Home » Clarence Thomas has been discharged from the hospital


Clarence Thomas has been discharged from the hospital — 11 Comments

  1. intense attention in the media over reports that his wife, Virginia, exchanged texts with then-President Donald Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows as Trump battled to reverse his loss in the 2020 presidential race.

    Pfft, big deal. Is it illegal for the spouse of a Supreme Court justice to text the POTUS chief of staff?

  2. I liked the small story today about how only after a reporter pressed Raggedy Ann, she finally, and lamely, wished Thomas well. These people are so full of hate, poisoned personalities.

  3. I really think it was unwise to get the spouse of a Supreme Court Justice involved in this. That Court conceivably could have gotten involved in the dispute at some point.

    KJV 1 Thessalonians 5:22 “Abstain from all appearance of evil” is wise counsel. Other people could do whatever Mrs. Thomas may have wanted to suggest / do.

  4. Thanks be to God for Justice Thomas’s improvement.

    I’ll begin taking all this stuff about the 2020 election protests seriously the moment the legacy media become concerned about all the Democrats who protested the 2000, 2004, and 2016 elections. And that won’t happen.

  5. Pfft, big deal. Is it illegal for the spouse of a Supreme Court justice to text the POTUS chief of staff?

    Put that one in the same file with the trope ‘Kyle Rittenhouse crossed state lines’.

  6. With the confirmation of KBJ a sure thing the Left was hoping that Justice Thomas would expire. Now that he is out of hospital some of them are flogging impeachment to get rid of him. The Left, like rust, never sleeps.

  7. Boomers are starting to face death. It’s scary. You never know who it’s going to reach out and take next. A friend called up yesterday to tell me that a friend, 70-71, died over night. We had talked about him just a couple days earlier. He had stayed with another friend a couple weeks ago, that friend, 70, lost his wife, older brother, and wife’s sister in the last half of 2021. Another fraternity brother, 69, died in a bike race, possibly a vaccine casualty, and another from unknown causes from my class.

    We are to experience our 50th college reunion this coming fall. We had a good turnout at our 45th, and I think this one will be good. But I expect that it will be the last big one. We easily filled our fairly large table with a group of us who had sat together at meals back then. Likely this coming fall too. But I remember back when I went to my 10th, 20th, etc at the older classes where only a couple dozen would show up. We are rapidly facing that.

    I watched it with my father’s generation. Their friends started dying some in their 70s, but the 80s took most of them. By his late 80s, my father was the oldest man in our church, and he held that honor until he was 96. By then, he only had one real friend left (coincidentally his estate attorney). He would have turned 100 last week.

    Death was always something that old people faced, but not us young people. Except that, as we enter our 70s, we are no longer young. We just thought that we always would be.

  8. “… whatever it was that people initially feared from a Trump presidency – chaos, stupidity, world crisis, economic crisis – has actually happened under Joe Biden…”

    Don’t forget fascism.

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