Home » Biden momentarily discovers there was actually a reason for Trump’s policy choices


Biden momentarily discovers there was actually a <i>reason</i> for Trump’s policy choices — 23 Comments

  1. The only points of interest in the senile Biden’s unspeakably destructive executive orders and his grotesquely ill-advised policies are the two questions of who is really pulling the strings (cackling Kamala, Susan Rice, Pelosi, or perhaps Barry S behind the scenes?) and of when the Democrats will finally have decided that Beijing Biden’s cognitive impairment is so severe and so undeniable that the necessary transition from Biden/Harris to Harris/? can no longer be delayed for the preservation of democracy and the salvation of the republic.

  2. That’s interesting. One of the more amazing things Trump accomplished was getting AMLO to help keep illegals in Mexico instead of crossing over into the U.S.

    But most the those people are not Mexican nationals. So Central Americans filing for asylum from Mexico is not the same as Central Americans filing for asylum from their home countries.

    I don’t recall the precise details of what the Obama admin. was doing in Central America back then, but I do believe they were aggressively promoting mass immigration into the the U.S. My take is that Biden is envisioning a return to Obama policies. While I don’t think the Biden admin. minds a not too overwhelming flood of illegals, unlike the current circumstance, why not promote asylum grants in Central America on the flimsiest of excuses?

  3. Biden is a brain-dead pen-holder; that is his job, to just sign stuff written up by others. He looks like a nursing home escapee who cannot find his way back to his bed.
    I kinda welcome the idea of Harris supplanting him. She will surely generate heat and hate among some Dems. And face a totally anti-Harris GOP.

    If the votes in several key states are shown to be fraudulent, like the legislative inquiry just initiated in WI, can the election be declared void? Or overturned? Perhaps, if SCOTUS muscles up. But how many troops does SCOTUS have?

  4. Neo, these are all good questions. Especially good is the question of whether Biden is actually in charge of anything. He signed all those executive orders, and the results follow from that.

  5. I can’t rightly say whether Biden actually means, knows, remembers, or understands the words that come at of his own mouth at any given moment. So, yeah… I don’t put any weight at all to anything he might babble quickly to a reporter in the heat of the moment. And even if he did mean it now, he might not later. He might be talked out of it. He might be persuaded another way. He might be tricked or mislead. Or he might just be told exactly what to say. Any and all of these things seem very possible to me. I’ve never seen an American president who seemed so deeply compromised in so many different ways as Biden. No other President even comes close.

    It’s like there’s a commercial airplane pilot with alzheimer’s and we’re all his passengers. Maybe the co-pilot is cogent, but maybe that co-pilot is actually an Al Qaeda terrorist.

  6. We talk about Biden.

    NB: There is NO Biden.
    There is only “Biden”.

    (But as long as we’re talking about “Biden” ‘s ingenious decision on borders, first “he” says there’s no crisis, then “his” thug in charge of the borders blames Trump for the “non-crisis”, and finally, after an “unprecedented” decision to ban reporters from the border to witness the “non-crisis” first hand—which “Biden” can do because he essentially owns the country (and this without a peep from the Corrupt Media)—“Biden” claims that it all started WHILE Trump was still president:

    It’s all meaningless. “Biden” will say what they tell him to. If it makes sense, fine; if it doesn’t, also fine. Makes no difference to him, ditto for the Corrupt Media—-and I wonder how much of a difference it makes to the Anyone-but-Trump crowd (though that, conceivably could change.)

    Maybe if your goal is to create chaos, mayhem, confusion, diversions and destruction, it actually pays to have someone with dementia “in charge”.

  7. TommyJay:

    I agree. I don’t think it would be a real change in policy, just in optics.

  8. No way would President BO, the real Pres. behind the throne, approve of going back to President Trump’s policies. Remains to be seen if future Pres. Harris will have puppet strings from BO via Susan.

  9. RE: “Will this actually happen?”
    I doubt it.

    RE: “Was Biden just making that up in the moment? Did he know what he was saying? Will he remember what he said? And even if he knows and remembers and meant it, does he have the power to do it, or are other people in charge of decisions for what the White House prefers to call the “Biden-Harris” administration?”
    LOL. These the the critical questions that we’ll be asking over and over until he’s kicked to the curb in favor of Kamala. What a sad, hollow shell this man has become. What a sad, hollow shell our republic has become.

    H. L. Mencken once said, “Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.” But this government is beyond anything any decent man could imagine. At first glance the regime looks like maggot-ridden fecal matter, but that’s not accurate. There are some things even maggots won’t touch. And the disgusting thing is only two months old.

  10. Internal polling on immigration must have gone from bad … to … absolutely horrible. Not a problem. Just go back to Trumps policy for awhile and call it there OWN.

    Dems will say … see how fast we fixed this! Media will play along.

    Mexico may be putting some pressure too.

  11. It’s becoming more and more obvious that Biden can’t think things through before blurting what ever pops into his head. He knows what the “progressives” would like to hear. They also have no idea of the consequences or their demands.

  12. }}} If the votes in several key states are shown to be fraudulent, like the legislative inquiry just initiated in WI, can the election be declared void? Or overturned? Perhaps, if SCOTUS muscles up. But how many troops does SCOTUS have?

    This would be unprecedented in history, and unlikely ONLY because of that.

    The SCotUS is unlikely to go off into uncharted territory, and do something obvious like declare the election null and void, and force either a true, carefully done recount with any “questionable” votes tossed (also difficult, as pretty sure a number of venues have destroyed challengeable evidence already) or order a new special election to take place. I suppose the only real chance of that latter is if there’s an example of it having occurred in the event of an invalidated election at the state level. I am unaware of such a thing, but it’s certainly possible. THEN they’d be “building” on an earlier case, and that is the kind of thing the SCotUS likes to do. Haring off into newfound territory is not the kind of thing a conservative SCotUS likes to do. Usually a Real Good Thing (you don’t wind up with “privacy” somehow allowing abortions), but in this case, yes, it hinders Justice and The Law with regards to a blatantly manipulated election.

    The real issue was that the SCotUS almost totally refused to step in prior-to/DURING the election to help constrain some of the blatant irregularities being instituted in the contested states, even in cases where the Constitution was obviously being broken by local/state officials.

    You could smell all this coming from a mile away, but all the various officials allowed it to happen, which is… aggravating, to say the least.

  13. rcat:
    There are no maggots in fecal matter, never mind how gross and obscene the image of our present situation is.
    Maggots eat decaying flesh. Their mommas have a nose for that and so lay their eggs there.
    But with a human crush injury, when not all injured flesh can be debrided, sterile maggots are placed therein to clean it all up. They do not eat living tissue.
    All part of the Great Design!

    What the H are we gonna do? Just accept this insane sh*t? For 4 years? Venezuela went into the sh*tcan pretty quickly. It can happen here and is, unless we do something about it beyond bitching.
    Democrats are either stupid or evil. Who will exorcise the evil, and how?
    Kamala’s not going to “seize” my fine Italian shotgun, a work of beauty! The wood, the engraving, the beauty of the action! Cost thousands.

  14. Cicero:

    Thank you for the biology lesson. Much appreciated. I’ll have to discard or update that old analogy. Maggots and rotting meat, perhaps. Biden resembles rotting meat.

    RE: “What the H are we gonna do? Just accept this insane sh*t?”
    In the old days, we’d live with it for only two years. The DNC would get thrashed at the midterms, but those days are gone. Elections are a thing of the past. Even without HR-1, the DNC has elevated the Ruling Class and made it unaccountable to voters. They are free to do whatever they want without answering to voters.

    But the Ruling Class cannot escape the consequences of their actions. Their stupid decisions will blow up as expected (e.g. covid handling and Biden’s open border policy). They will never admit their failures, but eventually the stench of it cannot be ignored. In particular, they will wreck the economy. Perhaps a dollar bubble bursts. Perhaps China finished us off. The Ruling Class is corrupt and incompetent: they’ll drive the ship into the rocks.

    What can we do? Patriots will be without the soapbox, the jury box, and the ballot box. They will have the tools used by other helpless people living under oppressive regimes. They will have to start by staging large-scale protests and civil disobedience. Most normal people cannot bring themselves to do it. Or they will knuckle under and accept their fate. If the last few months are any indication, the DNC can do whatever they want. They stole an election; they installed a wretched old husk of a man; they turned the country in the wrong direction; and they’ve announced to the country that they intend to drive radical change. And yet the public has done nothing. My money is that the public will do nothing.

    Democrats aren’t stupid. They are frequently quite evil.

    RE: “Kamala’s not going to “seize” my fine Italian shotgun, a work of beauty! The wood, the engraving, the beauty of the action! Cost thousands.”
    They’ve taken away your privacy rights. They’re taking away your right to equal protection under the Law. They’re taking away your right to voice your opinion. They’ve built extra-legal gangs that they can deploy to threaten you and your family. They intend to build a social credit system to ensure your cooperation. They intend to “reform” the justice system by packing the courts with leftists, essentially re-writing the Constitution without going through the cumbersome amendment process. And they’ve taken away your right to vote.

  15. rcat:
    I agree that the Dems will drive the Ship of State onto the rocks. That is their intent. Nueva Venezuela!
    But will their tyranny be followed, as St. Thomas Aquinas observed, by a greater tyranny, which liquidates them in revenge?
    Robespierre ended up being guilliotined.
    In the end, it will come down to pitchforks, axes, knives and bullets. The Dems will not get away scot-free. Not with >300 million guns which will not be surrendered. I sure am glad I live in the Southland, where every gun owner feels the same.

  16. This is a very serious optics and policy problem for the Biden Mal-administration. The Democrats not in the mal-administration has told them so in no uncertain terms. That they went public in such forceful terms tell you that they see as a total gamechanger come 2022. Trump fixed the problem and so it went down on voters immediate issue list. Now it will return even higher. Hispanic counties don’t want this. They had a taste of normality and liked it.

    That is why they want to “pause” the surge and get it to a manageable level. Once it is managed then there will be working agreements to return it to Obama level entries.

    Kama Sutra can’t run anything. Let’s see who are the people right under her who will do the real work. If they are politicos and not actual bureaucrats I posit it could be a ploy by the Biden Crime Family to take the Obama Cabal down a few points.

    Cicero is right. The Revolution ALWAYS eats its own. Ask Trotsky.

    For the glum chums about elections being over as so forth I say BUCK UP and grow a pair and work. Negative reaction to HR1 is starting. Now that election officials see what they have to do they have made their displeasure know. Not that President in waiting Pelosi cares sipping Chardonnay behind her fenced fortress.


    This is a progressive website.

  17. The real issue was that the SCotUS almost totally refused to step in prior-to/DURING the election to help constrain some of the blatant irregularities being instituted in the contested states, even in cases where the Constitution was obviously being broken by local/state officials.

    Yes, the Roberts Court is similar to the 1937 Court which was threatened with “packing” by FDR and quickly reversed course.

    As future Chief Justice William Rehnquist observed:

    President Roosevelt lost the Court-packing battle, but he won the war for control of the Supreme Court … not by any novel legislation, but by serving in office for more than twelve years, and appointing eight of the nine Justices of the Court. In this way the Constitution provides for ultimate responsibility of the Court to the political branches of government. [Yet] it was the United States Senate – a political body if there ever was one – who stepped in and saved the independence of the judiciary … in Franklin Roosevelt’s Court-packing plan in 1937.

    Also called “A stitch in time saves nine.”

  18. Cicero:

    RE: “I agree that the Dems will drive the Ship of State onto the rocks. That is their intent.”
    I don’t think that’s their intent. They don’t know any better.

    RE: “But will their tyranny be followed, as St. Thomas Aquinas observed, by a greater tyranny, which liquidates them in revenge? Robespierre ended up being guilliotined. In the end, it will come down to pitchforks, axes, knives and bullets.”
    I agree, but I’m concerned that such predictions give rise to complacency and laziness. Many will not lift a finger to resist on the grounds that the New Order will destroy itself eventually. Action now may preserve the republic without millions dead.

    RE: “The Dems will not get away scot-free. Not with >300 million guns which will not be surrendered. I sure am glad I live in the Southland, where every gun owner feels the same.”
    And yet they’ve already gotten away with a great deal. (I enclosed a partial list in my first response to you — above.) I notice that nothing has happened, even as the DNC plans to tighten its grip. In Biden’s phony press conference — right now — we’ve had two references to HR-1 as “voting rights” protection — so far. That legislation will take away fair and free elections forever.

    The DNC may easily get away scott-free. The DNC is useful as a tool to consolidate power, but, as you say, that tyranny may be replaced by another. If the DNC submits, they will not suffer any worse than the rest of us. No matter what happens to end this nightmare, it’s quite probable that those that stand to get rich in the New Order have their off-shore bank accounts ready and their escape plan in place. When the SHTF they’ll be long gone.

  19. I am Spartacus:

    RE: “This [immigration] is a very serious optics and policy problem.”
    That would be a problem if politicians answered to the public, but the DNC, the Deep State, Big Tech, the MSM, and justice officials at all levels appear to be operating without any concern about what the public thinks.

    RE: “For the glum chums about elections being over as so forth I say BUCK UP and grow a pair and work.”
    I am working, but I’m one the few. No one else is doing much. Almost all of my conservative friends tell me they’re “depressed”. I’m pissed.

    RE: “Negative reaction to HR1 is starting. Now that election officials see what they have to do they have made their displeasure know.”
    Again, negative reaction would be problem if the New Order cared what the public thinks.

    And we cannot depend on what state or local election officials think. A few million angry, disenfranchised people need to make their displeasure known. Conservatives won’t do that: they’ll go to work as before; they’ll pay their taxes as before; and they won’t protest.

  20. You humans are gonna need a miracle. Better start praying… without the smart alec attitude.

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