Home » If this report is true, it is abominable


If this report is true, it is abominable — 41 Comments

  1. Do we have the names of the supposed ISIS-K planners yet or did someone just bombed the wrong car by accident with bunch of children inside? Imagine if it was trump who bombed children with a drone, Media would have chew him out regardless if they were used as shield by terrorists while they were on the way to commit more attack or not.

  2. Dave,

    What I saw reported somewhere is that they hit the vehicle with the ISIS-K in it but that set off explosives in the ISIS car and that explosion is what killed the kids. Not to excuse it but to clarify. That’s if that report was true.

  3. Kate (6:31 pm), I was about to use the word “nauseating” . . .

    Nothing, NOTHING this gang does surprises me or shocks me.

    (Nauseates me, yes, because I am still capable of nausea.)

  4. Depending on how this is reported, it will be or won’t be a big deal among the general public.
    It will be big among the troops.

  5. This is not in the same category of suicide bombings and blown up children, but this is an update on the dogs left behind in Kabul.

    All dogs but one were abandoned in Kabul, and 60 of them were bomb sniffing security dogs. But hey, they weren’t under the care of the U.S. military. Many were pets. This “Kabul Small Animal Rescue” operation touted by the Pentagon was not an Afghani operation, but was run by a U.S. woman who stayed to the end trying unsuccessfully to get the dogs out.

    Barack Obama infamously told his aides that he’s “really good at killing people” while discussing drone strikes.

    Now Joe Biden can say he is really good at killing ISIS-K, children, and dogs.

  6. Muslims hate dogs. It is part of their religion to despise and kill them.
    I’m not making this up.

  7. Another story on which I never touched bottom — Clinton’s bombing of a Sudan aspirin factory, claimed to be manufacturing the VX nerve agent, in 1998.

    We were assured that the timing was entirely coincidental to Clinton’s domestic troubles. However, the attack occurred three days after Clinton’s infamous testimony in the Monica Lewinsky scandal and two months after the film, “Wag the Dog” — about distracting the public from a presidential sex scandal with a military war.

    Of course, an American President and a Democrat would never stoop to such tactics.

  8. Re: Muslims and dogs. This is true. Dogs are considered dirty and are not kept as pets in general. My landlady in Cairo had a little lap dog, which surprised me. She explained that she’d gotten special permission from her imam, with instructions to wash very carefully before prayers.

  9. If only there was a national government that was on OUR side.
    What a help it would be.

    If we even had a political party that stood up for us, that would be a start.

  10. You never know what to believe these days. I hope that this is clarified one way or the other.

    BTW with regard to Kirby. I made a misleading comment the other day. On review, I learned that he is a retired Rear Admiral. Turns out that he spent his entire Navy career as a Public Affairs Officer. I had no idea that there was a USN career path as a Flack, much less that it could lead to promotion to Admiral. Still, I am relieved that he is not actually an active duty officer shilling for this Pentagon incarnation.

  11. Oldflyer. Seems there are rewards for covering up the blameworthy. You have to be quick, never know when somebody who’s clued in will ask a troublesome question.

  12. Whether true or not, what is equally appalling is that, if it is confirmed to be true… none of us will be surprised. Not in the least.

    Personally, I think it likely to be true. It has the stink of State Department machinations about it. ‘Larger considerations’ don’t you know. Ordinary people mere pawns in the game they play.

    The same with reports of Americans being denied entrance to the airport over the last days. Air rescue flights being denied landing.

  13. Banned Lizard on September 1, 2021 at 8:17 pm said:

    The question of the hour: Who shall rescue us from Joe Biden?”

    Not the liberal sons and daughters, friends and relatives, of conservatives apparently.

    As they see it, there is nothing to be rescued from.

    And of course, if these ever personally experience the redounding effects of that which they have themselves enabled, and need rescue … the average conservative will be right there, “At your service Ma’am “

  14. Banned Lizard…
    “…the Dems’ and Never-Trumpers’ grand succession plan après Donald Trump has now utterly collapsed.”

    That right there is weapons grade stupid. Their plan has succeeded exactly as planned. And the rest of the article…meh…especially the slapstick happily ever after ending…good grief.

    The goal all along, from Bath-house Barry to Gropey Joe, with a small stop in-between for the Gin-swilling Grandma from Chappaqua, was to “fundamentally transform” America from the most powerful freedom & prosperity creating nation on the planet, to an also-ran. POTUS Trump was a brief derailment of the plan. Now it’s back on track.

    The only question still standing any scrutiny…particularly since Geoffrey Britain speaks truth (no none of us will be surprised if this report turns out to be true and if the whole phone call transcript between Biden & Ghani demonstrates the betrayal we suspect it does)…How do we extricate ourselves from the suicide pact of the current status of our Republic?

  15. @Geoffrey Britain:

    I saw an announcement put out to airman several days ago saying that HKIA no longer had controllers or formal landing clearances. It has reverted to what we use at our local airport, which does not have a control tower: announce your position and intentions on the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency, and space yourself into the pattern.

    This is very unusual for a large international airport, butt it does not surprise me that the controllers have left the scene. I think I heard a month ago or so that all the controllers were US military personnel, so the last of them would have departed on one of the military flights as the American military was leaving.

    All of this is to say that no one would be there to deny landing to air rescue flights. That’s not to say those flights are landing: some air carriers will not allow their pilots to land if they are not under positive control by an air traffic controller, and anyone in that category would very likely avoid landing at HKIA. But probably more accurate to say air rescue flights cannot get formal landing clearance.

    All of this (except for the NOTAM mentioned in the first sentence) is based on hearsay, for whatever that is worth.

  16. “How about an Armed-to-the-teeth prosperous Autarky with universal employment for all” Zaphod

    “Fortress America” would be a guaranteed strategy for failure. Troy demonstrated that over 3000 years ago. Criminals rob banks because “that’s where the money is”. If there’s not enough in the gang, then they gather an army and call it a nation.

    It’s not foreign interchange wherein we err, it’s in not lowering the boom on ‘troublemakers’. America stopped following the Marine’s motto; “No better friend, no worse enemy”.

    Proposing “universal employment” demonstrates a profound misappreciation of human nature. Search: “John Smith in the early 1600s colony of Jamestown, Virginia”

    There are and will always be ‘slackers’ and, “The poor ye shall always have with thee” BTW, that was not a condemnation of the poor but an observation of human nature.

    Many people consistently make bad decisions and bad things happen to good people. Many people are one paycheck away from financial ruin.

  17. What I don’t understand is why any U.S. service members were outside of the gate if we had solid intelligence of a probable attack. I would think they would be behind blast barriers with instructions to shoot anyone approaching the gate.

  18. That assumes that the intel made it down to a level that could/would issue such instructions. I expect that even if it did get to people in charge at HKIA that they didn’t do anything or were ordered to not do anything. As with “Blackhawk Down” and Benghazi, the rot starts at the top.

  19. I’m going to add to the above.

    The State Department was put in charge. Their operating premise in turning control of Kabul over to the Taliban was that they would be in control and that they, the Taliban were partners for peace.

    Actions such as taking out the terrorist or pulling our people back from exposed positions would undermine State’s position and say that we either believed the Taliban didn’t have control and that we still had more control than they did, and/or that the Taliban was still a terror sponsoring group, and they weren’t about to allow that to be done by anyone they had control of.

    If they believed their own propaganda then they believed the Taliban would stop the terrorists, somehow. And if they didn’t we and they could put on the “we’re shocked” act and continue on with the farce.

  20. A little off topic, but I wonder when we’re going to start hearing from the family members of the Americans left stranded over there. I can imagine what I would be doing right now if for instance, my daughter were one of them.

    It may be a little hard for Biden and the MSM to ignore.

  21. @geoffb @ 2:07

    It pains me to say it, but you are too correct. The fellow travelers who sit in policy meetings on the 7th floor of Foggy Bottom believe this way. With very few exceptions (and there truly are a handful, but only a handful), it is the Tony Blinkin and Wendy Sherman crowd all the way down. They really do believe that they will be “partners for peace” with these 7th century rabid dogs. So much of their behavior (and of that idiot Biden’s) has been ascribed to stupidity and malice (I think that does largely explain the moron in the WH), and there is certainly much of that on the 7th floor, but more should ascribed to ideological fervor, and exactly the type that propelled the revolutionaries of 1917 Russia. And that fervor is interwoven with condescension, anger, and hate.

    Of course the anger and hate would explain the malice. If you can do so, and if you can stand it, spend some time around the diplomatic type, staying quiet and listening. You’ll hear the revolutionary fervor and condescension. Then, contradict them, and watch the hate follow. Sort of a living version of twitter.

    For me, it’s a few more months, then I head for the hills.

  22. If this report is true, it’s beyond abominable into deliberate treason: “aiding and abetting the enemy.”
    J. E. Dyer:


    No, no: this isn’t about the Biden administration having deliberately dispatched a pallet of cash to the Taliban, as the Obama administration did to Iran (several times) in 2016.

    But it’s an interesting recurrence of a theme. This time, the visual is even more vivid, as it involves the hands of a presumed Taliban operative rifling through a sealed package of U.S. $100 bills, after plucking it from a vast, neatly-stacked pallet-size lot of such packages and ripping it open. (The cash interlude starts around the 30-second mark.) (of a Tweet)

    The video includes earlier footage of Taliban surveying an array of neatly laid-out small arms. What we’re seeing is what the U.S. left behind in the evacuation. It’s not clear where the U.S. cash bonanza came from, but it could have been a few different sources, including the Afghan national bank and the U.S. embassy.

    The issue is not that it’s a big scandal to leave currency behind. The priorities for an evacuation have to have human lives at the top.

    The issue is that with a big influx of cash, the Taliban have some walking-around money we didn’t have to pony up for them

    Sullivan plans on giving them the humanitarian aid later.
    Maybe this is just a down payment.
    Maybe it’s the cash that Ghani was supposed to take with him, but apparently did not.

    It might well have been silly to airlift a pallet of cash out of Afghanistan, even on one of the half-full flights reportedly taking off from Kabul at the outset of the evacuation.

    But it really does matter that cash was left to feed the Taliban’s bloodthirsty habits. It’s our money, in this case meaning that our authorities decide if it lives or dies. Just incinerate it if there’s no sensible prospect of removing it from the Taliban’s grasp.

    Given the Taliban’s penchant for trolling America, it’s especially likely that they will spend the cash on some method of either attacking the U.S., presenting us with crisis problems, or just embarrassing us. (Or, of course, some combination of the three.) The mere embarrassment scenario, unfortunately, is the least likely of these options.

    James Woods, the actor with a big Twitter following, expressed severe annoyance that we left the Taliban a going-away present of such magnitude while homeless veterans subsist in squalor on our own streets.

    It’s also money that we can’t promise to bribe the Taliban with to retrieve the Americans and allies stranded in Afghanistan. Or given to some of the citizen evacuees to pay expenses while they try to get home (we’re clearly planning an all-expense-paid relocation for the Afghans).

    Or these folks could have put it to good use.

    Exit questions (to borrow a phrase):
    Who is doing the filming, and where?
    Who knew the money was there, and didn’t think it worthwhile to toss it onto one of those planes?
    Or even lift a few packages as a severance bonus? (Maybe they did – who would know?)
    What was it even doing there in the first place?

  23. @Zaphod 5:34 am

    Not yet, but the local staff is starting to pull out the ornaments, and the local hardware store has their trees and plastic Santas up for sale. People have to be familiar with the Philippines to understand.

  24. Abominable?

    Actually, “Biden” is practically as, um, creative as Obama (though he has neither the flair, the intelligence, the charisma—such as it is—nor, alas, the melanin).
    And here “he” is IN ALL “HIS” SPLENDOR AND GLORY…:
    “Biden defends Afghanistan exit strategy, says deadline designed to ‘save American lives’ ”

    (But remember, it’s all TRUMP’S FAULT!)

    And this, folks, might well be the straw that breaks the Mainstream Corrupt Media’s/Infotech’s back.

    They so want to help “Biden”. Just like they aided, abetted and protected Obama. So much so in fact that it’s actually quite touching.

    But how can you help “Biden” when you yourselves (i.e., the media) are rolling haplessly on the floor, laughing with disbelief, chortling in helpless mirth…as you say to themselves, “Not even WE could have come up with something as bizarre, as flagrant (or as fragrant), as DUMB as that!”…

    Nope, NOT EVEN US…..

    (To be fair to POTUS, though, it does look like Susan Rice is spinning hard, yea verily…)

  25. Success, Biden style.

    ” While the administration has touted the total numbers of evacuees as some kind of vindication for their strategic and tactical blunders, it appears that most of those people were not former US military allies at all. In fact, while only 5,400 or so Americans were brought to safety, only about 8,500 SIV holders were rescued, with the vast majority left behind.”


  26. A lot of the progressive craziness passes because the bad results are far in the future. Human CO2 emissions will either be a disaster, a nothingburger, or (most likely) something in between, but we won’t know for a century and a half. Obama’s predictions about his Iran deal were proposterous, but they would not have been proven wrong for years, probably a decade or more . . . enough time to come up with a way to blame the whole thing on Republicans. This pattern applies to so many progressive pipe dreams.

    What’s interesting to me is that progressives have begun to run into issues where their BS is called on much shorter time scale. The Taliban are not our partners for peace and only a fool wouldn’t realize that was likely to be demonstrated in short order. We starting to get data on the efficacy of mask mandates and lockdowns now and it’s showing that progressives are not nearly as smart as they think they are.

    The one that scares me the most now is when their BS is called on MMT and fiscal issues.

    I wonder if there might be a turning, though. When you are debating propositions that won’t be proven one way or another for decades, or even centuries, it’s tough for the argument to be anything other than one big appeal to authority. It may become a different story now that the authorities have been proven laughably wrong on so many things.

  27. “The Taliban are not our partners for peace…”

    Ah, BUT if the Mullahs ARE, then—pray tell—why NOT the Taliban?….

    (Curious, inquisitive, pondering minds are grappling with THIS conundrum—syllogism?—and would, seriously, like to know….)

    Though as you say, it’s not very wise to believe anything that emanates from the WH and the current government—yes, my favorite, too, is “transitory” inflation…

    And indeed, all those pallets of greenbacks left behind in Kabul seem to say “Pay to Play”!! (Though think of all the high octane fuel “Biden” is saving not having to fly all that money over long distances!….)

    File under: Go GREEN!

  28. Cicero
    Now we know why the Chinks are courting the Taly-Ban. The Taly-Ban will be a source of dog.

  29. What is happening to this story? Citizen Free Press still has it at the top of its site. Otherwise it’s disappeared. If it’s false, shouldn’t it have been repudiated by now?

  30. It’s very true that Muslims dislike dogs. And it is true that dogs can be disgusting. Like lapping up perfectly good vomit. Or the way a bitch licks her pups to stimulate bowel movements. Culturally, Muslims see dogs as unclean.

    But nobody can deny the loyalty and friendship of a good dog. Their eagerness to please, their ability to work with their humans are unparalleled in animal/human relationships.

    September 11th. Muslims are still upset about all the times they lost on September 11th:


  31. Neo,

    Thank you for your tireless work which keeps us so well informed. Your occasional posts of the arts are a welcome and much needed diversion from the dreadful news of the day.

  32. @Telemachus:

    They need to hit the ground running. Checked with friend yesterday and she said that the tree was up *and* the regular curtains swapped out for the Christmas ones. And had the pics to prove it. Seems folks back home only ask ‘how high?’ when this Remittances Auntie says Jump!

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