Home » Kamala Harris on my body, my choice


Kamala Harris on my body, my choice — 27 Comments

  1. So- my body, my choice, at least for women, but does that include refusing to get the vaccine? It’s “her” body after all, not the governments. And since men can identify as women, they have the same ability, don’t they? You can bet Kamala would cackle if asked about that.

  2. Everything the left supports and espouses fundamentally is about furthering the left’s power, control and hegemony.

    It is important to always keep this simple truth in mind whenever a lefty politician (or journalist or academic, etc.) says anything.

    There is no contradiction, for the left, between abortion on demand, with little if any restrictions, and mandatory vaccines, with little if any exemptions. Both facilitate the left achieving more power and hegemony. That is all that matters.

    ‘My body; my choice’ always was a clichéd little slogan to help sell abortion on demand. It was used when in furthered the left’s goals. It will be discarded if it inhibits the left’s goals.

  3. Plausible but improbable and not actual. A handmade tale. A straw clown apology masquerading in a straw man’s clothing.

    There is no mystery in sex and conception. Aside from socially liberal orientations, this is not a rape… rape-rape culture, and most people do not tolerate diversity [dogma] (e.g. sexism… hah! genderism?).

    The Pro-Choice religion, a wicked solution, denies women and men’s dignity and agency, and reduces human life to a negotiable asset.

    A woman and man have four choices: abstention, prevention, adoption, and compassion… and still six weeks. Baby steps.

  4. “my body, my choice” thing is that it clearly involves the life of at least one other person ”

    No it doesn’t!! How can everyone not understand that a fetus is just another organ in a woman’s body until it is delivered and then remains outside the woman’s body for at least a day? Until then it’s just a piece of biological tissue that can be discarded at a whim. Sheesh…y’all are so dense! /sarc off

  5. A baby, if you’re socially near and dear.

    Fetal development

    Week 5

    Week 5 is the start of the “embryonic period.” This is when all the baby’s major systems and structures develop.
    The embryo’s cells multiply and start to take on specific functions. This is called differentiation.
    Blood cells, kidney cells, and nerve cells all develop.
    The embryo grows rapidly, and the baby’s external features begin to form.
    Your baby’s brain, spinal cord, and heart begin to develop.
    Baby’s gastrointestinal tract starts to form.
    It is during this time in the first trimester that the baby is most at risk for damage from things that may cause birth defects. This includes certain medicines, illegal drug use, heavy alcohol use, infections such as rubella, and other factors.

    Weeks 6 to 7

    Arm and leg buds start to grow.
    Your baby’s brain forms into 5 different areas. Some cranial nerves are visible.
    Eyes and ears begin to form.
    Tissue grows that will become your baby’s spine and other bones.
    Baby’s heart continues to grow and now beats at a regular rhythm. This can be seen by vaginal ultrasound.
    Blood pumps through the main vessels.

    Thus the heartbeat threshold, detectable, reproducible, in a colorful clump of differentiated matter, that is all too human. #MeToo #YouToo

    That said, the edge cases of involuntary (rape… rape-rape) and superior (incest) exploitation can and should be addressed separately. Still, two choices. A third, ideally, but six weeks.

    Can they abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too? A wicked solution to a purportedly hard problem.

  6. A key leftist goal has long been to destroy the nuclear family in favor of “a village” or simply government-controlled institutions (day cares, schools). Separating sexual intercourse from its obvious biological consequences is done in furtherance of that goal. Pro-abortion extremism means that women, and men, can indulge in any behavior without considering biological or psychological effects on themselves or on society.

  7. Oh, and constitutional rights? The main problem with Roe is that it invented a constitutional right where none existed, and even many of those who like the results of the decision have admitted it rests on very shaky constitutional grounds.

    First of all they are being VERY dishonest about the law in Texas… It does NOT prohibit anything, it ONLY allows a lawsuit (basically)…

    AND… Well, she is screwed (at least in terms of vaccines)… the supreme court case was around 1907 or 8 that established that it was all ok to do that. but we forget buck vs bell!!!!! which used that OK thing so that “three generations of idiots” would not continue… that was around 1927… wasn’t till much later that forced sterilizations and such derived from the masachusettes case stopped… Along with locking away the infirm and mental..

    SINCE that time, a whole lot of stuff has been piled on the autonomy door… about 5 cases they are not going to overturn… not including HIPPA which this stuff is becoming a violation of technically…

    the roe thing is interesting too… because put aside the penumbras and the basis of this was PRIVACY…

    In January 1973, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision ruling that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides a “right to privacy” that protects a pregnant woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion.

    They are certainly in a double bind or catch-22… and are going to HAVE to decide… After all, their power plays would ALWAYS eventually come up against right to privacy!!!!

    and THAT’S how vaccines threaten Roe (putting aside Texas as a distraction, which is what it is)…

    Either you have a right to privacy or you dont…
    and lets not even get into that a lot of law on privacy and where it applies has to do with our EXPECTATIONS and so on..

    On so many levels the mandate is just not going to fly long term… (UNLESS we are now authoritarian openly)
    1) The choice between the right of privacy or not (if not, then the 14th amendment is also in jeopardy)
    2) The lack of right or power to actually order this from the president – or else we have a monarchy or similar
    3) The false validity of the normalized idea that you can delegate powers to a non elected body whose rules are equal to law
    4) States rights… the constitution never gave congress the right to lord over a lot of the things they want to

    [the last one is very interesting… because the government has no right to delegate powers… why? because they are not the ones WITH the power.. you can not delegate what is not yours and the power to invest others in government is from the people or else, well, the constitution is null and void… and if null and void, how can you impeach a president? ]

    I wondered if i would live long enough to see their lack of rigor, consistency, relativism, and especially expediency, would put things into a knot that no matter the outcome, they would not be happy as they hitched their points in such a way that to move on one is to undo another, and to undo another is to potentially take down a few dominoes too.

    Roe V Wade never spoke about at what point the growth becomes a fetus that becomes a person
    after all, the ladies are all up in their “power” to convey person-hood or not…

    but that is what this is mostly about…
    deciding when a growth is no longer a growth…
    and that was left to the states…

    I always liked that this was the mathematical part of law (as i saw it)
    like math there are proofs, and these must be internally AND externally consistent…

    IF you have a right to privacy, THEN —
    IF you dont have a right to privacy THEN —
    Its math…

    [This reminds me of something I ALWAYS wanted to do… get the $$$ for a study that would compare the laws and punishments the government constructs with the way the people perceive it… doesn’t get into the weeds on it, but makes it simple (i do not know the methodologies name)… basically make a list… then present people with two items from the list… which deserves a longer sentence, bigger punishment, etc.. A or B… its basically applying a bubble sort to law… comparing the acts sorted by the state with the acts as the public sees them… IF you do this enough times with enough people, you will eventually settle on a semi stable list.. (and i could do this by putting the list online, and presenting pages that ask the question… the more people that participate in it the more “accurate” it would be… i bet the list comes out near the same around the world… but the laws? they wont match up unless you zone the list… ie. spitting you know is in the bottom third and murder in the top third… but is automatic 10 years for possession worse than the average of 3-7 years for murder? it was something i always wondered.. and wanted to do with a very large list, because that would be best… oh well.. ]

  8. n.n on September 10, 2021 at 4:02 pm said: A woman and man have four choices: abstention, prevention, adoption, and compassion… and still six weeks.

    and before that a woman has over 20 forms of birth control which ALLOW her to have sex and preserve having children in the future…

    Men only have 3 and only one allows him to have sex and preserve having children in the future

    and funny.. she can get all the condoms she wants for free, and he has to pay for his…
    and she can get most of those 20+ forms for free too!!!

    THIS is why its the Mens problem…
    (and sadly they are fixing it the only way people without rights can!)
    He should be abstain, be sterilized, or use a condom…
    [all three may negatively affect his relationship with her too]

    Makes a lot of sense right?

    and that just doesn’t square with the fact that his one form can be confirmed by her, and most of her forms you have to trust the irresponsible one..[cause you cant find out her medical stuff even if she is your wife, unless your Biden i guess]

    logically speaking… all women are irresponsible!!!!! (explained later)
    IF she lies does he have to pay? YES
    IF she lies as to who’s kid it is, and it isn’t his, does he have to pay? YES
    IF she goes away and says nothing, can she come back later and he pays? Yes
    IF she goes away and says nothing, can she put the kid up for adoption without telling him? YES
    Can she lose her right to be a parent because he thinks she shouldn’t (no cause)? NO
    Can he lose his right to be a parent because she thinks he shouldn’t (just cause)> YES
    IF she kills the fetus, its ok, right? YES
    if he kills the fetus (even accidentally), its murder and prison? YES

    In fact, a really mean woman could get pregnant many times by one man and abort each one to put him in anguish and that is great!!

    and this doesn’t even touch on the idea that men have no real rights in this area!

    [and given that and the awareness they are deciding the risk vs reward formula is a bad deal! there are exceptions, the very rich, who can afford to divide a large sum and have it not really affect anything but a line total… and the very poor, cause nothing from nothing leaves nothing… and you cant take something from someone with nothing (This is an increasing pattern given men are not going to college and the women dont want them as much as they dont want the women)… and given our modern contradictory society he has other options… bunny ranch.. red light district… high tech love dolls that can talk and later androids… [she has had this since electricity was invented!! (wont comment on those Japanese watercolor block prints)].]

    NO one has cared that this process prunes family trees and exterminates them (but that’s ok, while she is exterminating her family line – the wealthy are having many kids to replace her line!)… but thats ok, all they had to tell her was that her contribution to the future is worthless…

    and abortion negates her responsibility to the life she carries by claiming that her mind and thinking have the right and magic ability to make a person a person, and only AFTER being irresponsible…

    Definition of responsible:
    liable to be called on to answer
    being the cause or explanation
    able to answer for one’s conduct and obligations: Trustworthy
    able to choose for oneself between right and wrong
    marked by accountability

    Definition of irresponsible:
    unable especially mentally or financially to bear responsibility
    lacking a sense of responsibility
    [some definitions say untrustworthy too]

    She says that its not right to force her to carry the child to term (9 months) for him!

    She says it IS right to force him to work for 21 years to pay and impact lady number 2+

    17% of gross or more for 21 years and possibly more… (no tax deduction!)
    and the possibility that salary may be impugned, so 17% is not enough (and sometimes 100% is not enough)
    (and if she is lucky enough to lie (untruthful) and lie (in bed) with someone of means, that 17% may be enough for her to live on and not work!!!)

    IF i had the time and interest and people were interested, i could lay it out in stark contrasts.

  9. “the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is not negotiable.” Kamala Harris

    Typical obfuscation. A woman’s body is not the issue and never was. The issue is the life she is hosting. They reveal the lie when they refer to a wanted new life as a baby. But when not wanted, as a fetus. That’s their ‘tell’. No one asks of a mother to be, “so when is your fetus due to emerge?

    Entirely in keeping with those on the left’s rejection of reality’s… inconvenient truths.

  10. physicsguy,

    “for at least a day”? Obama’s Science advisor is on record, in writing, opining that we shouldn’t consider a baby an actual person until 3 years of age. In the Illinois Senate, Obama voted three times to kill a bill that would have prevented a baby that survived a botched abortion from being denied medical care and thrown into a janitor’s closet to die.

    It’s not just inhuman, it’s evil on a par with some German’s indifference to the concentration camps.


    Upon what basis do you imagine that the democats pay any attention whatsoever to the constitutionality of their actions? The only value they put upon it is when it can be used to hinder those who oppose them.

    Ranting about how unethical are the actions of serial killers (60+ MILLION murdered babies) is missing the point, they’ve set themselves up as dedicated enemies of civilization itself because without civility and its child, the rule of law… there is no civil-ization.

  11. You’re generous, Neo. I’d suggest that Kamala does not understand the arguments she’s making or the issues at hand. She’s not that smart.

  12. Geoffrey Britain on September 10, 2021 at 6:21 pm said:Upon what basis do you imagine that the democats pay any attention whatsoever to the constitutionality of their actions? The only value they put upon it is when it can be used to hinder those who oppose them.

    On the basis that if you want to destroy something, ya got to pay attention to it, even if its only to know its dead, gone, destroyed or dysfunctional… on the basis that until it is destroyed – violating its surviving tenets would bend them over like its doing now..

    Actually its kind of funny… they pay more attention to it than almost everyone else does..
    we can honestly say they often obsess over it and how its the wrench in utopian machine

    Ranting about how unethical are the actions of serial killers (60+ MILLION murdered babies) is missing the point, they’ve set themselves up as dedicated enemies of civilization itself because without civility and its child, the rule of law… there is no civil-ization.

    well, I am sorry that you think what i wrote was ranting… I will go back to witholding for another two years, that will fix it! (ha ha)…

    they are not enemies of civilization… they are deluded people who believe they are making a real civilization and what we have is a broken malformed thing that just does not do what they think reality should do… you cant tell me that China is not a civilization now or not civil… they are not trying to move to the stone age, they are trying to move to a design that they have no mental means (incapable) of working out how the machines levers, parts, functional entities, actually fit, work and produce the outcome that is desired…

    The imagined reality in their head is to them the same as the functional design an engineer turns to figure out how to construct a working end result… they are themselves cogs in a machine they joined, because that machine allows people who are incapable of the essence we are talking about to have meaning and success because they are just smart enough to follow the idiocy they have been given to believe

    is that better?

  13. They reveal the lie when they refer to a wanted new life as a baby. But when not wanted, as a fetus. — Geoffrey Britain

    I was always bemused (my bad, a serious issue I know) by the claim that it was only fetus tissue until born (+1 day?) and yet for decades a murdered pregnant woman was counted as a double homicide everywhere.

    Then, … The precise details escape me, but wasn’t it 2 or 3 years ago the NY state legislature passed a bill that stated that a murdered pregnant woman must be counted as a single homicide? At least now they are being consistent. Ugh. Give me the good old days.

  14. Gordon Scott:

    I think it generally is a bad idea to underestimate your opponents or your enemies. I’m not saying Harris is a genius, and I’m quite aware of the ways in which she used her sexual favors to further her career, but she is smart enough to have graduated from Hasting Law School (a good law school), passed the bar in short order, and have functioned as a prosecutor. These things take a certain degree of intelligence as well as a certain type of lawyerly intelligence. The latter involves, among other things, a very precise way of using words. In particular, if such a person wishes to mislead slightly, the skill can involve using words to sound as though you’re saying one thing and yet to actually be saying something slightly different.

  15. bodily integrity and autonomy, which she limited very carefully to women

    There are a lot of women who seem to believe that, yes, bodily integrity and autonomy only belong to women.

    See, e.g., the ha-ha-only-serious posts every time abortion comes up that “unwanted pregnancies would never happen without a man involved, so we should force every man to have a reversible vasectomy until they’ve proved that they can be responsible.”

    Of course, the reversibility of vasectomies is a dicey thing even when intended, but that’s a minor matter compared to the “forced to” part.

  16. Has the pro-abortion crowd ceased making the argument that it is not a human child, an unborn baby, merely a clump of cells? Because if that is true, that the fetus is just a clump of cells, then the woman’s right to choose what to do is not one of competing rights, hers and the unborn, ah, clump of cells. Instead Harris, and the pro-abortion folks, seem to be assuming we all agree that the unborn is not a child or human. At least not one with rights to be affirmed and protected.

  17. “Harris continues to rail against states that have limitations on abortion, and mentions that health care is a universal right . . . .” [Neo]

    I recently read a comment by someone who noted: Nothing that is the result of someone else’s work product is a “right”.

    I think that pretty much hits the nail on the head in this era of fabricated “rights” as more and more people demand what they “deserve”.

  18. I’d say 99 out of 100 times I argue that abortion involves another human being, my interlocutor simply ignores the point and insists on one of the “choice” slogans. On rare occasions someone directly argues the “clump of cells” or “not yet human” approach. That’s not sheer lunacy at the six-week stage; I can talk to someone who believes that a six-week fetus is still too rudimentary to be considered human. I’m not even sure I’d call the electrical pulse emanating from a six-week embryo a “heartbeat,” and I doubt whether most of the Texas legislators think it’s a heartbeat before there’s at least an organ pumping fluid and making fluid noises.

    But I can’t get anywhere within someone who’d rather not think about whether a six-week fetus is different from a viable fetus, or even one a couple of weeks from viability. Lots of 23-week fetuses survive these days, my twin niece and nephew, for example. My niece is a doctor now. I’m pretty sure she was a person a week or so before she was born.

  19. Abortion is key as is letting the older infirm die faster…
    you only have to read the right texts to know WHY germany, russia, and china killed off so many of them… has to do with social memory… you can wait till they die out and the memory goes, or you can hasten it… the point is, once they are gone, who would remember perm-36 or tell them that it was true?

    as far as abortion… its slow extermination vs fast…

    the population as a WHOLE is below replacement..
    but if THAT is true… and many of the population is having many kids..
    then the remainder has already been exterminated…
    you only have to wait as below replacement is never recovered from (so far)

    the whole point is that the upper echelon has many many kids…
    and build dynasty… ie. family while the slave class are told their genetics dont matter, they are equal so its indifferent if they have kids or not, and watch as the potential competing dynasties get pruned like a fetus at an abortion clinic….

    almost all of us refuse to accept the conclusions that the data presents…
    and this data and outcome was known 40 or more years ago

    however… the ONLY thing that would change your minds would be to go and read what you wont read and instantiate the point as real rather than believe its opinion and we are still seeking answers..

    the suspension of confirmation allows the process to continue as entertainment rather than finish the process which is loved and start a new one…. the moment the Knave or Fool question is answered without ambiguity, there is no more fun in talking, guessing, theorizing, surmising Knave or Fool.. (or Tratorious Foolish Knave)

    ie… before we went to the moon… there was great writings and ideas for over 100 years wondering if it was even possible… the minute we landed the discusion of its possibility was ended… no one writes wondering if going to the moon or other planets is possible.. however… erase that we did that from the social conciousness.. the social memory… and suddenly we would have that same discussion and wondering again…

    sooo… do the same to morals, religion and so on
    and you too can be part of a system like feudal japan where a samurai was always a samurai, and a lord was always a lord, and a blacksmith was always a blacksmith… and how could you question a social order you know has lasted 1 million years… or so your told, and have no way to refute or even travel to refute… you have some metal to hammer or a floor to sweep..

    those old books that i keep recommending are also sooo creepy, which is the other things… but remember.. those who find gulags like perm-36 too horrible to know about, are the people who will insure something like perm-36 happens again… the avoiding brings the avoided… this is why the Jews say – never again… but that wont work as so many of them are part of the erasing and chaning of never again into i forgot in academia or what happened wasn’t real.

    Do Dogs remember that they were once free and not domesticated?
    will humans?

  20. I can talk to someone who believes that a six-week fetus is still too rudimentary to be considered human.

    this is erroneous but people dont think well enough to actually step through it to know its not valid.

    how so? would you argue that an egg is not a chicken if its a chickens egg?

    its human, what it isnt is fully formed or realized..

    the question is answered by the old silly thing of which came first the chicken or the egg… the number of people who cant answer this is the number of people who cant logically think to the proper ending… those particular ‘questions’ are logic tests and ignorance tests… and if you dont know the right answer or cant figure it out, the person positing who does, knows your mental state, ability etc..

    sneaky, eh?

    so which came first, the chicken or the egg?
    the egg is the correct answer…

    the chicken is an already realized being..
    the egg is a potential being

    thats why we have problem in the abortion argument as regular people
    we do not see potential as enevitable despite 7 billion living results of that potiential being realized and not one of them spawned something else… even if deformed we know its deformed because there is a model to compare to that we know it should be… and did not be..

    oh well..

    good luck..
    we have already lost…
    we had a chance
    but that is gone..

    As marx said… we talk too much and in unproductive ways… like sampling at a buffet, you never really have a real meal, a real 8 course meal… what you have is a smattering of what you want to talk about, avoidance of what you dont, a bit here, a bit there, and nothing cohesive..

    but i am beating a skeleton of a dead horse here…
    we lost

    not that anyone wants to know why, or the information that would help them know… or how to conclude it… we are about having fun in the handbasket to hell..

    going to hell in a hand basket, at least we are trying to enjoy the ride
    which means we are not trying to stop the trip or reverse it…
    that would not be as enjoyable or easy as running to your destruction doing something that is too slow for you to realize (cigarettes, alcohol, sexual deviancy, etc… all are having fun going to hell in a hand basket and how hard is it to stop and go the other way?)

    Just remember
    Losers talk winners celebrate

  21. The exercise of asking what is the sound of one hand clapping is an exercise in human behavior… everyone tries to answer it given the level of their knowledge or creativity… almost all are wrong and can never be right because they are missing the critical point to be right…

    go ahead… go play the game…
    ask… ask 1000 people…
    let me know how many will refuse to answer saying, i dont know or i am missing what i need to know to know… do they even know they are missing what they need to know?

    great lesson in control and so forth exploiting the minds functions itself

    what is the sound of one hand clapping? [the REAL answer!]


    I could easily show we lost..
    but if i tried, no one would allow for a cogent train of thought as the result is so abhorrent to them, they would ignore it… and so, let it happen and guarantee it!!!

    They also lack key information, like the one hand clapping that prevents them from EVER knowing unless they are told, read, or learn. (and they wont)

    funny how reality works that way..

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