Home » Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty in the Epstein case


Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty in the Epstein case — 41 Comments

  1. Yeah, this trial was downplayed in the media and we never hear about the men (women?) involved in actually defiling of these young teens (other than Prince Andrew who seems to be a fall-guy for everyone else involved). Interesting, that.

  2. Shall we all chip in ten dollars, and the one who guesses closest to the date and time she’s found hanging in her cell wins the pot?

  3. She was never offered a plea bargain in exchange for testifying or providing additional evidence.

    That says a lot right there.

  4. I’m going out on a limb…I almost never make predictions, but I’m going to now.
    If I’m wrong, it won’t be the first time…just ask my kids.

    She’s going to live a long time in jail. There…I said it.

    It’ll be an easy cushy place where she resides safe from harm because there’s a M.A.D. file somewhere just waiting for her to be Arkancided. She’ll have left it with someone who has nothing to lose & nothing to prove…and the day she dies of unexplained causes…the elite world gets nuked from whatever level of hell in which she ends up.

    Given there was NEVER a plea deal on the table means everyone wants that file to stay buried & if that means she lives…that’s what it means.

  5. The qabal sex child sacrifices are coming out. When it does, make sure to be not close to roofs and loaded firearms.

  6. “In addition, of course, there’s the question of the protection of the names of the adult men who participated in the abuse of these minor girls. Draw your own conclusions there.” neo

    The conclusion that I draw is that as long as the actual abusers are not exposed and imprisoned, justice has not been done, which essentially makes Maxwell the fall guy in a cover up.

    Ive your mectin,


    John Guilfoyle,

    “It’ll be an easy cushy place where she resides safe from harm because there’s a M.A.D. file somewhere just waiting for her to be Arkancided. She’ll have left it with someone who has nothing to lose…

    If she had such a file, why didn’t she use it to ensure that she would never be charged in the first place?

  7. Interesting that the government would spend so much money to get Epstein and Maxwell. It was basically a prostitution operation. Epstein paid these girls well and he used them to offer favors to people he wanted leverage over.

    Yet, the Federal government refuses to enforce our southern border where young women are being trafficked for prostitution in large numbers. Why no interest in stopping that?

    Prostitution is illegal in most counties in the USA. But it’s a
    very hard crime to stamp out. It’s seldom a top priority of law enforcement. So, it endures. Epstein probably thought he was relatively safe. Until he was indicted in Florida. He got a light sentence and did his time. He probably thought that was the end of it. Nope. Someone in the Federal system wanted to bring him down.

    Epstein was one of many wealthy men who have been able to pay for their attraction to underage women, and to indulge his other sexual fantasies. Why Maxwell, who certainly didn’t need the money, went along with him and acted as his “Madam” is a question only she can answer. It’s probably true that she knows who participated in sex with underage women and is a potential danger to them. IMO, this isn’t the final word on this case. Many new developments may be coming as she appeals the case.

  8. “The allegations in this case remind me of the very sordid doings of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, which I outlined previously in this post.] “

    Take a look at that pair. Imagine anyone not already unbalanced and deeply damaged being seduced into a sexual connection with creatures with mouths and eyes and physical forms like those.

    Sartre reputedly managed to seduce young virgins?

    de Beauvoir actually got a man to bed her?

    I have known some real hound dogs in my life, and not the lowest of them would have touched her; or at least admitted it to any other man.

    Just looking at her makes me shudder.

    As for Jean-Paul Gollum … no wonder one of his victims killed herself. Poor, poor, thing.



  9. “Interesting that the government would spend so much money to get Epstein and Maxwell. It was basically a prostitution operation. Epstein paid these girls well and he used them to offer favors to people he wanted leverage over.”


    Somebody please turn off the laughing gas.

  10. Thought Experiment:

    Imagine Epstein and Maxwell were both either Russian or Chinese.

    Imagine the resulting discussions and speculations right here in this blog and its comments section.

    Compare and Contrast with the determinedly narrow focus on one tiny corner of a potentially vast canvas… and the total lack of curiosity about the big picture.

    And we call ourselves free.

  11. The prosecutors took a case the size of the moon and fashioned it into a slam-dunk winner the size of an eight-ball. They prosecuted the smallest-possible sure-thing ringer charges in order to seal the rest of the material from scrutiny. The deal is in, provided Maxwell keeps her mouth shut and one eye open but – I can’t wait for the WikiLeaks version of events to eventually dribble out.

  12. Zaphod, I understand that you have inside information that we deplorables don’t get. Rather than hint around the edges, why not lay it out for us. You know something, say something in plain English. We’d be ever so grateful for that.

  13. @JJ:

    See my post above re thought experiment. If Maxwell’s dad had been buried in the Kremlin Wall instead of the Mount of Olives (he was)… you and all the other boomers would be all over it.

    It’s not rocket science.

    You know, it *is* possible to be Your Greatest Ally ™ and still engage in all kinds of underhand nefarious bastardry and influence ops inside USGov and the rest of the Rotten Ruling Elite. Ask Jonathan Pollard, for one. It’s what governments do, you know. IIRC you did work at the pointy end of yours back in the day. So you must know it’s not all sweetness and light and that when some frankly unpleasant weirdness is going down on an industrial scale entrapping the Good and Great, it’s probably not happening just because two random wealthy perverts (which is what our esteemed hostess is trying to nudge perceptions toward with the Sartre and his squeeze shtick) got into a kind of habitual kinky rut.

  14. Z’s fascination with Isreal and the Jews; what’s not to like? And of course the eternal offense of being older than the smartest man on the planet; aka, our own Beeblebrox. What a tool.

  15. Z might consider that Isreal isn’t behind this particular bit of drama and criminality? Oh, I forget, he is the smartest man on the planet, who only poses as a tool.

  16. Epstein had video of his guests in compromising actions.

    The question is whom has them now?

    Amazing how the fbi “lost” the cd’s.

    Probably they were stored next to Anthony Weiner’s and Hunter Biden’s laptops…

    I agree with Zaphod on the Israeli Intel agency angle. The us is supposedly the only country that does not use sexual blackmail.

  17. All those men who participated in the arrangements established by Epstein / Maxwell are also guilty of crimes.
    NOT ONE of these men has been indicted or even identified during the trial.
    Because they are being protected by the US Govt.

    So here we have lawyers seeking to get Prince Andrew back from the UK into the USA to face charges, while another, more famous “Epstein frequent flyer,” Bill Clinton, resides about 30 miles north of the DA’s dig in Lower Manhattan.
    You will note that NO DA, NO VICTIM, is pursuing any legal action against Clinton or any other domestic “frequent flyer;” other than Prince Andrew.
    Reminds me of the phony-baloney indictment of a bunch of Russians, residing in Russia, issued by the phony-baloney Mueller gang, who knew full well that there was ZERO chance the Russians would ever be step foot in the USA.

    US govt actions , or in-actions as the case may be, in regards to the above, the fraudulent presidential election, the “special” treatment the January 9 DC demonstrators are being subjected to, the phony-baloney Russia/Trump scam, the indictment of General Flynn, the Stalin-esq show trials by being conducted by Congress of the January 9 events, the FBI initiated kidnapping ploy of Gov. Whitmer of Michigan, plus ……? all demonstrate that we no longer live in a Constitutional Republic.

    At least Putin of Russia makes no bones that he is the absolute ruler there. He at least does not lie and lie and lie that Russia is a representative democracy

    Meanwhile, the appointed leaders in our country persist in the BIG LIE , the BIG CHARADE, that we are a nation of laws and that justice is applied equally to all.
    It is all BULLSHIT.
    The politically powerful – of the “correct ideology” – are immune and exempt from any and all laws, and they decide who and how their enemies will be treated; they decide who and how a president is appointed. The laws be damned. The will of the voters be damned.

    It is a huge joke, if not sickening, when our govt has the cohones, the unmitigated gall, to accuse any other nation of abusing individual rights or conducting “fixed” elections.
    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
    No wonder much of the world’s nations look upon the USA as a big joke, as a hypocrite.

    Frankly, those in power should just come right out and announce that we live in a dictatorship- because we do – of the politically powerful leftists that rule us.

    At least then, individual states can rightfully and necessarily begin the process of peacefully leaving our now gone Constitutional Republic.

  18. @GB

    “If she had such a file, why didn’t she use it to ensure that she would never be charged in the first place?”

    Possibly because it’s a ‘one time only’ threat. Once used, it would be open season, with a large number of, um, disgruntled people in play.

  19. JohnTyler,

    It gives no happiness to agree with you. Though with one caveat.

    Re: “At least then, individual states can rightfully and necessarily begin the process of peacefully leaving our now gone Constitutional Republic.”

    I think it virtually certain that our oligarchy will not allow individual states to peacefully leave the union. And whether peacefully or not, the dissolution of the United States will be seen as an ‘opportunity’ by the ChiComs. Whose leadership may not desire a world wide empire but who decidedly do desire to be ‘first among equals’ in a world in which communism reigns unchallenged.

  20. What a tangled web we weave when we practice to decieve. Or something like that, it’s on the web …

  21. “Eva Marie on December 30, 2021 at 8:46 pm said:

    DNW: Wha . . . ? People with bad teeth are what exactly?”

    Unlikely, in my estimation, to seduce normal and healthy young people into intimate sexual relations.

    Especially if in addition one of them looks to be a perverted gnome, and the other an appraising witch.

  22. Eva Marie, thanks for your link to the analysis of the Brown book. Very interesting. Unlike Zaphod’s hints and hand waving, it gives some opinions about the Israeli connection. But nothing provable in a court. Mysterious and provocative, yes. I guess we are to assume that the Mossad is everywhere and all powerful, and nothing is as it seems. Ghislane is a Mossad asset? My mind is open on the issue. I just need to see better evidence.

    That some big political and celebrity names were flying on the Lolita Express and staying at Orgy Island does not seem to be of interest to the prosecutors. That is kind of SOP these days. Selective prosecution is now routine. I’ll bet Zaphod thinks the Mossad is behind it. 🙂

  23. J.J.:

    It’s also the case that Epstein was a big Democrat donor and a lot of people dealt with him on that level and one cannot assume that they were all in on the sex abuse part. There were many levels to Epstein’s life.

    I have little doubt some of them were involved, however. The trick is figuring out who.

  24. Epstein was one of many wealthy men who have been able to pay for their attraction to underage women, and to indulge his other sexual fantasies. Why Maxwell, who certainly didn’t need the money, went along with him and acted as his “Madam” is a question only she can answer.

    Question: Epstein owned five lavish homes, all equipped with staff. Where did he come by the income to live that way? Just what was his business and who were his clients? Who were his heirs?

  25. DNW:

    De Beauvoir didn’t look like an appraising witch. If you didn’t know who she was, I doubt you’d perceive her photo that way.

    For Sartre, on the other hand, as Kissinger observed more generally, “power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” Sartre was mega-famous at the time of their adventures, and I suppose that made a difference to some people. But most of the people involved were teenagers who were students of de Beauvoir’s and very susceptible to influence. I doubt that Sartre’s lack of attractiveness had anything to do with their behavior, which was the result of outright and really very vicious and cold-blooded sexual abuse by their teacher de Beauvoir and the famous philosopher.

  26. and I suppose that made a difference to some people women.


    But most of the people involved were teenagers who were students of de Beauvoir’s and very susceptible to influence. I doubt that Sartre’s lack of attractiveness had anything to do with their behavior, which was the result of outright and really very vicious and cold-blooded sexual abuse by their teacher de Beauvoir and the famous philosopher.

    I seem to recall when Bilge Clinton’s adventures with cigars came to light we were assured the French were just so much more sophisticated that we rubes, their depressed consumption of soap and toothpaste notwithstanding.

  27. I have little doubt some of them were involved, however. The trick is figuring out who.

    All now under seal courtesy U.S. District Judge Whatshisname. In a trial for which the prosecutor was James Comey’s daughter. The next Republican president should have a commission of inquiry appointed by 21 January 2025.

  28. Of course I don’t know, but I suspect that, rather than nefarious foreign governments, the people who are being shielded are members of our own ruling elite, mainly Democrats but not entirely so.

  29. the people who are being shielded are members of our own ruling elite, mainly Democrats but not entirely so.

    One of Epstein’s projects with his budget was ingratiating himself with scientific researchers. On the arts and sciences faculty I know best, there were as of 2006 about 55 faculty members in the natural sciences and mathematics. About 6 were registered Republicans per the local board of elections. One died in 2007 and three of the remaining five have since retired. A grand total of one (1) of the six was hired after 1984. I’m gonna bet the recipients of his largesse were Democrats.

  30. Yes, I’m sure Epstein’s money went to Democrats and leftist causes. The question at hand, with Maxwell’s “black book,” is what men were recipients of sexual services from the youthful prostitutes he and Maxwell recruited.

  31. Art Deco: I refer you to Eva Marie’s link.

    It seems to answer some of those questions. Both Les Wexner and a Johnson and Johnson heiress believe he embezzled a lot from them when he was managing their money. He seemed to have tax avoidance schemes that were attractive to rich clients. Some believe he diverted money to himself, but he was never officially accused of such. He was apparently a good salesman for what he was selling. Whether it was investment schemes, sexual favors, or influence.

    He was in many ways a man of mystery and yet he circulated in elite liberal society as if he was one of them. His full story may never be known.

  32. “If she had such a file, why didn’t she use it to ensure that she would never be charged in the first place?”

    GB…I’m spitballing here. So it could be a lump of coal I’ve produced instead of a diamond. BUT…I’ll keep going because I shot my mouth off to start with.

    Epstein got busted for running his little girl show for the rich & famous and true to form was too cocky for his own good & thought he’d never see inside a cell. So his secrets died with him.

    But Ghislaine, as 2nd in command & a wily femme fatale, was not going to get caught pants down & stashed the goodies in a safe-deposit box with a kill switch. She knows there are too many players in the game to protect herself 24/7, so she & the “sex-cabal” cut a deal. She can’t be free since her boss/boyfriend didn’t guard the henhouse well enough so she’s got to clean up after him. So: Be quiet. Go to jail. Live.

    My guess is she doesn’t want to nuke governments…which is the only way to avoid hard time & she sends the “goodie box” global. Nor does she want to do the end-of-a-rope dance like her man Jeffrey. It’s safe. She’s safe. The court documents are sealed until Jesus returns. Tadaaa!

    Probably coal & by the time I hit “send” she dies in a jailhouse fire. But I’m betting against that. Her too I suspect. Happy New Year!

  33. is what men were recipients of sexual services from the youthful prostitutes he and Maxwell recruited.

    Sexual transgressors with (1) money and / or (2) influence.

    The impediment to his schemes is that most men of an age to have influence aren’t inclined to be sexual transgressors.

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