Home » Sinema stalked and harassed; Biden comments


Sinema stalked and harassed; Biden comments — 45 Comments

  1. According to Grandpa Joe this all just part of the process.

    Imagine if Trump…oh, never mind.

  2. This is how our civilization ends. The abolition of free speech and dissenting opinions normalized by behavior that in the past would have resulted in jail time but now is celebrated.

    I love my country but fear my government.

  3. Harassment and intimidation of dissenting Democratic Party Senators are “part of the [Democratic Party] process”?

    But then, so is stealing elections…in which case we should all feel a whole lot better….

    Note, however, that none of this thuggery is anything new; there is a precedent for it—an Obama precedent no less:
    “At the opening of chapter 4 of Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism (2010), Stanley Kurtz relates a well-sourced story illustrating the precedent for LUCHA’s stalking of Sinema…”

  4. I’d heard this story (who hadn’t by this afternoon?) but not the “only people it doesn’t happen to…” part. Wow. So the implication is “you better get you some security.” But I guess when he said “people” he didn’t mean to include the insignificant little mammals that make up most of the population.

  5. “Just regular, normal stuff”… that’s been taught at the “Midwest Academy” since it began teaching Community Organizing Activists many decades ago. It’s just that now it’s not only local politicians, businessmen, regular people that are being harassed and intimidated. Plus with the ubiquitous cell phone vids it gets out all over.

  6. Donald Trump said some incredibly ASSinine [deliberate misspelling] things during his time in office (and immediately preceding it). But the certified incumbent is outdoing him.

    And that’s gotten to be an understatement.

  7. I’m also going to bet that the 3.5 Trillion bill contains millions for these various activist groups that are acting up. They know what side their wallets larded on.

  8. I just e-mailed Senator Sinema and complimented her for her fiscal sanity. Also told her that millions and millions of voters outside Arizona were cheering for her and wished her the best. It’s a small thing, but if several thousand citizens sent e-mails/texts of support it could be a big help. I also e-mailed Senator Manchin with a similar message

    This kind of boorish behavior must be getting more common. My Congress persons website warns that it’s against the law to threaten a member of Congress. In normal times that would not be necessary.

  9. Well, we’ve been warning that women aren’t safe in bathrooms for a while, and here we have a case — one of the people who went in there was reportedly male.

  10. Where are the Proud Girls? That gal who was harassing the Senator needed a swirly and her phone needed a porcelain wash.

  11. This is what happens when you try to remove violence from society. I don’t diminish the evil of men beating women and adults beating children, but I’d bet money that none of the people doing this sort of thing (remember the mob that showed up at Tucker Carlson’s house) have never been physically checked by anyone in the lives.

    Never spanked as kids. Never slapped as adults. Never grabbed by the collar and yanked back in line. They got older learning that threats and tantrums may not always work BUT THERE WAS NO DOWNSIDE FROM SUCH BEHAVIOR.


  12. MBungr:

    Plenty of people act perfectly fine without having ever been physically punished. And plenty of people who’ve been physically punished don’t act fine at all – in fact threaten, harass, and are violent against other people.

    The opposite is true as well – people sometimes act awful who have never been physically punished, and people who have been physically punished sometimes act fine.

  13. Ends justify means writ large. Assuming consequences don’t exist, see God of Copybook Headings.

    What would Capitol Police Lt. Michael L. Byrd do in such a situation to protect the Senator?

  14. Strictly speaking nothing except an end could possibly justify a means. The phrase should be “the end is necessary, but not sufficient to justify the means.”

    For example, an ambulance carrying a critically injured person is not justified in killing pedestrians because they are trying to save a life. However, they are justified in traveling above the speed limit to save a life, and if they’re just on the way to the gas station they aren’t justified.

    I mention it only to clear our minds of cant. We may talk in this manner; it is a mode of talking in Society: but we ought not to think foolishly.

    In Sinema’s case the only unusual thing here is a leftist doing it to a Democrat. They were perfectly happy to do it to Republicans in the Kavanaugh hearings or any other time they have a mind; and what of the Capitol security who let them in?

  15. Ends justify means writ large. Assuming consequences don’t exist, see God of Copybook Headings.

    What would Capitol Police LT. Michael L. Byrd do in such a situation to protect the Senator?

  16. “Plenty of people act perfectly fine without having ever been physically punished”

    So…are you arguing that nature is everything and nurture is nothing? That whether society says you lose everything if you punch a guy in the face or you lose everything if you DON’T challenge an offender to a duel to the death, it all works out the same?

    Because when I look back at the racial riots of the 60s, I don’t see a lot of middle class white kids burning down businesses in poor black neighborhoods. I did see that in the BLM riots after George Floyd’s death. Something changed there and I think it’s worth pondering what.

    Here’s my question: When spanking kids and fist fights between adults were declared unacceptable in mainstream American culture, we were told doing so would lead to better people and a better society. Has it?


  17. LUCHA is another George Soros supported entity in Arizona, which has been a target of his since he went after Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

  18. The reality if written normally would be something along the following.

    Sitting US LGBTQ Senator was followed into the bathroom by self admitted criminal. She was then verbally assaulted. And had pictures taken of her while in disposed. A potential felony under Arizona law.
    President Biden then took time to defend not the Senator, but the (possible) felon stating it was “part of the process”

    And unlike nearly every article written about Trump the last 4 years. Every single point would be true.

  19. Too bad Sinema didn’t demonstrate that part of the process in Arizona is a smart punch in the nose of the loudmouth.

  20. MBunge:

    You’re confusing correlation with causation. But in addition you seem unaware that corporal punishment and physical fighting are more common in poorer black neighborhoods, and lawless behavior is more common there as well.

  21. “…cheering for her…”

    That’s great. Well deserved. Commendable.

    Wonder where she stands, though, on “Biden”‘s border-erasure policy—that is, crisis.

    It must be adversely affecting her state. Severely.

    Yet I haven’t heard a peep from her on this issue. Has anyone?

    (Though perhaps it’s a case of “choosing one’s battles”…)

  22. I no longer love my country like I used to, because large numbers of my countrymen and countrywomen believe that things like enforcing our borders and deporting illegal aliens, are racist and mean. Along with other feckless and wicked beliefs of these Ugly Americans.

  23. The Arizona AG has been put on formal notice that this “Lucha” person has committed two felonies. And he’s currently campaigning for Mark Kelly’s Senate seat, so we’ll see if that make his balls heavier or lighter.

    As far as Joe saying that this happens all the time, he thinks so only because someone is always assigned to check inside his pants before he puts them back on.

  24. @Barry Meislin: Sure, Sinema will send you the following meaningless boilerplate if you write her:

    My highest priority as Arizona’s senior senator is to ensure the safety of Arizona families, and I am committed to finding bipartisan and commonsense solutions to secure the border while also fixing our broken immigration system. Arizona dreamers have graduated from our schools, are contributing to our economy, and are enlisting in our military to serve our nation. They are members of our communities and deserve a chance to become citizens of the only country they have ever known. As a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives and now as a United States Senator, I have worked for and support measures to ensure that those who come to the United States are vetted and share our vision of the American dream, and that those who threaten our freedoms are returned to their countries of origin. I will continue working across the aisle with my colleagues and the administration to permanently protect dreamers, fix our broken immigration system, and secure our border to keep Arizona communities safe and secure.

    There are more paragraphs, but they are all more information-free than this one.

  25. Well, Sinema has now been “mugged”, I wonder if she will follow the old saw about a Republican is a Democrat who has been mugged? I doubt it, but maybe the red pill is in her hand. Will she put it in her mouth and swallow?

    Just my way of saying that harassing a person in a restroom may have the opposite effect intended. It certainly would with me.

  26. Thanks, Henry.
    I guess the only thing to say is that as gobbledygook goes, it’s a positive and articulate-sounding message, if cheerfully contradictory—um, make that nonsensical—word salad.
    Well, at least she has some talented—fiction and/or advertising copy—writers on staff…yessir, she knows how to pick ’em!)

  27. Was the drone strike that resulted in the death of 10 innocents “part of the process” ?

  28. The next LOGICAL step of “Biden”‘s harassment, intimidation and thuggery….

    …and criminality:

    Weaponizing the DOJ against American parents protesting the destruction of their children’s schools, their children’s education and their children’s lives; and, ultimately, the destruction of their own family and their society…
    …and their country:

    Yep, “Biden”, firmly in control, is just cruisin’ along as his war against America—and for total control—continues swimmingly…

  29. }}} I wonder how many Democrat voters are aware of what’s in that bill. Probably very few.

    More critically, I think, is how few would care, or even think badly of whatever insanity is in the bill.

    There are far too many drooling morons who are Democratic Voters.

    Yes, the GOP has its own share of the same, but they don’t represent anywhere near as large a proportion, lefty arrogance to the contrary.


    }}} }}} When asked Monday for a response to the incidents, Biden said: “I don’t think they’re appropriate tactics, but it happens to everybody.”

    }}} “Everybody”? Hardly.

    }}} … (snip) it’s mainly the leftists who do this sort of thing to the right.


    Neo, go ahead, show us an instance of some GOP group doing this to anyone, with the exception of someone entering or exiting an abortion clinic (not to suggest I support that, either, mind you)… and no, that GOP group didn’t stalk them either coming or going, they stayed where they were, at the perimeter.

    You’re being much much too polite to total assholes. 😉

  30. }}} MBungr:

    Plenty of people act perfectly fine without having ever been physically punished. And plenty of people who’ve been physically punished don’t act fine at all – in fact threaten, harass, and are violent against other people.

    The opposite is true as well – people sometimes act awful who have never been physically punished, and people who have been physically punished sometimes act fine.

    True, Neo, but 99% of THEM are not raised by Democrat parents. They got disciplined by their parents in SOME manner, and learned that uncivil behavior had consequences**… unlike these assholes.

    I’ve got a nice polemic to that end, an editorial written about 25 years ago in a college newspaper, that I’ll post up later, if I remember — I haven’t got a copy of it available on this computer.

    ** I recall my mother and I @ EPCOT center. We had lunch in the Japanese pavillion, which was a standard “group hibachi”. It wasn’t busy that day, and the only other patrons were a pair of parents and their two kids, both a year or two either side of “teen”. They were remarkably well behaved children. We commented on it to the parents, and they identified their secret: They went to EPCOT first. If the kids did not behave themselves, the Magic Kingdom would be off the schedule.

    Consequences… What a concept! 😛

  31. }}} Strictly speaking nothing except an end could possibly justify a means. The phrase should be “the end is necessary, but not sufficient to justify the means.”

    If I may suggest, a better means of thinking about the notion:

    The ends DO justify the means. But you have to consider ALL the ends, not just the ones you are personally interested in or concerned with.

    Sure, this technique is effective against people “going against the grain”, BUT it has side-effect ends of chilling free speech and suppressing dissent. It also represents a form of tyranny by the minority, as certainly less than 50% of the population would support it. It curtails overall liberty and freedom of people to be who and what the wish to be. If the same technique was being used to suppress opposition to an ANTI-LGBTQXRZLSNOP bill, the left would be (rightfully) screaming their heads off about it, so it’s hypocritical, besides.

    So yes, the ends can justify the means — always — but you have to take into account every end, not just SOME of the ends.

  32. Wesson (3:08 am) said:

    “I no longer love my country like I used to, because large numbers of my countrymen and countrywomen believe that things like enforcing our borders and deporting illegal aliens, are racist and mean. Along with other feckless and wicked beliefs of these Ugly Americans.”

    How’s the following as a friendly amendment to your motion:

    I love what my country stands for and stood for, its ideals and values.

    But I do not love ways in which it fell short of those ideals and values in the past, and I do not love ways in which it falls short of those ideals and values today.

  33. Comment came up are the attackers on the payroll?
    I think the tell will be if they are not charged with stalking, harassment or using video in a bathroom,

  34. I’m pretty sure that if I or my wife took photos in a ladies room we would be arrested, serve some time, and be required to register as sex offenders. Sinema should load up her purse with a brick and clock the next person who tries that maneuver.

  35. @Barry…Biden looks forward to his next ice cream cone. Obama->Susan Rice look forward to one ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them. The ring would appear to be the IRS?

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