Home » Breaking story: attack near Capitol, the perp and one Capital Police officer are dead


Breaking story: attack near Capitol, the perp and one Capital Police officer are dead — 39 Comments

  1. @neo: When I click your link all I get is an article on this guy Comrade Ogilvy.

  2. We need background checks on anyone purchasing a knife. And who REALLY needs a car that goes over 40mph? We need a ban on assault vehicles now!

  3. Frederick:

    Which link are you talking about? I just checked the links in this post and they all seem to be working.

  4. Neo– Noah Green has been identified as “a 25-year-old member of the Nation of Islam. Green is a black male who has reportedly made inflammatory posts about politics and religion on Facebook.”
    Photo at the link: https://nationalfile.com/breaking-suspect-in-capitol-attack-identified-as-black-nation-of-islam-member-noah-green/

    Green’s Facebook page has been removed, but some of his posts were saved as screenshots. Here is a recent one:

    “In addition to my last post… I encourage everyone to study Revelations, study the signs of end times, study who the beast is, study who the anti-Christ is, study who the false prophet is, and study the created images during those times.
    The Minister is here to save me and the rest of humanity, even if it means facing death. Be willing to deny yourself and follow him, pick up your cross. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (his teacher, the exalted Christ) is alive and in power (I bear witness). Study the Minister, watch his lectures, study Elijah Muhammad, study the mother wheel (which is present here in America [I bear witness again]). We have a little time.
    Noah X”

  5. Griffin:

    Yes. As I was in the process of writing the post, I discovered the news about him being a black Nation of Islam follower.

    But I suspected something of the sort from the start. One reason was that initially his race was not mentioned in the articles I saw; if he’d been white, I believe it would most likely have been mentioned. Another is that they said terrorism was not suspected. That usually means someone affiliated with Islam rather than someone on the right, because someone on the right is usually labeled quite quickly as being part of some white supremacist terrorist and/or racist group, even if he isn’t.

  6. Reading your post, the first thing that popped into my head is “drug-induced crazy.” The second thing is “suicide by cop.” Didn’t see that third Nation of Islam option coming.

    I imagine Noah Green will be a difficult person to frame as a white supremacist Trump supporter…

    It wasn’t hard at all. I first heard about this incident from leftist commentators on several conservative blogs. They were framing it as a pre-planned attack by Trump’s insurrection.

  7. Ha! He said with a touch of irony.

    I always look at news reports to see if the Perp is identified by race in the headline or first paragraph. If not, I make an assumption; and my average is very good.

    By the way, in the horrific shooting in Orange County, Ca this week, the locals posted a picture of the killer. From his appearance in a rather grainy photo you might believe that he was possibly a “white supremacist” type. But, since they actually post his name, Aminadab Gaxiola Gonzalez, you can conclude that he didn’t just blow in from a compound in Idaho.

  8. The officer killed was Wm. Evans, who has been employed by the Capitol Police for about 18 years.

    (Blazing Cat Fur had video up that other outlets did not, which made it clear the perpetrator was not white. Amateur Canadian media scoops our professional media).

  9. mkent:

    Yes, of course they said that initially; it’s almost inevitable that they would say it. But did they continue to say it after learning he was a black Nation of Islam follower?

    As I said, though, it’s certainly possible the left will continue to say that the right was responsible.

  10. Three things:
    The cops should have shot him in the leg per Joe Biden’s instructions. No need to shoot to kill, right? Just wound him and bring him in, right?

    We make people learn to use them safely, require a license to operate them, require registration of them with the government, and yet they keep killing people. Cars, those weapons of mass destruction, must be better controlled – maybe banned.

    Knives must be controlled. They are too sharp, too easily concealed, too easily obtained, and too deadly. Knife control, Just.Do.It!
    Sarc off 🙂

  11. I know that if he had been a white member of the Nation of Islam he would not have been shot! White privilege protects the slave masters (and the termites)! (sarc)

    They also need to outlaw cars in Washington DC! (sarc x sarc)

  12. @neo:Which link are you talking about? I just checked the links in this post and they all seem to be working.

    I just get an error message “45 times 3.12.83 reporting bb dayorder doubleplusungood refs unpersons rewrite fullwise upsub antefiling” and then it directs me to an article about Comrade Ogilvy, <a href="https://www.abhafoundation.org/assets/books/html/1984/31.html"<who seems to have been quite a chap, but not the fellow you’re talking about.

  13. As soon as the news broke and the suspect was identified, but his race was not, I knew he wasn’t white. Alas, that level of cynicism is heavily warranted these days.

    I agree the story will likely disappear down the memory hole very quickly. Oh a few half-wits on Twitter will try to spin this as still the fault of Trump and his ‘white supremacist’ followers (they ‘escalated racial tensions to a boiling point, leading to this kind of lashing out by oppressed POCs’ or some similar claptrap) but it won’t go very far.

    Had the suspect been white (even if he was a documented, confirmed leftist) we’d see extensive coverage along with red faced ‘journalists’ screaming about white supremacists. If the suspect had been white AND a Trump supporter (or even one time posted one mildly positive thing about Trump on social media), we would have wall to wall coverage for days, and Nancy Pelosi would call for another impeachment vote against the former President.

  14. Reading the comments above reminded me that Russian readers of Pravda back in the day. Whatever was not mentioned was the story. (of course the CIA believed it.) More proof that the deep state is fascist.

  15. Mr Green is a follower of the same religion as the Attorney General of Minnesota claimed to follow when he was was first elected to public office.

  16. how dare this schvartza culturally appropriate and profane the Holy Jewish name Noah
    Turn Alinski back on them

  17. “If it turns out that Green was a black Nation of Islam follower”-

    There are no whites in the “Nation of Islam”, none, ever.

    Green was black (!). But in order not to confuse one color with another, maybe we should call him a Negro.

    A college graduate, he was a devoted believer in Farrakhan.

    At age 25, I suspect Green was pretty severely schizophrenic, awash in delusions and verbal hallucinations. Hooking up to the paranoid insanity of the Nation of Islam probably spurred his own paranoia.

  18. Cicero finds the hidden joke in the comments. What about Talcum X or Rachel Donezal they could/have identified as black? Do you think they would “pass?” Mr Green could have had some unconscious whiteness lurking within, or maybe he was just nuts, as you propose? 🙂

  19. As I said, though, it’s certainly possible the left will continue to say that the right was responsible.

    Neo: I think this whole incident will be memory-holed by Sunday, but anything’s possible. I remember a few years back when a Democratic congressman was caught in a scandal. The AP article describing it never mentioned his political affiliation. It did, however, quote Nancy Pelosi and four or five other prominent Democrats denouncing the “Republican culture of corruption” and let the reader draw his own conclusions.

  20. I don’t think I’ve ever heard or read the term “black supremacist” but wouldn’t that be an accurate description of the ideology of the Nation of Islam?

    I recently read about a black women, either a Congress critter or a Biden appointee, who says Melanin makes blacks superior to whites. No mention of IQ which I suspect is not her strong suit.

    Here she is. A Biden appointee to DoJ Civil Rights Division.

    “Please use the following theories and observations to assist you in your search for truth regarding the genetic differences between Blacks and whites [sic],” Clarke wrote. “One: Dr Richard King reveals that the core of the human brain is the ‘locus coeruleus,’ which is a structure that is Black, because it contains large amounts of neuro-melanin, which is essential for its operation.

    She may be referring to the Substantia Nigra” which is associated with Parkinsons.

  21. @JJ: “Knives must be controlled. They are too sharp, too easily concealed, too easily obtained, and too deadly. Knife control, Just.Do.It!
    Sarc off” ?

    I’m afraid your ‘sarc’ only has currency here in the US. In the UK, after the media-fabulizing of knife attacks perpetrated by a certain ethno-religious immigrant demographic (guess who), knives and any other sharp shiny objects have been declared illegal to possess on the street. In fact, knives that one buys in the store no longer have points, they have blunted ends – because you know, people might use them to stab things and terrorists are everywhere. Coming soon, to a government near you: These dangerous inanimate objects must be forbidden, they kill people!

  22. Aggie:

    The blunt objects in the House of Commons are fortunate that in Great Britain people are never harmed, much less murdered with blunt objects, or fists, or boots.

    Did you hear about the two members of Commons that ran into each other? It was a murder/suicide pact.

  23. Let’s see whether Maxine Waters, James Clyburn and other Farrakhan supporters propose that Evans be honored in the Capitol.

  24. Let’s see whether Maxine Waters, James Clyburn and other Farrakhan supporters propose that Evans be honored in the Capitol.

    Keith Ellison has a history as a Farrakhan votary. The bill of particulars contra Waters is long and Clyburn considerable, but I don’t think they include an association with Farrakhan.

  25. For the 15 minutes this whole incident is in the news, it will be interesting to see how the media frames their report to blame Trump.
    If the perp was a white guy, we would never hear the end of this story.

    When I heard the perp was a black guy I immediately thought, “oh well, if this crime was going to happen, best if the perp is black, and a Nation follower.”

    At least in this way, the military wing of the demokrat party – the good folks at BLM,
    and ANTIFA , will not be called into action by their handlers in the demokrat party, and we don’t have to hear the stupid, moronic, idiotic utterances emanating from the oral anus of Maxine Waters and her pals.

  26. @John Tyler:
    Statistically, blacks are about ten-fold more murderous than white or Asian Americans, but you knew that.

  27. Aggie, my point was that autos, guns, and knives don’t have agency, even though the Dems claim they do. A knife is an inanimate object. It can’t, by itself, hurt anyone. As is a gun, as is an automobile. It is the human that turns it to good or evil. Banning weapons (guns, knives, autos, bricks, sticks, hammers, hatchets, screwdrivers, box-cutters, etc., etc.) is not the answer. The slogan should be, ban murderers. How do we do that? A combination of education, spiritual teaching, mental health screening, and law enforcement. Easy? Nope. Effective? I say, much more so than banning inanimate objects.

  28. I tuned in to the story just minutes after the attack. Within those first few minutes, ABC was already declaring the attacker to be a white supremacist and Trump gangster. Eventually, they got the story right but never acknowledged their biased error.

  29. The US Sun reports “Green… is understood to have been suffering from delusions and hallucinations before he allegedly launched the ram raid on Friday.”
    I rest my case as to his paranoid schizophrenia.

  30. ” Either he will be declared mentally unstable (must pass mental health legislation), or if they find a bottle of Tylenol they will claim him to be drug crazed.”

    I’m always amused (not) that murderers from the RoP are ‘mentally unstable’, while white boys are some sort of Nazi, or worse.

    Not that I’m pointing out an apparent correlation about followers of the RoP, of course.

  31. “…On his Facebook page, he notes that he is a follower of the Nation of Islam. Suspect is now dead,”

    And that is as much as we will ever know about his motivations…

  32. Of course it is “Whitey’s” fault. Why else would a peace-loving African American attack anyone? Especially an employee of Miss Nancy D’Aleasandro who was just waiting his chance at immortality by killing another Ashli. There MUST be a reason, even when there is no reason. Or no “acceptable” reason.

  33. Note to those above noting that the media rushed to report the perp was white, before anyone had any idea who he was.


    “This story will be out of the news quickly. Our friends at Twitchy noted the very obvious reason why this attack was not trending on social media. As soon as Green’s race was identified, the sweeping under the rug protocols were engaged. Meanwhile, there’s another mess of tweets of liberals just embarrassing themselves—again—for playing this game. ”

    Most of the Tweet-readers will remember only the first reports, never the retractions, and the Re-Tweeters won’t bother to correct their own threads.

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