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Just another reason they hate Trump — 18 Comments

  1. Secretary Mayorkas in his short time in office, has earned the John Koskinen award for duplicity and corruption.

  2. The dirty little secret is: it doesn’t matter how much they lie. Or how much chutzpa they demonstrate. Or how much destruction they wreak.

    They’re absolutely convinced that they can do anything, say anything, affirm anything, deny anything. Steal anything. Destroy anything and everything and anyone. Absolutely convinced that they’ll be believed—but even if they aren’t believed, that doesn’t matter either.

    “Absolute power privilege”. (IOW “Checks and balances is for suckers.”

    Or as those pathetic charmers might say: “So who’s gonna stop us?”

    (And they do have a point don’t they?)

    File under: Mobsters of the world, unite!

  3. The British newspaper “The Daily Mail” has them all over their online edition. The paper is read all over the world so it pics are getting out.

    I guess it shouldn’t but it baffles me how the Dems can blame President Trump for this mess that Biden has created. (Note, it is President Trump and just plain Biden. The newspapers here that use a lot of AP keep saying President Joe Biden. Not gonna to do it.)

  4. I don’t get it.

    If house or senate members were to show up at the border with press in tow how can Biden admin stop them?

  5. “…baffles…”

    They are playing by the CCCP (Soviet) playbook, which has been updated and modernized, if only slightly, by the CCP.

    Basically, one has carte blanche to do anything and say anything: lie, disinform, misinform, tell the truth on occasion, torture, caress, torture again, attack, feign righteous indignation, lie by omission, lie outrageously (and then claim you were taken out of context), express regret and/or contrition (“don’t know how this could have happened; won’t happen again”…), lie outrageously and then claim it’s your opponent who’s the liar (or criminal), “fact check” your lies, cause psychological distress, claim victimhood, etc.

    Lying in the cause of truth.
    Destruction in the name of building.
    Subversion in the cause of honesty and credibility.

    Everything’s backward, upside down, inside out, mirror image, topsy-turvy, warped and distorted.


    The only constant is to keep your opponents off-balance, dazed and confused…. (I.e,, “If only Uncle Joe knew….” etc.)

    And then if those opponents have, somehow, survived and aren’t total wrecks (e.g., psychologically), then you can always destroy them physically… (Or their family members…)

    (And if one doesn’t feel like wading through the CCCP/CCP playbook, you can always read Orwell…if it hasn’t been burned yet.)

    Ironically, “Biden” may have a distinct advantage in this little game, since his abilities are already severely compromised.
    On the other hand, anyone who believes that “Biden” is running the country and making the decision is also, alas, suffering from severe delusions.

  6. As the cables have discovered, Trump gets a lot of eyeballs. That’s now. When he was president, it was hugely more.

    If he gets his social media thing going, it’s Katy bar the door.

    I’m trying to think of a good way to say this: Trump is the world’s most powerful oxygen hog. Or…oxygen vacuum. If Trump’s involved, everybody’s watching, one way or another, whether they admit it or not. And, to carry on the O2 metaphor, nobody else has any.

    I see SHIREHOME has asked “how can they”, presuming the dems are or are supposed to be restricted by truth, objective reality, and honesty. Fail.

    Neo is closer: At what point do the dems think their deliberate, calculated, shameless lies become too transparent? It’s the tactical issue–when we lie, are we believable any longer–that restrains them. Nothing to do with being civilized.

  7. Should also be said that for “Biden” what’s happening on the border is NOT a disaster.
    Nor is it a “crisis” in the sense that it should be fixed, solved, resolved, or repaired in the way many if not most would like it to be.

    Rather, it is a “crisis” engineered by “Biden” so that it can be (as Rahm Emanuel famously explained) “exploited” to achieve a specific goal, which in this case is the “humane”—as opposed to Trump’s inhuman”solution”—acceptance of all these “needy refugees” into the USA so as to ease their “heartbreaking suffering….” and provide them with hope and a decent future.

    As Susan Rice has told us, you have to play it by the book. And the playbook says, create a “crisis” and then push that “crisis” to the breaking point. Then “do the right thing”—the “humane thing” to “solve it”. (And blame, while you’re at it, the living daylights out of your Deplorable predecessor and his “white supremacist” supporters.)

    IOW, we’re missing the whole point. (Which is no doubt why Jen Psaki allows herself a giggle or two…)

    File under: Creating facts on the ground.

  8. Mayorkas and Baghdad Bob. Two of a kind. Bald faced deniers o the undeniable.

    Trump’s new social media platform is going to give Twitter and Facebook some heartburn. 60 million users gone for good. Cannot happen soon enough.

  9. J.J.

    One thing about Trump’s new platform…how to get it on your phone? I’m sure Amazon, Google, and Apple will all ban it from any download. He would have to set up an independent web site from which the download could happen and also make sure about compatibility with android and iPhone.

  10. Overtly transparent or not, the shameless lying and hyperbole will not stop. We’ve watched for 5 years of the Trump Administration as the plots were revealed while accusations against him were a log cycle worse than anything he actually said, and still it passed without an outcry. You can get a way with a lot when you control the press and are ruthless about enforcing party conformance.

    But it all hinges on the public’s reaction. Voting progressives out of office won’t solve the problem of the media’s domination as the Chief Propagandist and standard-bearer. They are hanging a lot on the assumption that people will remain peaceful in the face of their ongoing, depraved treachery. I guess they imagine any objections can be contained. But some are wary, seeing it as a coiling spring.

  11. “They’re absolutely convinced that they can do anything, say anything, affirm anything, deny anything. Steal anything. Destroy anything and everything and anyone.” Barry Meislin

    Past experience has convinced them that there will be no meaningful consequences. Through long, deceitful machinations they have ensured that there will be no political or legal consequences.

    Some few within their ranks sense that having made peaceful redress of grievances impossible… that, violent redress of abuses is likely. Which is why they have ringed in the Capitol with razor wire and troops with permission to use lethal force. While doing their level best to purge the military of any who take their oath of loyalty to the Constitution seriously. They seek a military that will follow orders, no matter how illegal.

  12. All cogent points above. The totalitarians know they have a small window to implement what they can. That is why they are trying to take away the STATE CERTIFIED WINNER of Iowa 2 and replace with her with a Democrat. This is a move of desperation not arrogance. HR1 is an attempt to prolong their grip on power. I believe it will pass through the Senate. Manchin and Sinema will cave after the ritual show of anguish. Manchin always plays the role of Then the fun begins.

    However, the totalitarians are operating under old pre-Trump assumptions. They believe that Hispanics support the illegal wave that is going to swamp their communities and bring the crime. Blacks are beginning to realize that giving rights to 34M+ illegals will MORE THAN HALF their share of the population and voting power. The message is getting through despite the legacy media onslaught. Only the virtue signaling university educated rich progressive class supports this.

    Trump have effectively shown this. During the 2020 campaign I worked with a lot of Black, Asian and Hispanic people who were fully on the Trump Train. Look how Trump strongly performed in the south Texas counties and south Florida. They voted for the man and his policies and not the corporate globalist Republican Party. They will leave if the Republican Party reverts to the old mode. That is what I am working on preventing. I have confidence they will not.

    A lot of people who voted against Trump and not for Biden are not yet admitting their mistake. Like with Jimmy Carter in 1980, they will start realizing it and either change or stay home for 2022 and 2024. Several friends are not so vehement in their distaste for Trump 6 months ago.
    I highly recommend these articles.


    https://meaninginhistory.blogspot.com/2021/03/compelling-commentary-32021.html#more There is a long post by Anonymous @ 8:42 that should be read also.

    Politics are not static. Change is coming. Be prepared and work towards the change.

  13. Good points, physics guy. I imagine that Trump has some good people working on those details. Trump is a doer and knows how valuable the social media platform is for his future plans. He will, I hope, find a way. If not, Parler and Gab are available. Wherever he goes the traffic will follow.

  14. After decades of slowly raising the heat in our frog pond, in 2016 they figured they were just about to the point where frog legs would be on the menu once Hillary, surely, got elected. Trump dumped a ton of cold water on that plan so now they have turned the heat on full blast while projecting an IMAX of cool mountain streams to fool the frogs.

    It ain’t working.

  15. How long will it be before the transparency of Democratic lies catches up with them?
    Not soon enough. They run the federal government, their troops are embedded in it as ‘regulators’, And the country will be damaged beyond retrieval in the next two years, as long as we follow the rules and behave ourselves.

    How can the White House prevent Cruz and other Senators from visiting the border in Cruz’ own state? It cannot, unless they cave in. Fly to San Antonio, rent a couple of vans. Simple.

    $84 mill to house a thousand illegal families in hotels ‘near the border’? Are we insane? C’mon to the USA!
    The drug cartels, bringing ‘children’ into the USA without parents! What the H is going on? We are a nation of babysitters for Central America?

    We are dealing with Evil. Shall we not resist it?

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