Home » Durham marches on: the indictment of Danchenko


Durham marches on: the indictment of Danchenko — 31 Comments

  1. Neo writes:

    “I’m going to assume they thought they’d never be caught. Or they assumed that, if caught, there would be few if any negative consequences.”

    Both of those assumptions would have been accurate if Hillary had been elected. And no one on Hillary’s team could possibly think that she would not be.

    So they were likely safe assumptions. And then there was Trump. . .

  2. It’s great news but will the Garland DOJ prosecute him?
    I think it’s possible being a foreigner, and Russian of course.

  3. A Russian asset? Perhaps in the model of the Libyan solution, or the Western-backed coup in Kiev, or the irregularities and fraud in America.

  4. Low hanging fruit. Unless Comey, Wray, Hillary and all the rest face prosecution, Danchenko is simply a convenient scapegoat.

  5. If voting changed things, they would make it illegal.

    –Emma Goldman (anarchist)

    When it comes to voting, I’m not as cynical as Goldman. But I’m about there when it comes to DOJ investigations of Democrats and allies.

  6. Hopefully Obergruppenfuhrer Müller will hang like the good Nazi he is
    Amazing how the Gestapo und die FIB were both run by Nazis name Müller


    “Included in Durham’s indictment is the admission from a top DNC operative—a source for many of the lies in Steele’s bogus dossier—that Danchenko was probably a Russian intelligence operative within the Kremlin FSB. And what’d the FBI do? Covered it up and went after Trump.”

    CAN THIS BE CALLED TREASONOUS? THE FIB covering up Russian spying and using it against our own legitimately elected President?


  8. It was “close to treason” a commenter at Technofog’s Twitter says, agreeing with me (above):
    “The expansion of the faux collusion into a SPO investigation was close to treason against a duly elected POTUS. Media and Democrats cared nothing for the truth, each for their own reasons. They sowed chaos and crippled our gov’t during the four years of investigations and false impeachments. There should be a political and criminal price to be paid for such reckless actions….”

  9. Third Parties trespassing upon the FBI’s God-given mandate to manufacture lies from whole cloth should most certainly be a serious Federal Crime.

  10. @GB:

    It still doth prosper.

    I believe I misheard you, Good Sir and that you were referring to Divers Loyal Subjects enjoying the fruits of their goodly labours.

    Or would you prefer to plead Benefit of Clergy?

  11. TommyJay:

    Goldman had a way with words. She was also responsible for this, which I saw a fair amount in the 70s:

    If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be in your revolution.

    The philosophical basis for the motorcycle gang in the Sons of Anarchy TV show was from Goldman:

    Anarchism stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion and liberation of the human body from the coercion of property; liberation from the shackles and restraint of government. It stands for a social order based on the free grouping of individuals…

  12. “Hopefully Obergruppenfuhrer Müller will hang like the good Nazi he is
    Amazing how the Gestapo und die FIB were both run by Nazis name Müller”

    It’s a little-known fact, and you read it here first, that I’m actually Aleister Crowley’s Brain preserved in a dusty jar of Kweichow Moutai.

    It’s kind of boring in here and redolent of poorly distilled Vegemite, so I decided to split down the middle and hallucinate Avi and Zaphod into being so as to liven things up.


  13. Mr. Shipley (#Shipwreckedcrew) seems to agree with Jonathan Turley that the plodding methodical course of the Durham investigation could mean that there are several more targets to come. And he also notes the inter-relational chart points of the three indictments so far:

    FBI agent Clinesmith: Positioned inside the FBI and involved with the FISA process to get unrestricted surveillance access.
    Michael Sussman: Inside the Clinton Campaign legal team together with Marc Elias, presumably navigating the legal complications
    Igor Danchenko: Inside the Fusion-Steel dirty tricks operation as a primary source of Trump dirt.

  14. “In all of history, never have so many committed treason.”

    GB – Would it be fair to amend to include, “…and walked away scot free.” ?

  15. Indeed, if preferably: “…and laughed away scot free to do yet more ‘mischief’…” (as in, steal a federal election and plan, create—NO, it’s NOT fecklessness—and LAUNCH all the crises we currently face…),

    Though YMMV….
    – – – – – – – – –
    Quibble alert 1: Thelematic, surely you mean MARMITE!??
    Quibble alert 2: “…marches on…” At first, I thought, more like “…slogs on…”; but “marches” reminds one of WT Sherman. I LIKE IT!

  16. Um, should be “…all the crises we currently face along with THOSE IN THE PIPELINE and THOSE YET TO COME…”

  17. “The Clinton campaign suspected Danchenko was a Russian asset but used him to start the ball rolling AND they promised him a job in the State Department if Hillary was elected.”

    Excuse me!?!?!
    It wasn’t enough that Clinton as SoS left national security secrets just laying around on her bootleg computer?

    Well, since the DNC & Congressional Democrats paid a Pakistani spy ring to watch everything they put on their computers, I guess she didn’t see a problem with that.

  18. Could be wrong but I was under the impression that the FBI knew Danchenko was a Russian spy from way before.

    If true…then either someone’s extremely forgetful…or there’s something very, very rotten here.

  19. “The philosophical basis for the motorcycle gang in the Sons of Anarchy TV show was from Goldman:”

    I stopped watching when they gave a guy the choice of being flayed alive or having an oxy-acetylene torch used on his back. I don’t need torture-porn rattling around in my brain. But that did show just where anarchy leads.

  20. Commentary with a “twist” from the generally astute Eli Lake:
    “Was the FBI Manipulated by the Democratic Party?”
    H/T Ron Coleman twitter feed.

    Key grafs:
    “…Durham’s investigation has taken a different approach. His last two indictments suggest that the FBI was not a villain but a victim, conned by Democratic operatives to pursue bogus investigations into the Trump campaign…
    “Durham’s indictment says Danchenko’s lies “deprived FBI agents and analysts of probative information” “that would have, among other things, assisted them in evaluating the credibility, reliability, and veracity” of the dossier. Again, Durham portrays the FBI as the victims of the Clinton campaign’s efforts….”

    I don’t buy it, but it’s creative….(and practical, too…)

  21. Well, almost all the action took place BEFORE the 2016 election, so they never conceived of a possibility that Hillary would lose to Trump. If the election had turned out the way they expected, not a word of this would ever have seen the light of day.

  22. And while it is true that the lying to the FBI took place after the election, that was all just part of the attempted cover up. The real law breaking too place earlier. They certainly couldn’t just ADMIT to their plot

  23. Sundance over at the Conservative Treehouse seems to have the hots for Mary McChord, in a prosecutorial way. She not only seems to have been instrumental in helping others in the DOJ manipulate the FISA Court, and entrap Gen. Flynn, but she’s still active in the pursuit of Trump on behalf of the Dems in congress. He makes a pretty good case that she richly deserves to be the lucky winner of some all-expense-paid Club Fed time.

  24. @ Barry > “Again, Durham portrays the FBI as the victims of the Clinton campaign’s efforts….”

    I don’t buy it, but it’s creative….(and practical, too…)”

    The FBI-as-an-institution might have been manipulated, but the key personnel in the FBI who made the decisions were willing “victims” happy to go along with the plan.

  25. As I said at Conservative Treehouse, I am troubled by the fact that 4 of the 5 lying counts involve some guy Millian, who seems to be a bystander whom Danchenko attempted to finger as a source through a phone call, but who claims somewhat believably to know nothing about it. Maybe Durham is telling Dan-o that they aren’t buying his story, and want more, and then giving him the rope to hang himself by running, and/or contacting the real crook?

    Or, and this is worse, telling him that’s all they’ve got?

  26. “And while it is true that the lying to the FBI took place after the election, that was all just part of the attempted cover up. The real law breaking too place earlier. They certainly couldn’t just ADMIT to their plot”

    And much of the lying continued after the November 2016 election but BEFORE the electoral college election. As I recall, the Democrats were mounting a campaign to have the electors change their votes from Trump to Clinton. I recall the sappy youtube videos put out by the likes of Mark Ruffulo at the time.

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