Home » Open thread 12/17/21


Open thread 12/17/21 — 16 Comments

  1. Reposted here from earlier in this thread

    Careening from policy disaster to policy disaster, and as Biden sinks into all too obvious dementia and incoherence, it appears that the Biden Administration/Democrats are releasing a series of “bright shiny objects,” distractions to divert attention from those policy disasters, and the looming possibility of Kamala Harris becoming President.

    Thus, we have all the new information about and focus on UFOs, the January 6th “Insurrection” Hearings, the hysteria over new Coronavirus variants, the release of the formerly secret files on JFK’s assassination, and I presume other such objects coming down the pike, each one designed to divert, fascinate, and preoccupy some large number of people; people who would otherwise be focused on Biden’s crumbling agenda and Administration.

  2. Just another open-thread comment about something I read.

    I have almost no formal training in genetics, but over the last twenty years or so, I’ve developed an amateur’s enthusiasm for the remarkable advances in paleogenetics that have revealed some of the complexities of human prehistory.

    Razib Khan has just written a good summary of our current understanding of the earliest part of that story (https://tinyurl.com/33tacw6w).

    Recommended for anybody interested in human origins.

  3. Bryan,

    But they say ‘suspend’ so it can always come back.

    The mealy mouth words are thick right now.

    Fauci now tells us ‘mandate’ is a bad word now they should be called ‘requirements’.

  4. Cornflour — danke for pointing to that informative update on our origins. I can still remember buying and devouring Johanson’s groundbreaking Lucy book way back when. I’ve tried to stay abreast over the years, but typically end feeling as puzzled as ever. Blood, genes, inheritance — it’s elusive stuff; I recall a book that made the rounds in my family decades ago, ‘The Celts’, purporting to clarify the mismash of marauding, miscegenating tribes that ultimately produced our Gaelic forebears. Fugeddaboutit — my medical honor society father read it, reread it, then pronounced it incomprehensible. On the other had, the colorful Jesuit who taught me ancient Greek emphatically claimed that full human consciousness did not exist before Parmenides and Empedocles. Simple!

  5. @BryanLovely:

    I really don’t like her voice. It’s classic Authoritarian Bolshie Australian Karen Sheila.

    It’s a good idea to also read the comments below the Helen Dale interview. Some of course are inane, but there are several by Australians which either add some extra angles or by disagreeing with one or two of her points further illuminate things.

    As an example:

    “It always frustrates me when people emphasise the convict gaoler past to explain Australia without also acknowledging the massive government funded and organised immigration for large parts of the 20th century. For example one way to explain differences between the U.S. and Australia is that the people who migrated to the U.S., by and large, paid their own way and were self motivated. Much of the migration to Australia was the govt advertising for inner city English people, paying for their trip and then supporting them once they arrived. Surely this must have significant explanatory power for the difference in the way Australian and Americans view government?”

    As for the the article by her, the only thing I’d add is that whilst Australian Governance (you probably want to pop a cap in the head of anyone who uses that kind of BugXirson Terminology too frequently, IMHO) goes, it may be effective at times, but that’s no help if it’s a tool of the Woke — which it is. So they’ve been very efficiently flooding the country with perfectly legal and above board alien immigrants for the last 30 years — many in the guise of university ‘students’ who invariably take out permanent residency and then citizenship from India and China. Gee thanks… I mean it’s great to know that one is being ethnically swamped the Proper Way and that everyone is meeting their KPIs.

    Interesting backstory about Ms Dale. She first came to prominence by writing a novel about the Holodomor and winning a literary prize for it. She published using a Ukrainian pseudonym (likely because was only way could slip it past the publishing and literary establishments). Anyway… the Usual Suspects do *not* like the Holodomor being gone over with too fine-toothed a comb and it’s fair to say that she may be having a whale of a time in the UK, but she’s definitely not getting invited to sit in a box at any Spurs games.

    As far as I’m concerned, the Australian Covid response has snapped sharply into focus a great many disparate observations and woolly thoughts I’d been making and having about the place — having expatriated almost by accident many years back and only returning on short and occasionally long visits. I can see it all much more clearly now, and I don’t like it one bit.

  6. Another Japanese Train.

    Bizarre Airport Express from Central Osaka to the Airport || Nankai “Rapi:t”

    Capital is always going to be misallocated. I guess the big thing is to misallocate it sensibly. Japanese build retro throwback trains for fun instead of funding mandatory Drag Queen Story Hour for preschoolers.

    I guess it’s why I like Elon Musk, too. He’s a past master at extracting public funds from the folks who would otherwise spend them on DQSH. Well, I guess they just print extra money to do that. Somebody just beam me up please.

  7. Bruce Liu, Winner of the 2021 Warsaw Chopin Competition playing C’s Variations on La ci darem la mano.

    Should be on all streaming services. I prefer Tidal. But this is easier to link to.


    Beginning at Track 12.

    Have always loved this Aria and the Joycean connection never hurt. Jingle jingle jaunted jingling.

    But didn’t know about these variations. Total revelation. Going to be on repeat for a while!

  8. What is with the mannerism which many women have, I think it’s called “vocal fry”? Sort of a growl at the end of words, phrases, sentences. Rachel Maddow does this, I noticed when I had the displeasure to hear her in a video. Is this an attempt to sound masculine? It is weird and unattractive to my ears.

    Also, I thought it augured badly when I heard SCOTUS nominee Amy Barrett speak in a voice like a precocious 12 year old. Then again, AOC sounds to me like an 11 year old brat.

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