Home » Arab states and Israel unite against the US


Arab states and Israel unite against the US — 13 Comments

  1. Abraham Accordions versus Biden/Blinken Appeasement Society.

    Here’s hoping the Israelis and their Arab friends put paid to Iran’s nuclear dreams.

  2. I read this Friedman piece the other day, if he is picking up on the alarming ramifications of the various threads of Biden policies, there will be others of possible influence for the next regimes who will be both shocked awake and thinking of the disasters that lie ahead. A grim time, but perhaps there is hope for emerging from it.

  3. The administration’s wishful thinking and reality collided but those whose ideology rests upon rejecting inconvenient aspects of reality will predictably, reject the lesson.

    The linked article’s take on the Russia/Ukraine war is, among other things, a fine example of confirmation bias.

  4. And a glorious blast from the past (from just another Liberal of astonishing intelligence not to mention acute powers of discernment)….
    “A Cause for Celebration in the United States and in Israel”—
    April 1st? You decide….
    Opening graf:
    “The citizens of Israel can rejoice at the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Again, as has not been the case the last four years, Israel will have an ally in the White House who also has the respect of the liberal democracies that share the values on which Israel was established. The lies and conspiracy theories of Trumpism were a disaster for Israel’s well-being….” Yadda, yadda, yadda…

    File under: The great brainwashed…

  5. As he often was, Trump was right about the Near East, except he wanted the US to be part of the new Israeli/Arab relationship.

    The rest of the article, about Ukraine, is sensible. All this blood shed and materiel expended and destroyed to get to where they started.

  6. That was a very well done thought piece, and I enjoyed every word of it. Thanks for sharing it with us. Jared Kushner’s accomplishment of the Abraham Accords is already bearing fruit, and it’s the mark of success that the resulting group resolve is able to withstand and re-direct the policies of the new administration – which I might add, seems to have the reverse Midas Touch when it comes to Foreign and Domestic Policy

  7. “Arab states and Israel unite against US”…

    …is not entirely accurate.
    It would be far more correct to say “Arab states and Israel unite against ‘BIDEN'”…
    …simply because “BIDEN” has also declared WAR against the USA and continues this war by expanding “his” efforts to further hogtie the country:
    “Already stretched thin, border agents must now used politically correct pronouns under new edict;
    “New requirement comes as border agents are bracing for historic surges of illegal migrants”—
    – – – – – –
    …And it looks like “Biden” has decided to crack down on crime, or some crime (or at least give the appearance that “he”‘s cracking down)…
    “Justice Department Charges 12 People For Arming Gang Members In Chicago”—

    “OPTICS” is the magic word…

  8. Other “crackdown” include any doctor with an ounce of integrity and loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath:
    “DOJ Threatens Doctors Who Won’t Neuter or Castrate with Gender Confusion”—

    Along with a crackdown on the US military:
    Together with the “Vaccination mandate”…
    “The Pentagon is investigating extremism in the military. Here’s how bad the problem is”—

    So many issues. so many enemies….
    National health organizations
    The energy sector
    The border states
    Parents of Public School pupils
    The cities
    Election integrity

    Is there a single aspect of modern life that they don’t want to screw up?

    File under: Crises ‘R Us

  9. Scott the badger
    Blinken and Nod have to be capable of shame before they can be humiliated.

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