way. No how. Never’

    Whenever one sees the term used, one should assume it is little more than an emotive grunt to signal the righteousness of the author’s/speaker’s worldview.

    “That’s been debunked!” is meant to convey ‘I’m smart, clever, knowledgeable and virtuous; I’m on the right side of history and I don’t need to consider or discuss this further’.

  7. Time of course left out the part that as a member of the board he was paid a million dollars a year. (83,333.33 per month if anybody cares) Funny how that bit of info.

  8. “Although Biden’s son Hunter Biden did hold a position on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, claims about corruption have been debunked.”

    Good grief. Did they even understand how insanely ridiculous that statement was? I mean, you have a lucrative sinecure given to the the son of the Vice President of the United States by a foreign energy company… a son who by all accounts is a drug addled feckless princeling with precisely zero experience in natural gas beyond farts he’s emitted. And then a government official investigating corruption at said company is removed due to pressure from the Vice President… who then literally brags about it on camera…and they have the mind bending audicity to claim that “There’s nothing to see here. It’s been deubnked”!?

  9. Swift Boat Vets: John Kerry is a Blue Falcon who lied about his service and claimed his Purple Hearts for band-aid level scratches.

    Kerry: That’s not true.

    Media: See! SBV claims are TOTALLY DEBUNKED!!!!

  10. “…third world country.”

    The “problem” is that the US Government is officially a criminal enterprise (it became so as soon as “Biden” was “elected—but now it’s official)….
    “Biden’s “Absolute” Defense Of Hunter Leaves Media & Justice Department In A Muddle”—-

    Of course neither is “in a muddle”. They’re just following the tried and true double-, triple- and quadruple-down Obama/”Biden” playbook.

    Anyway, Turley gives his two cents (unadjusted for inflation).

  11. “Are we to believe that reporters and editors are less sociopathic than our politicians?” Art Deco

    Add to them the entire upper echelons of every Federal Agency.

    But look how far we’ve come since Shakespeare’s “The first thing we do is kill all the lawyers”.

  12. Bryan Lovely,

    Good one. Remember the good old days when politicians would issue non-denial denials? Heaven forbid that they might give a flat-out denial and then get caught in a lie.

    Apparently, we’re past that now. (And the Swift boat thing was a while ago.) Issue all the denials you want. No one in the media that your voter base watches or reads will check it out. Assuming we’re talking about the Democrat party.

  13. The US government, as currently operating, is a criminal enterprise. The Ukraine war is one example.

    Here is an explanation of it.

    In the end, the price will be high, but Vladimir Putin will likely achieve the goals he set for himself. We have pushed him into the arms of China. His ties with Beijing have solidified. China is emerging as a mediator in the conflict…. The Americans have to ask Venezuela and Iran for oil to get out of the energy impasse they have put themselves in—and the United States has to piteously backtrack on the sanctions imposed on its enemies.

    Western ministers who seek to collapse the Russian economy and make the Russian people suffer, or even call for the assassination of Putin, show (even if they have partially reversed the form of their words, but not the substance!) that our leaders are no better than those we hate—sanctioning Russian athletes in the Para-Olympic Games or Russian artists has nothing to do with fighting Putin.

    There is a reason why this did not occur under Trump.

  14. TommyJay —

    That’s just the earliest instance I can remember of the MSM claiming something was “debunked” on no other authority than the person being accused.

    And honestly I don’t remember if he denied it or if he weaseled around with “that’s not how it happened” or some such. But pretty hard to deny his impossible claim to have been in Cambodia when he said it was “seared into his memory”.

  15. And once again, a blast from the (recent) past.
    Again. And again….
    (From July 2020)
    “Four Stages of Marxist Takeover: The Accuracy of Yuri Bezmenov;
    “The journalist and Soviet defector long ago pegged the current left-wing moment.”—

    + Related (Meanwhile, up in the “True North Strong and Free”…)—
    “Radical Wokism: Remaking Canada As A Non-Democratic Nation”–

  16. “Debunked”
    By definition.

    By definition.

    Hence it is simply NOT POSSIBLE for Joe Biden or Hunter Biden or Il Fauci to be corrupt.

    Quite the contrary, in fact: THIS COUNTRY IS UNDER THREAT FROM WHITE SUPREMACISTS, AKA Trump supporters, AKA anyone who doesn’t support President NO MALARKEY and his wise and judicious policies and his benign and uber-effective administration. (How’s that for bait-n’-switch!!)

    Just as it is simply NOT POSSIBLE for the 2020 election to be anything but fair and honest;
    just as it is simply NOT POSSIBLE for hyper-inflation to be caused by anything but Putin;
    just as it is simply NOT POSSIBLE that the southern border “issue” and the Afghanistan imbroglio were causes by anyone other than TRUMP;
    oh, and the saturation of fentanyl entering the US via it’s open southern border is a blessing for the American people!…etc., etc., etc….)

    Thus Sprach President NO MALARKEY!!


    File under: Because “NO MALARKEY” means “NO MALARKEY”.

  17. Want a real trip back in time, search “carter inflation SNL” and see when comedy didn’t have a problem poking either side of the aisle. Also, “carter inflation” to see the several chats he had.


  18. I have a rhetorical device that’s a little like “that’s been debunked,” but in a form suitable for thinking people. I say, “I’m familiar with that claim, and have taken an interest in it over the last [_____ period]. I’ve never been able to find credible evidence to support it. Do you know of any?” On vanishingly rare occasions, I get an answer that goes beyond “I heard it somewhere from some cool kids.”

  19. Want a real trip back in time, search “carter inflation SNL” and see when comedy didn’t have a problem poking either side of the aisle. Also, “carter inflation” to see the several chats he had.

    The media did have more critical distance from the Democratic Party ca. 1979, but recall he was one Democrat the political establishment found an irritant.
    Carter was a Southerner, a serious evangelical, somewhat technocratic in his approach to policy, and deficient in the sort of people skills you benefit from having in building relationships with Congress. Tip O’Neill dismissed him as ‘hopeless’ and meat-and-potatoes Democrats in Congress thought he was not interested in their issues. To the SNL crew, he was just a dweeb. High school never ends for some people.

    By Clinton’s time, there was a residual critical distance in the written press, but the broadcast media was arguably an extension of the White House PR operation (see Brent Bozell on this point). The Democratic Party was internally less variegated on policy; liberals were less policy-oriented than they had been, more oriented toward sheer partisan combat. Clinton played the sax on the Arsenio Hall Show and got a blow job from Monica while talking with Yasir Arafat on the phone. Kewel.

    Nowadays, the Democratic Party is internally uniform, their policies designed for no purpose other than to injure social adversaries, and the media are just garbage people paid to lie for the Democratic Party.

    When do we hit bottom?

  20. One other thing. The media during the Carter years plastered stories about Amy Carter (complete with her mug) all over the place, even though she never said a word to the press for attribution. There was also a comic strip – Rooftop O’Toole – in which Amy Carter was a character. She never got the sort of protection from the media that Chelsea Clinton and the Obama girls received and continue to receive.

  21. @Mike K God Give me strength.

    The US government, as currently operating, is a criminal enterprise.

    Grudgingly agreed.

    The Ukraine war is one example.

    Much more dubious.

    Here is an explanation of it.

    Seriously bruh? Unz?!?

    Unz has always been an odious, dishonest piece of trash who has happily palled around with Islamists and the Left (See: his shilling for Val Plame, who is no friend to us) if it lets him go after his favorite hobby horses, including the Jews. Hence the literal Holocaust Denial nonsense.

    So even if I believed he had valid points to make on this case (and as I’ll detail later I’m not sure he or his ilk do) it is hardly the best source for it.

    In the end, the price will be high, but Vladimir Putin will likely achieve the goals he set for himself.

    Unlikely for various reasons, as the pullout from around Kyiv and public PR about shifting the focus and scope of the war to a more surgical affair around Donetsk and Luhansk show. The attempt to utterly destroy the Ukrainian government has failed, at least for now, and the more time goes on that’s unlikely.

    We have pushed him into the arms of China. His ties with Beijing have solidified.

    Oh Puh-leaze.

    Mark Steyn (a man of much clearer vision than not just Unz and Cathey but almost anybody alive, and no globalist) pointed out in America Alone that the Russian regime around Putin had continuously spurned American and other Western efforts to engage or reconcile with it, and that in its calculation the world was returning to bipolarity in which Russia (or at least their own interests) would be best served aligning with the anti-American camp.

    This is borne out by the Olympic-time discussions and agreements between Putin and Xi in preparation for this, as well as the knowledge that Putin almost certainly timed the invasion to happen after the Olympics.

    In my opinion the Crybully is one of the most loathsome of creatures- it’s one reason for my vested and enduring hatred of the woke- and it’s particularly absurd when scaled up to the level of a regime like Putin’s Russia. As if they were some poor infants being guided around by exploitive regents and preyed on by the outside world rather than sovereign and adult leaders with freedom of agency and the willingness to (mis)use it.

    Putin happily melted into the arms of the PRC, in a process that has been going on for years and years. This accentuated it, but it did not cause it.

    China is emerging as a mediator in the conflict….

    Which raises the issue of what it has to mediate.

    The Americans have to ask Venezuela and Iran for oil to get out of the energy impasse they have put themselves in—and the United States has to piteously backtrack on the sanctions imposed on its enemies.

    Unfortunately very true, and a product of the left’s war on Fossil Fuel sovereignty in favor of ties with Putin’s Russia, Chavista Venezuela, and the apocalyptic nutjobs in Iran. All of whom, I might add, are tacitly aligned with each other to some degree (hence Neo’s coverage of Russian “mediation” of yet another Iran Nuclear Sellout), and of whom Biden and co are only willing to tamp down on one.

    Western ministers who seek to collapse the Russian economy and make the Russian people suffer, or even call for the assassination of Putin, show (even if they have partially reversed the form of their words, but not the substance!) that our leaders are no better than those we hate—sanctioning Russian athletes in the Para-Olympic Games or Russian artists has nothing to do with fighting Putin.

    I’m sorry, but even as someone who has been disgusted by the lunacy of cancel culture against private Russian citizens, let’s get something clear.

    Firstly: It’s not at ALL clear that things like Russian athletes have “nothing to do with fighting Putin”, as even a cursory examination of Russian history and the state-managed doping that happened earlier shows. The Russian dictatorship has always viewed the Olympics as a prestige event to be managed by the state, complete with often ludicrously underhanded methods to get ahead. During the Soviet Era this expanded to making them essentially state-run endeavors.

    Secondly: As disgusting as I find cancelling Russia Para-Olympics to even Russian nationals at the Met is, there’s a VERY quantifiable difference between doing THAT, and setting an entire country on fire in an unjustified and unjustifiable war of aggression designed at dismembering it and crushing its sovereignty. Indeed, it’s telling that even the most criminal of the modern West’s current “leadership” like Biden’s Jan 6th Gulags are not even mentioned.

    There is a reason why this did not occur under Trump.

    Many reasons, starting with the fact that Trump worked to minimize Russian influence and power, and to generally support Ukraine in a Cold conflict dragging on much to the Kremlin’s displeasure. But weakness is provocative and Biden and the COVIDcrazed West are nothing if not weak.

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