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Report on Maricopa County 2020 election audit — 27 Comments

  1. btw, thanks for going into these complicated and thorny issues to tease out the truth to the extent possible.

    I often find myself being unwilling to watch a speech or to read a long pdf, to explore side sources of info which will confirm or dispute the main source and so on. After a long period of working hard to be informed I’ve come to the point that I mostly care if “my side” is doing well or poorly. I don’t care so much about specific facts. I’ve chosen a side. It’s not possible that I’ll ever come to believe the stuff that progressive Dems believe. Or have anything approaching their set of priorities.

    Still, it’s sometimes steadying to dive into a neo article to see some of the recent facts for a recent issue laid out for inspection.

  2. We have all mail in voting here in Washington. It started in 2005. Our Secretary of Sate, who claims to be a Republican, assures us that it is secure. But it really isn’t. Illegals can vote because they can get driver’s licenses, the primary way people register to vote. But even if the ballots are all correct and legally cast, there is the problem of counting the votes. It is done by machine and the machines are hooked to the internet. I do not trust that arrangement. There is an organization that is trying to get an audit going, but is being told there is no evidence of fraud and their claims are baseless. Hmm, sound s familiar.

    In 2020, the Washington Sate Republican Party believed it had a chance o make some gains because of the high rate of BLM/ANTIFA violence in our cities, the unpopularity of the governor’s Covid mandates, the recognition of propagandizing our school children, (CRT and other socialist memes), and the Defund the Police movement. Surely, we should have made some progress on the local and state level. Nope. Except in the usual deep red enclaves, the Dems swept the election. On a state level only none Republican won – the Secretary of State. Hmm! The effect has been to discourage Republican voters from voting or supporting candidates. What’s the use? The fix is in. If we can’t make gains when the mismanagement of the Dems is so plain, what does it take?

    I think that’s what happened to California. It’s become a socialist enclave and the GOP has no chance. Washington is not far behind.

  3. Anyone who says that mail-in voting is secure has a different definition of “secure” or is lying. In the best case all that can be known to the Sec. of State and those under them is, the name and address to which the ballot was mailed. They can also believe, not know, that the signature matches that of the one on the voter registration card for the name to which the ballot was mailed.

    What they can’t know is just who decided that the ballot would be marked to vote for whoever is voted for on it. Unlike at a polling station where a voter checks in, is verified as being a certain registered voter, is handed a ballot, votes it in secrecy, and turns it in without anyone knowing what they voted.

    None of that security happens with a mail in ballot. Nobody can verify who filled out the ballot, or if others were there to influence them, and since it is returned with the name on the envelope it is always possible for someone at the polling station to know how a certain person voted.

  4. A buddy of mine just posted this on FB:

    Some people have asked, because they’re interested, some people have ignored because they refuse information contrary to the world view they have accepted. So here’s the story:
    I live in AZ. Before the election, the outward signs, the public displays, people’s language and behavior, swarming Trump in support by the 1000’s, Biden being boo’ed by the 1000’s but supported by the 10’s, etc. Every indication was that Trump was going to carry the state by a huge margin. And he was well on his way to doing so. Then came the mystery dump of votes in the middle of the night, which flipped the state to Biden. Those who wanted Joe, parroted some bizarre explanation that due to health fears, this is when his votes would pour in, etc. Except that’s never ever happened, in the history of US elections. And this rush of votes only happed in “red” swing states. If it was the “new normal”, it would have been somewhat consistent across all 50. But it wasn’t.
    After the election, I saw the videos of election workers kicking people out of the counting areas, blocking windows that would allow visibility to what they were doing, and then pulling out boxes w/ 1000’s of ballots, from under the tables, and running them through the machines. Multiple times. I saw the sworn affidavits of 100’s of election workers attesting to 100’s of irregularities in the counting process. I met people personally working a canvass of voter registrations, and legally documenting 1000’s of cases of registration fraud. (Think about things like 20-30 people registered to vote from an address, which is a vacant lot.) So I decided to get involved in the audit.
    My roll in the audit was relatively modest. But I will say that I examined / counted well over 20,000 (by my calculations) of those ballots.
    Pravda / the Democratic Party media has been reporting to you all that the audit proves Biden won. As is their norm, they twist actual data to mean the complete opposite of what it truly represents.
    There were several aspects under scrutiny in the audit. The “count” merely confirmed the accuracy of 1000’s of fraudulent votes.
    And make NO mistake: there is UNQUESTIONABLE evidence, demonstrating profound levels of election FRAUD. Much of which I witnessed personally:
    100’s of ballots obviously filled out by the same person
    Large blocks of ballots voting exactly the same (for Biden), anomalous to all norms… a statistical impossibility.
    Ballots missing telltale markings, indicating they were fake.
    Use of the wrong paper stock, another tell tale sign of fraud.
    And much more… which was described in the actual report.
    Then there was the nonsense excuses as to why the routers couldn’t be turned over, to verify whether or not there was external access to the voting machines. As a cyber security professional of nearly 30 years, with experience in networking: every contention they had was 100% bullshit. And then evidence was discovered that they intentionally wrote over the access logs. To the tune of 30k+, in a couple of days, from a generic account. In my professional experience, this is a top tier indicator of fraud / malicious activity.
    Bottom line: there is no way Biden legitimately carried AZ. All evidence indicates it was Trump, by a wide margin.
    Evidence released from other states mirroring what we’ve seen here, indicate that this likely occurred in at least 5 other states. Which means Trump won this election by margins not seen since Reagan.
    Whether or not you like it, those are the facts.

  5. Under the old way in Washington State, your vote was tallied (scanned) when you dropped it in the ballot box. You knew right away if there was an issue and could fix it. Now your vote is tallied when a government worker feeds the scanner with all the possible “adjudications” that we have discussed over the past year. This on top of all the other idiocies with mail in ballots.

    Again, I reviewed the Dominion certification documents right after the election and declared them garbage.

  6. May they reap what they have sown….
    Anybody who participates in election fraud in a Constitutional Republic is a treasonous rat who spits on the graves of every solider who died for that country.
    Remember, all summer long in 2020 the “Social Justice” crowd kept saying “ This is a revolution”.

  7. Heard a guy on the radio the other day talking in depth about this, he seemed fairly knowledgeable. The report declared that 55,000 ballots were discovered to be legally invalid, as they violated in one way or another, Arizona’s voting laws.

    That’s just in Maricopa county alone. Clearly, the corruption runs deep.

    He said the next step was to examine those ballots to see who they voted for, as only then could the actual winner be determined.

    The Governor announced he’s against any actual determination of certification.

    Prison and mandatory death sentences from top to bottom. And yes, I volunteer for the firing squad.

  8. The 2020 election was a nice example of how good the Democrats have become at vote fraud. In CA, where I used to live, the 2018 Congressional elections showed how effective ballot harvesting (now legal in CA) could be. All GOP Congress reps were defeated, usually a day or two after election day. The question is whether the 2022 election can be fair. I don’t know,.

  9. As to mail-in votes: I voted this month (Calif recall) for the second time in my life by mail (health probs). My ballot was mailed at the local post office two weeks before the election. A check with the County the day before the election showed it was not (yet?) received. I called the County and asked, because of the non-appearance of my ballot to their office, about voting in person (maybe as a “provisional” ballot). They informed me that were I to do so, I would be in violation of the law.

    It is now two weeks after the election and they still reportedly haven’t received my vote. Although I’ve voted in every state & national election since 1968, I’ve almost reached the point of saying intercourse voting as the game is rigged.

    I’m too old & comfortable to move (I built my house 40 years ago), so I guess I’ll stay and remain part of the (slim) opposition. Fortunately my area isn’t totally woke, yet.

  10. I don’t know to what extent vote fraud played a role in the 2020 election but I don’t need to know. What is indisputable is the the media and Big Tech censored and delegitimized a negative story about Biden without any justified reason. I know the media and elements of law enforcement propagated a total lie about Trump colluding with Russia to win the 2016 election. I know former senior members of the US intelligence community blatantly lied in public to prop up the collusion story. And I know that members of Trump’s own administration worked to sabotage and undermine him.

    If there wasn’t vote fraud in 2020, it was only because they didn’t do it, not because they wouldn’t do it. But I’m still not that worried about vote fraud in the future. Why?

    I read someone who wonderfully framed what’s going on as the upper-middle class (what others call the professional/managerial class) aligning itself with the rich against the lower-middle and working classes. But the upper-middle class is deluding itself. Its economic interests doing actually coincide with those of the rich, and the rich sure as hell don’t give a damn about them. When incompetence, self-dealing, and fanaticism implode the economy and millions of BS white collar jobs vanish, they won’t be able to fake enough votes to make up for that.


  11. J.J., Chases Eagles —

    The Seattle Times recently wrote that a recount in Bellevue (the slightly-less-ultraviolet exurb across the lake from Seattle) came out exactly the same as the original count. Yeah, and?

    As a King County voter, I can verify online that my ballot was “accepted”, but I have only the word of the King County elections department that it was tallied properly. King County is run by Democrats, the elections department is staffed by Democrats, the vote counters are all local Democrats, and the election watchers are all Democrats (even the ones who are supposed to be Republicans, because the real Republicans are too thin on the ground to be present; I have stories from friends who were Democrat poll watchers in the pre-mail era).

    So how do I know that after my vote was “accepted” they didn’t just toss it when they saw who I voted for before feeding it into the machine? How do I know they didn’t open the inner envelope, compare it to the outer envelope, and put my name on a list? None of this is transparent, and I have zero reason to trust any of them not to bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate the laws.

    And not only are Republican voters discouraged, so are most people who would be candidates, so the ones that do run are from the looniest, most extreme wing of the party, who wouldn’t have a chance even if the elections were totally honest.

  12. The Az audit is progress. I wish it went further.

    The voter fraud supporters, Democrats, progressives, msm, and anti Trumpers (interesting whom they are) are claiming it validates Biden won, while ignoring all the questionable votes.

    GOP establishment support has been tepid, at best. My gut feeling is they were forced to kinda support an audit due to voter anger.

    Trump, in contrast, is using a megaphone on the audits results.

    The Texas Audit May be more significant. My guess is the Left used the same tactics across the US.

    A quote from an article I read recently, that bothers me, is “the US is changing from a high trust society to a medium one”. On my part I feel election fraud is out of control and the lack of interest / actions by the GOP establishment is disgusting.

  13. Shapiro’s the one who announced – before the election – that when PA’s votes were ‘added up’, Trump was going to lose. And that PA courts would deny the resulting legal challenges.


    Now he’s declared that the audited results are ‘critical infrastructure’ and so it’s a security risk to let the PA legislature see them. So are the records of PA voter registrations. Because if the state Republicans access them, that information will undermine confidence in the election.

    Josh is one of the most honest AG’s that PA has ever had.

  14. TJ,

    Re: “The only solution is the vote strike. Become a Refusenik!”

    How is a refusal to vote harmful to the democrats? Elections do not require a quorum to count. Am I missing something here?

    Or was that sarcasm directed at those unwilling to fight, regardless of the degree of tyranny? If so, a little more clarity when employing sarcasm please.

  15. “How is a refusal to vote harmful to the democrats?”

    Rich white people have been supporting, promoting, and enabling for years all the Leftist nonsense plaguing America. They don’t actually believe in any of it and explicitly or implicitly rely on conservatives and the Republican party to stop any of it from happening or to at least restrain it. That’s why Mitch McConnell is such a genius when it comes to frustrating Democrats and so utterly useless at advancing conservative policies.

    If the Right withdraws from politics, that would enormously increase the power of the Left. THAT would suck greatly in the short term but, at least theoretically, it would force rich white people and their Elite Adjacent sycophants to stop this adolescent game and face responsibility for the policies and thinking they publicly endorse but privately abhor.

    To put it in practical terms, if there were 75 hardcore Black Lives Matter supporters elected to the U.S. House in November 2022, Nancy Pelosi couldn’t get away with just kneeling while wearing a dashiki. She’d actually have to engage with the crazy communist BLM agenda and either pass it, angering all the rich white people out there, or shut it down.


  16. Here is an optimistic opinion; the upcoming presidential election in 2024 has already been decided.
    The winner will be the demonkrat presidential candidate.

    And when this happens – all due to election fraud – the citizens of the USA will just take it in stride and follow “orders” to be peaceful. Govt. mandates to wear masks to prevent covid is just a conditioning ploy to train the masses.

  17. 1. The spin is already out. “The recount (sic) proves Biden won AZ.”

    2. If we don’t fix this cheating ASAP, the GOP will never win the Presidency again.

    And here’s the thing. People are already furious at the open borders created by the illegitimate President. But when the Dems win in 2024, we are completely screwed.

  18. Bryan Lovely: “And not only are Republican voters discouraged, so are most people who would be candidates, so the ones that do run are from the looniest, most extreme wing of the party, who wouldn’t have a chance even if the elections were totally honest.”

    Not only that, but with he non-partisan, top two primary system it is often two Democrats running for the offices. Such a deal. Choosing between just a socialist and a hard core Marxist. It truly is becoming the People’s Republic of Puget Sound.

  19. Democrat votes are more adamant than republican votes. Democrats believe republicans are truly evil so they would be more willing to forgive the incompetency of incumbent democrat politicians to continue voting democrat regardless how bad state has become since it would always be worse if the other side were in charge.

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