Home » Vaccine mandates, Kimmel, and Biden


Vaccine mandates, Kimmel, and Biden — 27 Comments

  1. ‘Our patience is wearing thin’ says Biden.

    Is that a threat. What’s next concentration camps?

  2. I’ll believe Biden is serious when he fires Fauci for his role in loosing this gain-of-function virus on the world.

  3. This is one of the most disturbing speeches from an American President ever.

    His hatred for the people is off the charts.

  4. “some people apparently see him as some sort of thoughtful person worth listening to”
    People who need ratification of their decision to stop thinking and follow the orders of a known demented lifelong liar and his lying medhack who directed our tax dollars to pay for the creation of the virus (by a foreign enemy of the United States) which is now the basis for the claimed justification for mass vaccinations.

  5. “Our patience is wearing thin’ says Biden.”

    Okay, trick, but maybe you should worry more about OUR patience.

    But do continue talking. You’re so good at it!

    (When he says “our” patience, is he referring to the people who wrote his script or did he actually just use the royal “we?” Probably both.)

  6. Apropos of Jimmy Kimmel’s lame attempt at “humor,” he’d better hope he doesn’t need emergency care in northern Virginia even though he’s vaccinated– because Afghans being resettled in the DC area are getting priority in hospital admissions:

    “An influx of refugees is straining Northern Virginia to the point that native-born Americans are being turned away from a local hospital. ‘A hospital near the Dulles Expo Center that federal officials designated as a go-to spot for medical treatment began running out of available beds, forcing the hospital to turn away non-Afghan patients who weren’t in need of critical care,’ The Washington Post reported.”


  7. As a veteran Clinton-hater, it pains me to write this but I don’t think Bill Clinton loathed his fellow Americans. Among all his other weaknesses and pathologies, hatred of The Other was not really present.

    Jimmy Kimmel despises many of his fellow Americans. So does Joe Biden, to the extent he can still form a coherent thought. They don’t think this is OUR country. This is THEIR country. We are not all equal citizens. We are made up of rulers and those who should be ruled.

    I’ve never been big on “new civil war” talk, primarily because of the logistical barriers, but if a substantial part of our political/cultural/economic elites are going to go all in on publicly hating those they see as beneath them, I’m not sure this ends any other way.


  8. MBunge,

    Your last paragraph fits me perfectly and I just talked with a Biden voter who asked ‘does he want a civil war?’

  9. Jimmy Kimmel is a dirt squirrel and propaganda simp. He hasn’t ever been funny. His schtick is being cynically outrageous and mean, but to the right people. He used to have a show exclusively devoted to ragging on dumb girls. He’s a heckler with a microphone and a nationwide forum backed by a legacy media network.

  10. I’m 61 and in good health. I’m on no medications, am not overweight or diabetic. I had the double dose of the Pfizer vaccine and yet still came down with a fairly bad case of Covid as have many people that I know who are younger and in better shape than I am. I don’t think the Pfizer vaccine works that well against the Delta variant (as the experience in Israel has shown) and I think its effectiveness degrades after a few months, which is why they’re talking about booster shots.

    I should now have good immunity and should not need a booster shot but I can see the definition of fully vaccinated change to include the booster shot in the not too distant future. I’m not anti-vax and was optimistic about the vaccine but now see vaccines as closer to therapeutics than true vaccines. I think we will have to learn to live with Covid mutations for the foreseeable future and just hope they become less dangerous over time.

    I find the ubiquitous pro-vaccine propaganda and demonization of the unvaccinated disgraceful.

  11. The great majority on the Left have proven themselves to be natural totalitarians. The collectivist mind cannot tolerate individual disagreement.

    I don’t see how SCOTUS could issue a ruling finding such an Executive Order to be Constitutional. But if they defer to adjudicate this mortal assault upon liberty, they will in effect have allowed it to stand.

    In which case, we will have taken one giant step closer to Civil War.

  12. What’s next? Withhold Social Security unless we are vaccinated? Withhold Medicare? Order hospitals to refuse all medical care without proof of vaccination plus boosters?

    Geoffrey Britain is right. It’s almost as if they are begging for an armed insurrection and civil war.

  13. I wonder if the Supreme Court, after their gutless showing with the 2020 election lawsuits, will have the courage to reverse this edict?

  14. SCOTUS is going to have to find that a litigating entity “has standing” before it will hear any case.

    Have you seen the dictatorial commands trotted out by Biden, as prepared by Obamaphiles in high places? All 2.5 million Federal employees must be vaccinated, for example. All businesses employing 100 persons or more must have them vaccinated, or have them test negative every week. No religious exemption allowed, in a blunt totalitarian move.

    The Old Fart’s “patience is getting thin”. What about the American people’s patience? It is extremely thin, except for college-educated white women, as Neo’s previously noted.

    I am anti the mRNA vaccines for biological reasons, since the RNA instructs cells to make the COVID spike protein. This is a most bizarre way to generate a specific immunity, since no antigen is injected, but rather the body is instructed by the RNA to make the antigen, a foreign protein, and then generate an immune response to it.

    I have no confidence a civil war would yield the desired outcome, not with SecDef Austin and JCOS chair Gen. Milley, who would instruct the US military to engage the rebels. It would be the same as Afghans now rising up against the Biden-gifted super well-armed Taliban. If TX seceded, Abbott keeping the TX NG and AirNG combat-ready, that might lead the way.

  15. You know Joe is spinning when he uses the word “Period.” That word must have achieved mythical status among the Democrat elite, after Obama said “You can keep your doctor. Period.” repeatedly.

    I love the talking point they rolled out a few weeks ago that a booster shot, shot #3, will be magic ending point of the vax process. Trust us. What is that claim based on? Well, according to real infectious disease and medical experts, it isn’t based on anything solid. Some are speaking out that the evidence isn’t there. I guessing it is all about the antibody measurements and the Israeli experience. But if it is really about waning antibodies, then there will likely be a 4th shot and a 5th and so on.

    This is a good article on ivermectin. There is this quote half way in:

    Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance.

    In that case it must be a voodoo superstition. Or at least that is what the Pfizer lobbyists are saying.(sarc)

  16. 51 years old. Had Covid recently and lost about 20 pounds. Down to 147 lbs when I finally thought about weighing. I should have immunity for a while with no shot. As should most people who survive. But the Usurper wants to order people to get a shot. Jesus said to pray for your enemies. Honestly, I have been praying a lot, but not exclusively, Old Testament type prayers since last year’s summer of business destroying riots.

  17. “I have no confidence a civil war would yield the desired outcome, not with SecDef Austin and JCOS chair Gen. Milley, who would instruct the US military to engage the rebels.” Cicero

    No war’s outcome is preordained, so there’s no basis for confidence. That said, a study revealed that 94% of military personnel are not buying what Austin and Milley are selling. Would some units fire on Americans? Almost certainly but the vast majority’s loyalty is to America not to Biden, Austin or Milley. American soldiers killing American civilians would greatly increase resistance and would create a grim recompense. Think the grimness of Sherman’s March through Georgia with rebellion cutting off vital supplies to the cities. Truckers refusing to deliver supplies. Targeted assassinations. War is hell. I pray that SCOTUS comes down hard on Biden and removes all pretense at legitimacy.

    But regardless, Biden is not going to be able to throw 80 million Americans into FEMA camps. Americans are not going to accept an Australia style tyranny. The democrats are heading for a great fall.

  18. Gregory Harper…”I don’t think the Pfizer vaccine works that well against the Delta variant (as the experience in Israel has shown)”

    Because the vaccination rate varies considerably across age cohorts, one needs to stratify the data by age to get a meaningful result. When this is done, the data shows that the Pfizer vaccine is indeed pretty effective during a timeframe that included Delta cases.


  19. @ Geoffrey > “The great majority on the Left have proven themselves to be natural totalitarians. The collectivist mind cannot tolerate individual disagreement.”

    Those of us who read Frontline Magazine know their masthead slogan: “Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out”

    It was determined, apparently, following a contest back in 2013, which I only just discovered.

    Frontpage editors are pleased to announce the winner of our essay contest launched on April 5, 2013: “Inside Every Liberal is a Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out.”

    The winner of the $1,000 first-place prize is N. A. Halkides. Mr. Halkides is a mathematician, systems analyst and freelance writer living in the greater Chicago metropolitan area. His essay, entitled Inside the Progressive Mind, is below.

    The arguments of the winning essay are relevant today.
    I’m sure you are all surprised.

    I have omitted his example, Bloomberg’s attempted soda ban in NYC, because the principles it demonstrates are universally applicable.

    **Inside the Progressive Mind
    **By N. A. Halkides

    The Progressive believes in precisely two things: his own magnificence and the constructive power of brute force. In combination, they lead him naturally from the role of pestiferous busybody to brutal dictator. Where the productive man dreams of the things he might create if only left alone by his fellows, the Progressive dreams of the world he could create if only the lives and property of his fellows were at his disposal. The roots of his pathology lie in that oldest and most destructive of all human vices, the desire for the power to rule over other men.

    As naked power-lust is a rather ugly motive, the Progressive rationalizes his desire to rule as a concern for human welfare, seeing himself as a great humanitarian, far superior morally to the lesser beings who pursue merely “materialist” ends such as their own prosperity and who frequently object to his program for achieving Utopia. This assumed moral superiority spills over into fields of practical accomplishment, and the Progressive imagines himself capable of allocating resources and even directing entire industries far more efficiently than a free market, often despite not even having any business or scientific experience. But despite what the Progressive believes about himself, the desire to compel others to obey his orders is what drives him forward. To satisfy this desire, there is ultimately no limit to what actions he will take, for he respects none of the restrictions on government officials intended to guarantee individual freedom that have been developed and set forth in written or unwritten constitutions.

    In fact the transformation from irritating but superficially benevolent nanny to ruthless dictator not only occurs rather quickly, it is a logical consequence of the Progressive’s zeal to usher in Utopia and of the means he must use to achieve the smallest of his goals – brute force. We should recognize the following principle: Once the Progressive is permitted to intrude however slightly into matters that are properly beyond the sphere of government, then all aspects of the individual’s life may be subjected to control. Once any degree of coercion is permitted, then no level of force is out of bounds.

    What specifically the Progressive attempts to control depends on his personal inclinations and just how far he senses he can push the general public. Any weakness or lack of determination by the average citizen in resisting the nascent tyrant encourages him to push even further, whereas a determined resistance will often convince him to micro-manage some other aspect of our lives until a more propitious moment arrives to advance his original plan. But in no case is the Progressive held back by any trace of self-restraint.

    Do we have any examples in contemporary American politics in which Progressives have actually attempted something this obnoxious to personal liberty? Consider the following characteristics of a “hard” tyranny such as Nazi Germany, the old Soviet Union, or Communist China today:

    [1] Press Censorship – all media state controlled and opinions of which the government does not approve become punishable offenses.

    [2] Complete Gun Control – only agents of the state are permitted to possess arms.

    [3] One-Party Rule – this means an enforced hegemony, where if opposition parties are permitted to exist at all they are placed at such an extreme disadvantage they cannot truly challenge the ruling party.

    [4] Control of the Nation’s Economy.

    Let’s take these four one at a time and see what, if anything, Progressives have attempted along those specific lines.

    Let me reiterate that once government is permitted to use force at all in a given matter, any degree of force is allowed. Bloomberg’s $200 “big gulp” fine, as noted earlier, may not seem draconian, but turning an innocent citizen into a felon for merely possessing a standard-size gun magazine certainly does. We can only guess at what penalties Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Progressives would have imposed on those bold enough to criticize them had they been successful at sweeping away the First Amendment, but as the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act (an earlier attempt to limit free speech) provided for both fines and imprisonment, it is safe to say those penalties would have been quite heavy enough, and that inside every Progressive beats the heart of a true fascist. And what is perhaps most frightening of all is that in the age of Obama, they’re not even trying very hard to hide it any more.

    @ TommyJay > “You know Joe is spinning when he uses the word “Period.” That word must have achieved mythical status among the Democrat elite, after Obama said “You can keep your doctor. Period.” repeatedly.”

    In the age of Biden, following the age of Trump, they have ceased hiding any of their motives and agendas, although they are still willing to lie about them, and try to distract us from the consequences.

  20. Recommended reading on the topic of the elision of benevolent if misguided Progressives aka Classical Liberals aka Old-style Democrats into hard-core Progressives aka Marxist-Leninist-Stalinists aka Obama Democrats.

    From artfldgr in the Education thread:

    From J E Dyer this week:
    RTWT – all of the crises and problems are connected.


    The second one is not so obvious; here’s the connection:

    Trump’s update on the Lee statue demonstrated, as his comments often do, why his communications continue to resonate with his large base of supporters. The bottom line is that he actually said something about the topic, as opposed to merely repeating a formulaic incantation.

    Incantation was Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s choice. Northam enunciated unparsable nonsense: “This was a long time coming, part of the healing process so Virginia can move forward and be a welcoming state with inclusiveness and diversity.”
    That ritualistic check in the block has no rational meaning. It’s a form of fear-grinning or appeasement,

    Trump rings authentic with his audience – even the people who despise him – because he says straightforward things that have meaning and can be engaged on their merits.

    There’s no engaging a phrase like “Virginia can move forward and be a welcoming state with inclusiveness and diversity.” It’s a jumble of words that sounds soothing to some ears and vacuous to others. In neither case does it have empirical, replicable meaning. Is there a serious proposition that Virginia is neither “diverse” nor “inclusive” if there’s a statue of Robert E. Lee in it? How does that work, exactly? What does it even mean? What is the observable difference between one theoretical condition and the converse?

    What Trump has done all along is reframe dialogue to engage with reality, as opposed to genuflecting to an incoherent propaganda narrative (one that’s used to manipulate people, to boot). Trump’s statements are arguments to persuade, not formula-soundbites meant to condemn and silence.

    He’s done it again with his comments on the removal and dismantling of the Robert E. Lee statue. His comments may be debatable — but that’s the point. They can be debated, without having to be rephrased for intelligibility or some application, any, to reality. Of course millions of supporters find this to be a huge relief: something to be applauded, something to want more of.

    They’re sane.

  21. @ Griffin > “US Postal Service workers not included in mandates. That’s 644,000 federal workers.”

    Apparently, that is not actually the case.

    The confusion stemmed from the Postal Service’s relationship with the federal government. The Postal Service is an independent agency in the executive branch that is not subject to the president’s executive orders. That means Biden’s order requiring all federal employees to be vaccinated would not apply to the Postal Service.

    However, the Postal Service is subject to regulations from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration. OSHA will be issuing a regulation under Biden’s plan that will require workers at all companies with 100 or more employees to be vaccinated or submit to weekly testing. That regulation will apply to the Postal Service, which has about 650,000 employees.

    I am enthused at the alacrity with which the Biden administration is alienating huge swaths of former Democrat Party supporters.
    Minorities hesitant to trust vaccination, progressives in the military who are aghast at the Bagram Bugout, unions of people who actually work for a living in private enterprise – who will be next on the chopping block?

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