Home » Perhaps New Yorkers wish they could recall Governor Cuomo


Perhaps New Yorkers wish they could recall Governor Cuomo — 46 Comments

  1. What did Stalin say about death and statistics? “At this point what difference does it make?” – former senator of New York.

    What did they do to deserve such “leaders?” Andrew Cuomo, AOC, Chuck Schumer, DiBlasio …

  2. Yeah, he will pay the consequences of his murdering seniors. Just like Rice and Benghazi, and Hillary with her server…..oh wait!

    I keep asking what is the bridge too far? At what point does the obvious persecution of conservatives, and non-consequence for all the Dems and the left become too much?

  3. Were Cuomo a Republican, he would already have been impeached, and under federal indictment. But he’s a Democrat, and the scion of liberal royalty. Nothing will happen to him. Absolutely nothing. Some lower level officials might take the fall; even DeRosa and Zucker might face some kind of Kevin Clinesmithesque slap on the wrist. But that will be the extent of it.

    Expect Cuomo to run for a fourth term next year. And, expect him to win…easily. Pay attention, self-righteous, virtue signaling progressive twits: you reap what you so. Cuomo, DeBlasio, Murphy, Newsom, Whitmer, Lightfoot and many, MANY others are exactly what you sowed.

  4. The evil Donald Trump demanded transparency? Oh by all means, let’s bury the facts. It’s the only sensible thing to do.

    Perfect physicsguy. I do have a slight feeling that just maybe this scandal will be too big and nasty to bury. Then I come to my senses.

    I heard an off-hand comment by one of the hard news Fox reporters a few weeks ago that upset me. He said gov. Cuomo allowed elderly COVID infected residents back into their LTC facilities. No, no, no. He forced them back in. Gov. DeSantis forbade them to return. Of course DeSantis did not get good control of LTC employees, unfortunately.

    Make of this thought what you will. NYState no doubt saved a billion of dollars or more per year via their reduced nursing home load.

  5. TommyJay:

    Or as Zeke Emmanuel might have put it, their (the elderly) “quality of life index” was suboptimal? Saving resources for those who deserve them was the SInger ethics thing to do?

    And the Biden Assistant Secretary of HHS kept his elderly parent out of a similar situation in Pennsylvania while allegedly sending the elderly parents of others to their doom. It’s good to be a King (D).

  6. RE: “Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s top aide privately apologized to Democratic lawmakers for withholding the state’s nursing home death toll from COVID-19 — telling them ‘we froze’ out of fear that the true numbers would ‘be used against us’ by federal prosecutors.”
    In other words, Cuomo, et. al. committed a felony by engineering a cover-up.

    RE: “My guess is that they no longer have to fear prosecution by the DOJ, because it’s the Biden administration in charge now.”

    From the original article: “The Justice Department is evaluating whether to initiate a full investigation under the federal ‘Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act’ (CRIPA), which protects the rights of residents in ‘state-run nursing homes, among others.'”

    It’s worth noting that the 2020 DNC platform states: “Democrats will fully enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Fair Housing Act, the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act, … ”

    If we lived in a constitutional republic where the concepts of representative democracy and equal justice before the Law existed, these facts would be a big problem for Cuomo. But we don’t, and it doesn’t.

  7. Or perhaps this sort of thing is just peachy keen with them:

    New Yorker born and bred here (Upstate). Anyone you locate with a leckerbissen of respect for the state government is on the payroll. For years, the Albany Times-Union maintained a reporter and columnist named Jay Gallagher, who provided the coverage of the state Capitol with which other papers could not be bothered. His habitual tone was mordant.

    And then people go to the polls every two years and re-elect them. Repulsive as he is, Gov. Cuomo has satisfactory approval ratings. His predecessor Gov. Patterson was one of three governors we’ve had with a modicum of public-spiritedness. His approval ratings were below 20%. (Another of our better governors was Malcolm Wilson, who was blown out of office in a landslide). The sensible minority in New York has been getting it good and hard for a couple of generations now, courtesy the NPCs we live amongst.

    Did I mention the attorney-general ? (Why is this an elected position?) This is a woman whose time as a working attorney consisted of fitful employment as a public defender and legal aid lawyer. She completed her law degree in the spring of 1987 and was admitted to the New York bar in 1989; between the time she graduated and the time she was admitted, the bar exam was administered in July of 1987, February of 1988, July of 1988, and quite possibly February of 1989. NB, as a rule in this country, fewer than 10% of those admitted to the bar require more than two attempts. Some combination of fecklessness and the upraised-middle-finger has put this malicious ultrahack in the attorney-general’s chair. It all makes you wanna holler.

  8. Art Deco,

    Upstate NY or “Upstate” NY? I was born and raised in the Lake George region. We always get a chuckle at The City folk who call Poughkeepsie “Upstate”.

  9. Why is this negative stuff coming out about Cuomo now? Because with the Bad Orange Man gone, some on the left think they can go back to pretending to be good and decent people. But it’s too late. They spent months making Cuomo a hero to Democrats and liberals. The cognitive dissonance of having to admit the media lied to them and they were foolish enough to believe it will be too much for most New Yorkers. So this just paves the way for more arrogant incompetence.

    Standards only work when they’re enforced even when it is inconvenient.


  10. Maybe it’s the prejudicial effect of all those gangster movies, but the Cuomo family really has a thuggish quality, at least to those of us well outside the NYC atmosphere. Or maybe it’s deserved, and that’s why Trump’s “Fredo” jibe stung so much.

  11. I’ve repeatedly accused Cuomo of being a mass murderer. I have not made that most serious of accusations lightly. What has convinced me of that accusation’s validity is not just that Cuomo forced Covid-19 infected patients into nursing homes. Environments where the most vulnerable of the vulnerable lived.

    It is that a number of nursing home directors strongly protesting both over the phone and through emails directly to the State Health Department Director, stating their inability to protect their uninfected elderly from the infected patients Cuomo was demanding they accept.

    Cuomo’s response was to reiterate the order and to threaten to revoke the nursing home licenses of any that defied him. So Cuomo knew full well what the murderous results would be of his order. Which makes those resultant deaths premeditated murder in the first degree.

    All this while a thousand bed hospital ship was left unused, simply because Trump had sent it and would politically benefit from its use.

    Nor was Cuomo alone, 7 other Governors also engaged in mass murder. And did so solely for political gain. Among them were Newsome, Whitmer and Murphy.

    If, as we all expect, they escape without legal, proportionate and personnel consequence, it will simply reinforce the perception that the rule of law has been extinguished. And that will have an unintended consequence that the democrat leadership could only imagine if they were familiar and took to heart history’s relevant lessons.

    Since their lust for power and arrogance prevents an appreciation of history’s cautionary tales, they will continue to court a terrible reckoning.

  12. What did they do to deserve such “leaders?” Andrew Cuomo, AOC, Chuck Schumer, DiBlasio …”

    Well, they elected them. And overall, they seem pleased with the results they have gotten. Which is why they keep reelecting them.

    Coumo the Majestic, must in the mindset and tradition of his godlet father Mario, be reciprocally gratified. “These are my sheep, in whom I am well pleased”

  13. Maybe it’s the prejudicial effect of all those gangster movies, but the Cuomo family really has a thuggish quality, at least to those of us well outside the NYC atmosphere.

    The late Russell Harding offered a concise assessment of the Cuomos a decade ago, “they’ve always been thugs at heart”. The Harding family had an agreeable aspect in the mother; if I’ve ever met a more charming women, I’ve forgotten it. Nevertheless, they were a family for whom politics was their business. (Imprudent business decisions eventually landed the father and the younger son in prison). We’re not talking about anyone on the board of Common Cause, but fairly jaded operators. (Jaded operators who would have been aghast at Bill diBlasio, however). By the standards of people like the Hardings, the Cuomos were outré. Another fairly world weary veteran of street level politics Upstate (a scrupulously honest man, btw) appended the descriptor “megalomaniac” to papa. During the ‘press war’ period ca. 1986, papa was calling reporters at 6:30 am and starting conversations with phrases like “You cut my testicle off”. One reporter subject to this said for attribution that he didn’t think the governor was quit in control of himself.

  14. We always get a chuckle at The City folk who call Poughkeepsie “Upstate”.

    Upstate begins at the northern borders of Rockland and Westchester Counties. Poughkeepsie is Upstate. It’s a discrete dense settlement with a population of about 60,000, not an extension of the New York City suburbs, which stop at Peekskill. (The towns I’ve lived in are all 170-300 miles to the northwest of Peekskill).

  15. I hereby nominate Andrew Cuomo for the Hitler/Stalin Prize to honor his deadly policies that led to the death of thousands of elderly in a “safe” and comforting environment.
    Cuomo’s novel method of killing avoided the use of gas chambers or squads of Einsatzgruppen, or Stalin’s gulags or use of torture and execution in notorious prisons (e.g. Lubyanka Prison or Metro Correction Center , NYC).

    And Cuomo’s most significant and important achievement was preventing his arch political foe, Donald Trump, from receiving any credit for supplying Cuomo with thousands of ventilators, a US Navy Hospital ship and a fully equipped US Army Field Hospital within the Javits Convention Center.

    As hard as it is to believe folks, each of these facilities provided by Trump went TOTALLY UNUSED !!!!!!
    Ladies and gentlemen, this last point, in and of itself, is more than enough justification for Cuomo to receive this most esteemed award!!

    Concomitant with that well deserved award to Cuomo, Eziekiel Emanuel should be awarded the Joseph Mengele Prize for providing the theoretical framework which allowed acceptance of the the notion that all those above the age of ???? should be “encouraged” to die, especially if they are ill or prone to being ill.
    And if they are not ill or prone to be ill , well, just make sure they get ill and die.
    Valuable resources cannot be wasted on those who do not deserve to live.

    His theories provided the theoretical framework for nursing homes – under Cuomo’s directives – to accelerate the deaths of existing undeserving-to-live elderly, thus freeing up needed beds for more soon-to-be-dead elderly.

    These awards to Cuomo and Ezekiel (i.e. the American Mengele) , should personally be presented by the newly installed prezident of the Union of Soviet Socialist American States (USSAS) , Jozef Bidet.

    The appropriate media outlets – Der Sturmer, Völkischer Beobachter , Pravda, Izvestia had confirmed they will be covering the presentation ceremonies LIVE.

    Unnamed sources are already claiming that Cuomo is a shoo in to be installed as prezident as soon as Bidet and/or Harris are deemed no longer useful.

  16. “The late Russell Harding offered a concise assessment of the Cuomos a decade ago, “they’ve always been thugs at heart”.”

    Andrew Cuomo went to a $10,000 a year prep school, a $50,000 a year private university, and I believe has spent less than a handful of years in the private sector. He was briefly an assistant DC in New York, so he’s probably not a complete wimp but the closest he’s probably been to thug life is watching TV and movies.

    Cuomo and his derpy brother are likely tough by political and media standards but I’d bet the number of times they’ve kicked someone’s butt or had theirs handed to them is below the national average.


  17. Thugs sometimes have foot soldiers. There is a difference between a “thugs at heart” and an actual a street level thug. And of course there is the concept that ruthless, contemptable behavior is determined by the schools one attends.

  18. “There is a difference between a “thugs at heart” and an actual a street level thug.”

    And there’s a difference between screwing someone over in a political fight or talking like a tough guy in a TV studio and…you know…actually being someone to take seriously.

    Butt still sore over me slapping you around a bit, I see.


  19. Mr Bunge:

    Falling into the gutter again, whenever a flaw in your wisdom is raised? And what is it with you and physical abuse? Don’t share, you seem not to understand the concept of TMI.

    About taking you seriously, well, that has been a challenge.

    Mikey, I have been using “Mr.” but not as a sign of respect, from now on it’s just Bunge.

  20. Regarding your title Neo, they could always vote for Cynthia Nixon or was that Mayor of NYC?

  21. Bunge:

    Someone who has caused the death of 16K elderly is someone to be taken seriously, taken seriously to jail, and if not that, someone that must not to be allowed to make similar mistakes beyond the state of New York. Is that something you can grasp?

  22. MBunge,

    Any mass murderer should be taken seriously.

    It’s mentality that determines thuggishness. Physical prowess only of relevance when the thug’s target lacks the ability to resist. When confronted physically by thugs, Smith and Wesson are the equalizer. Gov. Whitmer, Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler are thugs too despite a lack of physical strength.

  23. Andrew Cuomo went to a $10,000 a year prep school, a $50,000 a year private university, and I believe has spent less than a handful of years in the private sector.

    IIRC, his secondary and tertiary schooling was had between 1970 and 1983. Doubt the sticker prices approached those numbers.

    You’re being oddly literal-minded.

  24. I remember how Mario Cuomo, the father, was a great liberal white hope, so to speak, in the 80s/90s to run for president someday, but never did, allowing Bill Clinton to steal a march on everyone in ’92. MSNBC has a decent article capturing Mario’s appeal.


    I’m rather disillusioned with Democrats these days, so I wonder if Mario Cuomo didn’t have his Dorian Gray portrait hidden away.

  25. Off Topic — John MCWHORTER is I’m the midst of writing a devastating book on CRT/SWJs, “The Elect” is the working title. And it’s strong stuff, which gets him riled up demanding that people “man up” and get courageous.

    From three weeks ago, here is an interview with his strong, honest, blunt use of language, including profanity. He calls it his first anti-white book, because he sees it mostly coming from White people desperate not to be seen as racist.

    There are people who will never grasp the nuances of this New Belief system

    Furthermore, he says that We black folk have to be called out more for saying racist when we (or they) exaggerate.

    “They have The Truth!” they believe. This is a real new secular religion.
    And were differing to them

    They are parishioners. We cannot let this INFECT our discussions.

    We need our Elects.
    I don’t want them to go away, I want them to Stand Down (and cease demanding that We Conform to them).

    Like with the

  26. “So Cuomo knew full well what the murderous results would be of his order. Which makes those resultant deaths premeditated murder in the first degree.
    All this while a thousand bed hospital ship was left unused, simply because Trump had sent it and would politically benefit from its use.” – Geoffrey

    Dennis Prager makes similar connections to the CDC and medical establishment in general suppressing and even falsifying information about Those Dangerous Drugs that would have saved lives.
    He doesn’t mention Cuomo in this post, but I don’t think he would disagree with you.


    How many Americans died from COVID-19 between Aug. 27, 2020, and Jan. 14, 2021, because of NIH waffling?

    That report contained a truly deceitful statement concerning hydroxychloroquine: that it carries “considerable risk of sometimes fatal complications and interactions.”

    On Dec. 16, 2020, the FDA declared that ivermectin “is not approved for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.”

    Meanwhile, YouTube took down a U.S. Senate hearing featuring doctors and epidemiologists who spoke in favor of ivermectin.

    When we get to the other side of the COVID-19 crisis and all the damage is tallied — the unnecessary deaths and the ruined lives — the medical establishment, the media and many politicians are going to have a lot to answer for.

    At a great price, we have learned that “follow the science” and “follow the scientists” are not the same thing. We have followed the latter off a cliff.

  27. 4 of Illinois last 7 governors went to prison. All well deserved. The current governor Pritzker has been as feckless as any dealing with the pandemic, except maybe Cuomo.

    Obviously Illinoians don’t appear to have learned anything from their past voting mistakes. New Yorkers will re-elect Cuomo.

  28. Re Cuomo, Newsum, Pritzker, etc — where are the Muckrakers? Run out of rakes? Possession outlawed?

    Where are the citizen journalists? Attention must be paid.

  29. As I tell everyone about these incompetent governors. “Remember this. YOU voted for this!” Put the responsibility squarely on the person. And now we have a president whose light has dimmed to put it charitably.

    But I believe this is their high water mark. They have over reached and people without the blind Trump hatred will be seeing the consequences of their actions. We have to work hard and smartly to take back the states and Congress.

    A big change is going to be reapportionment. How that is managed is going to be interesting particularly if California does lose a seat. Or New York loses two seats. I predict that Sandy Cortez’s district will be drawn out of existence. In Michigan Talib Rashib district could also be written out. Ilan Omar will be safe. I am not sure about Alana Pressley or Cori Bush. Any insights there?

    Politics are not static. Keep that in mind.

    Cornhead – you asked about a week ago who was the “Jim Baker” of the past election. It was Jared Kushner. Again another flaw of Trump. His lack of a bench and drawing on institutional support ultimately lead to his defeat. I have thoughts on this and will post them later.


  30. Cuomo attended Archbishop Molloy High School in Queens, which is a well regarded school (academically) but in no way can be considered an “elite” private school (e.g., like a Dalton School).
    I grew up in Queens, NY and I knew kids who attended that school.
    Back then (60s, 70s) the vast majority of its students were from average middle class families.

    That aside, the Cuomo never had a real job in his adult life. He was PUT into the admin. of Obama as HUD Secretary due to Cuomo’s father, Mario Cuomo.

    He, Le Fils Cuomo, while in that capacity, pushed Fannie/Freddie to provide loans to the underprivileged (i.e., folks that had zero capability to pay off the home loans).
    The push to do this, plus the monetary “bonuses” received by the officers of these quasi-govt. mortgage agencies, is a major reason, but not the only reason, for the financial meltdown of 2008.

    Like all of the self-anointed elites his rise to power had everything to do with connections and nothing at all to do with competence or ability or his proven track record of ineptitude. He literally cannot reason or think, but they do not have to.
    All that matters to their success are their friends in high places within their tribe. Incompetents like Cuomo will always land on his feet.

    A commentator mentioned how mismanaged some states are; Illinois, NY etc, and said “do they never learn.”
    Well, they have no need to.
    They just wait until a demokrat prezident is installed, and the state will be bailed out by the Feds; courtesy of the American taxpayer. In return the ruling elites within the state just need to politically support the prezident (e.g. by rigging elections).

    Ultimately it is the voters within these states that are to blame. They repeatedly vote in the same types of corrupt, incompetent, inept politicians for mayors and governors. Just look at Chicago or Baltimore or Detroit.
    Each of these cities has been falling into the abyss for years and years, but come election time, the same sorts of politicians get elected.

    The voters of NY State elected Cuomo as gov. Do not be surprised if he gets re-elected or, if not that, someone even further to the left with a track record of zero accomplishment gets elected.
    If Cuomo is not re-elected or does not run, give it about a year or so, and he will be seen on TV as an “expert commentator,” earning big $$$$, on CNN, CBS, NBC etc.

    He will run for president of the USA; there is no doubt about that.
    His deadly ineptitude running NY during the corona virus will all be forgotten and swept under the rug – with the help of the deferential and compliant media.

    I can hear his debate/ campaign themes right now;
    it’s time to move on, to look ahead.
    We have learned from out mistakes and this will enable us to make better decisions for you, your family and your children, etc. etc.

    And about half of the American electorate will vote for him.

  31. This, https://www.businessinsider.com/percentage-workforce-employed-by-government-every-us-state-2019-1

    is an interesting map. It shows the percentage of the workforce in each state who work directly for the government. Directly. The highest is 25%, lowest 10.1. The median looks to be around 15%.

    That’s the “workforce.” Now let’s think about the “non-workforce.” Most all of that group earn their daily bread from big government and big government spending; Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, Food Stamps, ACA.

    Now let’s look at “private” industry. Boeing, Lockheed, Blackrock… Doctors, lawyers, construction workers, musicians, dancers (how many symphonies and dance companies receive government subsidies?). Heck, most restaurants in state capitals and D.C. would collapse if government shrinks. How far are any of us from direct government payments?

    I believe the stat is; prior to around 1950 a majority of Americans grew up on single family farms. Today agribusiness has practically eliminated the single family farm, and even farmers get government subsidies.

    Someone recently referenced Upton Sinclair’s quote: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

    This entire trend has been growing steadily for 100 years. Due to regulation, banks are basically state owned. They are certainly state controlled. The Federal Reserve prints money at will and Congress dictates who MUST take it, and when. Bush II, Trump and now Biden all had programs where the Federal government simply mailed money to every adult American.

    How, exactly, do we get the votes to undo this?

  32. I believe the stat is; prior to around 1950 a majority of Americans grew up on single family farms.

    In 1920, about 30% of the heads of households listed an agricultural occupation to census enumerators (though some people listed as ‘laborers’ may also have been working in agriculture). Note, people working in agriculture often have other irons in the fire. (In 1880, the proportion was 40%).

  33. In conjunction with my comment, below, let’s look at two men Americans view as independent and self made. Scions of private industry.

    Donald John Trump and Elon Reeve Musk.

    It does appear both men are fiercely independent and embrace capitalism and American ideals of self-sufficiency. Both also seem very driven to increase their own, personal wealth. In their youth, as both men observed the playing field of commercial industry before them, what did both determine was the best route to riches? DJT focused on using government subsidies and taxes to erect buildings he could siphon revenue from. ERM focused on building automobiles subsidized by tax payers and building a launch service that would receive payments from NASA to put people and things in orbit.

    How did Ross Perot make his money? Selling services to the federal government.

    Willie Sutton robbed banks, “because that’s where the money is.” Where is the money today? Look at DC and the surrounding suburbs and their growth in the past 20 years.

  34. Art+Deco,

    I knew you’d have the correct stat! Well done.

    It’s also interesting to look at urban vs. rural population trends in the U.S. over the past 100 years. Once a single county in a state gets a high enough percentage of that state’s population, it is nearly impossible for the less populous counties to wrest electoral control.

  35. Most all of that group earn their daily bread from big government and big government spending; Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, Food Stamps, ACA.

    1. The employment-to-population ratio has not been declining and is in fact higher than it was 60 years ago. NB, the denominator of this ratio is the total population over the age of 16 who are not incarcerated.

    2. You don’t earn your daily bread from Medicare or Medicaid because neither of these programs finances mundane consumption; they are made use of contingently.

    3. In 2018, about 17% of those defined as unemployed were collecting benefits. It’s a term-limited programs that requires buy-in.

    4. About 20% of the population lives in households collecting Social Security. All of the heads of household in this set are elderly, disabled, or widowed. The number collecting old age and survivors benefits has since 1970 grown more slowly than the population over 65. There was from 1970 to 1980 a large run up in the number receiving disability benefits. Since 1980, the number has grown pari passu with the size of the general population between the ages of 50 and 65. Primary beneficiaries receive about $1,400 a month. About 5.6% of all personal income arrives in the form of Social Security benefits. Again, this program requires buy-in; two components have screens you cannot game and the third has screens that are challenging to game.

    5. SNAP (né Food Stamps) is an income supplement program, not an income replacement program. The per capita benefit averages about $130 a month and about 12% of the population is enrolled. More often than not, people who meet eligibility thresh-holds do not apply. In 2019, about 0.33% of all personal income arrived in the form of SNAP cards.

  36. Art+Deco,

    I assume you’re intentionally missing the forest I depicted in order to focus on the trees and show off your knowledge of stats. My point in listing government programs was to highlight how many people receive direct payments from some government program, or another. Will anyone who is on one of those programs, or has been recently, vote to reduce or limit them further? Or increase and extend them?

  37. Rufus T. Firefly:

    I find college graduate statistics interesting. In 1970 about 10% of the population over 25 had a college degree. In 2015 it was about 30%. (Eyeballing the first graph at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational_attainment_in_the_United_States.)

    According to EducationData.org, 86% of college students receive financial aid from public or private sources.

    This mixes public and private sources, and much of that is in the form of loans, so it’s not a perfect match for your argument that receiving payments from the government disposes citizens towards big government. But I’d say it has a similar effect.

    Combined with the much higher costs of college education, the tripling of college graduates in the past 50 years and the leftist usurpation of academia, I’d say one could explain a substantial part of America’s steady press to the left.

  38. I assume you’re intentionally missing the forest I depicted in order to focus on the trees and show off your knowledge of stats. My point in listing government programs was to highlight how many people receive direct payments from some government program, or another. Will anyone who is on one of those programs, or has been recently, vote to reduce or limit them further? Or increase and extend them?

    That’s not the point you were making, but never mind. If you’re concerned, the ratio of public expenditures to domestic product in 1975 was 0.327. That in 2019 was 0.331.

    While we’re at it, Social Security and Medicare are programs for the elderly and disabled. Much of the Medicaid budget goes to financing nursing homes. These are not people who can readily make adjustments in the face of adverse economic shocks. Of course there is resistance to policy changes which will requiring altering spending trajectories derived from decades in the work force. Adjustments to those programs are properly cohort-by-cohort so people have time to adjust in preparation for retirement. (The simplest adjustment is having cohort-specific retirement ages so that the ratio of the retired population to the working population is a constant).

  39. Ms. DeRosa is just sore that she didn’t get an Emmy, too. Wasn’t even considered, in fact.

    (The Emmy Prize grantors should take a note of that for next time, given that such leaks are so…embarrassing and unpleasant…)

    But it is surely a most curious sort of “apology”.
    The key is the obligatory “BUT WE’RE REALLY THE VICTIMS HERE” boilerplate:
    ‘ “we froze” out of fear that the true numbers would “BE USED AGAINST US us” by federal prosecutors…’
    ‘the Cuomo administration had rebuffed a legislative request for the tally in August because “right around the same time, [then-President Donald Trump] turns this into a giant political football”…’

    That’s right, Cuomo and his merrye band are the victims. The real culprit is of course—drum roll—Donald Trump.

    (And certainly, the Democrats, e.g., Cuomo et al, would NEVER EVER think of “turn[ing COVID-19] into a giant political football”….)

    As for the “leak”, this—like the “Time Magazine” piece on the election—is meant purely to keep control of the narrative. On the other hand, maybe she’s just trying to protect herself from leaking higher-ups trying to protect themselves by sacrificing her? (Or should that be THE higher-up?)

    And so, an expression of remorse? Well only if she gets thrown in jail for abetting the cover-up.
    (Now what are the odds of that happening?)

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