Home » Open thread 5/27/21


Open thread 5/27/21 — 29 Comments

  1. Götterdämmerung


    “One of the more interesting developments of the last half dozen years is the collapse of the old neoconservative order. By the Bush years it was no longer possible to question the presence of these people at the heart of conservativism, but a little over a decade on and the neocons are happy to exclude themselves from the Right. More important, they seem to be unambitiously antiwhite now. That was always the subtext of paleocon criticism of them, but now they are happy to confirm it.
    The other possibility is that neoconservatism was always a long con, but it has finally run out of road. The disastrous Bush years brought this reality to the fore and the neocons had no willingness or ability to answer for it. Eric Hoffer pointed out that mass movements in America end up as a racket, a cult, or a corporation. In the case of the neocons it is just a racket now. They are happy to run the pro-Israel racket as long as it keeps them in the lifestyle they believe they deserve.

    Regardless of the the causes, the slow death of neoconservatism is a net positive for right-thinking people. The reason conservatism was a disaster is it cloaked anti-Western sentiment in liberal principle. The neocons were always the quintessential wolf in sheep’s clothing, so their departure offers clarity. That is, the people on the Right can now think in terms of their own interests, rather than the interests of esoteric principles or carefully cultivated and ennobled outsiders.”

  2. Zaphod,

    Can you read WITH comprehension?

    Do you UNDERSTAND the name of this blog?

  3. “One of the more interesting developments of the last half dozen years is the collapse of the old neoconservative order. By the Bush years it was no longer possible to question the presence of these people at the heart of conservativism, but a little over a decade on and the neocons are happy to exclude themselves from the Right. More important, they seem to be unambitiously antiwhite now. That was always the subtext of paleocon criticism of them, but now they are happy to confirm it.

    He’s a knucklehead. The term ‘neo-conservative’ was applied to a collection of opinion journalists, quondam officials, and academics who departed the Democratic Party piecemeal during the period running from 1971 to 1992. About the oldest among them was Sidney Hook (b. 1910) and the youngest was Michael Lind (b. 1962). Most of them are very old or dead. The intersection of the list of people associated with this circle (see the membership list of the Committee for the Free World) and notable NeverTrumpers today begins and ends with Wm. Kristol and John Podhoretz.

    The obsession Sailerites have with that circle has only one cause, and that’s something the rest of us can ignore, rather like dog do on the sidewalk.

  4. It’s one of a number of terms that liberals attempt to appropriate and re-define for their own purposes so as to create different straw men they can knock down easily using predefined arguments with zero relevance to real issues and which they can parrot easily… then they claim victory over “the opposition” even though nothing they had said actually has anything whatsoever to do with either cons, neocons, or even RINOs.

  5. zman claims to be “misanthropic” yet he is in the midst of a longstanding passionate love affair, go figure

  6. Re: the picture. It appears to me to be a Roman Catholic church perhaps somewhere in Italy?

    My wife is Eastern Orthodox and I’ve come to appreciate greatly the beauty of their churches which are rarely depicted online or in the media.

  7. “That is, the people on the Right can now think in terms of their own interests, rather than the interests of esoteric principles or carefully cultivated and ennobled outsiders.”

    Well, who then are the ‘people of the right’, and what are their interests?

    And too, what esoteric principles specifically are being adverted to here?

    Would they be the general principles of the Declaration of Independence? Probably not, eh?

    Would they be the principles of the United Nations Charter, or Maritain’s influence on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Possibly.

    How about FDR’s “Four Freedoms” and the camel nose of so-called positive liberty sneaking under the tent? Yeah, almost certainly.

    But this ill defined business of “the right”, as opposed to say. Michael Oakeshott’s “On Being Conservative” is a mystery. https://matiane.wordpress.com/2020/05/03/on-being-conservative-by-michael-oakeshott/

    You don’t want to wind up with a no demurrers accepted invitation to Rohm’s apartment at midnight, do you? And that fat German monster was white. As were, by the way the Bader Meinhoff gang members.

    So, I’m having trouble following your line of thinking Zaphod. And I don’t quite get exactly what some, at least, of those people talking about “White People” and seemingly conflating that with inevitable notions of personal responsibility, conscientiousness, honest dealing, respect for the individual, economic and intellectual freedom etc … think that they can point to.

    France? Naw. Imperial Great Britain ? No. Athens? uh, Melian Dialog.

    America in 1948? Probably. I have as fond memories as anyone of lazy, shady, suburban Saturday mornings when kids rode their bicycles on the walks and dads hosed down the family car in the driveway. But that was the United States in the 1950’s into the early 70’s. It was not like that in the 1920’s

    In France in 1793, hysterical God haters and gleefully reporting specialists in sexual self-abuse were running things, abolishing the Church, inventing new religions, renaming the months, killing aristocrats and conservative peasants alike … and they, being French, were white too … more or less.

  8. In Siena, during a 2018 trip I took to Italy. I wrote quite a bit about it in this blog at the time – lots of beautiful churches. The ceilings and floors were especially lovely.

  9. Zaphod, like a lot of people, has little knowledge about neoconservatism, although that doesn’t tend to stop people from making all sorts of pronouncements about it. I’ve written many articles on the subject (including how it’s used as a screen for “Jews on the right”) which can be found under the category “neocons” on this blog. So I won’t repeat myself except to say that NeverTrumpers John Podhoretz and Bill Kristol are not even neoconservatives, although the term is often applied to them. They are both the children of real neoconservatives, men who were head and shoulders above them in achievement and intellect. But John and Bill didn’t convert to conservatism; they were brought up in it. Also, Norman Podhoretz, John’s actual neocon dad, was a big Trump supporter.

  10. The VivaBarnes sidebar last night was really good with Amanda Milius. The most interesting parts for me were about the staffing mistakes the Trump administration made that led to so many of their problems.

    Nothing surprising but interesting to hear an insider’s viewpoint.

  11. On the picture, the ancient/medieval interiors, and Orthodox interiors, are meant to bring heaven closer to earth, and to make the Bible stories come alive in color and imagination. Beautiful!

  12. A bit more win-win Dan Greenfield sterling work and a bit less frantically ignoring the obvious would be the smart move:


    I’ve got nothing against self-interest. Love it, in fact. Prefer it to be straight up and not cloaked in hypocrisy and BS. Greenfield and his wealthy backers at least grasp that diluting the native stock and destroying their moral foundations and communities is not the smartest way to go about creating or maintaining a safe space for Diaspora Jews. I find it quite bizarre that he isn’t quoted more around here. Is there some secret inside baseball reason that Sultan Knish is on mute?

    “The ADL signed on to every HIAS push against the move to protect Americans from Islamic terror, alongside anti-Israel groups like J Street, Soros’ Bend the Arc, and T’ruah. HIAS, T’ruah, and Avodah, a feeder group for the anti-Israel movement funded by Steven Spielberg, showed up to a Linda Sarsour protest. Rallying for Muslim migration mattered more than antisemitism.
    While our streets are filled with the homeless and unemployed Americans are dying of drug overdoses (Z: Yo, Chinks + Sacklers.)at record rates, churches and temples lecture their parishioners on their moral duty to bring more Iraqis, Syrians, and Pakistanis to America. But 9/11 and the occasional terror attack in a major city are just the appetizers of Islamist demographic colonization.”

  13. Zaphod, it is a deep dark conspiracy that decides what neo can write about and what people can comment about here, you are just too new to be in on the rules. (sarc)

    Much like “Greenfield and his wealthy backers,” a deep dark conspiracy. Must protect the precious bodily fluids. LOL

  14. @om:

    Emergent Behaviour is all the rage these days.

    Swarming being one example. See above.

  15. Stolen from Somewhere on the Net:

    It’s funny how so many shibboleths like “you can’t judge a book by its cover” are actually the opposite of the general experienced truth. It would be interesting to make a “Book of Lies” to capture them for instruction. A sort of companion volume to the sources for Derb’s grade school copy book headings.


    Clearly the ADL doesn’t believe in the truth of what comes after ‘Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones’… Nor do I. So there’s another piece of cheap wisdom not worth the virtual paper it’s printed on.

    And a bonus John Derbyshire article on Kipling:


  16. Just saw an op-ed headline on the Australian Newspaper website:

    “If Covid Leaked, the China Rise Narrative is in Tatters.”

    Why would the Cathedral suddenly want to start peddling this, err, Narrative?

    Pay no attention to the Very Large and Not Very Friendly Thucydides Gap Obsessed Dragon launching space stations and Mars probes and aircraft carriers. You know the one whose economy has boomed in the last 12 months selling webcams and laptops so we can all enjoy being locked up at home.

    Chinky No Can Do. (Thanks for clearing that bit up, Om!)

    It’s blindingly obvious. We can all chill now.

    Everything is great. Let’s get back to BLM and Trannies and the really important stuff like what explosive hardware makes it through to land on the most important real estate in the world. As you were, Peons!

    Before the usual nit-pickers get to work, it should be obvious that you can be sloppy and slapdash and have variable quality control in everything you do… but if you do *enough* of everything and far, far more of it than your competitors, you *will* eventually swamp them.

    China doesn’t need to make something better than the F-35 or some Skunkworks masterpiece. It just needs to make 500M drones that mostly work.

  17. John Podhoretz and Bill Kristol are not even neoconservatives, although the term is often applied to them. They are both the children of real neoconservatives, men who were head and shoulders above them in achievement and intellect.

    Satisfactory point. The younger set did not have the sort of personal experiences that distinguished the older set. However, I believe Mark Lilla, John Podhoretz, and Michael Lind were all members of the Committee for the Free World and both Lilla and Lind were aides to Irving Kristol. All of these men were born during the years running from 1958 to 1962, as was Adam Wolfson, who edited The Public Interest after Irving Kristol retired; they are not young men. Lilla and Lind later abandoned the intellectual circles in which they spent their youth.

    Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz were notable as people who were able to get ideas into circulation, not so much as producers of original content, though they did some of that. Podhoretz was foundationally a literary critic, though he did not write much criticism after a certain date. Wm. Kristol is a lapsed academic. He’s not the scholar his mother was, but his intellect and his achievement up to age 35 was adequate. John Podhoretz is a man who produces good book reviews. Few people can make a living at that. Because he had connections, he could build a career as an opinion journalist, a trade at which he is a mediocre performer and for which he is grossly overpaid by Commentary‘s board. His mother and father needed to direct him to a different line of work and it was a serious mistake for him to enter theirs. His mother is the one in the family who produces engaging essays and articles, entirely on the basis of personal experience and good powers of observation. She has little tertiary schooling and learned on the fly when she landed a job at a publishing house in New York ca. 1948.

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