Home » Open thread 7/21/21


Open thread 7/21/21 — 27 Comments

  1. She is a Slav to fashion.

    English words with lots or “r”s give her trouble at times.

    Generally her vids are a good break from political bleakness or WuFlu madness.

  2. area — ah-REE-ah

    I liked it. I drilled down to her home on Youtube, and at the top she has,
    Beauty Standards are Bullsh*t

    It’s even longer, and the last half is a less interesting rant, but I found the first minutes on her self beauty obsessions starting at age 12 the most interesting. Also, her run down on physical beauty elements throughout the ages was good.

  3. A while back neo posted on the Strauss-Howe “Fourth Turning” conjecture that the US runs on a four-generation cycle. ZeroHedge takes that up with the provocative title: “Why I Trust Gen Z to Lead the Next Awakening.”

    Generation Z is being born during a crisis (2006-2025), which makes it an Artist generation.

    Artists are adaptive, brought up during a dangerous explosive era, marked by “aggressive institutions, and an ethic of personal sacrifice… grow up overprotected by adults preoccupied with the Crisis, come of age as the socialized and conformist young adults of a post-Crisis world, break out as process-oriented midlife leaders during an Awakening, and age into thoughtful post-Awakening elders.”

    Ignoring the nice clean 20-year eras, I’d say anyone born from 2002 on is more Generation Z or Zoomer than Millennial.

    –“Why I Trust Gen Z to Lead the Next Awakening”


    Well, if there were ever an American crisis, I’d say being crushed by “The Woke Heel” qualifies. If Gen Z is now entering college after Covid, they’ve got a shot at being disillusioned by the Woke tyranny and rebelling.

    One may hope.

  4. Gen Z are (to put it mildly) Unimpressed. And irreverent. And partial to a good meme.

    Some are woke, naturally. Those are pretty uninteresting. Woke is woke.

    The Unwoke Gen Z are the result of excessive over-egging of some ideological puddings. Too much of anything will breed a reaction.

    As seems to be the case with late-stage Civilizational decay, Cheap Irony abounds. And Unwoke Gen Z jokes that they are Gen Zyklon. Make of that what you will.

    They also love the ‘OK Boomer’ and ‘Day of the Pillow’ memeplex thingies. Not that they’ll wield any pillows — they’ll make droll comments while the Third World Nasties Boomers and Gen X imported do the job for them.

    Gen Z will certainly have to do *something*. Because their generation is young enough to have to live with the consequences of accelerating demographic change and political and economic collapse. Could go any which way.

    They’re unlikely to go down in history as the Nicest Generation. The Niceness Account was squandered by Boomers and Gen X. They’re fresh out.

  5. flat caps vs top hats or bowlers… boaters, fedora’s (originally a womans hat)…

    what stopped the hats?

    they stopped making cars with the headroom
    and with cars you went 30 seconds from house to car
    30 seconds from car to office

    if you look at the early cars and buggies, they had head room
    later, not so…


  6. Bit of a stretch, but I wonder if antibiotics helped kill the hat?

    Back when pneumonia didn’t just kill the very old in nursing homes but could sneak up on you after you caught a chill on any random day at any given age, surely people were a bit more obsessive about covering up in the cooler and damper months.

    But cars probably is a good part of it.

    Also must be part of the general trend in slacking off appearance-wise. Evidence in favor of this has to be that women are perfectly capable of doing all kinds of impractical time-consuming things when fashion and appearance are involved — compared to applying makeup or wearing ridiculous heels, managing hat logistics wrt automobiles ought to be Trivial.

  7. @TJ:

    Nothing much happened until a significant fraction of the Merchant/Smuggler and Landed Gentry Oligarchies of the Colonies decided it was in *their* best interests to go balls to the wall for a Leveraged Buyout.

    (I cannot tell a lie. I’m a Cynic. Part of me enjoys chopping down Just-So Cherry Trees.)

    Forget how many divisions the Pope does not have and ask yourself how many Oligarchical Class Traitors do you have on your side?

    You’re going to need a Few Good Scumbags in addition to Martyrs and Cannon Fodder. Pace Q-Anon Fever Dreamers, I sense a distinct dearth of friendly Oligarchs and Deep State Buglords.

    Limited Aims for now. Sort out neighborhoods and local governments perhaps?

  8. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-what-on-earth-is-the-problem-with-a-jewish-majority-in-israel-1.10009667

    “ Why should the Jewish state not do what it can legally do to maintain a Jewish majority? And what in heaven’s name has happened to the Zionist left? Why do so many of its champions find it difficult to affirm what is so clearly sensible and right?

    Students of Israel and Zionism know that demography is destiny.

    That Zionism, now and in the past, has always been about creating a democratic state with a Jewish majority. That the State of Israel can, and must, take appropriate steps to assure that a stable Jewish majority is maintained. That taking such steps, and being honest about your intentions, need not be inconsistent with democratic principles or with the ideals of Israel’s Declaration of Independence. And that the loss of a Jewish majority means the end of Zionism and the disappearance of the State of Israel.

    And not only that. The premise of Zionism is that there are many Jews who desperately want to live among other Jews in a majority-Jewish state. Their eagerness is understandable, and they make no apologies for this fact. They are grateful that the State of Israel, after millennia of Jewish exile, finally enables them to do so.

    Israel, they remind us, was created to promote the religion, civilization and culture of the Jewish people and its dominant Jewish majority. Thank God, they say, that Israel is the one place where it is non-Jews who must struggle with the problems of being a minority—even as they are assured by Israeli law, at least in theory, of civil equality and democratic rights.


    This configuration will not be perfect. Getting there will not be easy. And it may take many years for the two-state arrangement to be constructed. But left and right take note: in the meantime, the job of Jews is to work for a separation of peoples that will make two states possible, and for a demographic reality that will leave the Jews as a clear, uncontested majority in their part of Israel/Palestine.

    I repeat: We Jews want a state of our own, where the Jews, a secure and confident majority, will call the shots, govern democratically, and live in peace with our neighbors. That is what Zionism is. And in the final analysis, binational, one-state schemes and fantasies will give way to the compelling logic of Zionist principles. “

    (Eric H. Yoffie, a rabbi, writer and teacher in Westfield, New Jersey, is a former president of the Union for Reform Judaism.)

    Couldn’t agree more, Eric H. Yoffie! Break a leg! Or find some Diversity in New Jersey (you don’t mind them so much being *there*… do you?) to break it for you 🙂

    This guy gets that Demographics is Destiny. It’s not reasonable to expect him to be interested in the destinies of Other Demographics. This guy is rightly focused on *his* People. None of that Universalist Pap when it’s the Home Team. Again… I think this is good. I don’t even care that he almost certainly votes for more Diversity in the USA. All I want is for white people to be able to search replace a bunch of terms in his text without being deplatformed by the ADL. Not much 🙂

    *in a small voice* “Please, could we White People have one too, you know… a teeny tiny little nuclear trident equipped ethnostate? Just a small one will do. Pretty please!”

  9. It’s nuclear Triad. My brain has been Poseidoned. Bats in Small Hats in the Belfry. Occupational Hazard.

  10. Tribalism: Non-Jewish Version


    “ I am currently staying at a travel lodge in northern Wisconsin and there are 30-40 old school Mennonites, cousins of the Amish, also here. The free self-serve breakfast room provides lessons regarding how the Amish likely will behave if, as speculated, they ever do achieve population dominance.
    The Mennonites entered the room en masse and immediately occupied every open table remaining in the place. Each clan had its own table and it did not matter whether there were two members or eight, they had their own table by clan and would stand beside their territorial claim despite empty seats being available at the other Mennonite tables. Spaces were reserved by laying objects in the conventional way.
    Then the Mennonites formed an after church social barrier in front of the food supply, blocking outsiders from access in polite fashion while kibbitzing together in Swiss German. The kids were all barefoot and roaming around, which dissuaded the rest of us from approaching.
    About six old ladies commandeered the two waffle-making machines and began preparing waffles exclusively for all Mennonites. They cast intimidating glares at some tough-looking brawny, sleeveless construction workers who attempted to stand in line for waffles. Not gonna happen.
    The men, who are noticeably trimmer than the somewhat fat women, helped themselves to all the food, making immediate return trips to fill up individual and shared plates for their tables. This left only coffee for the outsiders.
    No grace was given nor prayers offered, once the last old lady abandoned her waffle post the entire group began eating and the men discussed whatever Swiss German topic. The food area resembled a war zone where the cockroaches would have starved.”

    Vox Comments:

    “ Those Mennonites are going to do well when things fall apart. The rugged individualists should be fine, at least as long as they’re out in the deep wilderness without any resources that these people happen to decide they need for their families.

    Notice how the supposed tough guys couldn’t handle the old women. They could have unplugged the machines and refused to plug them back in until one machine was given to the non-Mennonites, but apparently they couldn’t even manage to work together in that one simple regard.”

    I read Vox Day so that you don’t have to. He’s a nasty piece of work. A hyper intelligent nasty piece of work. Therefore about one in ten of his blog posts contains something we really ought to be thinking about. Good odds, IMHO.

    When SHTF and Civil Society dematerialises, all this rugged individualism and constitutional propositional imaginary nonsense isn’t going to count for much. Get a like-minded tribe together.

  11. You wish 🙂

    Might pay you a visit one day. I hate LAX and there’s nothing so poignant as coming in over the Cascades and looking down on all that rusty glorious old flat iron berthed all Ozymandias-like at Bremerton. Wouldn’t want to live near or down-prevailing-wind of the joint though.

  12. What you know about the US can be written on a fortune cookie. Stay in Hong Kong, or go find a bastion of “your” people.

  13. Only place I’ve ever seen and handled a real live fortune cookie was in the USA. I’m not writing for the Atlantic, so won’t try to tease out more paras on what that means.

  14. @TommyJay:

    Seal Yesterday. Shilling Black Rifle Coffee today 😛

    The Big Thing is to be an Ex-Seal. That’s where the money is. And there’s plenty. Do you think this isn’t affecting recruiting, selection, and Esprit de Corps?

    Guys who make it into the various special forces branches are truly exceptional physical and mental specimens. 99.999th percentile all-rounder guys. Mucho respect. And they do take terrible risks and do amazing things. And some of them end up dead or disabled or disfigured, so the retirement jackpot is no sure thing.

    But still… Let’s have a bit of a wee think about this whole Special Forces thing. All over the Five Eyes, all you hear about are the Special Forces and their derring do in the various Forever War Sandpits.

    Could it be that one reason for this is that the quality of the *regular* military is now so bad and their equipment so degraded that everything depends on the Special Forces? Or is it that these guys are just the best suited for being the Enforcers in intergovernmental/inter-agency/globohomo graft-extracting Forever Mini Wars?

    Try not to have have the Pavlovian Reaction. Think a bit. These guys and their recent decades’ apotheosis could be a sign that not all is well with the rest of us as much as they could be Warrior Lords for the Ages. Or both might be true. Or something else. But Rah Rah Murrica I thank you for your service is not Thought.

  15. Re: Hats…

    So I set my time machine for 1959, New York City. I’m watching the Swan of Leytonstone’s immortal “North By Northwest.”

    Looks like about 30:70 Hats:Hatless.

    Cary Grant, needless to say, is a Man Without a Hat.
    Leo G. Carroll, likewise to say, is a Man With a Hat.
    Eva St. Marie appears to be a Woman, Hatless.

    Those were simpler times.

  16. Does Can Do! remember how many lines he has to work with? Tell us about the Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites, oh sage of the East. Or cite some rando internet dog, not even your own tome.

  17. https://www.clairewolfe.com/blog/2021/07/13/whos-in-denial-part-i/

    “Besides, even the dimmest dim bulb in the political universe of libertarians, constitutionalists, paleoconservatives, Trumpists, traditionalists, populists, and fellow travelers knows something’s got to give — and give soon. We can’t go on as we are.

    The colonists got the deep betrayal of the Intolerable Acts as their wake-up call. Overnight they transformed from fed-up supplicant Brits into fiercely unbeatable Americans. Our circumstances are different, harder. But what dramatic wake-up calls might be out there waiting for us? Aside from Talebian black swans nobody can anticipate, I bet we can all think of a few.”

    (Also Sprach Zaphod: “I would’t be too sure about the Libertarians *honk honk*.”)

    Courtesy of GvdL’s excellent site.

    The mostly excellent Ms Wolfe gets a spot rent-free inside my head, too.

  18. More from the Rent-Free Inside My Head Department:


    “While the brass play their academic and political games, our soldiers are dying, not on foreign battlefields, but at their own hand. What’s driving them is not white rage, it’s white despair.

    Austin, Milley, Brown, Gilday, and other military leaders have invented a crisis of racism because it lets them unleash diversity initiatives and hector the troops about unconscious bias. Like so many corporations and government institutions which have embraced critical race theory, political correctness allows them to avoid tackling the real crises they are responsible for.

    The brass understands that pushing the big lie of systemic racism is good for their careers while addressing what’s driving enlisted white men to suicide would not lead to a profitable retirement.

    And while they lie, white men die.”

    Read the whole thing. And weep.

  19. Glad to hear that Daniel Greenfield has solved the problem of suicide in the ranks. A problem that never occurred before (not).

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