Home » That U of Penn transgender swimmer keeps destroying records…


That U of Penn transgender swimmer keeps destroying records… — 76 Comments

  1. “…destroying records” is a bit off-target. Records are part of a larger structure of meaning: implicit in that record is a standardized set of conditions: distance of course, but also pool condition and lane width and equipment being “correct” and timers calibrated etc.
    But most of all the record is an implicit statement that, among all the contestants in the given group —say, amateur women in certain schools or of a certain age— the record is held by a true member of the group, and one who did not cheat to gain it.
    The record contains or implies that whole story. But do these “records” qualify?
    What is being broken here is not just a best time for a given event. What’s being broken is the whole cultural infrastructure of women’s swimming. Every event in which this man-woman competes will need an asterisk, a qualifier, a footnote, an explanation, a “yes, but.”
    What is also being broken is the heart of every woman forced to “compete” with this man-woman—and “lose”—in what is inevitably a rigged mess. The only record that will survive is that of the moral collapse and existential confusion of the organizing and sponsoring bodies.

  2. Owen.

    Very good.

    I’d like to know if a guy can get into women’s sports on a say-so, or does he have to demonstrate irreversible actions.
    If the latter…that’s now. I expect it will only require say-so by, 2025.
    Maybe for the duration of the season.

  3. Female swimmers do not have to sit and take it.
    What they should do is refuse to participate in any competition that has a male competing as a female (regardless of any hormone therapy, surgery, etc.)
    That would put an end to this charade pretty quick.

  4. Transgender, it’s been of conflict with our values and society morels.
    Why we should keep listening watching and even today most men and women clothing forced to be transgender neutral?

    Why has this been pushed on our societies and our world who is behind all of this?

    This matter is the same as abortion rights in today’s world, where women men voiced for their right to get a baby out of the normal marriage and family structure?

    For what has got these matters pushed?
    Women /Men chose to have joyful sex moments and then abortion should be their right for her?
    They having fun then taxpayer money goes to cover those sex-loving hoers to cover their expenses?
    Or those transgender operations which cost 100 of million money to get those looks for fun to get a free pass to do so.
    I quite respect some genuine women/men to have operations due to birth conflicts but what we knew now is men change themselves to women on their choice….

    A wealthy British man described what it was like to undergo three sex operations, becoming a woman and then returning to being a man.

  5. Tom Armstrong has the right of it but to act, they have to reject the Left’s memes and that will make of them heretical deplorables.

  6. Okay, I’m completely opposed to transgender men competing as women in sports, but I confess to a tiny bit of schadenfreude. I don’t even support the expanded definition of the word gender, let alone transgender, but I have to take my schadenfreude where I can find it, even if it makes me feel a little dirty.

    When Title IX was passed, it wasn’t intended to serve as a license for feminists to destroy men’s sports programs, but that’s what they’ve been doing. In response, over and over, we’ve seen that men can do everything better, even being women, so why not take over women’s sports with transgender men, destroy the sports for women, and provide a new outlet for new men(?)? It makes a perverted kind of sense.

  7. We started the lacrosse club at Michigan State in 62. After many years, it went varsity. That was cool. But T9 required more women’s varsity sports and, presumably the women couldn’t run a club the way the guys did and needed special help. So they went varsity and the men’s team reverted to club status. Doing well. See, thing is, T9 implies women aren’t as good as men. And there you have it.
    I have no idea what sport took up the space the laxers had on varsity, but my daughter was recruited pretty hard for crew, along with some friends. It’s supposedly the cheapest sport.

  8. Equal in rights and complementary in Nature/nature… or not.

    A Twilight faith. A Pro-Choice religion. A politically congruent (“=”) ideology.

  9. Yeah.. maybe they will find WMD…..

    Or end a war, only to be saved and progressed in a transcontinental affair with “benefits”.

  10. Why do the people who run sports events limit their categories to two, male and female? Why don’t they establish three categories, male, female, and trans, reserving the original two categories for traditional participants and have the trans athletes compete against each other, only?

  11. Transgender conversion therapy on the cheap: leave the body, change the orientation. Perhaps ambiguously homosexual. Or bisexual will calm the dissonance, albeit leave a pariah in an exclusive social set.

  12. Why don’t they establish three categories

    The same reason that they appropriated marriage (in lieu of civil union), adopted children or received sperm donations, and wreaked retributive change on anyone who denied the modern model. Sometimes it’s a baby, sometimes it’s a fetus, sometimes it’s a political congruence (“=”). It’s a religious (i.e. proscriptive and prescriptive) order.

  13. Ignore the Passing Charivari.

    Cultivate Your Garden.

    Clean and Sharpen Your Shovels and Pitchforks.

  14. Looks like feminism is a paper tiger after all and limited to a few vocal, disagreeable women that are looking out for their own interests. If ever there was a cause that demanded action from an organized group to do what is right, this is it. What do we get? Meek acceptance and some behind-the-scenes whining.

    After a few decades of the institutions emasculating men from the cradle onward, from every sensory and perceptive angle, I hope they’re not waiting for a man to take the lead in setting this yahoo straight, and others like him. 50 years ago it would have happened after the first practice. Ah! Progress..

  15. The vocal outrage being expressed by women’s groups is simply deafening, don’t you think?

    Of course, one way to get around all of this is to have varsity teams that are not gender specific; e.g. just have a swim team, a basketball team, a track team, a baseball team, a gymnastics team, etc. , in which any gender can try out for the team and, if they make the team, become a varsity player.

    Of course, team members will be selected based upon the their results in the tryouts, which most likely means that very near zero (real) females will be on any varsity team.

    But given how the mentally ill male to female-with-testicle frauds are invading women’s sports, it looks like women’s sports will be disappearing anyway.

    Let’s see if Olympic contests will go the way of NCAA swimming.

    Frankly I am surprised that female athletes are allowing any of this to happen.
    They are so vocal and adamant about having equal access to all manner of professions / jobs / corporate titles, etc., yet they are totally silent about this.

    All they need do is refuse to participate in any sport in which females-born-with-testicles are allowed to compete.
    Or they can wait for NOW to begin agitating for women’s rights; the wait will have to be measured in geologic time eras.

  16. This kind of thing is happening in women’s shelters, where abused women go to escape an abusive domestic partner. Had that case a few years ago where the Canadian woman at a shelter dared to complain about sharing a room with a fully intact biological male. She was threatened with prosecution for complaining.
    If your civilization can no longer tell the difference between men and women, you are probably on your way out.
    And then there are the untold numbers of school girls being forced to share restrooms with guys because of this. Part of the point of civilization is to protect women and children.

  17. @Jon Baker:

    “Part of the point of civilization is to protect women and children.”

    Women trashed this. Now let them reap the wind for a while.

    Trannies are the first result of women running amok in Western Politics that really hurts them in the here and now. Sure a few get raped by the Diversity now and then, but all that Mystery Meat Rough Stuff Vague Air of Looming Menace does add a certain frisson for the folks who made Fifty Shades the most purchased novel in history. But Trannies… That’s just ewwwwww. Well you got your Happy Feelz World, Ladies. Now live in it for a while!

    It’s going to take at least a half-way collapse of civilization for their evolved conditioning to kick back in. Can’t reason anyone back to sanity. Going to take the Great Fear.

  18. I do feel sorry for the children. All of them. The ones that the same female suffrage beneficiaries did and did not abort. Some choice between being suctioned out in pieces or subjected to Drag Queen Story Hour.

    Oh… Did I Exclude the Middle? My Bad. 😛

  19. @tcrosse, that’s a bit of an interesting point you have there. Even if one applies the principle to other categories: What do you mean BLM race riots, there can’t be more than a few thousand of them, compared to the millions of normal citizens across the nation…… What do you mean, Antifa…. What do you mean, teacher’s union…. what do you mean, Critical Race Theorists…. What do you mean, flood of illegal aliens…. What do you mean, cultural Marxists…. What do you mean, cult of progressive gender ideologies…. What do you mean, Corporate press……

    The normal law-abiding citizenry outnumbers all of these put together by orders of magnitude and yet, here we are, with our attention and sometimes our physical well-being held hostage to every single one.

  20. @tcrosse:

    The Culture of Critique People are always in need of new attack vectors so that Whitey continues to reel about punch-drunkenly. Knocking holes in other people’s foundational world views makes them feel safer. Works until it doesn’t.

    Trannies are It this month. Who knows what’s up next?

    Yes… Yes.. NAXALT… but enough of them are and they wield disproportionately enormous power to shape academic and media and jurisprudential (same things end of day) narratives. We have (willingly or not) outsourced the power to tell us who we are to Others.

  21. @Aggie:

    The Law Abiding Citizenry *always* and everywhere massively outnumbers those who rule over them.

    The only question is Who is to Rule.

    There is much frothing at the mouth from time to time about eventually the people will stand up and Woohoo Muh 2A. And I agree.. eventually they will rise up and blow away the present sorry gang of Mofos.

    But you don’t have to be Jeremy Bentham to realise that it’s Area Under the Least Bullshit and Misery Curve that counts, not transient spikes in Joyful Revolutions and Muh Republican Felicities. 99.9% of human political existence is some kind of humdrum stasis… And you want that humdrum stasis to not involve Chicongo Shootouts and Drag Queen Story Hour.

    Most of the time the citizenry are passive and will tolerate far more than we can imagine before they finally snap.

    So to my mind the good revolution or civil war is one which significantly attrits those who would return things back to the current state of affairs fastest.

    The citizenry will go back to sleep soon after. That’s assured. Best can do is put the least bad Assholes in charge to run things.

  22. if the girls just stood on the blocks when the gun goes off, and let the tranny swim alone, it would demonstrate what a farce the entire thing is.

  23. From this excellent talk by Abigail Shrier: https://abigailshrier.substack.com/p/what-i-told-the-students-of-princeton

    “Transwomen don’t have an unfair advantage when playing girls’ sports.”

    “On that final example of a lie, the one about transwomen in girls’ sports, I want you to think for a moment about a young woman here at Princeton. She’s a magnificent athlete named Ellie Marquardt, an all-American swimmer who set an Ivy League record in the 500-meter freestyle event as a freshman. Just before Thanksgiving, Ellie was defeated in the 500-meter, the event she held the record in, by almost 14 seconds by a 22 year old biological male at Penn who was competing on the men’s team as recently as November of 2019. That male athlete now holds multiple U.S. records in women’s swimming, erasing the hard work of so many of our best female athletes, and making a mockery of the rights women fought for generations to achieve.

    Ellie Marquart swam her heart out for Princeton. When will Princeton fight for her? Where are the student protests to say—enough is enough. When a biological male who has enjoyed the full benefits of male puberty—larger cardiovascular system, 40% more upper body muscle mass, more fast-twitch muscle fiber, more oxygenated blood—decides after three seasons on the men’s team to compete as a woman and smashes the records of the top female swimmers in this country, that is not valor—that’s vandalism.”

  24. Who would have thought that if one designs a system of rules such that liars, dishonest types, and sociopaths can easily exploit it, that they would.

    I agree that the female swimmers are going to have to take a stand and fight this thing themselves. If they did, I think they would win. At least I hope so.

  25. I have heard stories that lesbians have a great amount of influence in women’s sports, both as coaches and players. This may be one reason , besides the disproportionate general influence on society that the alphabet crowd has, that more female athletes are not pushing back.

  26. The women have this fully under their control…lots of options.
    1. Move to a school in a different Conference.
    2. Simply step away from the starting blocks when he gets up there to go.
    3. There’s a bunch of them & only him in the dressing rooms.

    The only people who can make this go away are the women.

  27. NOW, NOW…
    If NOW is not going to defend girls and woman in certain—many?—cases because doing so would be defined as being Islamophobic, then why should NOW defend girls and women against men who believe they really are women?

    (For that matter, why should NOW defend women who stand up against this obvious—or rather perverse—unfairness, the most outspoken of whom being J.K. Rowling and Margaret Atwood, but there are quite a few others?)

    And should one wonder how NOW might respond to the latest disgusting bonfire of the inanities at CNN…? (just joking, of course)…

  28. “Usually everyone claps, everyone is yelling and cheering when someone wins a race. Lia touched the wall and it was just silent in there”

    This is still permitted (barely) at present. In a few years’ time, ‘silence’ in this type of situation will be deemed hostile and toxic. Spectators damn well better clap and cheer, loudly and emphatically, under penalty of being doxxed, putting their careers, bank accounts, social media access and possibly their physical safety in serious jeopardy.

  29. @ ken bonsen > “if the girls just stood on the blocks when the gun goes off, and let the tranny swim alone, it would demonstrate what a farce the entire thing is.”

    I like that idea better than just not showing up – it’s very visual.
    Powerline provided the meme.

    “I’ve thought for a long time that if women athletes don’t want to—or can’t—speak out publicly, they ought to try this: at the next race with Lia Thomas, every other woman in the field should simply stand on the blocks after the gun fires and let Lia Thomas swim alone…. Refuse to take the seat at the back of the bus.”


  30. Eventually one would think enough is enough will happen, but that would require the Leftists to admit they were wrong and that will not happen for a long time if ever.

  31. Old humanity is at an end. Prepare your will and to meet your maker. We have won, a new world will dawn upon thr ashes of the old.

    All ye hybrids and slaves of satan must choose. Which world will you be going to. Qhile this is not for eternity, it is very long.


    It was interesting while it lasted, old humans.

  32. The consequences of refusing to submit have gotten onerous.

    For example.

    Judge Joseph Bueltel was unable to conceal his “personal animus” toward Hanson, ruthlessly berating her after she was found guilty on all six counts against her, according to the Minnesota Sun.

    “You were a public risk because you kept your business open,” the judge claimed. Until her defiance of the lockdown orders, Hanson had never been in any kind of trouble with the law.

    Minnesota justice.

  33. Someone above commented about lesbians having a big influence in women’s sports.
    Maybe they do, maybe they don’t; regardless, they are biological females, born minus testicles and capable of giving birth.
    They too are being screwed over by biological males competing in women’s sporting events.
    Why they are not pushing back is a mystery to me.

    As for NOW remaining silent, no mystery about this.

    They are primarily and foremost a leftist progressive political organization that have portrayed themselves as a women’s rights organization.
    As the Princeton “affair” has demonstrated, NOW regards and uses women as cannon fodder; an at times useful, expendable class of people that can advance the leftist political agenda of NOW.

    NOW is analogous to BLM (which purports to advance the cause of blacks, but mostly lines the pockets of their leadership and destroys black neighborhoods), or to ANTIFA (which purports to support social justice – as they define it), or to the CPUSA (which purports to achieve equality of outcome, without having, by some incredible miracle, to exterminate millions of people).

    In the USA today, up is down, left is right, yes is no, male is female, etc. George Orwell’s “1984” is the USA today.
    Let me guess, “1984” ( as well as Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” ) is no longer on the reading lists in high school and college english / lit classes.

  34. Anyone who’s sane, anyone with half a brain, anyone with a sense of decency and fairness—or even half a sense thereof—knows, clearly sees, understands viscerally that this is dirty pool.

    Seems that the elite universities (and not just the elite) are falling over themselves to demonstrate who’s more morally bankrupt.

    And one wonders if any alternate (or parallel) college athletic conference will have the guts to step up and be honest about this monstrosity; or if such a conference will have to be created.

    In the meantime, I believe that certain states have already outlawed this (e.g., SD? TX?) so that perhaps the only solution for women athletes is to study in those states.

    In the meantime, as was suggested earlier, the ONLY way that the already-compromised universities will be able to climb down from this is to create a third category for transgender athletes.

    What are the chances of any of this happening?

  35. Is the whole trans thing merely a manifestation of the basic Democratic Party core message taken to absurd extremes?

    The core message has always seemed to be: Only we can protect the victims. Only we can be trusted to take their side and protect them. We must have government power to do this and if you care about victims you must only elect us.

    What happens when you run short of victims? New ones must be found, and the likely sources are those who the religious fanatics that run the GOP will be appalled by. Trans is perfect.

    Once a new group is anointed the faithful fall into line. The trends are very hard to stop since opposition just feeds the narrative of victimization.

  36. Ackler,
    Regarding “ silence”. We already saw this with BLM and “ Say her name” and “ Black Lives Matter”. People being harassed because they would not repeat phrases . There was even a saying among the “ social justice “ crowd in 2020 during the riots, that “ Silence is violence.”

  37. “…the faithful fall into line…”

    That’s the gamble. That’s what the Democrats are counting on. (After all, they have the media and info-tech on their side to propagandize, lie, mischaracterize and confabulate 24/7.)

    But they may have miscalculated… (e.g., vis-a-vis Asians, Hispanics, even, perhaps, more and more Blacks and Jews who may be—albeit slowly—waking up).

    And when you combine this miscalculation with the Democratic Party’s emphatic, enthusiastic and wall-to-wall insanity, then all they’ll have left is the absolute need to continue to steal elections (not that I would want to disparage that particular skill set, heaven forbid…).

  38. “if the girls just stood on the blocks when the gun goes off, and let the tranny swim alone, it would demonstrate what a farce the entire thing is.”

    And then every single one of them would be doxxed, hounded off campus, placed on academic probation, probably expelled, blacklisted for any job more prominent than barista, forced to live in hiding, etc.

    I absolutely agree that actual women need to be the ones to do something about this, but right now we’re still at the “stupid and futile gesture” stage.

  39. Bryan Lovely is correct. The ostracization would include the University Administration and it is likely the NCAA would bar them from competition.

  40. The late Rush Limbaugh would say that “Abortion is a sacrament in the church of liberalism.” I would argue that transgenderism has become another sacrament. You must not question it. You must participate in it. You must validate it. You must sacrifice your children to it’s unholy sway. You must put aside all the natural tendencies a man might have to shield his daughters and wife from exposure to men in dressing rooms and showers.
    One can only hope it causes a great schism in the “liberal “ church.

  41. Rufus T. Firefly @ 6:48: “Bryan T. Lovely is correct…”. Would that it were not so. Two thoughts:
    (1) Through what bureaucratic contortions would the NCAA and other godlings have to put themselves, to punish a competitor who stood on the blocks instead of actively participating in her own further humiliation? Are there specific rules, or would this crime fall under the general rubric of “unsportsman-woman-like conduct”?
    (2) If not by individual refusal to play a rigged game, if not by schools’ boycotting such travesties, if not by larger networks rejecting it, how will it ever change? How can the miscreants be made to feel enough pain to reconsider and retreat?

  42. “And then every single one of them would be doxxed, hounded off campus, placed on academic probation, probably expelled, blacklisted for any job more prominent than barista, forced to live in hiding, etc.”

    “The ostracization would include the University Administration and it is likely the NCAA would bar them from competition.”

    Fellas…I’m going to respectfully disagree. Not with the potential logical natural outcomes you list, but that the girls sitting on their flippers being content to compete for 2nd place makes a tinker’s dam difference.

    An 18-yr old freshman Div 1 A swimmer has spent 10s of 1000s of hours training. If they’re content to piss that away while a boy beats them in the girl competition then they do not deserve to be in the pool in the first place. Play hard or go home. They are already losing that which is precious to them by a mediocre boy swimmer competing down at a level he can dominate.

    The only way this is brought to a conclusion is for those with literal skin in the game to up and act like it. And by God every woman Olympian (especially any who remember the East German steroidal wo/men) should be putting up scholarship money for every one of those girls who can’t find a way into another University.

  43. Was there really a huge demand for woman’s athletics on college level before Title IX?
    My observation is the vast majority of female scholarship athletes became athletes for the scholarship. Refusal to compete will cost them the scholarship. They’ll need to return the value they’ve collected this year.
    Title IX demands equal treatment…so need to have same number of male and female scholarships. Men will play team sports because they love team sports. In mid-70s my large, land-grant university had every basketball court on campus busy from 5 pm to midnight playing intramural teams, of men. The female athletes have agreed to a job.
    My guess is without Title IX, and the required female scholarships, the vast majority of these women would find a different way to pay for college.
    Men’s football and basketball tend to subsidize athletic programs at a school. Are we going to weep for those men not getting their share? They create a great deal of revenue and only get their scholarships in return.
    Didn’t we just learn that almost 30% of White college applicants lie about their racial heritage to gain an advantage in admissions process?
    The women involved haven’t lost their scholarships. The school is upholding their end. Perhaps they just need to be strong and work on their own personal records. How many future Olympians are being affected?

  44. “Spectators damn well better clap and cheer, loudly and emphatically, under penalty of being doxxed, putting their careers, bank accounts, social media access and possibly their physical safety in serious jeopardy.”

    And the doxxing will be made easy since you’ll have to show your vaccine passport to get in. Whole reason for the passport.

  45. Surprised with after the BLM “take knee” demonstrations at sporting events BLM that no one in women’s swimming has organized a walk-out.

    Would LOVE to see that at a CCP Olympic swimming final in front of the whole world – mostly live. Get up on the blocks and have only one swimmer hit the water at the buzzer while the rest walk away in disgust.

    A wildcat strike of XX women athletes refusing to compete with any person with XY genetics is definitely called for.

  46. Cry me a river, all you “feminists” out there who, after whining, crying, foot-stomping your way into the new world of “equality between the sexes,” now find yourselves hoist on the petard of your “equality.” You wanted to break down all the barriers the kept you back, smash the patriarchy, break through the glass ceiling and all the rest of those trite political pronouncements, and now you have reaped the whirlwind of your demands. I have no time for the trannies and perverts who proclaim themselves “trans,” beyond feelings of revulsion and disgust, tinged with pity for their abnormality, but this is the culmination of all your efforts. From where I stand, I see that all the efforts to “equalize” the sexes (I refuse to use “gender” save in the context of language, where it belongs), including awarding “minority” status to women WHO NUMERICALLY OUTNUMBER MEN have their logical outworking in the current stupidity. Why is it deemed appropriate and acceptable to, in one breath, demand special treatment and segregation by sex (i.e., in those areas where men have a natural biological advantage. like sports) then throw everything overboard by demanding special status and legal advantage be imposed in all other spheres of social and cultural activity, e.g., business, the professions, etc.? Where are all the “feminists” demanding to work on oil rigs in the Arctic, or haul nets on North Atlantic fishing trawlers or… I could go on ad nauseam. No, they are content to let men do all these tough, dangerous, demanding jobs but they scream like babies denied a lollipop if a man works a job they want to take. Oh, and while I’m at it, the same holds true for all the racial nonsense we are now supposed to accept, like BLM, anti-racism, white fragility, etc. A pox on all your houses.

  47. If I didn’t know better, I’d almost think that Lia Thomas is a mole of sorts. I mean, how can you look at yourself in the mirror and think you are somehow deserving of this?

  48. Barry.
    Yeah. In NZ they have hobbits and orcs and elves and stuff. Why not this?

    I disagree with Milwaukee on women’s sports. I have athletic granddaughters and they have athletic cousins, something over half being girls.
    For context, when I was in high school, class of 62, we had GAA, Girls Athletic Association. Girls could bring shorts, usually bermudas, to school on Wednesday, and play basketball after school. Gym doors were closed, and I think it was still the two-bounce dribble rule.

    Today, my younger granddaughter, just ten, pitches on a ten and under team, has been for several years. My DiL coaches, also has for years. Granddaughter has been gunned at 47mph, but that was maybe six months ago. She’s mastered the “chinese changeup” which is so effective that it’s banned. I asked her how she managed the mile in 7 29. Watched the clock.
    They have tournaments with similar teams as far as a hundred miles away, on multi-field venues with competent umpires. Parents are in on the thing from the get-go.
    Went to one of the older cousin’s high school grad open house. She’d just pitched in a game for state championship. Had a nice time, met some great folks. Half of her teammates hadn’t had time to change from their uniforms. Formidable young ladies. No GAA in bermudas every Wednesday afternoon.
    So I am in favor of opportunities for women, as many as are necessary to accomodate those interested.
    That said, the trans issue is not about women but about how many stupid lies can the revolution force you to pretend to believe, or force you to force yourself to believe. It’s a pawn on the board where the game is total control of even what you allow yourself to think

  49. America will drown in a tsunami of bullshit. Sorry – IS DROWNING. What a shame, to see a once-great country turned in to a shambles of degeneracy and mental retardation. 🙁

  50. Milwaukee:

    Plenty of young girls enjoy playing team sports even in grade school, when very few of them have their eyes on college scholarships – and it’s a good thing they’re not counting on such scholarships, because only a small percentage of those who play team sports will ever get a scholarship to play them anywhere. The only girls I’ve known with college scholarships or even on college teams are very much into their sports and have been for at least ten years in order to achieve the level of play they’ve reached.

    One of them only quit playing in college after many many knee surgeries left her knees a wreck at the age of 20. Now, in her mid-40s, she still plays team sports for fun (after a few more knee repairs in later life – I can’t even keep up with the surgeries she’s had).

  51. Apple. I’d suggest a second question: Is there currently a demand which would be stifled without some T9 support?
    AFAIK,only football and basketball are revenue sports. But I’d be interested in the total alumni interest–which is to say support, financial and otherwise–in women’s sports which has accumulated since T9. Could be a significantly different world now.

  52. It’s getting better and better.
    Hold on—I mean “worse and worse”…(“curiouser and curiouser”…?)
    “‘Absurdity’ of police logging rapists as women”—
    Key grafs (caveat—sit down; take deep breath before reading):
    ‘Police have been criticised for saying they will record rapes by offenders with male genitalia as being committed by a woman if the attacker “identifies as a female”.
    ‘Police Scotland said that they would log rapes as being carried out by a woman if the accused person insists, even if they have not legally changed gender.’

  53. The problem that the other woman athletes have is that if they refuse to compete they will lose their athletic scholarships.

    It’s ALWAYS about the money.

    I suppose it’s tough being a woman athlete but, hey, who ever said life, or even ‘sport’ is fair?

  54. “I mean, how can you look at yourself in the mirror and think you are somehow deserving of this?”

    It’s called “narcissistic personality disorder.”
    Throw in a dash of “gender dysphoria,” & an odd mix of “Munchausen’s” or psychosis du jour, & as they will one day say on the bigger island, “Bob’s your Auntie.”

  55. Stop using male and female and use XX and XY, which can’t be modified with hormones or politics.

  56. @ A in LA > “Stop using male and female and use XX and XY, which can’t be modified with hormones or politics.”

    Why should we let them have the satisfaction of renaming reality?
    Call a male a male, and a female a female, regardless of the clothing or body sculpting.

    Although we call our transed niece “him” out of courtesy, she is still a female with modified flesh, not a male.

    However, I would support adding XX and XY to passports, driver’s licenses, birth certificates, and medical records, because having those show ONLY the incorrect biological sex makes a mockery of using them for identification — which is the purpose, of course.

  57. When your position starts with “It’s my body,” “it’s just a clump of cells,” then it’s tough to move to a “transgenders are unnatural and not women.”

    Or, bluntly, start with power-seeking lies, end with being lied to. Duh.

  58. AppleBetty:
    While your link is very interesting, it didn’t answer the question: “Was there really a huge demand for woman’s athletics on college level before Title IX?”

    Men and women athletic differently. Was the demand there? Usually, to create a new sport group some students get together and promote interest. They can go to an activities director and say “hey, we have 20 people who want to play badminton. Can we form a club?” The number will vary by sport. Sure, form a club, play other schools. Enough interest the club get promoted to a sport recognized by the school. With Title IX the declaration came to form teams, and then to find players. Instantly the women were on the road to getting funding and scholarships to match what the men had. The demand was created.

  59. Neo:
    “neo on December 13, 2021 at 9:21 am said:
    Plenty of young girls enjoy playing team sports even in grade school,… “

    Yes. Excellent. Sports are very good for everybody, and in particular young girls. Not only the being healthy thing, but in terms of learning about the importance of team work, faithfulness to practice, and all that. My daughter benefitted mightily from sports. Girls can be very vicious about non-quantifiable things, such as clothes. “You must really like that outfit. Today is the third time in two weeks you’ve worn it.” I remember some style of jeans, Calvin Klines, maybe. It wasn’t enough that my nieces wore the “right” brand, they had to buy it from the “right” store. Buying it from Walmart didn’t count. In athletics, things are quantifiable—a game of one-on-one in basketball, I’m going to drive the lane and score lap ups on you all day. There is little negotiation: she is tennis number one singles, the other one is lucky to play number three doubles. That is much more brutally honest than the snide attacks on size, clothes, and other extraneous ways people find to make each other miserable. (My grandmother-in-law player on her 1915 girls basketball team in high school. My wife was a guard on her high school six-on-six team. )

    Later in life we’ll see men far greater participation in sports than women, say after college recreational leagues. Both genders do things, guys seem to find sports a greater and more diverse driver. However, the swimmer in question is exploiting loop holes. Is it unfair? Sure. But the school gave a scholarship and the athlete agreed to practice and compete. The school and society at large are at fault.

    Smart money would say the females should not complain out loud, or the cancel mob will come and get them. They are planning on careers and lifestyles susceptible to mob attacks. Perhaps they may wish to reconsider their participation in such corrupt organizations.

    The real losers will be the high school girls who lose out on scholarships because of transfemale athletes, as witness by what is happening in New England.

  60. If this is really all about fairness, then what about the men on the basketball and football teams? Most colleges, those are the only revenue generating sports, and the NCAA prohibits players from getting more than a small stipend. They could ruin their health and lose their scholarships. We are not far from when the men will be able to collect more money, and their funding other sports will be diminished because those players will be collecting that money.

    Do women deserve funding for athletics in school and college. Sure, but must it be equal to funding for men?

    30 years ago, family friends had dads who liked to golf. They taught their daughters. The daughters wanted to play in high school, but there wasn’t a girls team then. The coach, was also the athletic director, demonstrated jerk behavior. He never addressed them by name, unless they were together, meaning they suspected he didn’t know their names. They were in the 9th grade, with a 3-year high school. When practice was cancelled the boys all seemed to know before the parents drove them to the golf course. The girls would find out after getting to the golf course. The coach suggested for uniforms the girls could wear skirts from the pom-pom squad. I’m surprise the dads didn’t offer him a free nose job. His behavior was, still is, unacceptable. But he was the athletic director, and the principal was a huge sports guy.

    We as a country are better off with men and women participating in athletics, in and out of school. One reason Colorado didn’t suffer more from Wuhan Flu is they have all these athletic types, there to hike and ski the mountains and whatnot, and are leaders in low levels of obesity

  61. Steven Hayward has an aside in one of his posts Tuesday that fits into the general topic.


    Apparently the Orwell estate has granted permission for 1984 to be “rewritten” from a “feminist point of view.” The new version will be called Julia, and purports to tell the story from the point of view of Winston Smith’s lover. The Guardian’s account of the author, Sandra Newman, doesn’t sound especially encouraging:

    Julia will be published after Granta releases Newman’s new novel The Men – in which every single person with a Y chromosome vanishes from the world – next June. …

    A world without any men, eh? That’s one way to smash the patriarchy. (Though this novel, coming next spring, may be implicitly anti-trans, as there are lots of people with Y chromosomes now identifying as “women.” What happens to them in this scenario?)

    Waiting to see if any of the wokerati even notice, or if it fits just fine into their compartmentalized world view (they pretend not to notice that Muslim countries kill the L, G, B, and T folks, instead of just gently asking them to quit hogging the victim privileges).

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