Home » Open thread 5/24/21


Open thread 5/24/21 — 24 Comments

  1. “Indomitable spirit” and “perseverance” are not two qualities I normally associate with ducklings. In this case, though. . .

  2. Well said F.

    But, I think those traits are essential for survival in any species that has not been domesticated.

    The same traits were probably more common in humans before social welfare became ubiquitous.

  3. Pet Peeve of the day.
    I just received an email from my HR Department regarding Memorial Day, “Remembering and Honoring All Who Served”. No, that would be Veterans Day. Memorial Day is to honor all who died in service to our country.
    But why should I be surprised that they got this wrong considering all of the other incorrect and unhistorical bullshit that the HR department has been peddling for the last many years.

  4. Steph, my daughter received multiple emails about “anti-Asian hate” following the horrible shootings in Georgia. After the murder of ten while people in a Colorado supermarket by a Muslim Asian immigrant, nothing.

  5. Kate,
    Yes, the Anti-Asian emails among many others regarding “domestic terrorism”. One of the emails contained the statistic that “in New York City, hate crimes motivated by anti-Asian sentiment jumped 1900% in 2020”. Well yes, if you go from 1 incident to 20 incidents you have a 1900% increase. SCARY!

  6. Steph, yes, there is an increase, although the numbers are still small. Also, leftists ignore information about who is committing the anti-Asian assaults. Hint: It’s very seldom white Trump voters. And they are not commenting much about the anti-Jewish assaults occurring around the country now. Those numbers are also, fortunately, still small, but becoming more widespread.

  7. On a positive note: I went to the supermarket near my house, and I didn’t have to wear a mask! Hooray!

  8. My thinking on the Wuhan lab leak theory being true has gone from “fairly likely” to “an almost certainty” since I now hear that in November of 2019 3 lab workers at Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick enough with “covid like symptoms” that they needed to be hospitalized.

    So over the past 18 months or so, the communist Chinese government has cost the world millions of lives, tens of trillions of dollars lost in global GDP, a years worth of lost education for hundreds of millions of kids all over the world, caused massive social unrest, riots, not to mention the negative impacts in terms of mental health of countless people. In short, they’ve done more damage globally than any single government since perhaps World War II.

  9. In the “real” world, in this case that of ducks, there are no medals for participation. The only options are fail or pass.

    In the realm of world politics, Russia, China, and Iran, for instance, live in the real world and act according to their own best interests as they see fit. True, their governments may act against the best interests of their citizenry, but they always act in the self interest of their governments.

    Bidet and his Obama-commie retreads that run his incredibly incompetent administration, live in a fantasy world and enact policies in accordance with their Utopian, make believe world view – that the USA is the root of all the world’s problems; implementing policies that harm the interests of the USA and harms the interests of the citizenry.
    Of course, when you hold your own citizenry in contempt, there is no action Bidet and his puppet masters will not pursue as long as it also harms the interests of the USA.

    I am tempted to compare Bidet’s / Obama’s policy towards Iran to that of Neville Chamberlain’s policies towards Hitler’s Germany. But the horrors of WWI were fresh in Chamberlain’s mind and his efforts, though subsequently seen to be misguided, were motivated to prevent another war and not motivated by any contempt he had for his own nation.

    This latter point is the big difference betwixt Bidet / Obama and Chamberlain; Bidet/Obama are in fact motivated by hatred of the USA and in particular its citizens and they intend to do anything and everything to diminish the influence and power (economic and militarily) of the USA.

  10. Watching the ducklings reminds me of a similar sighting by my wife. She was at the kitchen window one day when a momma turkey came walking up our driveway, which was strange since they are usually in a flock. When my wife looked more closely, there was a long line of chicks under the day lilies that are between our driveway and the neighbor’s fence. Momma was shielding them from the local hawks and other predators.

    If you look closely at the end of the video, mamma duck sheperds the ducklings in among the flowers, no doubt for the same reason .

  11. Your friends at the FBI:


    “This is something Sam Francis could not foresee. The paleo-con view of anarcho-tyranny was more passive. The state would harass people over petty things, while refusing to enforce the criminal laws. The FBI shows that the end point is something more sinister. The logical end of the managerial state is mobs of state-sponsored terrorists like Antifa and BLM rampaging through the streets, while the FBI systematically frames their targets for crimes they never would commit.”

  12. zaphod @ 9:56pm,

    Until this changes

    This student will not face penalties for the hate-crime hoax or for lying to investigators…

    the phenomenon will continue.

  13. Notice that when the last chick surmounts the third step, momma knows she has them all. Somehow, she can count and knows there are no more just out of sight below a step.

  14. I doubled the speed and it looked like something out of a Marx Brothers movie.

    What did the ducklings learn that enabled them to succeed in a physical movement that had been “impossible” moments before? Some kind of kinesthetic reflex-honing like a kid learning to ride a bike? Ours fell over lots until they mastered the exact pedaling that would keep them upright.

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