Home » If you want to watch Joe Biden’s speech on Afghanistan…


If you want to watch Joe Biden’s speech on Afghanistan… — 92 Comments


    The media have done more to coddle and protect Joe Biden than any President in my memory and he just unzipped and whizzed in each and every one of their faces. Sure, they deserve it but to just run away from the media like that can only destroy anything that speech was supposed to accomplish.


  2. Why does he keep talking about getting Osama Bin Laden? Didn’t he oppose going after him?
    Trump was trying to negotiate a withdrawal, but if the Taliban reneged, they would have been bombed. Biden just walked our people out. he is the dumbest man in dc.

  3. MBunge:

    He had to run away. He actually ran the risk of getting a few real questions this time.

  4. expat:

    He keeps talking about getting Bin Laden because that was the Obama administration’s biggest triumph in that arena, and whatever Joe’s opinion was at the time, he wants to get credit for it now. What else is he going to talk about; how he and Obama routed ISIS?

  5. Well at least the media can still question his Press Sec…oh wait she’s on vacation this week.

  6. I looked for a moment and saw that he had a bunch of American flags behind him. Why no rainbow flags ? I understand that Kabul U awartded its first Masters degree in “Gender and Women’s Studies.”

  7. Viewer note: If you watch this or anything else on YouTube you can speed up the video. Click on the 3 dots in the black bar at the top of the video. Then choose Playback Settings, then click on speed and choose how fast you want the video to play. Makes political speeches bearable.

  8. So the spin is brave President won’t back down from decision to end unpopular war?

    Oh, and brave President also blames poor Afghan citizens for letting this happen.

  9. I get a real “Cuomo” vibe from today’s reporting. The media and Democrat party mainly had Cuomo’s back, but then everything collapsed in two days; as if it were coordinated. I know this is a huge disaster, and Biden has earned this criticism, but the way some MSM and Democrats are suddenly telling the truth and implicating Biden makes it feel like this may be the news event used to get Biden to step aside “for health reasons.”

  10. I liked the speech. This is the speech Trump should have made at the beginning of his term and it’s the speech Nixon should have made at the beginning of his first term.
    And no, Biden shouldn’t have answered questions. And yeah, he looked good – which is all that counts

  11. Harris was apparently watching on TV from inside. Apparently she didn’t want to be seen with brave president as he vows to continue ending unpopular war.

  12. The theory of this was obviously hey, everybody hates Trump, amirite?!, and most people want out of Afghanistan so let’s stress those two points and just ignore the other stuff.

  13. “And no, Biden shouldn’t have answered questions.”

    Yes, how dare the leader of a democracy have to answer questions about possibly the ugliest foreign policy fiasco in 50 years. How dare he have to explain what the hell he and his administration was doing to prepare for this mess between the May withdrawal Trump negotiated and the September pullout Biden then announced.


  14. I have to add that if Trump had done this, American feminists would say that he’s for the oppression of women. Journalists would say that he was doing Russia’s bidding, as a result Democrats would start impeachment proceedings and every military, CIA operative would say on deep background that they had strongly opposed Trump on this and that he’s showing signs of senility. From that moment any death in Afghanistan would be Trumps fault. So there’s that.

  15. Will there be hostages or is the Taliban going to be slightly more civil than Iran was?

  16. Rufus T.F.: I hope you’re right about the Cuomo vibe. I didn’t watch the “speech” because my digestive tract doesn’t need an emetic. Meanwhile, I wonder which flavor of ice cream is waiting for the FICUS at Camp David.

  17. Biden’s sign-language person is, I would say, over-expressive. She’s young, animated and uses facial expressions a lot, in total contrast to Biden. It looks like she is making fun of Biden.

    https://www.whitehouse.gov/live/ [skip to 50 minutes in]

    Seems to me most official signers are female and usually young.

  18. Cornhead: “Joe just said he is President of the United States”

    Doesn’t he need to win a legit election to claim that?

  19. geoffb: Ted Bundy would fit right in with the Taliban. Here’s Ann Rule on Bundy, “I liked him immediately . . . It would have been hard not to.” He used to escort Ann to her car to keep her safe from the rumored serial killer (Bundy himself) stalking the streets of Seattle.

  20. Neo
    As we knew that Iranian Regime harbouring major al Qaeda fighters/leaders, as later most support and also same as ISIS fighter Iranian Regime harbouring them.

  21. Brave Sir Biden
    “That’s, that’s enough music for now lads, there’s dirty work afoot.”
    Brave Sir Robin ran away.
    Bravely ran away away.
    (“I didn’t!”)
    When danger reared it’s ugly head,
    He bravely turned his tail and fled.
    (“I never!”)
    Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about
    And gallantly he chickened out.
    (“You’re lying!”)
    Swiftly taking to his feet,
    He beat a very brave retreat.
    Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin!”

  22. Seems to me most official signers are female and usually young.

    One I knew quit signing at 30. Carpel tunnel.

  23. And no, Biden shouldn’t have answered questions. And yeah, he looked good – which is all that counts

    They’ve pulled Bauxite and sent in a parody generator.

  24. Gerard: I like that idea. He might even have been a Disney animatronic. Because he looked very life like.

  25. Well, I will never get that 18 minutes back.
    What a crock! He announces that his policy is exactly the same as Trump’s policy, and that Trump “left him” with “only 2000 US troops” (Apparently everything was going quite smoothly under Trump’s program), but now he needs to send 6000 emergency troops in because…well, it was Trump’s fault! But he won’t make the same mistake as his Republican and Democrat predecessors (Um, except Donald Trump) made, and he’s committed to getting us out. The right way, now that he fucked it up. But Trump made him do it.
    There might be 4 or 5 people who don’t think that the drawdown of troops and the ending of America’s involvement in Afghanistan is a good idea. Biden is arguing with those 4 or 5 people and trying to make his incompetence look like some sort of heroic hard call. Nobody is arguing about getting out–the problem is that you screwed it up–in epic fashion.

  26. This all makes my heart bleed, knowing that thousands of Afghanis who worked for or cooperated with our Armed Forces will be tortured and then executed by the Islamists.

    The USA has been progressively weakened by the Progressives since Woodrow Wilson. FDR gave eastern Europe to Stalin. Truman fired MacArthur for wanting to invade China to take out the 5 year-old Chicomm government (before the great Mao’s slaughter of tens of millions). The Vietnam War still pains me, along with all the Jane Fondas who basically sang “Death to Americans”. Now we have this.

    It truly makes me sick enough to throw up. The corrupt senile Biden zoomed back to Camp Davis to resume his vacation immediately after his BS “ain’t my fault” speech. Kamala would not have been as bad, though bad she would be.

    Even the Left-wingers in the MSM are screaming about this. Biden just gives it a shrug; he’s having his 3rd cocktail right now.

  27. Dr. Zawahiri reminds his fellow Scholars that there are thirty-nine brothers remaining in Gitmo, among them Khaled Sheik Mohammed and Ramsi bin al Shib. Would not these devout mujahid be deserving of at minimum an efforted attempt at hostage taking and subsequent exchange? Surely so, Dr. Zawahiri may suggest. . . particularly when the Ameriki are rendered at their own hands so demonstrably and manifestly soft.

  28. This is a good summary of Biden’s speech by Bruno Maçães (via Instapundit)
    “Why after 20 years did we plan our withdrawal the night before? Because Afghans are cowards”

  29. “Guys, you’re all criticizing without understanding the situation: Biden has to use his vacation days or he loses them.”

  30. Hunter probably brokered a deal between the “Big Guy” and Xi to have this disaster so that the China could walk into Taiwan and Afghanistan. Trillions to be made and the Biden’s can be bought cheap. Sorta /sarc.

    Now see om already went there.

  31. The Left is (has been since 2016) is already blaming President Trump for the fall? of Afghanistan.

    How many voters in 2022 will buy that? (we already know millions of ballots will be ‘cast’ by the democrats “counting” the votes the morning after Election Day 2022)

  32. @huxley — I don’t remember sign interpreters doing that in the past, but I’ve seen more than one do it in recent years. Maybe over-the-top mugging is the vocal fry of the sign world?

    @Eva Marie — Taiwan’s military isn’t a puppet of the US and won’t collapse if we’re not there to prop them up, because we’ve never been there to prop them up. This is pure propaganda to demoralize us.

  33. Bryan: “This is pure propaganda to demoralize us.” It’s working.
    Within the group of Trump voters that I know (and I don’t personally know anyone who wasn’t a Trump voter), we’re all demoralized.

  34. Maybe over-the-top mugging is the vocal fry of the sign world?

    Bryan Lovely:

    Possibly! I’m sure there are schools of thought on the subject.

    They’re doing marvelous things with sign language these days. Here’s an amusing sing-along based on the Cthulhu Mythos which stretched the signer to her limits:

    I Had a Shoggoth

    I had a shoggoth, he pleased me,
    But drove me to insanity.
    Shoggoth went TEKELI-LI

    I had a minion, he pleased me,
    Got victims for my laboratory.
    Minion went YES, MASTER
    Shoggoth went TEKELI-LI

    I had a zombie, he pleased me,
    With his decaying anatomy.
    Zombie went BRAAAINNNZZZ
    Minion went YES, MASTER
    Shoggoth went TEKELI-LI…


  35. How many prisoners are still in Guantanamo? Whatever it is, multiply by 5 and that’s how many American hostages the Taliban will take, from those the embassy left “sheltering in place.”

  36. neo asked, “Is the Biden administration worse than you expected?”

    I was clear Biden was a wholly-owned subsidiary of the left/woke mob. I was sure he would be incompetent, but he has surprised me with his overreach which has driven up gas prices, sparked inflation we haven’t seen since the 70s, let in hundreds of thousands of illegals (many of whom are transmitting Covid) and now this Afghan horror. It’s happened so quickly.

    He seems to be trying to out-FDR Obama without a mandate.

  37. The USA has been progressively weakened by the Progressives since Woodrow Wilson. FDR gave eastern Europe to Stalin.

    We haven’t been and he didn’t.

  38. “Bryan Lovely: “Taiwan’s military isn’t a puppet of the US and won’t collapse if we’re not there to prop them up, because we’ve never been there to prop them up. This is pure propaganda to demoralize us.”

    Yep. I’ve been to Taiwan. They’ve been serious as a heart attack about stopping a ChiCom invasion since 1945. They will make the ChiComs pay a heavy price if hey invade. It would demoralize the Taiwanese if we denied them armaments, but there are other nations that make weapons that they can buy from.

  39. My opinions from listening to the speech live on the radio:

    Biden sounded better than I thought, didn’t implode, used a few slightly wrong words and slightly slurred a number of words, but sounded Presidential enough.

    I expected he would blame Trump, but don’t think he did at all.

    He mostly ignored the issue of how poorly the withdrawal was handled, and changed the subject to withdrawing now, versus not withdrawing now. Propaganda technique of omission or changing the subject.

    He warned the Taliban, which was good.

    It seemed to me that Obama was deliberately trying to harm the USA, and Biden has been doing the same on steroids. Cloward-Piven strategy?

  40. Sign language girl is a symptom of the unserious nature of modern government. Ridiculous really. That is what was so very funny about that fake signer that pranked Obama that time.

    Like Neo, I am experiencing the same sickening feeling as the fall of Saigon. My father was a staff officer assigned to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in ’75. He had been in quarters at Nha Trang when the VC sappers attacked the base on the first day of the Tet Offensive in ’68. I asked at the time when it was all unraveling how he felt about it and if his effort was wasted. He had no feelings on the subject. He said the war was never winnable and we never should have been there.

  41. And Biden may have temporarily given the Taliban (but really Xi in the long run) control of the worlds largest reserves of lithium (Li), the stuff our current most useful batteries are made from. Hunter and the Big Guy strike again?


    The article says that even the Can Do! may have a hard time being (Bejing?) able to extract (exploit/loot) the resources from Afghanistan. It this like the truism “Africa Wins Again” but In this case “Afghanistan, Everyone Looses” ?

    ht ace.mu.nu

  42. “He said the war was never winnable and we never should have been there.”

    Well, he was there. Still, each of us only sees a small part.
    My own feeling is that even with the horrible leadership at the top, our guys would have pulled it out because the VC were done for and North Vietnamese were hurting. However, people (like me, unfortunately) swung it for the other side. My personal opinion.

    Regarding the significance of this week’s events–I think most low-info/Woke Americans will be able to ignore reality. It’s far away and most of the pain will be felt by others. Some lefties are starting to be shocked (Taibbi, Bari Weiss, …) and now there will be more of them. Some people in the Swamp will also see that the folks on top are incompetent. They will begin to sense what *might* be in store for them when the ship hits the sand.
    Metaphor: heat lightning starting to flicker.
    But not the storm. Not yet.

  43. “He announces that his policy is exactly the same as Trump’s policy….”

    Indeed, which is why he has been forced—against his better judgment of course—to continue, adamantly, Trump’s policy regarding the southern border(?), etc., etc.

    Alas, “Biden” is full of it…and always has been…and all this—ALL OF IT—must be covered up at all costs.

    The TRUTH must NOT leak out. MUST NOT Leak. MUST NOT….

    IOW “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”(TM)…except that this is more of a “Nightmare on Elm St.” and “Night of the Living Dead” twin bill, being replayed over and over and over with our eyes wired open a la “Clockwork Orange”….

    But certainly the natural evolution of Obama-“Biden” transformational (political) grammar…

    What is (but shouldn’t be, alas?) quite a bit of a surprise is the fecklessness—but more so, the absolute DISHONOR—of the US Military leadership. I mean, we know that Austin is a political officer; and we know that Milley is irreparably warped; but what about the rest of ’em? Can they all be so twisted? (Though I suppose serious money, or the promise of, may tend to do that even to the best of us…. Sigh…)

  44. Some answers to some questions, perhaps… (it is, after all, Reuters):

    Key graf:
    “…Frustrated, disgusted and in disbelief today…”

    So maybe the Military IS concerned about its honor, after all….

    Curious, though, that they didn’t express themselves, at least not so as anyone could hear them—oh, RIGHT, they’re military and NEVER interfere with the civilian government!!

    (Now if this had been TRUMP….)

  45. Barry – generally when I read a Tweet by a conservative or Republican, the thread is filled with snarky replies from the left. I haven’t seen one yet below Becker’s, and quite a few good ones from the right.

    We now have multiple reports that US forces on the ground warned Biden the collapse was happening and he gave the order anyway, while saying the opposite in public.

    The last guy got impeached for a phone call. Just planting seeds.

    “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up” – President Barack Obama
    It’s nice to find some common ground these days.

    I see a lot of people regretting their vote for Biden, but it’s too late. This is on you. This, and the fallout that will follow. All on you, and the media that colluded to lie and manipulate the masses while Joe Biden hid in the basement. ALL ON YOU!

    Biden says human rights center of US policy. A hard sell tonight where im sitting outside the kabul airport.

    In re that last one, this from PJM:

  46. geoffb – Biden abandoned everyone in Afghanistan; I wonder if leaving the journalists to suffer along with the rest will affect their coverage?


    Snark aside, before we really get into this one, absolutely no one should disregard or dismiss even for a moment Ward’s bravery.

    She’s not only reporting from a warzone, Ward is reporting from a losing warzone. Ward is a woman reporting from a losing warzone controlled by anti-Western Islamic zealots who have been known to rape female reporters for sport.

    So let’s give Ward the respect that she’s due.

    Still, it’s difficult to understand this statement she made — unless you have some small understanding of just how strange warzones are.


    A female Afghan reporter broke down in the Pentagon briefing Monday afternoon, lamenting the U.S. withdrawal from her home country and explaining what the consequences would be for girls and women.

    “As you know, I’m from Afghanistan,” Nazira Karimi began, “and I’m very upset today because Afghan women didn’t expect that overnight all the Taliban came.”

    “They took off my flag,” she exclaimed, pointing to her face mask emblazoned with the flag of Afghanistan, “and they put their flag” in its place.

    “Everybody is upset, especially women,” Karimi explained.

    “Heartfelt respect for what you’re going through,” replied Pentagon spokesman John Kirby. “Let me say, with all respect, that I understand, and we all understand the anxiety and the fear and the pain that you’re feeling.”

    “Nobody here at the Pentagon is happy about the images that we’ve seen coming out in the last few days,” he added. “And we’re all mindful of the kind of governance that the Taliban is capable of. So, heartfelt respect for what you’re going through, and we understand that.”

    It’s the official equivalent of a flippant “thoughts and prayers” remark. And that’s about all the women and girls of Afghanistan—who now face lives of uncertainty, oppression, fear, and enslavement—will get from the Biden administration.


    Hollie McKay, a foreign policy expert and war crimes investigator who covered war, terrorism, and crimes against humanity for Fox News Digital for more than a decade, is reporting today from Afghanistan that the Taliban is paying off military commanders to abandon their posts and surrender their cities.

    McKay made the shocking claim during an Instagram interview with SmartHERNews host Jenna Lee Babin, which she posted to our sister site RedState on Sunday afternoon.

    She described the conditions in Mazar, prior to its fall on Saturday: “Friday, things had shifted and you could just feel it. There was a sense of fear, people were like, ‘they’re coming, they’re coming.’” McKay at first thought they were exaggerating, as shops were still open and people were milling about in the streets. That quickly changed. “Saturday it was just a ghost town. People were lining up at banks to get their monies out.”

    “And then it was gone, just like that” after the Taliban rode in on motorbikes, celebrating their victory. “They came in without any resistance. There was no fight to this. There was very little gunfire that we heard.”

    “The level of corruption that has enabled the Taliban to come back to power is just mind-blowing,” she explained. “To see that and to see all the weapons that have gone to the Taliban’s hands when the Afghan army runs away—that we paid for.”

    “I always saw terrorism to be a secondary problem to the corruption,” McKay continued. “Afghanistan is a classic example of that. You have many elements that are pro-Taliban within the government and military factions that will sell off information that hurts the cause.”

    “If you have to pay a corrupt official every time you go through a checkpoint and you’re just trying to feed your family, you have to pay a bribe for something, eventually you’re going to get annoyed enough that you are going to want to join some sort of insurgency to fight against that,” she said.

    McKay said that while there have been no reports of violence, “I’ve only seen one woman out of the house and she was fully covered.” Although she’s in an area controlled by the Taliban, for the moment she is safe. “I will hopefully, as soon as possible, be getting to Kabul.”

    Let that last sentence sink in.


    “The president said that the buck stopped with him but, in fact, this speech was full of finger-pointing and blame, especially for the Afghans […] He did not really get into or accept any blame for the catastrophic exit that we have been watching on television for the last several days.”

    Will Jake remember this tomorrow, or go back to swooning over Good Ol’ Joe?

  47. The man who vanquished Corn Pop is going to need his six foot length of chain when discussing Taiwan with Xi.

  48. Can we see even one General resign? If you supported the pull-out, you should resign. If you believed the pull-out would be a disaster but you didn’t put your career on the line to defend what you knew was right, you should resign.
    We’re not asking for you to commit seppuku, just actually take a principled stand for once in your worthless career.

  49. It’s hard to imagine a worse way to manage a military and political campaign:
    the credibility of the USA and its allies is shattered and, more fundamentally, it’s evident that the western world – at least in most of its ruling and teaching elites – does not believe any more in the fundamental goodness of own civilization and in the duty to carry out its own promises. One cannot suddenly leave millions of people in the hands of those devils and maintain his honor; and who’s going to trust you and us in the future?
    Seeing our politicians and newspapers trying to lay the blame on the political enemy is immensely sad and miserable.

  50. jb @ 8:02am,

    You are correct, but the absence of resignations explains the problem. Our military leaders (academic leaders, political leaders, business leaders…) are almost to a man and woman made up of hollow chested people who lack the moral fiber to own the results of their actions.

  51. Paolo Pagliaro, good hear from you, and I hope and your family are all well. I used to read your Twitter posts, at least the ones in English, but I see Twitter got rid of you, like so many others.

  52. AesopFan posted this:

    Hollie McKay, a foreign policy expert and war crimes investigator who covered war, terrorism, and crimes against humanity for Fox News Digital for more than a decade…

    “And then it was gone, just like that” after the Taliban rode in on motorbikes, celebrating their victory. “They came in without any resistance. There was no fight to this. There was very little gunfire that we heard.”

    “The level of corruption that has enabled the Taliban to come back to power is just mind-blowing,” she explained.”

    I don’t know anything about Ms. McKay, and I’m not in Afghanistan, but I don’t find the level of corruption mind-blowing at all. I’m not surprised the Taliban would have deals with Afghani leaders and military, facilitated through bribes. I’m not shocked that a mediocre Senator from Delaware would find a way to use his political power to funnel millions to his family members. I’m not astounded that a past President would take huge sums for “books” and “Netflix programming ideas” in order to live a life of immense, material excess. I’m not amazed a male athlete would defame his nation’s anthem to make millions selling sneakers…

    In the West, so many have lived lives of such comfort that they don’t understand human nature. Maybe, before you defund the police, spend a day doing a ride along with a patrolman. Maybe, before you give billions to a foreign country spend some time among their tribal leaders.

    When asked why he robbed banks Willie Sutton said, “That’s where the money is.”

    Why are U.S. trained Afghanis joining the Taliban?
    Why did Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi spend their entire lives in politics?
    Why does Jake Tapper read whatever is on the teleprompter?
    Why do athletes defame their nation?
    Why did Ibram Henry Rogers change his name?

    Highly educated foreign policy expert Hollie McKay is unsure, but Willie Sutton, who never made it past the 8th grade could explain it to her.

  53. Biden said he would restore the US’s reputation internationally. He has now destroyed it. Who would trust us? Bin Laden said people will go with the strong horse. We are now clearly the weak horse, unwilling to defend our allies or our own civilization.

    The most immediate effects will be in Asia and the Middle East, but it won’t stop there.

  54. Rufus T. Firefly on August 17, 2021 at 11:36 am

    Very, very nice. To paraphrase one of my favorite trashy movies, “Water is wet, the sky is blue, and people go where the money is.”

  55. Biden said he would restore the US’s reputation internationally. He has now destroyed it.

    90% of the people who voted Democratic in 2020 will (1) ignore this or (2) blame Trump or (3) blame Bush.

  56. Well, Art Deco, if even 10% of those people recover from their delusions, we win elections.

  57. if even 10% of those people recover from their delusions, we win elections.


    Agreed. The Kool-Aid Dems will be embarrassed, but carry on in their smug, low-info way, but given how close the margins between the parties are, this is a serious blow to Democrats.

    Their whole “We’re the Adults in the Room” political campaign just got blown sky-high.

    The poll I’d really like to see now is the likelihood of military personnel and vets to vote Democrat in 2022 or 2024.

  58. Biden’s National Security Advisor told the press Tuesday that Biden has not been in touch with any other world leaders since Kabul fell on Sunday.

    And just to clarify for anybody out there the real impact of this disaster, imagine being a foreign service officer or CIA agent trying to get ANYONE in the less developed world to side with America after Biden publicly defenestrated the Afghans on Monday. This is likely going to negatively affect diplomacy and intelligence operations for a couple of decades.

    And don’t think for a second the folks running Taiwan aren’t having some serious discussions right now.


  59. She’s not only reporting from a warzone, Ward is reporting from a losing warzone. Ward is a woman reporting from a losing warzone controlled by anti-Western Islamic zealots who have been known to rape female reporters for sport.

    So let’s give Ward the respect that she’s due.”

    The respect she is due is the same respect due the idiots who dangle their legs off the edge of Mount Katahdin ledges. Only less so because she is 1, paid for it; and 2, accrues more of the status she aims for, than they do.

  60. Who recalls this Biden foreign policy gem from 2010?

    Biden is just uncanny. Save this man’s brain.

    I am very optimistic about — about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration.

    You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.

    I spent — I’ve been there 17 times now. I go about every two months — three months. I know every one of the major players in all of the segments of that society.

    It’s impressed me. I’ve been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences.


  61. You see DNW is not in a war zone and knows all ’bout her and stuff. Being a philosopher does that for you. It’s his blazing reality skilz. Otay!

  62. @ miguel > “nowhere near the entire story”

    I certainly trust Lara Logan more than I do Joe Biden.
    Good luck to the Afghan VP and the opposition to the Taliban – they’ll need it.

  63. “None of the corruption or payoffs that lead to the quick takeover of Afghanistan should be any surprise to anyone paying attention…”

    Grammar gripe:
    Lead pronounced leed = to guide

    Lead pronounced led = metal used in bullets, fishing sinkers, wheel weights

    Led pronounced led = past tense of lead, to guide

    Thank you.

  64. “…after Biden defenestrated the Afghans…”

    …and has been working on defenestrating the US since 2009.

    Following his tremendous success with regard to the former (no, not being sarcastic here), what exactly is there to stop “Biden” from succeeding, similarly, regarding the latter?

    After all, another crisis has been added to his impressive collection of crises. Another arrow in his golden quiver.

    Which can be added to “his” achievements on the southern border; the confusion, fear and hysteria wrought by “his” COVID policy; the galloping inflation brought on by “his” economic” policy (such as it is); “his” constant and disgusting demonization of half the country; “his” destruction of the educational system; “his” hollowing out of the military; “his” policies to weaken and ultimately obliterate the middle class along with the family; “his” exploitation of race to divide and demoralize the citizenry; “his” renewed embrace of Iran and other criminal regimes (one criminal regime scratching another’s back); “his” constant and ubiquitous lies; etc.

    More fear. More consternation. More anger. More chaos. More violence. More dissension. More despair. More bull****.

    More hate.

    Yes, the master plan is working to perfection.


    File under: “Unity”. Or “Building Back Better”. Or “America is Back”. (Or maybe one should embrace the power of AND….)

  65. “Biden” (AKA the Bogus Pres., the Potemkin Pres., President No-Mo’-Malarkey, President Ice Cream, President Word-Salad, President Buck-Stops-Here-But-Its-Everyone Else’s-Fault—and no doubt several colorful others)…is SUCH a kidder!


    To be fair to “Biden”, wall-to-wall, unquestioning, sycophantic support of—and protection by—the corrupt media (and info-tech) can be very “liberating”…

    (Actually, to be fair to the president, there’s no such thing as President Biden…)

    Meanwhile, Kamala Harris strives—more convincingly than ever—to be presidential (that is, Democratic Party presidential)!

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