Home » Anyone watching Biden’s “press conference”?


Anyone watching Biden’s “press conference”? — 31 Comments

  1. I haven’t watched either but I hear that a reporter asked him about guns and his response was about infrastructure. Sounds reasonable. Guns and infrastructure are similar.

  2. The only serious question is the one that would find find an answer in the watching: Just how fawning and shamelessly acquiescent will the press be?

    But, I cannot quite bring myself to watch the republic collapse in realtime in order to answer that, either.

  3. I watched about half of it. He isn’t as bad as the right wing caricature, but clearly something off about him. He called reporters off a list, and referred to notes while he answered their questions. He seemed to need notes for all of his factual statements (numbers, locations, etc.) and said a couple times that his staff didn’t include something he needed. He clearly lost his train of thought at a few points and just trailed off before snapping out of it and looking back at his notes.
    I have no doubt the questions were all pre-planned. It was funny at the end when reporters who had been patiently waiting to be called from Biden’s list suddenly jumped up and started shouting questions while he walked out of the room. Maybe they thought they had to do that to keep up appearances.

  4. He is still The Drooling Idiot. I too do not want to see the demise of The Republic in real time.

  5. He probably had the questions already and drilled into the answers.
    If anything get the transcript and read it. Prager always read Barkys and you would hear it was flowery words that ment nothing.
    Read the interview with Stuffy interview in the election race and you could see every time he was heading into trouble and Stuffy or a commercial brake was put up to cut him off.

  6. I watched it all.

    That demented old man has the authority to launch the counter-strike if we are attacked. We are in peril. And the Democrats got us here.

  7. I watched it. I don’t usually watch these things, but this had the excitement of potential disaster.

    It wasn’t, though. Not quite. His speech was clearer than it has been for a while. He rambled a lot. He almost lost his temper a couple of times, or at least raised his voice abruptly and jarringly. But it was a glimmer of the old Joe (who I also detested).

    He clearly is not sharp, but he held it together well enough that his partisans will be able to bluff it out.

  8. I lasted two minutes. Of course I hardly ever watched President. I just don’t watch politicians speak.

  9. No. Didn’t watch.
    I have two Doctor’s appointments this afternoon, or what passes for Dr’s appointments these days. Video-med, and tele-med.
    That’s enough medicine for one day.
    I would not have watched in any case. In an effort to deal with anger issues, I am trying to distance myself from the world, and concentrate on family and fishing. The world keeps intruding.
    Besides, I am confident that there will be an abundance of reports and analyses to sample at leisure.

  10. Filibuster came up. If I’m right about how the Senate works, Senate Republicans will cave on guns so they can keep the filibuster, because the threat of the filibuster is how they extract concessions to keep the pork coming, and that’s what they care about, not what Republican voters care about.

    So besides the usual “mavericks” (funny how only one party seems to have mavericks, too pure no doubt) will be interesting to see which R’s have a change of heart and earn strange new respect for their principled stance in favor of common sense gun regulations.

  11. I watched. All I got out of it is that “other guy” messed everything up … and I’m going to fix it or make it better. But I can’t go into detail for the whole world at this time.

  12. I watched most of it. It was horrible blather. The question I would have asked is what Biden thought of AMLO’s criticism of his refugee policies. Does he think Harris will be able to overcome this problem? Also, there was no mention of the drug cartels bringing fentanyl into the country or the human traffickers. These are not people trying to escape hurricanes.

  13. I watched it and he did a creditable job based on very low expectations. I was bored stiff. Obviously he was pumped up with stimulants. If there is a lid tomorrow you know how far gone he is.

    I noticed that Steve Doucy was not called upon, nor Emerald Robinson of Newsmax. So the reporters were pre-selected and questions pre-prepared. Note any follow-up questions referred back to material he had already covered.

  14. Didn’t watch. Had other things to do. Watched some post presser reports on Fox. Ugh! Chris Wallace, Brett Bair, Dana Perino and the gang bent over backward to make it sound like the presser was handled reasonably well. It took Ari Fleischer to speak some truth – I think he said it was a disaster. What clips they showed certainly backed that up. If Joe shows up and doesn’t drool on his notes, or fall asleep at the lectern, they will say he did well. It’s clear that the Central Committee (those behind Biden) does not care that he won election by a small margin and that at least half the country is seething with disapproval/rage. They intend to ram their agenda through. AARGGHH!!

  15. I was bored stiff. Obviously he was pumped up with stimulants. If there is a lid tomorrow you know how far gone he is.

    I am Spartacus:

    How often does the Biden team call a lid?

    Does anyone know the downsides to stimulants for someone late-seventies and in cognitive decline?

  16. He had a cheat sheet complete w/photos of the reporters complete w/ handwritten numbers for what order he should call on them. Conservative Treehouse has close-ups of the cheat sheet.

  17. As we saw during the debates, if Biden has enough time to prepare and enough “juice” pumped into him, he can still pass for full marble possession.

    But that was probably the best you can get out of Biden now in the most congenial and controlled situation possible. And he was still a bit dodgy.

    Which means in the normal day-to-day, hour-to-hour job of being President, Biden’s usually even worse than what we saw and has to be handled with even greater kids gloves by his staff. Which means this White House’s ability to react to ANYTHING is fatally compromised.

    The media and the political establishment will work hard to cover that up domestically but other countries, whether friend or foe, have no incentive to do the same. It’s going to take a miracle for there not to be a major foreign policy catastrophe.


  18. I have now watched about 3 minutes of Tucker Carlson’s review of Biden’s performance.

    Even though Carlson had admitted that Biden’s debate performance was better than expected, I am sure that he selected the worst moments of this one. [And Trump himself could not have been in the fittest shape during the debate, after having been through Covid comparatively recently before.]

    But if even one of Biden’s wandering episodes during the conference were as portrayed, then the man has very serious problems.

    I could not even laugh, though I found it uproarious when he fell on the plane stairs, after having boasted he would run up stairs.

  19. I was intrigued by Biden’s remark that Republican opposition to Democratic voting measures “made Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle.”

    Did Biden come up with that on the spot or was it a bungled version of something on his cheat sheets?

    It would be sort of charming if a six year-old made that up. Less so for the Leader of the Free World.

  20. “That demented old man has the authority to launch the counter-strike if we are attacked. We are in peril. And the Democrats got us here.” – Cap’n Rusty

    Even the Democrats are worried about that little detail.
    “More than two dozen House Democrats ask Biden to relinquish sole authority to launch nuclear weapons
    “We respectfully request that you, as president, review ways in which you can end the sole authority you have to launch a nuclear attack, and to install additional checks and balances into the system,” the letter states.”

    This has not been lost on our foreign observers.

  21. This is another thing no one seems to have asked about.
    It came up in reference to the gun-grabbing politicization of the Boulder shooting (it’s a reflex action for Democrats).

    “Report: Hunter Biden-owned gun left in trashcan near high school, police investigated 2018 incident
    Secret Service sought to take possession of paperwork documenting purchase of weapon, were rebuffed by gun shop owner, according to Politico sources.”

    He bought a gun and his wife threw it in the trash; when they went back, it was already gone.

  22. John Hinderaker had an excellent summary of the presser, despite only reading reports about it from people who watched. He also posted the transcript link.


    Meanwhile, from generally following the news I have gleaned the following:

    1) Biden read out of a briefing book, which press secretaries sometimes do, but presidents, as far as I know, never.

    [IIRC The press mocked Kelly Ann Conway for her reference books.]

    2) The press was adoring. A reporter from PBS prefaced a question about the border with the observation that the problems there result from the fact that Biden is a “moral, decent man.” He’s putting kids in cages the decent way, evidently. Shockingly, that reporter never said anything of the sort to President Trump.

    3) An eerie silence prevailed during the press conference. Reporters held their breath as Biden weaved for minutes at a time through bizarre chains of association, hoping they would have some idea what he was talking about. This is in sharp contrast with President Trump’s press conferences, where he would get 10 seconds into an answer and the air would be filled with reporters trying to interrupt.

    4) Biden blatantly lied about the border. I think this is why the press conference was called on short notice: the border is a disaster and the administration is starting to bleed politically. So Biden resorted to the typical expedient of the Democratic Party politician. He lied, absurdly claiming that the large majority of illegal immigrants are being turned back at the border, contrary to all news reports and video documentation.

    [Rich Lowry & Michael Goodwin mention quite a few more lies from the presser. Is anyone keeping count? He may pass Trump’s alleged total before Kamala gets to take over.]

    5) There is some reason to think that the questions were all planted. When Democratic Party reporters were called on and asked questions–outlets that might not be with the program were not called on–Biden would flip to the appropriate place in his briefing book to remind himself what to say. At the end, he deferred to the Univision reporter for a long series of questions and answers.

    [They don’t even need Candy Crowley now.]

    6) Biden looks weird. Scott has referred to him as the gentleman from Madame Tussaud’s, and that is certainly what he looked like today. Plastic surgery has smoothed his wax-life face to a degree that, for a 78-year-old man, could be considered troubling. But reporters look at him and see nothing amiss. Or, more realistically, they see it but they wouldn’t dream of mentioning it. They are on his team.

    That is the main takeaway from today’s news conference. It was an intimate affair, and Joe Biden was among friends.



  23. He’s gotten worse from the time of the debates and he was lagging then. He seems to be able to rally from time to time, but not for very long. This was the worst I’ve seen him however. Meandering, not making sense at times, stopping mid-sentence to stare into space and say basically ‘forget it’. He did refer to notes throughout and took mostly easy questions from reporters that were pre-planned. He got a weird look on his face and used an angry voice when saying, “Middle class” and then, “unions” built (the middle class). That was a scripted moment that he couldn’t pull off. The man is not well. He is deteriorating quickly. It’s sad to watch and there were times I felt sorry for him but then, I remembered that he put himself in this situation. However, the Democrat party and his fellow elected officials must know he is slipping into dementia. He is obviously mainly a puppet now. The question is who is pulling the strings? “Moderate Joe Biden” is a memory and the man is tacking way far left. We are in trouble. I could imagine our enemies watching and our allies – all taking a deep breath in shock. It was that bad. I can’t believe this guy is our president. Also he outright lied on immigration and Trump’s policies. I guess that’s to be expected but it was brazen. At any rate, the guy is out of it. President Harris will be here soon enough. I used to think in two years but it may not be that long.

    On the other hand, I guess he could just fester and get worse but he’s a national security risk. Again, I am in disbelief that this guy is the president. I would imagine many around the world are as well.

  24. Liberty Wolf:

    He is the perfect symbol of our decline.

    They’ll keep him there as long as they need him. They know the press will cooperate, so it’s possible to go prop him up for quite a long time if necessary.

  25. I’ve heard that the VP is still living in the Blair House, instead of the official residence. Makes sense if she’ll be moving across the street in a few months.

  26. “Losing track of the topic at hand–and wandering” seems to be Biden’s singular defect and I believe he is right on the edge of some terrific embarrassment….which feels soon to me. It could be any time in the next few weeks.

    In fact, I believe the Vice President and a majority of the cabinet (8/15) would exercise the Section 4 of the 25th Amendment today if they all saw the press conference and thought about it a little.
    Not good.. Kamala is in.

  27. I watched the whole press conference. I thought he did a tolerable job of appearing to be lucid, but there were times his mind was clearly wandering. I frankly did not expect him to do as well as he did. But the press outdid itself in fawning obsequiousness. Yamiche Alcindor (PBS) gave him a tongue-bath that should have embarrassed everyone in the press contingent. AND, she threw in a totally unnecessary Trump bash during her question.

    Other “journalists” were not quite as obsequious, but none asked really probing questions, not did anyone try to pin him down on inconsistencies or clearly dishonest answers. My thought throughout the show was “I hope the Russians and Chinese aren’t able to watch this.” They would certainly have noticed that he was referring to notes for the press questions, and still was not very sharp.

    My concern is still that Xi Jinping will decide this is a good time to invade Taiwan. Biden wouldn’t have a clue how to respond.

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