Home » The theory that COVID was bio-engineered and escaped from a Chinese lab…


The theory that COVID was bio-engineered and escaped from a Chinese lab… — 48 Comments

  1. Attorney Robert Barnes has a “Hush, Hush” episode devoted to the supposition that Covid-19 was exactly that. You may need to be a member of “Locals” to watch it. Verrrrry interesting. (vivabarneslaw.locals.com)

  2. My son sent me this article last night. It’s fascinating and compelling and, at the same time, SO depressing, because will this careful, acute reasoning ever see the light of day in the mainstream?

  3. This will come out. Too many people and articles are out there. It is getting into the mainstream conscious. I told my brother in law that Fauci NIH funded the gain of research that killed his mother. He is not accepting it….yet.

  4. We’ve learned in the last year or so that a great many credentialed ‘scientists’ are poseurs and frauds. I think it’s reasonable to assume that Fauci and Daszak are engaged in an ass-covering exercise until they prove otherwise. Fauci in particular is a bureaucratic politician for whom there is no truth or falsehood, just whatever is useful toward self-protective or self-aggrandizing goals. As for The Lancet, it’s been run by untrustworthy people for near on 20 years now. That the letter appeared in The Lancet is another layer of taint.

  5. To quote Louis from Casablanca, “I’m shocked!”

    C’mon man! We all knew this a year ago. Nothing to see, move along people. Joe and Hunter have it all under control.

  6. Nicholas Wade is the author of the story, in The New York Post, that Neo writes about in this blog post. For some people here, his name might ring a bell.

    As a reminder, here’s the first sentence from his Wikipedia entry: “[Wade] served as the staff writer for the Science Times section of The New York Times from 1982 to 2012. He is the author of the controversial book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History (2014).” In other words, he’s not some right-wing conspiracy nut.

    Even though Wade worked for The New York Times for many years, the article cited by Neo was published by The Post. I’m sure that the NY Times will do their best to discredit the article, or else they’ll just ignore it. Sad, but predictable.

    Wade’s article in he NY Post is, out of necessity, brief. For those not exhausted by the topic, I’d highly recommend a long, thorough piece that he published May 2, 2021 at the online site “Medium.” The so-called mainstream media conspicuously ignored the article, hence his turn to The Post.

    Here’s a link to that essay https://nicholaswade.medium.com/origin-of-covid-following-the-clues-6f03564c038

    Wade’s piece in Medium mentions the work done by Alina Chan, who was one of the first scientists to question the natural-origin theory of the virus. For her trouble, her career has been badly damaged. In a podcast, Razib Khan interviewed Chan on January 22, 2021. The interview’s language is accessible to nonspecialists like me, so I’m not reluctant to recommend it here.

    Here’s a link to the podcast: https://unsupervisedlearning.libsyn.com/alina-chan-on-sars-cov-2-and-lab-leak.

  7. Let’s see if I understand this; of the hundreds, if not thousands of cities and towns in China, the corona virus just happens to emerge from a city that contains two virus research labs.
    My or my, what an extraordinary coincidence.

    Yet, we are to believe that the virus was not man made and was not produced in either of those two labs in Wuhan.


    Personally, I do not think it was released intentionally, because once released there is no way to contain it or direct its “attack.” It’s a loose cannon, uncontrollable.

    Imagine if some nerve agent / toxin escaped from an US Army research lab in Anytown, USA , and killed a bunch of folks in that town.
    Who would believe that toxin did not emerge / escape from that lab in town?

    This whole virus mess is just more proof that the ruling class has zero interest in promoting the well being of the average person and is only interested in protecting their exalted position, life style and influence.

  8. The Russians started the whole AIDs was cooked up in an American lab to hide the fact they were weaponizing Anthrax and some escaped… so the Chinese would not be the first…

  9. As physicsguy says, we knew this a year ago, but Wade’s article at Medium is professional confirmation. There are lots of reasons to believe the virus escaped from the lab, and no evidence has emerged to support the theory of a natural progression from some animal to humans.

  10. Lancet lost its virginity even before the Autism article that began the antivaxx movement among the progs. It was responsible for the propaganda hit piece about civilian casualties in Iraq during the invasion in 2003. It interviewed Sunnis who were Baath supporters, then extrapolated to the entire population.

    The only question in my mind is whether it really was an accident.

  11. I have reservations about it being an “accidental” release. The Chicomms are on the warpath. They have made that very clear. Cratering our economy and getting rid of Trump were Chinese victories which continue to yield major dividends.

    Consider the dispersal of the virus to all corners of the globe via air travel of exposed but still healthy Chinese, in response to Wuhan city being shut down “in 48 hours”. Did you know Wuhan has one of the busiest airports in the world? Direct flights to London, NY, LA, etc., etc.
    Xi does not give a flip for individual Chinese. There are about 1.6 billion of them, so what’s a few million plus or minus lost to a virus that damages the entire West?

  12. It turns out that “gain of function” viral research was probably not such a good idea. Who could’ve imagined that taking something dangerous and difficult to control and then trying to make it even more dangerous and difficult to control may not have been wise?

    And then doing all this research out of a lab in China? China who has, shall we say, a less than stellar record for public safety and human rights? China, who literally just the other day let an enormous rocket crash in a completely uncontrolled rentry and by pure luck it didn’t crash in a populated area? Who could imgine that something could go wrong?

  13. @Cicero:

    I think it was a typical sloppy Chinese QC and Processes outcome. Also would assume that the research program had some pragmatic public health aims and also an element of just sheer eat the apple from the tree cussedness about it. Of course, the people who think and deal in the unspeakable are always looking over the shoulders of these researchers in case they come up with something might be useful as a weapon.

    BUT, once it was loose and once the fact it was loose had percolated up the Chinese Chain of Command to the top (took a little while as you have to be very careful what you tell your superiors, 10,000 times so the Emperor) a Machiavellian decision was made to hasten slowly on stopping air travel in and out of China.

    To be blunt, if you were the leader of a superpower and you did not practice masterful inaction to ensure that the rest of the world potentially went down with you or at least stayed on a level playing field, you’d deserve to be taken out back and shot. It was evil, but it’s the type of evil you need to embrace if you are minded to grasp the ring. Additionally, say you control a top-down Leninist techno-tyranny and you are curious to compare and contrast how Open Society (it is to laugh) systems respond to a major fuzzing attack, what do you do? You let her rip! And observe. And there has been much to observe and digest this last year, no?

    The fact that NIH was paying for some of the research ought to be beyond belief, but it’s just another sign of the times. Much needs to be burned to the ground before being rebuilt.

  14. I think it’s been obvious for some time to anyone paying attention that the virus was created in a lab. The question of whether or not it was accidentally or deliberately released is interesting but in the end I don’t know if it matters that much. Once the virus was released the Chinese government acted as if the virus was a weapon to weaken its enemies. They have gained some very valuable information about how their competitors deal with such a crisis and have to be very pleased with what they have learned. To a regime that has no qualms about sacrificing its sick and elderly population to gain a competitive advantage, Covid-19 is a perfect weapon.

  15. The full article by Wade appeared in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on May 5.


    The killer quote is from David Baltimore “an eminent virologist and former president of CalTech [and winner of the Nobel Prize]. “These features make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for SARS2.

    There’s also this from last year. “Luc Montagnier is a French virologist and recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).”


    When asked by one of the commentators if the coronavirus under investigation may have come from a patient who is otherwise infected with HIV, Professor Montagnier said, “No. In order to insert an HIV sequence into this genome, molecular tools are needed, and that can only be done in a laboratory.”

    Two winners of the Nobel prize independently came to the same conclusion, it’s man-made. That’s good enough for me.

    Fauci should have been thrown out at the beginning of the Covid pandemic because of his constantly changing and contradictory recommendations. It’s also been known from the beginning that under his administration the US funded gain-of-function research in China at a time when it was illegal here, but being a good swamp creature he’s never been called on it.

    This whole episode just sickens me because it shows how far politics has penetrated everything in the last few years. Once that happens, nothing is done on merit and it’s only about who wins and who loses.

    Instead of a rational look at masks, they were used to beat people into submission who didn’t use them despite past research that didn’t find them particularly useful.

    There was the hydroxychloroquine treatment that seemed to work well if administered as soon as symptoms appeared, but it wasn’t part of the approved party line. Ditto for ivermectin, after all Trump used it (successfully). In a rational world, both treatments would have been fast tracked to test them for their efficacy. But no, we all had to stand still until a vaccine was available. How many lives were lost because they weren’t tested. There are reports that they have now been approved but it hasn’t been heavily publicized.

    If the current bunch ever gets full control, we’re in deep trouble because all they know is politics and absolutely nothing about how the world really works. When that happens, the first time a toilet doesn’t flush civilization will collapse.

  16. Mike+K:
    Lancet, NEJM, and JAMA, the prominent general medical journals (as you know) are all edited by progs. NEJM, produced by Harvards, has long advocated nationalized health care. My specialty journal, which shall remain unnamed to preserve a shred of anonymity, has a Leftist editor who has written about our specialty’s “racism” even though there are not that many residency slots and black medical graduates of merit are also few in number.

    My medical school is “fighting systemic racism” within itself. So it now admits 50 % blacks, mostly female, and 15% foreigners. What’s a white American boy to do? They still want alumni $ though!

  17. The HCQ issue is evidence of the political turn this epidemic took early. My wife has chronic immunodeficiency and emphysema. She takes HCQ for rheumatoid arthritis. When the epidemic began, I saw references to the use of HCQ and prescribed amounts for my children, one of whom is diabetic. My wife, in June, had a classic episode of SARS2 with loss of taste, skin lesions, fever, etc. She was hospitalized three nights but recovered. She had five PCR tests all negative. Her internists agreed that she had had SARS2. I did not get it, possibly because I was also taking HCQ.

    My own internist, a very opinionated young man, and probably a Democrat, dismisses HCQ as a possible treatment. After some disagreements on masks and things, we have agreed to disagree. I am about 40 years older than he is and 55 years a physician.

  18. @Mike+K

    “I am about 40 years older than he is and 55 years a physician.”

    More than likely Progressiveness of the Young Whippersnapper aside, what are your thoughts on recent and current medical school education trends and how they might affect openness to alternative hypotheses and critical thinking in younger doctors?

    I’ve had some exposure to females who have been through the system in the last 20 years and have noticed that they tend to chant ‘Evidence-based Medicine’ like it’s some sacred mantra and often refer in very approving manner to the Higher Authority of ‘Best Practice’ (AKA What Everybody Does — as far as I can tell) from which there is apparently no appeal.

    I guess I’m trying to say that I don’t sense a great deal of intellectual curiosity or humility, let alone curiosity in these interactions — and suspect that current winnowing along the Pre-med through Med School credentialisation conveyor belt does not select for these at all.

  19. Anyone who has read about the history of Communist governments, especially the USSR and China, would know that – of course they were making lethal disease organisms in an environment that could leak them to the greater public. Human life means nothing in Communist systems except as it is useful to the Party.

    Whether it was leaked by accident or on purpose is likely impossible to know now. But either way the amazing thing is how the Left worldwide seized on the disease so quickly as a means to increase their power. That worldwide, sudden, and coordinated-looking response makes believing it was deliberate and planned out by the CCP and then orders sent to the high-end Left all over, plausible, even if it can never be confirmed.

  20. I’ve had some exposure to females who have been through the system in the last 20 years and have noticed that they tend to chant ‘Evidence-based Medicine’ like it’s some sacred mantra and often refer in very approving manner to the Higher Authority of ‘Best Practice’ (AKA What Everybody Does — as far as I can tell) from which there is apparently no appeal.

    I have been a supporter of “Evidence Based Medicine” so long as it uses evidence from randomized clinical trials. Unfortunately, many examples use “consensus” which is useless.

    I taught medical students for 15 years, finally giving up about 5 years ago. Many of my students were black, almost all from other countries. American blacks have a tough time as they are burdened with the victim mentality. Long ago, when I was a surgical resident, several good friends were American black physicians. The left has much to answer for with this trend to denigrate blacks’ ability.

  21. … biosafety level 2, the biosafety level of a standard US dentist’s office …

    I’d laugh if it wasn’t so tragic. So typical.

    Zaphod, Very interesting.

    what do you do? You let her rip! And observe.

    Standard military tactics. Probe the enemy’s defenses. Then observe the response and learn. It’s a pity that the NIH and Fauci decided to assist them, not us.

    There also are possible shades of Operation Paperclip here. Most of the Nazi scientists brought back to the U.S. had experience in rocketry and similar areas, but some were bioweapons researchers. Think Dr. Mengele’s underlings.

  22. “coordinated-looking response makes believing it was deliberate and planned out by the CCP and then orders sent to the high-end Left all over”

    An alternative explanation is “monkey see, monkey do” with China running a lockdown psy-op and all governments immediately assuming that it was the best protocol for handling the disease.

  23. Zaphod:
    “Evidence-based medicine” is an invention of the (self-designated) sacred leaders of American medicine, based mostly in Boston and New Haven, but, like CRT, it took medical academia by storm. They even invented grades of evidence!

    Evidence is grade A only if via a prospective, randomized clinical trial (which usually take years to complete), written and run by said academics, who are handsomely paid to do so.

    Medicine has ALWAYS been evidence-based to the extent evidence was available. The Aztecs were saving lives by cutting holes in skulls to relieve epidural hemorrhage, usually caused by a blow to the head by a club, 2000+ years ago. Semmelweis used the evidence of dirty hands of his fellow obstetricians transferring bacteria from one just-delivered woman to the next in labor (ca 1850). The stethoscope has yielded much evidence (e.g. murmur of mitral stenosis, and its opening snap). Mind, some evidence was slipshod and wrong, like bleeding people for fevers, but there was always an effort to discover and fix. Using evidence, not incantations.

    As you know, women are more inclined to be collectivist, at least IMO. And the majority of just-produced MDs is now female; good little girls. Always checking software to tell them what to do using “evidence-based medicine”.

  24. It was for this that the “conspiracy theory” concept was invented. Call something a conspiracy theory and it can never be rehabilitated.

  25. I was never tested. Tests weren’t really available then, and by the time it appeared I might have had it, I was well past any necessary quarantine period.

    But I’m almost certain I got it from my neighbor from China, in late January, 2020. He returned about 10 days late for the second semester. I asked if he was delayed because of COVID, not in that he had it, but meaning that he got out of the country as quickly as he could. He said yes.

    I’ll try not to get too detailed on the time table and the mild symptoms that I experienced (say the mildest cold I ever had), but I was recovering from shoulder surgery at the time.

    So all of this, my symptoms and how I felt was pretty well documented, because I was going to physical therapy three times a week at the hospital just a block or two from where I was staying. But I will say that the symptoms line up, from the Monday I called in, the only day I called off therapy. I explained on Wednesday (or Tuesday) to the therapist that I felt down in the dumps Monday, maybe just depression, but a day like someone might call in sick to work. Because of how I felt, it wasn’t going to be productive. By Friday’s appointment, I had definite symptoms and was able to report, “it turns out I actually have a bug.”

    I was aware of what was happening in China, but didn’t make any connection. The reason is because what was reported in the news was so deadly. Eventually I read up on all of this, again, well past any quarantine period. Much of this information that was available then was likely not available earlier. But what I was reading that night led me to believe I had already had it.

    It had to have helped that I was “running” by then 5-10 minutes, two or three times a week on the wide, flat, lighted sidewalks just north of campus, which were always cleared. Slipping on ice and falling down and possibly re-tearing the shoulder was my first concern. The congestion was never bad (like it typically is when I have a cold), and cleared soon, but the dry cough lasted a bit longer.

    The night I read up on it, the “conspiracy theory” was out there already, I guess, though I hadn’t heard it called that. I found what I read to be science-based and believable (quite possibly man-made, and why).

    I saw a medical doctor about all of this, of course explaining all of the above beforehand. She didn’t wear a Hazmat Suit, but everyone was very careful.

  26. I had been convinced that the warm waters of the southern China Rice Paddies, where the farm animals, wild animals, migrating birds and a billion or so Chinese ate, drank and shit in the same place were just a natural breeding ground for the same kind of diseases that Asia has been producing for centuries, but the more I hear from Team-Fauci, the more likely bio-warfare seems. I have to admit, the bastard is good. The Progressive Corruptocrats tolerate murder and dispair in American cities, so why not go along with a few hundred thousand dead Grannies to cut the Medicare costs and free up more cash for the grift? In another time, His Fauciness would have been selling used cars and “well irrigated”[with salt water] Florida properties. That paper shuffler be movin’ with the times.

  27. }}} wrote in The Lancet

    There’s your problem right there. The Lancet has long long long been a font of the highest order of stupidity and liberal idiocy. Since at least the Iraq War, and probably for longer.

  28. The neocon conspiracy theory is nice, but I prefer the Chinese conspiracy theory:

    Covid-19 was developed in the US Army biological warfare lab (USAMRIID) in Ft. Detrick, MD, and it was planted in Wuhan during the 2019 World Military Games by US Army athletes.

    Certainly, that explains the initial Chinese bungling and their panicked over reaction. Of course, it doesn’t explain the US failure to react even after months of notice about the spread of the pandemic. But that might be explained by the CIA recruiting videos, which show that it hires the clinically insane. The Pentagon does the same thing.

  29. Ron Unz is rather a strange fellow. This is his take:

    Actually, he’s a loon.

  30. Fauci should have been thrown out at the beginning of the Covid pandemic because of his constantly changing and contradictory recommendations.

    In New York, to take one example, the statutory retirement age for surgeons is 70. That for judges is also 70, but with an option to work to age 76 if the Administrative Board of the Courts permits. So what is the 79 year old Fauci doing in charge of a public agency he was appointed to head at age 43?

  31. Tucker Carlson went hard on the bio-weapon aspect and Fauci’s explicit involvement. He started off on the mask foolishness, what Fauci said about masks and then smoothly moved to his involvement into the “gain of function” funding. It covers all the bases. Strong case. Now that it is out there lets see what politician takes it on. “Fauci killed Mom” makes for interesting dynamics.

    He has to be very careful as Paul Ryan is looking for a reason to take him off the air.


    Ron Unz is a loon but once in a while I read him to open my mind up to alternate channels of thought. Same with Vox Popoli. He kept me up to date with the latest QANON propaganda.

  32. I am Spartacus,

    The ChannelPlus Youtube video you linked got deleted. Did it have something to do with Paul Ryan and Tucker Carlson?

  33. Not the deleted video but interesting.

    Via Breitbart News, “Paul Ryan Plots Fundraiser for Liz Cheney: ‘Royalty in the Swamp’”:

    The fundraiser, a “virtual event,” is slated for Thursday, March 25 at 11 a.m. eastern. The invitation asks donors to give “suggested contributions” of $2,900 to “attend,” or $5,800 to be a “co-host” of the Ryan-Cheney event.

    Another interesting detail from the fundraising invitation is that the “Liz Cheney for Wyoming” campaign address to which donors are asked to make checks payable to is in Alexandria, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, DC. The fact that Cheney’s campaign is headquartered in the nation’s capital rather than in the state she purports to represent is something her primary challengers will almost surely use against her.

    Interesting and look who the source is.

  34. A former NC congressman, Mark Walker, announced early for the retiring Richard Burr’s senate seat. I thought he looked attractive until I got a fundraising letter for him from Paul Ryan. Umm, that’s not how to attract actual conservative support. Mr. Ryan’s anti-Trumpism led to squandered opportunities when we had the House.

  35. Via Breitbart News, “Paul Ryan Plots Fundraiser for Liz Cheney: ‘Royalty in the Swamp’”:

    What’s interesting about this is as follows:

    (1) he’s retired from Congress to cash in;

    (2) they only spent two years in Congress together; the two do not have some sort of longstanding association.

    (3) before he was elected to Congress, Ryan was a low level NGO apparatchik (an employee of one of the ancestors of FreedomWorks, I believe). He has the skills to be a fitness trainer, but the only employment history he’s had outside of political life (and things derived from political connections) consists of part-time and seasonal work of the sort you have as a student. Greater Washington has been his home address since 1993. Cheney has called Washington home for all but 10 of her 54 years, she has minimal employment history anywhere else, her husband’s law office is located in Washington, and the notional residency she and her husband and her daughter maintain in Wyoming is a resort property in the northwest corner of the state.

    (4) IIRC, Ryan was a protegé of Jack Kemp and William J Bennett back in the day. I don’t think he had a particular association with the Cheneys (more likely mama than papa if that).

    (5) You might as well ask donors to withdraw stacks of benjamins from their bank accounts to use as fodder for a beach bonfire. Jeb! was a better speculative investment.

    As always with NeverTrump capers, you have to ask yourself what the 10th planet is here.

  36. Ron Unz is a loon but once in a while I read him to open my mind up to alternate channels of thought.

    There are some sane if eccentric people on his site (Sailer, Derbyshire, Karlin) that you can benefit from with a critical eye. There are also some very rude people who are distasteful but do have some factual information worth reading (Kersey). I wouldn’t bother with Unz himself or the rest of them.

  37. Paul in Boston.
    One reason for attacking supporters of hydroxychloriquin is Trump suggested it. That’s the obvious reason.
    My suspicion is the perpetrators knew much more than they are sharing, and vaccine potential candidates were in progress ages ago. But Emergency Use Authorization requires no effective treatment to be available. Squelch hydroxychloriquin, ivermectin, melatonin, aspirin, and inhaler steroids, and no effective treatment exists.
    Scum. Deny effective treatment and people die, which justifies “vaccine” which will generate billions in profits.
    Delay vaccine delivery until after the election so Trump won’t look as good. People died from the delay. If it really is a vaccine and works.

  38. By the way, in February of 2020 I tested positive at the doctor’s office for Influenza A. I am one of the few to actually, really truly, to get the flu in 2020. I always knew I’m an anomaly.

  39. If one actually reads the W.P. article about the source of the virus, it actually quotes the Chinese ambassador as refusing to deny it came from a lab:

    “It’s true that a lot is still unknown,” Cui said when CBS host Margaret Brennan asked about Cotton’s claims. “But it’s very harmful, it’s very dangerous, to stir up suspicion, rumors and spread them among the people. For one thing, this will create panic. Another thing is that it will fan up racial discrimination, xenophobia, all these things that will really harm our joint efforts to combat the virus.”

  40. Milwaukee,
    Did you get tested for Covid-19 too, or was the doctor so sharp that he/she diagnosed you as a flu patient before the testing?

  41. A good piece about the WuHan Flu and its origin.

    Wade also quotes the eminent virologist David Baltimore, the former president of CalTech and discoverer of an enzyme used in all PCR-based COVID tests, as saying:

    “When I first saw the furin cleavage site in the viral sequence, with its arginine codons, I said to my wife it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus… These features make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for SARS2.”

  42. TommyJay…. Yes, the doctor is pretty sharp. He ordered a influenza test. So I had symptoms and a positive lab test. He then ordered tamiflu, and that helped mitigate the symptoms.

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