Home » The left has decided that Joe Rogan must go – and it certainly doesn’t stop there


The left has decided that Joe Rogan must go – and it certainly doesn’t stop there — 41 Comments

  1. The Rock supported, then withdrew that support when the “N Word” (insert a bad word here) happened. THEN, someone dug up The Rock’s Asian stuff. So The Rock just might get Hoisted by his own Petard.

    Now Abrams has a pic of her posing unmasked with a group of young kids that are required to be masked. She said her detractors are you guessed it, RACIST!

    It sure does get old, doesn’t it.

  2. I have never had the slightest interest in Rogan (or in “comedians”, very few of whom are witty or clever), but until he posted his craven and utterly obsequious “apology” on Instagram, I would have been happy to defend him as a leftist who, in contrarian manner, was willing to question various official narratives. The truly revolting nature of his self-abasement before an enraged mob on Twitter and the even more repulsive offer made to him from Rumble have led me in a different direction. He does not deserve to profit from his cowardice; meanwhile, who is defending the right of Michelle Malkin and her husband not to be denied service by Airbnb because of the “color” of her politics?

  3. I agree with j e. Wholeheartedly. I never intentionally listened to Joe Rogan (unintentionally, I have sometimes clicked on links to his podcast), and I’ve never had much desire to. But I recognize his significance and influence and appreciate his opening his platform to alternative and dissident voices.

    But he made a catastrophic mistake in apologizing. You DO NOT apologize or abase yourself in any way before the mob of shrieking woke harpies. Ever. You can actively fight back, or you can state your position, make clear that no apology will be forthcoming and move on.

    I understand when a private citizen, suddenly facing onslaught from Twitter Red Guards, gets overwhelmed and apologizes abruptly. They often don’t know any better and assume there is a shred of decency and humanity left in these hate-filled psychopaths (there isn’t). But someone like Rogan clearly should know better.

  4. For those of us who have actually watched selected segments of his show such as his long interviews with Dr. Malone, the inventor of the basic mRNA architecture and Dr. Robert Epstein, the academic who has studied the insidious Stasi like role of Google since approximately 2012, have found Rogan to be a prepared, intelligent and cogent interviewer. He seems to ask the questions most of us would be inclined to ask and he allows the guest to do most of the talking. Because these two guests and others are threats to the establishment and their theology, he must be destroyed.

  5. Ackler, j e:

    I see the apology differently. I agree with you that it was a tactical error. But I think he apologized out of a genuine and sincere regret that he’d said what he had.

    Abrams has an incredible co-morbitity. She should probably be quarantined for a year and allowed only 500 cals pro tag. She should certainly not be around kids.

  7. I don’t remember the moral majority of the 80’s getting people fired from their jobs or having their ability to fund raise blocked by their banks.

  8. “It’s not my word to use,” Rogan said, referring to the n-word racial slur

    Right. Only blacks may, and do, use the N-word all the time. We quail that we might offend blacks, who are 13% of our population, dare not speak the N-word, and give them special rights because a remote ancestor had been enslaved, just as slavery is today practiced in Darkest Africa and China.

    At what do black males exceed? Why, athletics and other muscular endeavors. Men like Carson, Thomas, Sowell are the rare exceptions. The average black male IQ is one standard deviation below that of whites and Asians, but, by God, we’ll make doctors and lawyers out of them!

    So let’s integrate the 75% black NFL and reduce rosters to 13% black.

  9. Outrageous example of false equivalence. That’s just pathetically bad.

    “censorship — once the province of the American Right during the heyday of the Moral Majority of the 1980s ”

    I call total BS. List the examples. He can’t. Didn’t happen.

  10. They’re not after Rogan because of ten-year-old and longer ago use of words. The new mayor of New York apparently used an epithet aimed at whites just a couple of years ago. They’re after Rogan because he has run intelligent in-depth interviews with people who disagree with the state-approved narrative. This kind of viewpoint censorship must stop.

  11. Apologies are fine when they are warranted. In this case, it was obvious a change in tactic to get him deplatformed, and he should have recognized that was the real game and not actual concern for the use of the word. The fact is does influence those center-left not to go further to the left, as is the preference of the current power in our government.

    I don’t listen to Rogan, not even accidentally. I do listen to various podcasts, some political, but mostly ones that have specific topics on things I find interesting. My current favorite is Mike Rowe’s, which also lead me to Rick Beato’s YouTube channel (which I hope Neo checks out if not already aware). I tried Bari Weiss, but I noticed she never challenged guests that too often would say something along the line, “we all knew Trump had to go”, and then she interviewed Liz Cheney. I saw the Liz Cheney interview title, and I cancelled my subscription to Bari Weiss podcast. That’s all it takes. However, the left doesn’t want to just cancel their subscription; they don’t want you to even know other viewpoints exist. That’s pure evil; and Rogan should have recognized it and not apologized to it.

  12. The more the left silences and censors disagreement, the more they alienate independents and moderate liberals.

    Jan. 24, 2022 “President Biden’s approval rating hit a new low in the latest Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll as the White House faces crises on multiple fronts.

    Biden’s approval rating fell to 39 percent in the poll, which was released exclusively to The Hill. Of that, 18 percent of registered voters said they strongly approve of the job he’s doing, while 21 percent say they somewhat approve.”

    I suspect that 18% is a fairly good indication of the percent of hard core leftists in America. That translates to a bit more than 30 million. It’s the 21% who still have some connection to reality.

  13. At what do black males exceed? Why, athletics and other muscular endeavors. Men like Carson, Thomas, Sowell are the rare exceptions.

    There are about 25,000 blacks employed in some aspect of professional sports – players, coaches, scouts, and officials per the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    There are about 15,000 post-secondary recreation and fitness teachers generally; about 7.8% of all post secondary teachers are black, so 1,200 post-secondary recreation and fitness teachers make a passable guess

    There are about 4,000,000 primary and secondary teachers in the United States. Data from the Digest of Education Statistics suggests about 6% are employed as health and physical education teachers, or 240,000. It also suggests that 7.6% of all physical education teachers are black, so that sums to about 18,000 black gym teachers.

    So there would appear to be about 45,000 blacks employed in athletics.

    There are about 140,000 employed as engineers, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  14. “disinformation does not disturb the left at all when it’s their disinformation”

    I’ve concluded over the past few weeks that that’s the root of what we’re dealing with right now, especially when it comes to Covid.

    Because it’s not like no information contrary to the Narrative ever comes out, right? Mainstream sources and respected journals do report facts that are inconvenient to people who were/are pro-lockdown, pro-mask mandate, and pro-vaccine mandate. It’s not like mandates never get lifted without protests, either. As long as it happens on the terms of those in charge. As long as it’s not coming from the people. As long as they get to control the narrative.

    If all the information about just how wrong the “elite,” “expert” class was came out in an avalanche, they’d lose all credibility. They can’t have that.

    Just read this, thought I’d share:

  15. I’m not a regular listener to Rogan but I have listened to several of his podcasts when driving on long trips and enjoyed them. He doesn’t have an agenda, asks good questions and is genuinely interested in listening to the answers.

    I think it was a mistake for him to apologize but I understand why he did it. He is surprisingly naive about the motives of those attacking him and doesn’t quite realize that they are not acting in good faith. Although not a partisan, Rogan’s instincts are to the left. He has come to realize that the government is pretty bad at almost everything that they do but he still wants to believe that they are capable of solving injustice.

  16. If I were in the same situation as Rogan, I’d dare the censors come on my show to debate the issues and I’d also insist that they provide genuine email addresses and web pages so that viewers could make their opinions directly known to the censors. Betcha no one would accept the terms or even show up, in which case I’d hammer them.

  17. Glenn Reynolds is right: “Now Rogan should take the $100 million offer to move to Rumble, after sticking Spotify with a $100 million virtue-signaling bill . . .

    He should do it anyway. As the Rumble folks know, his presence is enough to make them a highly viable competitor to existing platforms, and we need that. And so does Rogan.”

  18. Rogan apologizes because Rogan is a normal, good-hearted person and when such folks are confronted by grown adults throwing tantrums, the normal, good-hearted reaction is to try and defuse the situation and soothe the person claiming to be hurt. That IS normally the appropriate behavior in a peer-to-peer interaction involving adults.

    But Rogan isn’t dealing with peers. He’s dealing with people who are intellectually and emotionally on the same level as 6-year-olds who scream their heads off in the grocery aisle so Mommy will give them the candy bar they want.


  19. Rogan is slowly getting red pilled.

    Rogan has to work within Spotifys Swedish management culture where an apology is an acceptable form of contrition.

    Tactically the left is winning on Rogan for the moment, but at a huge cost. They had to use their top resources Obama and Racism. NY State investors fund is another to threaten Spotifys stock price.

    What if Rogan takes his subscribers to Rumble and Trumps new platform?

  20. I don’t view Rogan’s two apologies / explanations as grovelling, either – I see them as shrewd answers, and also think they could have been improved upon, not least by confronting Cancel Culture as a fight opponent.

    I believe it’s likely that the follow-on nature of these dual attacks indicate this will turn out to be a sustained professional effort, and have read through some investigative reporting that seems to bear this out. There are a couple of organizations involved putting out the dialog that share postal addresses and banks, and that are funded by dark political money. Putting together the ‘N’ video took some time and effort. The Spotify protest was the lead in. And you will notice that all of these attacks feature identity-based emotional tactics, all of them mention disinformation or racism, and none of them offer any kind of evidence to buttress those claims. There is no base there to provide for having a debate, the pejorative dialog is firmly kept within the lines, and that is a hallmark of this kind of effort.

    If it’s a pro hit job, I wouldn’t be surprised to see more chapters coming. Maybe something about the guests he has had on, showing how racist and misogynist his selection process is, or something similar. But Rogan has already received a Welcome Mat offer from Rumble for another $100 million and guaranteed no censorship. His followers are his own base, his own construct. I don’t see him as a cancel-able figure.

    I’ve listened to a few of his podcasts. In particular I tuned in the two COVID doctors. He is garrulous and gregarious and his interest is genuine. He prods and objects if he thinks something is off, and has people that fact check then and there, on the spot – and they follow through with the results. But I find the discussions sometimes get boring; I’ve only finished a few of them, the two with the doctors, and Jordan Peterson.

    Can’t argue with success, though.

    This is the stage when Cancel Culture overtakes the progressive liberal host and starts feeding on its own. Greenwald, Weiss, Taibbi, Rogan, Berenson, Shellenberger, the list goes on. The talented ones like these people all are missing pieces of their butt because of it, and they are determined to set things straight, and are just outraged enough and talented enough to have a real effect. They’re turning out to be better conservatives than Conservatives.

  21. I do listen to Rogan. Spotify says they will not cancel him. Besides, Rumble has offered him $100 million. He needs to stop apologising. He has more viewers than any of these loser leftist. I think it is safe to say the majority of humans on planet earth are tired of the cancellers and have stopped listening to their ‘whimperings’.

  22. Cicero:

    “Men like Carson, Thomas, Sowell are the rare exceptions” in ALL groups, including whites. Especially Sowell. Your point is not well taken.

    No one is trying to “make doctors and lawyers” out of black people who are one standard deviation below the average white person. Black doctors and lawyers may not all be Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas, but neither are white doctors and lawyers.

    Also, here are some standard deviation figures [from a 2017 article):

    The black-white gap [in reading test scores] then shrank from substantially more than a standard deviation for the 1943 cohort to roughly a standard deviation for the 1963 cohort to slightly more than half a standard deviation for the 2003 cohort. For math, the black-white gap went from around slightly more than a standard deviation to slightly more than half a standard deviation.

    IQ is highly correlated with these measures of academic achievement, so it is almost surely the case that the black-white IQ gap has been very substantially reduced. (The race gap in IQ itself has not to our knowledge been investigated since 2006, when Dickens and Flynn found that it was around 9.5 points, close to what is suggested by Reardon’s achievement data. In the podcast, Murray asserts that the gap is on the order of 15 points.)

    I believe that a basic IQ test standard deviation is 15.

  23. stan:

    Greenwald is not saying that the censorship from the right during the 80s and the censorship from the left now are equivalent. He is merely saying that they are both forms of censorship. He adds that ” In modern-day American liberalism, however, censorship is a virtual religion.” In the 80s the Moral Majority had a campaign to remove certain books from libraries and schools, and suggested that its members become active in that endeavor. That was the main thrust of the right’s censorship efforts to which he’s referring. Nothing in his article indicates to me that he thinks the two types of censorship are equal in scope or power. And they most definitely are not.

  24. Neo,

    We can argue about what the IQ statistics say, but what is going on for sure is that unqualified people are being hired and promoted due to their race, not ability, and they would have not have gotten those jobs otherwise.

    If this is for a marketing manager at a tech company, who cares. But when it is a pilot that is flying my plane, doctor, or engineer designing a bridge, we are talking about people dying on the altar of equity.

    Watch the upcoming trial about traffic controllers and race preferences. Tons of unqualified non-whites were hired over many who scored much, much higher. Think about that the next time you’re in a plane on what very well could be your “final approach”.

  25. Speaking of Affirmative Action, online scuttlebutt is that it was a female pilot making her first carrier landing who crashed the F-35 in the South China Sea.

    If so, serious terminal insanity on multiple fronts.

    I can’t find confirmation. But then who would dare publish if true?

  26. @ Aggie > “There are a couple of organizations involved putting out the dialog that share postal addresses and banks, and that are funded by dark political money. Putting together the ‘N’ video took some time and effort.”

    Sussing them out took some time and effort as well.
    Here’s how it was done.


  27. @ shadow > “f all the information about just how wrong the “elite,” “expert” class was came out in an avalanche, they’d lose all credibility. They can’t have that.”

    They don’t have much credibility left to lose.
    Good post at unherd – the insights of the author in Sweden as applied to the US were interesting.

    We tend to characterise totalitarianism as a top-down affair, where the state controls the thoughts and actions of its citizenry according to the whims of some politburo. But in the West today, the project of information control and narrative management is not solely the brainchild of the state. Rather, calls to increase censorship come not from the state but from below, with the educated, urban middle classes often organising on their own to help bring this about.

    Like medieval nobles claiming a right to rule based on being a superior breed, and then openly practising inbreeding, our current elites rarely live up to their own hype. Often, the experts are stupid and wrong, sometimes to an almost comical degree. And yet they persist in trying to convince us that they deserve to rule us, and get mightily upset whenever someone dares to challenge their power. Their fixation with Joe Rogan is not hard to understand through this lens.

    These agonised contortions are on full display in the United States and elsewhere on a variety of topics, from the status of the 2020 election to Covid vaccines to trans issues. Just as in Sweden in 2015, our expert class is beleaguered, desperately looking for something to stem the tide of wrongthink and rebellion from the people below them. And just as Sweden saw an exploding “alternative media” scene as a response to attempts to control the media narrative, the American experts are battling the uncomfortable fact that Joe Rogan has far more viewers than any of the channels they control.

  28. Not sure even the “Bee” could have come up with something like this:
    “Biden administration funding crack pipe distribution, saying it’s needed for racial equity”

    IOW, “Biden” has decided to officially murder minorities (along with others).
    (I suppose that “Biden” could then shed copious tears that “White Supremacy”(TM) and American “Racism”(TM) is killing the underprivileged, why not?….And then we can expect to have a lot more race-riot fun ‘n games! Think “crack, fentanyl and circuses”…)

    One thing for sure: Hunter—“The smartest person I know”, that’s right!—has a tremendous future as the potential “Drug Czar”…

  29. Barry Meislin:

    One thing for sure: Hunter—“The smartest person I know”, that’s right!—has a tremendous future as the potential “Drug Czar”…

    Why not? A different Democrat President made Joe Kennedy the head of the SEC.

  30. The edited tape of Rogan and the “N word” is a professional job. The tape of Trump produced by a Bush in 2016 was also a professional hit job but I have never seen any analysis of its source. People say “The internet is forever” but YouTube has done a pretty good job of scouring the leftist miscues.

  31. “[Rogan] actually listens to people”

    Recently I saw an interview of Trump by Larry King in the 1980s. Trump was fascinating but that’s not the point here. I was never a big fan of King but it struck me how he tried honestly to draw out Trump’s views without asking any “gotcha” questions. That almost never happens today.

  32. My take on the N word is first as a very young man right out of high school and in the USAF it was drummed into me never ever use it, fine took the lesson well. But those of African heritage used it then a lot and through today in Rap music profusely, hip hop occasionally. Only those who are deeply offended are white Leftists who IMO are using it to attack opponents.
    Joe Rogan wasn’t the reason I downloaded Spotify but did hear the two doctors interviews, thought they were very informative and recommended them. Might have been others worth listening to as he did a good job asking questions and letting the person answer them. I am at this time not going to listen to anything on Spotify because they have caved to a so small but loud minority on the Left.
    “Fear of the Left is the biggest motivating factor in the country”
    Dennis Prager
    Hardly a day goes by this doesn’t happen.

  33. Rogan is weak. I wrote as much even before he apologized. Because I knew his positions on Flat Earth Theory before and he did the same thing in favor of more cash and social credit from the scientists like Disgrace Tyson.

    Rogan being weak, needs more Fear Factors before he toughens up. This is scaring him a lot more than big guys yelling at him on shows.

  34. of course don winslow (who trump broke in a nasty way) and the meidas brother, both have complicated aspects with the word, which I think is stupid to use, I didn’t think chris rock did any favors,

  35. Rogan has rejected Rumble’s deal, although it was merely a teaser. These deals are in private, the real numbers, not in public.

    Likely Rogan has some kind of contract termination clause to deal with first, so his lawyers will have to advise him over the next few weeks. He still has some time to “toughen up” and get some more Fear Factors.

    Some have said Rogan’s team removed his videos, not Spotify or shadow banning. If so, then Spotify is contractually, still in control. Terminating an exclusive contract has excessive termination fees for the offending party.

    Right now, Rogan is not tough enough for Rumble/Bongino crowd. He has to toughen himself up even more now.

  36. The National Basketball Association’s teams are largely made up of blacks who commonly refer to each other as “N-Words”!

    Bearing in mind Neo’s right to “content moderation”, here’s a list of some other words: dago, sheeny, wop, kike, mick, bohunk, kraut, spick and ginny.

    When referring to himself and Chris Cuomo, Rogan recently used the word “ginny”! He was using the word in a playful, self-deprecating way. I’m waiting for the speech and thought police to snag that one out of the pile of old videos.

    “G-Word” anyone?

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