Home » Open thread 5/22/21


Open thread 5/22/21 — 33 Comments

  1. Normal, decent folks and leftoxenomorphs are two totally different species with antithetical outlooks on reality, civilization and the way to interact.

    For normal, decent folks reality exists outside of the individual’s mind and it has rules that have to be known and obeyed.

    For normal, decent folks civilization is a good thing that has to be carefully built, improved upon, conserved and polished to pass a better thing to the next generations.

    For normal, decent folks the way for individuals to interact with one another begins with unmitigated respect for the inalienable rights of the individual to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and then add benevolence, tolerance and a willingness to deal with one another by mutual consent for mutual benefit.

    For leftoxenomorph reality doesn’t exist and instead they listen to their whims, their fee-feez and their boo-booz, all real and imaginary and they want to get away with what they come about from the magical and childish soup in their minds in the most willful and tantrum throwing way possible and since they are adults or considered as such their tantrums often get deadly and totalitarian in extreme ways.

    For leftoxenomorph civilization has only meaning as a bad, cold, demanding, cruel thing to be destroyed and they long to be taken care of (they expect) and soothed in the warm embrace (they dream) of an paradisiacal (they hope) ant-hill with a super benevolent one-hive-mind that thinks for all for the common good in social justice and bullsh!tsectionality and everybody knows by heart everybody else’s personal pronouns and food and shelter and contentment appear magically as needed because paradise is a great thing and all they have to do is to get there and nobody will ever suffer again or be made to feel bad about anything and electrical unicorns (no hydrocarbons) will give free rides on demand and nobody will ever be afraid again or be made to feel as miserable as they do everyday in this current hostile climate of white (racist), straight (sexist and ‘whatever’-phobic) and male (toxic, rapist, patriarchal, abuser) and colonial (poor, poor minorities!) circumstances.

    For leftoxenomorph the world divides into them and those they hate because they know they are not like them.

    Leftoxenomorphs are made for obedience to the one-hive-mind and since they are super duper special snowflakes there will never be conflicts between them and nobody will ever have to cry. The others they expect them to kneel and worship and obey the one-hive-mind and serve in the leftoxenomorph paradise as slaves or be put to death. They deserve no less.

    The two species can only exist while they are at war with one another. Long term, one has to exterminate the other.

    So far the leftoxenomorph are winning, hands down.

  2. Not likely to find that sort of performance now. I am not sure that some of us realized what we had, until it was gone. I mean me.

  3. Maybe there never WAS a pandemic. It was all due to faulty testing.

    Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx’d

    Essentially, Covid19 has long been shown – to those willing to pay attention – to be an entirely created pandemic narrative built on two key factors:

    False-positive tests. The unreliable PCR test can be manipulated into reporting a high number of false-positives by altering the cycle threshold (CT value)

    Inflated Case-count. The incredibly broad definition of “Covid case”, used all over the world, lists anyone who receives a positive test as a “Covid19 case”, even if they never experienced any symptoms.

    Without these two policies, there would never have been an appreciable pandemic at all, and now the CDC has enacted two policy changes which means they no longer apply to vaccinated people.

  4. [Q] JimNorCal on May 22, 2021 at 12:13 pm said: Maybe there never WAS a pandemic. [/Q]

    Me thinks it was a made up panic-demic to bring about a tyranny-demic since climate change didn’t seem to be working all that well.

  5. More on the psychological aftermath of Covid.
    Case 1)
    Had 2 soccer games this morning. Yesterday Connecticut Soccer said no masks are needed for anyone at any games. Got to the field and both coaches were wearing masks as well as the kids (U12). I asked the coaches if they had seen the announcement by CJSA; they said yes, but their local clubs told them they have to keep wearing the masks. sigh….

    Case 2) Wife goes to Stop&Shop yesterday. Sign on door says “Masks recommended bu not required; she’s happy and immediately removes hers. She then reports 90% of everyone in the store still wearing masks.

    People have been so conditioned and brainwashed it’s truly frightening.

  6. Oh, thank you. I needed that. As Bill Griffith, author of the Zippy the Pinhead cartoon, once said, Fred Astaire is my co-pilot.

  7. Physicsguy- same here in Michigan. Masks are no longer required but everywhere you go the majority of people are still wearing them.

    I think that people have been so conditioned to wearing masks over the past year that it will take time to break the conditioning. It is therefore incumbent upon the rest of us to make a point of ditching the masks to serve as examples. My wife and I have been going everywhere unmasked, gym, stores, restaurants, etc., and I have to say that I haven’t sensed any disapproval from anyone, which I take to be a good sign.

    Still, there are always going to be those who continue to wear masks in order to virtue signal, or show their willing submission to the insect overlords or whatever, but they are going to look more and more ridiculous as time goes on. My opinion anyway.

  8. Well, this clip debunks the feminist’s most important claim to women’s superiority, neither of them wore heels and both danced backwards,

  9. JimNorCal. Lowering the number of cycles by 10 decreases the test sensitivity by 1,000. Of course they’re finding fewer positives.

    The pandemic was a fraud from nearly the beginning when it became clear that the average age of death is 82 and two thirds were in nursing homes. The correct course should have been to protect the elderly and leave everyone else alone.

  10. I went to a newly-opened Wegmans on Thursday. There was no sign requiring masks, so I didn’t put one on. Most of the employees were masked, but only about half the customers were. No hassles either way. I can now work out at the gym without a mask. Woohoo!

  11. Eastern WA report:

    Mask signs gone from Home Depot, Walmart, but not from Winco (grocery) or Safeway. Lots of people still masked (~1/2) but will see this afternoon if gym is still asking for them to be worn. OR is demanding that businesses do the dirty work of enforcing the vaccination/no mask rules. Time to go for a run.

  12. om,

    Over here on the west side of the state it has all fallen apart happily. Went to Safeway yesterday which supposedly is still requiring masks but I decided to see what happens so I walked in maskless and I saw a couple of other fellow travelers and not a word was said. At Rite Aid I wore the mask around my neck and again nothing from nobody. Not a word or dirty look.

    I actually think it’s coming to an end everywhere in WA but King County but I haven’t been there recently so maybe there too.

    Of course it will all be coming back again come October/November.

  13. Tough to look back on the normal world when I was a kid (born 1938).

    Fry’s grocery had a masks optional in Tucson today. Maybe 2/3 wearing masks but Tucson is deep blue.

  14. “Happy Racial Harmony Post of the Day:”

    Those Michelle Obama sized women are tough. Moochelle must be 250# about now.

  15. PaulinB: “The pandemic was a fraud from nearly the beginning when it became clear that the average age of death is 82 and two thirds were in nursing homes. The correct course should have been to protect the elderly and leave everyone else alone.”

    My wife is Chinese from the mainland, her parents are in a senior home. That’s EXACTLY what happened in China.

    I saw an interesting talk by one of the Epoch Times editors. He said that China claimed to do a bunch of stuff which worked: masks, social distance, shutdowns. That is NOT what they actually did and and it did NOT work. Our politicians and “experts” got played.
    Starting about 18:30ish https://rumble.com/vfszd7-2021d14-josh-philipp.html

  16. California, the land of nuts and fruits, has embraced anti-racist math because math is…hard! And hard things mean inequality — and now we embrace the magic of equity justice, or whatever.

    On a math genius web site, I encountered the ideology that will replace teaching real maths to those gifted enough to to grasp it. OK, like what? Pure pablum like this:

    • Cultivate mathematical identity so that everyone can see themselves as mathematicians.

    • Recognize and name the mathematical strengths of students of color, and teach them to recognize these strengths in themselves and others.

    • Intentionally integrate physical movement in math classes.

    • Identify and challenge the ways that math is used to uphold capitalist, imperialist, and racist views.

    • Expose students to examples of people who have used math as resistance. Provide learning opportunities that use
    math as resistance.

    • Recognize mistakes as miscommunicated knowledge.

    • Honor and acknowledge the mathematical knowledge of students of color, even if it shows up unconventionally.

    • Give rightful credit to the discovery of math concepts by mathematicians of color. Reclaim concepts attributed to white mathematicians that should be attributed to mathematicians of color.


    The war to genocide the idiot ruling class and their slavish boot lickers cannot commence soon enough.

  17. @TJ:

    May I humbly suggest renaming everything Jacobian in Mathematics to Jaquarian and awarding the Fields Medal to everyone answering to Jaquarius. That ought to satisfy the Ravening Beast for a day at least.

  18. TJ, some of those are hilarious, though it is certainly also true that the cumulative effect is profoundly disturbing.

  19. Astaire and Rogers: simply the best !!
    Style, elegance, sophistication, athleticism, presence, technique, perfection; all rolled into one.

    There have been many great dancers that displayed one or some of the characteristics above, but only Astaire and Rogers had them all.

  20. }}} Paul In Boston on May 22, 2021 at 6:19 pm said:
    Well, this clip debunks the feminist’s most important claim to women’s superiority, neither of them wore heels and both danced backwards,

    That’s based off a quip by the late film reviewer, Gene Siskel.

    The REAL problem with Siskel’s comment is that, if you actually WATCH a bunch of the movies, Astaire hands her off to the side to do a solo portion which she could not match.

    Now, if you want to talk about a REAL tragedy, there’s the Nicholas Brothers, who certainly could’ve given Astaire a run for his money (I think it may have been Neo who first called my attention to them years ago). But, of course, they were black, so they weren’t allowed to show up the White Guy.

    Sad… but at least those times are mostly behind us.


  21. The DiploMad has one of his sadly now more occasional posts up.


    “Let me provide, as the wokesters say, a sample of my own life experience: The other day I was at the local gym on the cross trainer machine–mask mandate is gone–listening to my Chuck Berry and Tom Petty, when I looked up and saw that on the twelve giant TV screens the gym had on, NOT ONE hetero white male appeared. One would think, to judge, from the commercials and presenters, that we live in a matriarchal African nation. The occasional white guy who appears almost inevitably comes across as some sort of quasi-gay buffoon who suffers diarrhea or needs some other form of straightening out by some wise woman doctor, lawyer, scientist, financial advisor, etc. It’s getting a bit much. This wokeness has even infected historical period films in which we, for example, now see ancient England with black aristocrats. Right. So if that’s even remotely true, how can the wokesters argue that Europe and America have been historically and systematically racist? Makes no sense. As a friend of mine said, “Like you, I never have cared about race before, but now I think I have had it.”

    The wokesters create the racism they claim to deride.

    In the end, we are all tribal. You can push us, insult us, and try to erase us for only so long before the tribal blood rises and the tribe strikes back.”

    I couldn’t agree more. The man is one helluva Maghrebi Mensch and long may his posts proliferate.

  22. “• Recognize mistakes as miscommunicated knowledge.”

    Yep, and especially the concept of probability and statistics as applied to Russian Roulette. Those “miscommunicated knowledge” events only happen once.

    Other examples: stealing copper wire from inside a high voltage substation. Playing BLM protest at night dressed in black blocking traffic on a Seattle area interstate.

  23. https://jonathanturley.org/2021/05/24/neo-nazi-murderer-lover-columbia-professor-under-fire-after-attacking-a-baruch-student-on-social-media-for-defending-trump/#more-173558

    Did you catch this? What you notice is that Prof. Turley freely admits something that the Professor’s Mutual Aid Society was 20 years ago pretending was untrue: that faculties have quite self-consciously purged themselves of people whose values are those of half the country. What he refuses to do is suggest any solution.

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