Home » Biden the unity president


Biden the unity president — 23 Comments

  1. This is certainly one of the always brilliant Heather Mac’s best pieces, brief but well-argued and filled with indignation. Her analysis, which no rational person could seriously dispute (so overwhelming is the evidence supporting her position), augurs very badly indeed for the future of the republic. Meanwhile, the MSM have changed, seemingly overnight, their spurious definition of journalism; just a few days ago, it meant endless and mostly-unhinged attacks on the “dictatorial” Trump, while, just one day after the inauguration of a corrupt and senile buffoon, it means abject, fawning sycophancy towards the party in power, as well as vicious totalitarian hatred towards the “enemy”.

  2. Critical race theory is now a main driver of policy in the U.S. government. It condemns all citizens who happened to be born white, as irredeemable racists. Is that promoting unity?

    Control of global climate change is now the official policy of the U.S. government. That allows the government to control the lives of people in detail. Driving and flying will be discouraged. Single family homes on a small plot of land will be discouraged. Cold homes in winter and warm homes in summer will be encouraged. Billion$ will be spent on intermittent solar and wind energy that will lead to brown and black outs – which we’ll be told are necessary to defeat the demon of climate change.
    The elites will continue to drive, fly, be comfortable in their homes, live on grand estates behind walls, and their private generators will protect them from brown or black outs. Unifying much?

    From 2017 by Walter Russel Mead:
    “If Trump were the Manchurian candidate that people keep wanting to believe that he is, here are some of the things he’d be doing:
    Limiting fracking as much as he possibly could
    Blocking oil and gas pipelines
    Opening negotiations for major nuclear arms reductions
    Cutting U.S. military spending
    Trying to tamp down tensions with Russia’s ally Iran.”

    We now have the real Manchurian Candidate. Should we unify behind such a man?

  3. During a quickie signing of executive orders on Thursday, Biden was well dressed
    and well groomed.

    But while signing he seemed unfocused and weirdly self-conscious.

    A reporter asked him a benign question which elicited a “come on man” response. He then left the room quickly – as if hastening to a rest room.

  4. I just read a news article from MSN.com.

    A reporter was interviewing a far-right voter.

    This voter said that the Jan. 6, 2021 violence at the US Capitol building was- [paraphrased]-

    [a good thing, but SOME PEOPLE did a few bad things].

    The reporter then said:

    “This voter’s views are extreme, but they are the common views of Trump supporters”.


    I have some friends who are common Trump supporters, and they DO NOT see the violence, the break ins, the vandalism, the criminal-intimidation of the Congress people,…

    and the other crimes done on that day, as ACCEPTABLE OR EXCUSABLE BEHAVIOR.

    Please do me a favor, readers of thenewneo.com ,

    STOP USING MSN [tm] and all of its companies.

    News reporters who tell and printlies don’t deserve your business.

    Thank You.

  5. Biden of course bothers me, but what I find more scary are his cabinet appointments. Becerra at HHS has no medical background and is a pro-abortion fanatic. Levin, his assistant is not only a politically correct trannie who sent covid patients to nursing home, but remember when she gave advice that orgies were fine as long as you wore a mask. The education people are all for transgenderism in bathrooms and males in womens’ sports. The native American wants to stop all infringement on tribal lands, but is also extreme on every other issue. Buttigeig is not worried about transportation, but is also weighing in on everything.And the brilliant John Kerry is his climate change czar. I can’t remember who he has negotiating with Iran, but I’m pretty sure they want to give them more room to enrich uranium. Is there any thinking person around him? Not that I know of.

  6. expat:

    Biden is scary all on his own for many reasons, but it was always clear that he would also be scary because he would be controlled by the left and his appointments and his administration would be the return of Obama, cubed and skewed to the left.

  7. Many people voted for Biden because they wanted to get rid of Trump and thought Biden was at least okay.

    I’d like to ask them in a year if it was worth it.

  8. “What the Democrats (large D) mean by it is: Surrender, conservatives, resistance is futile.” neo

    Precisely. Since that is the field upon which they insist politics be conducted, they shall reap what they have sown. As they implement their rein of tyranny and, that is what they intend, when in reaction it blows up in their face, there will be no doubt it be just recompense for their actions.

    He who calls the tune, must pay the piper.

  9. “I’d like to ask them in a year if it was worth it.” – shadow

    The NeverTrumpers at NR (who IMO did a lot to hobble Trump’s presidency and hasten his departure, or at least gave a voice to those who #Resisted) are already complaining that Biden is cancelling all the policies they liked, except for them being implemented by OrangeManBad.

    As if the Democrats are going to listen to them.

  10. J. J.,

    “The elites will continue to drive, fly, be comfortable in their homes, live on grand estates behind walls, and their private generators will protect them from brown or black outs.”

    That will be true… for a while. The elite have made a fatal mistake. By pressuring and directing the GOPe to acquiesce to the most massive and blatant electoral fraud in history, they have confirmed the existence of both the Uniparty and of its control by an oligarchic elite.

    Secrecy and plausible deniability were the curtains that concealed their machinations. The 2020 election and its aftermath have torn the curtains back to expose the manipulators.

    They are far more vulnerable than they realize. A covert war upon the populace is now exposed and there is only one effective response when war is being made upon you.

    “Clarity in Trump’s Wake”

    “The United States of America is now a classic oligarchy. The clarity that it has brought to our situation by recognizing this fact is its only virtue.

    “In 2021, the laws, customs, and habits of the heart that had defined the American republic since the 18th century are things of the past. Americans’ movements and interactions are under strictures for which no one ever voted. Government disarticulated society by penalizing ordinary social intercourse and precluding the rise of spontaneous opinion therefrom. Together with corporate America, it smothers minds through the mass and social media with relentless, pervasive, identical, and ever-evolving directives. In that way, these oligarchs have proclaimed themselves the arbiters of truth, entitled and obliged to censor whoever disagrees with them as systemically racist, adepts of conspiracy theories.

    Corporations, and the government itself, require employees to attend meetings personally to acknowledge their guilt. They solicit mutual accusations. While violent felons are released from prison, anyone may be fired or otherwise have his life wrecked for questioning government/corporate sentiment.

    Today’s rulers don’t try to convince. They demand obedience, and they punish.” [My emphasis]


  11. Some of the Bi-Partisan Unity Party are already miffed.


    Joe Biden hasn’t been in office for two full days and the repercussions are already being felt. He signed a bevy of executive orders yesterday covering everything from canceling the border wall to revoking the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. The latter was even too extreme for Canada, with their government decrying the move.

    Biden also managed to ban fracking on federal lands, something the media swore wouldn’t happen. “Fact-checkers” from multiple outlets rated Trump’s claims on the matter as false and misleading. So much for that. Meanwhile, drilling in ANWR has been stopped despite the stringent environmental regulations that already exist.

    Here’s Lisa Murkowski lamenting.

    At a time when the United States, and especially Alaska, is struggling to deal with the impacts of #COVID19, I am astounded to see that the Biden administration’s “day one” priority puts our economy, jobs, and nation’s security at risk.

    — Sen. Lisa Murkowski (@lisamurkowski) January 21, 2021

    Mitch McConnell also got in on the cry-fest.

    The failed Paris deal will hurt American families while China and Russia grow emissions.

    The Keystone cancellation will kill union jobs and hurt U.S. energy security.

    And a proposal to gut immigration enforcement and give blanket amnesty?

    Rough “day one” for American workers.

    — Leader McConnell (@LeaderMcConnell) January 21, 2021

    Who could have possibly foreseen this? Republicans are really, really great at whining when they no longer have the power to affect policy. There was a way to avoid all this, namely helping to get Trump re-elected instead of straddling the fence so often. Now, we all get to pay the price.

    Given all this, I’ve got one question for the suburbs: Are you having fun yet?

    Those formerly Republican areas are who handed Biden the election. We started to see movement to Democrats there in 2018, and it happened in an even greater way in 2020. We were told it was because Trump was just such a turn-off personality wise. That was probably true, but perhaps valuing policy over rhetoric would have been prudent?

    Will a lack of mean tweets pay your electric bill when it’s 25% higher next year? Will it give you a paycheck after you lose your high paying union job because Biden signed some executive order? Will it keep you safe if you live near the border after caravans of illegal immigrants start arriving? I’m gonna guess no, but no mean tweets!

    This was avoidable. All voters had to do was stop being so shallow as to base their vote on how nice someone is. I didn’t like some of Trump’s rantings either. So what?


  12. One of her outstanding-as-usual essays. (h/t PowerLine)
    by Heather Mac Donald

    Only now are we confronting “a cry for racial justice, some four hundred years in the making.”

    One might have thought that more than 50 years of civil rights legislation; the banishing of Jim Crow segregation; the ubiquity of racial preferences throughout corporate America, higher education, and government; trillions of dollars of tax dollars attempting to close the academic achievement gap; and the election of black politicians by white voting districts would have reduced inequity, not increased it. But to Biden’s speechwriters, steeped in academic victimology, racial inequity is always with us, requiring constant remediation from government.

    The next four years will likely be one long anti-white-privilege struggle session. Any real effort to close racial achievement gaps, such as fighting the “acting white” ethic that prevents many inner-city children from trying hard in school, will be deferred and discredited. Biden is betting that white liberals, at least, will continue hanging their heads in penance for their hereditary crimes and trot off to their latest show trial. Given past behavior, he’s probably right.

    Check out my comment on the 1984 Election for Cockburn’s view of the increasing insanity of the Left — are you ready for Multiracial Whiteness?

  13. If you think Critical Race Theory is going to be bad under Biden just wait until President Harris is in charge. Then it will be full on oppression. The bully soys of Antifa and BLM will be unleashed upon us uppity honkys. They will migrate to the suburbs where the rich white progressive women live. They will show up in their stores and steal. They will be shamed for using the wrong pronoun. And they voted for it.

    “Transgendered” men will go into their bathrooms while their daughters are inside. And they voted for it. “Transgendered” men will take their daughters sport scholarships away. And they voted for it. The ultimate kick in the leggings will be when a transgendered man takes the place of a biological woman in Olympic soccer. And they voted for it.

    They voted for it and I will never let them forget about it. Do the same. Let them own their vote whether they want to or not.

  14. I am Sparticus:

    Meghan Rappino (Spelling I Don’t Care) or her woke acolytes being drop kicked off the soccer field by a mentally ill tranny in cleats would be the ultimate and well deserved own goal. It’s what they deserve anyway. The lesbians have discovered that they are trumped by trannies and they don’t like it at all.

  15. AesopFan,

    “Those formerly Republican areas are who handed Biden the election.”

    Trump received at least 11 MILLION more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016 and received a not insignificant portion of the black and hispanic vote. Yet, mostly suburban women voters were enough to legitimately hand the election to Biden?

    The writer @ Red State is full of it.

    I am Sparticus,

    Those who “voted for it” have accepted the premise that only by committing cultural and racial suicide can they atone for their ancestor’s ‘genocidal’ sins. They’re so laden with guilt that they’re absolutely suicidal and are willfully blind to it because they believe they deserve it.


    “The lesbians have discovered that they are trumped by trannies and they don’t like it at all.”

    The irony is literally Shakespearean. Men, pretending to themselves to be women and demanding that their insanity be ‘accepted’ are ‘oppressing’ them.

  16. While the irony is hot —

    And you know how Biden’s family didn’t have to worry about breaking his less-than-a-day-old EO about wearing masks on federal property because the Democrats had more important things to worry about?

    This is one of them.

    However, there is unity in some quarters of the land.

  17. Jordan Peterson schools Kamala Harris on Twitter after she falsely claims America is ‘united’

    “No, you’re not,” said Dr. Peterson in reply. “And clichés won’t make it so. But maybe you could be again. And you have four years to get it right.”


  18. Something, something, something, unity, something,…


    Nope, he’s been listening to them since JFK’s 1961 address.

    Having sat through the entire thing, I had to think about this for a moment.

    JFK: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

    Ronald Reagan: “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

    Bill Clinton: “There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America.”

    Joe Biden: “Hey you kids, get off my lawn!”

    Okay, fine, that’s not a verbatim quote, but it is a verbatim impression.

    It was his trademark yelly, slurry angry-old-man delivery that I recall most vividly. He had quieter parts, but I still felt like I was being scolded the entire time. There was no joy in it. He mouthed optimistic words, but it was wholly unconvincing.

    Did it have some good lines? I suppose, but none stand out because it was such a hodgepodge. The theme was supposed to be “unity” but that never really landed for me. Sure, he said the word “unity” eight times, and “together” seven (including his annoying rhetorical device of saying things twice), but It meandered all over the place, as if it was written by a committee where the Zoom call kept dropping so they never had a chance to compare notes.

  19. We really are more unified — The Betsy Ross Flag is back to being not racist.

    In other Unification news:


    We can be united with TWANLOC after all!
    “It can be tough to live in a country where you don’t like the president. Luckily, our friends on the Left have shown us how to handle this situation with grace and class over the past four years. Here are 15 easy ways to cope when you don’t like the president:”

    “Nation Relieved As Brash, Loudmouthed Tyrant Replaced With More Polite, Civil Tyrant”

    Trivial Pursuits: which of these is the satire site?


  20. Trump focusing on our border policies was central to his appeal from 2016 onward. So what’s the first thing Biden does to promote ‘unity’?

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