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“My Son Hunter” — 26 Comments

  1. It is a mere five days until the publication of the long-anticipated memoir, extremely unlikely to have been written mostly by Hunter himself. WaPo just gave it a positive review, so that, in addition to the massive advance (reportedly more than a million) and all the publicity, it may sell rather well, and there is even talk of a film deal. The son of the incompetent puppet at 1600 will never, in all likelihood, pay any price for his depravity and for all his misdeeds, while having made many, many millions in highly unethical fashion from his connections to power when his father was VP. Hunter Biden is the perfect symbol of the decadence into which our moribund republic has sunk.

  2. The folks shown on the video are like most voters; they are F’n clueless.
    The demonkrats and the propaganda arm of the demonkrat party know this and they tailor their message to the millions of voters who really have ZERO idea about anything.

    One of the downsides of allowing all citizens to vote, is that totally ignorant folks cast a vote.
    But what is a better way to go????

    Jan. 27, 1838, Lincoln spoke before the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, about “the perpetuation of our political institutions.” During that address, he said: “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

    Appears so far that the USA is taking the road to suicide.

  3. Recently had a couple of talks with an older man who watches MSNBC for news and “ once a week”, watches Fox. He literally had no idea about the summer riots, only the more recent one at the capital. No idea! I gave him a sheet of paper with a list of specific searches to do on Google, such as “ Riot damage in Manhattan”. I had a whole list of cities that I knew of that had major riots. Told him to look at the pictures, articles and videos. He indicated he did not know how to use Google. This guy had voted for Trump the first time but Biden the second round. The lying media kept him out of the information loop.

  4. Counterpunching is a great tactic in boxing. As throwing a punch opens the body of the aggressor to being attacked on the opened side of the arm thrown.

    So too with the public’s ignorance. A closing question might be; “So how does it make you feel to learn that the democrats have played you for a fool?”

    That question would illicit anger, quite possibly at the questioner, but in the back of their minds that question will linger… and when democrat ‘policies’ result in pain and suffering for those people, in spite of themselves they’ll remember and their anger will turn toward those in whom they’ve placed their trust. When they try to deny that the democrats are reponsible, instead of arguing just state; “the democrats are in charge!” Then ask, “How could they allow this to happen?”

    Pull a Pres. Hoover on them blame the democrats for everything…

    Teach them the lesson the Kipling movie “The Man Who Would Be King” demonstrated.

  5. Having the Democrats Propaganda Ministry otherwise know as the media is their biggest advantage

  6. That is why the Sullivan doctrine must be revisited. Anonymous sources that provide information that is proven false is ipso facto “malice” and the news source has to prove it isn’t. That would stop about 75%+ of the planted stories. No statute of limitations. Make the reporters, editors and the organization liable.

    Next start calling them propogandists. If they mention some item from twitter ask them what research they have done. Who have they talked to. What source material they have checked. If that comes up empty call them frauds.

  7. @jon baker: Well… I guess I would respectfully disagree with this. The man kept himself out of the loop by choosing not to pursue the information he needed to make an informed decision. And he has lots and lots of company.

    I wonder how the Legacy Media, facing its own existential crisis as readership, revenue, and cash-flow are plummeting, how they will manage to continue propping up the Potemkin Village? Direct ongoing cash infusions from the Oligarchy? Doesn’t look like a winning strategy to me, but I concede that they were the lynchpin of getting President Biden-Harris into office along with the various voting shenanigans in battleground states.

  8. More people will have heard about Bush’s daughters’ college drinking than anything about Hunter Biden.

  9. “But the reality is that few people do that, and few people will – either because of time constraints, laziness, ignorance, confirmation bias, or disinterest. And the media knows this as well – that’s why they make sure to pack a lot of propaganda into the headline and the ledes of their stories, and to block competing information.” – Neo

    A couple of days ago, TJ linked a post by Alaric Naudé, an English teacher & linguist who works in a South Korean university, which stated a case for eliminating the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity czars at colleges and spending the money on actually educating minority & under-advantaged (but intelligent) students, so that they can compete at the level of the institution in which they are enrolled. This is, IMnshO, what should have been done at the beginning of the Affirmative Action fiasco; and I must be right, because Thomas Sowell agrees.


    It was a good post and I recommend it, but the point here is that I looked through some of his other work and found this excellent fisking of a media hit piece on Jordan Peterson. Caveat: Naudé makes a lot of typos, as well as the common grammar and spelling mistakes that are ubiquitous on the web and even printed matter these days, but I’m cutting him some slack because he probably blogs in haste without proofing, and his take-down analysis of the NYT “journalist” is delicious.


    PS: I loved this blurb at his Blog: “Alaric Naudé is a professor specialising in education, linguistics and social science. He is widely recognised as having a great face for radio.”

    His pictures are not actually that bad.

  10. Of course, you can say that it’s a voter’s responsibility to inform himself or herself by reading widely and in depth, from sources on both sides.

    Even for voters who want to do so, it’s far easier said than done. Almost all of the easily accessible news programs are constricted through the pinholes of the AP, the WaPo and the NYT, with the latter’s selections – and omissions – predominating. Now those pinholes are yet more constricted by the Commissars of FB, YouTube and Amazon, who do their best to prevent all internet end-runs (oh, ‘misinformation’) around those guardians.

    And to top that off, the coming fad from the cool kids is that of shredding the First Amendment to end Wrongthink. If you thought that information wants to be free, think again.

  11. @ Aggie: Direct ongoing cash infusions from the Oligarchy?

    Precisely. Some of the immense looting of the public till for ‘covid’ and ‘stimulus’ – far exceeding in gross the small net slated for covid and stimulus – will find its way to prop up the approved Megaphones of the Narratives selected by the Oligarchy, and it’ll be a rare American citizen who’ll be well-informed henceforth.

  12. A couple of days ago, TJ linked a post by Alaric Naudé, an English teacher & linguist who works in a South Korean university, which stated a case for eliminating the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity czars at colleges and spending the money on actually educating minority & under-advantaged (but intelligent) students, so that they can compete at the level of the institution in which they are enrolled.

    I think in certain circumstances remedial tutors in writing and mathematics might be advisable. For the most part, though, adolescents should be sluiced to those institutions which are the best fit given what they bring to the table. If you’ve a special interest in their performance, that should be made effective well before they get to tertiary institutions.

  13. Art+Deco and TJ,

    I have a sibling who is a professor at a state University. They have plenty of remedial classes for students whose test scores reveal they are not yet prepared for the coursework at her institution. Since they are remedial classes there is no credit accrued towards a degree for passing, but they charge the same as the non-remedial courses. The idea is these classes will fill in their educational gaps so that they can then pursue a college degree.

    My sister tells me very few of those who take the remedial course path ever make it through to obtaining degrees, but the school makes a fair amount of revenue off the scheme.

  14. Seems to me that the direction we’re going is that anything “remedial” smacks of racism and white supremacism.

    Ditto anything having to do with the need to work so as to achieve any kind of success.

    IOW, meritocracy is a racist construct (but we already know that)…

    …and anyone and everyone—as long as they belong to the newly protected classes—must be deemed a success no matter how well or poorly they do.

    (Sure makes grading easier—but then “grading” is also racist and white supremacist.)

    The only thing one will be able to count on is that there’ll be lots of “naked” emperors flaunting their status. (Though as long as the corrupt media reports glowingly on their dazzling duds, no one will really know. Right?)

    (But if the colleges can make money off while making it appear as though they’re “helping those in need” I guess they’re demonstrating the right entrepreneurial spirit.)

    Not sure how long this state of affairs can sustain itself.

  15. The whole point of the “memoir” is that it will forevermore serve as the “settled science” concerning Hunter Biden.

    Sure, he may have done a little crack at one time (out of grief when his brother was sick and passed away), but he certainly was clean and sober the past decade or more. Anything about what was on his laptop (which has been secreted away by the FBI), anything the NY Post published on him, any mention of a bastard child he had with a stripper, will be dismissed as “outright lies” and “white supremacist propaganda”.

  16. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! Cue the smoke. Where’s Raggedy Ann?

  17. Back during the election, quite a few friends said “Trump will win in a landslide because of all of this negative Biden news” and I just laughed and asked “Where exactly are they going to see/hear that news?” If you searched a number of the “news” websites for those stories, the search returned zero hits. I mentioned it to several of my liberal friends and they said “It’s all a rightwing myth because none of the news people mentioned it.” One guy even said “Biden never said he’d ban fracking” and then appeared nonplussed when I showed him multiple videos of Biden saying exactly that.

  18. Perhaps the saddest aspect of affirmative action and college admissions is that most minority students will inevitably find themselves ill-prepared and over-matched when classes begin. Thus, they drift into less demanding majors (studies!) and many end up dropping out with sizable outstanding loans. Tragic.

    That kind of failure early in life is hard. Add race into the mixture and it’s not surprising they may buy into explanations of white supremacy for their problems.

  19. My sister tells me very few of those who take the remedial course path ever make it through to obtaining degrees, but the school makes a fair amount of revenue off the scheme.

    Remedial courses should be offered in community colleges.

    I do know a professor at a fancy private college who in 2002 recommended the college set up ‘a writing center staffed by professional editors’. He taught writing-intensive courses and he was encountering too many students who could not write. That particular college recruits nearly all of its student body from youths whose grades and test scores put them in the top 12% of high school seniors.

    IMO, as long as the baccalaureate degree is retained as an institution, colleges should have a core curriculum and not distribution requirements. A proper core curriculum should have foundational courses, not synthetic courses constructed in service to the personal interests of faculty members. By ‘foundational’, by mean philosophy, statistics, and history. A selection of your freshman matriculants are going to benefit from instruction in calculus ‘ere they can grasp regression analysis (though you can get along without it).

  20. Perhaps the saddest aspect of affirmative action and college admissions is that most minority students will inevitably find themselves ill-prepared and over-matched when classes begin. Thus, they drift into less demanding majors (studies!) and many end up dropping out with sizable outstanding loans. Tragic.

    Looking at the distribution of degree awards as compared to the distribution of matriculants, it would appear that at least 30% of blacks who matriculate are simply not college material. Black students tend to be shy about math-intensive majors. That aside, their preference distribution differs little from that of the generic student. Almost no one majors in victimology; victimology programs are another example of higher education as a locus of patronage for political sectaries. The student’s aren’t interested (except for oddballs like Michelle Obama).

  21. Hunter Biden corruption/perversity now is a story because relevant to edging Biden out of the way.

  22. People no longer question authority, seek out alternative viewpoints, or even think for themselves. They just repeat what the box tells them to think.

  23. American brought down, er, America bringing itself down. Much of the world – especially China – is rubbing its hands in delight at the prospect. But I think they, like many Americans, still can’t really truly believe it’s happening.

  24. A lot of information about Hunter Biden and the big guy came out at the time of the first impeachment effort against Trump. There was Joe bragging about his intimidation of the Ukraine that successfully shut down the corruption investigation into Hunter’s business partner.

    There was also the news about Hunter’s energy investment business with the Chinese. They would only invest $1B on condition that he could provide introductions to important people in the US. There was a photo floating around with Hunter, the big guy, and two Chinese investors , one of whom was a former head of the CCP secret police. Hunter got the investment.

    I’d bet that you’d have a hard time finding anyone except political nerds like us who have any inkling that such open corruption was going on by the Biden crime family.

  25. Simple fact is that most on the “Left” don’t care. The drug addled pedo is just “human nature”. More of which will be coming to your neighborhood as soon as the “Worthies” destroy the housing codes protecting your community. What is the problem with Hunter porking his neice? He brings in money, doesn’t he? To “them” success means screwing the family, since that is how they get ahead. In their eyes, you can’t have accomplished anything without screwing somebody. Same-O. Same-O.

    Just saying.

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