Home » All eyes turn to Georgia


All eyes turn to Georgia — 23 Comments

  1. Alas! Apprehension indicates a healthy view of reality.

    Given the quality of the opposition, the very idea that the votes could be close is legitimate cause for apprehension.

  2. I would be most surprised if the Republicans can hold off the theft and win either seat. I am not amused with the current politics of our nation, this is not the way it is supposed to work, but I am not in charge and it will be what it will be.

  3. I’ve been in Georgia since 2003. This place has been trending blue for the last couple of election cycles. During the last decade alone, Atlanta has grown and has turned into the San Francisco of Georgia.

    I have pessimistic feelings about tonight. I guess we’ll see. If both Democrats win, mark my words, the Supreme Court WILL be packed.

  4. Michael Towns, given the recent performance of the alleged conservative SCOTUS, it may matter little if they pack it. He said, tongue in cheek.

    Who knew that Shakespeare was a prophet?
    “Double, double toil and trouble
    like a hell-broth, boil and bubble”

  5. Michael Towns:

    SCOTUS-packing is just one item of many on the agenda, all of which are designed to make the leftist takeover continue and make it exceptionally difficult for the right ever to take control again. As I’ve written earlier, election “reform” laws are probably going to take a priority, in which the new Congress will try to relax standards for voting all across the country. States make their own rules for the most part, but if Congress wishes to override a state law and pass a federal standard it can do that unless the law passed by Congress violates the 14th Amendment or something like that. At least, that’s what I’ve gleaned from research I’ve done on how the law stands at present.

    There are a lot of things on the Democrats’ wish list, and nothing holds them back now except a couple of so-called “moderates” (Manchin, for example). And I don’t recall these “moderates” ever defying the left when it mattered. I don’t expect them to start now.

    First order of business probably would be to eliminate the filibuster entirely and make the Senate majority rule, like the House. The Democrats have no fear of doing this if the result will give them permanent control.

    I fervently hope at least one of the Georgia seats is held by the GOP and we don’t have to see this happen at the moment. It may happen someday, but a victory now would at least buy us some time.

  6. Oldflyer: I’ll raise you Shakespeare some lines further down!

    By the pricking of my thumbs,
    Something wicked this way comes.

    –Shakespeare, “Macbeth” Act 4, Scene 1

    I’m a bit pessimistic myself.

  7. Well done, Huxley.

    It would be interesting to research literature across the ages and see how many dire statements turned out to be prophetic. Too bad I am so lazy.

    In that vein, every Conservative politician and voter should fix the admonition, “Orwell did not intend ‘1984’ to be an instruction manual.” in their consciousness. (I deserve no credit for that very applicable bon mot. The originator is anonymous as far as I know.)

  8. I have come to the realization that GOP is a bigger evil than democrats. Why? Because they offer people false hope of fighting to prevent America from turning full socialism but all they accomplish with their fake attempt to resist is only slowing down the inevitable process. does it really matter that America becomes socialism in 20 years with the RINOs pretending to fight or 5 years under full democratic control? GOP’s false hope approach is nothing but a boiling frog campaign that chips away the fight in people to push back socialism with full force. but maybe with Democrats having full control of the government the decay of America will be so quick so severe that it would shock people awake from their love of socialism to start rejecting it.

  9. Speaking of fighting; I just saw that Trump has awarded the Medal of Freedom to Congressmen Nunes and Jordan.

    That should cause episodes of the vapors among Democrats and their media accomplices.

    Good for you, Tumpster. Fight on valiant Congressmen.

  10. Funny about the polls. Trafalgar appears to be the only agency publishing polls per RCP. Trafalgar’s polls suggest Loeffler and Perdue have been losing ground and that it’s a dead heat in both races. Way inside the cheat margin. Curiously, the Atlanta area counties are represented among the early returns.

  11. With control of the Senate at stake, I can’t see the democrats not pulling out all the stops in their fraudulent efforts to steal full control.

    I’ve seen no indication of any changes in Georgia, that might render the dem’s theft unsuccessful but if so, it won’t be for lack of effort.

    “SCOTUS-packing is just one item of many on the agenda, all of which are designed to make the leftist takeover continue and make it exceptionally difficult for the right ever to take control again.” neo

    Yes, that is just one item of many on their agenda. But I don’t agree that it will then be “exceptionally difficult for the right ever to take control again.” Absent a successful Civil War, I think it will be impossible for the right to do so, ever. As they can just manufacture out of thin air the needed votes to ‘win’ whenever they wish. The GOPe is sure not going to oppose them, nor will the dems allow their GOPe collaborators to be defeated in primaries.

    And whats to prevent the dems from doing the same thing to any third party that might arise to challenge the dems?

    A democrat party in control of the Federal government is simply not going to allow, what for them, would be suicidal electoral reform. In fact as you state, they’ll make it easier to cheat.

    They’ll also ‘engineer’ future elections such that the troublesome Ted Cruzs and Josh Hawleys types are consistently ‘beaten’ by cooperative RINOs. Whose presence is necessary, in order to argue and continue the charade that we have not become a one-party state and that claims of a “Uni-Party” are conspiratorial delusion.


    I have often had the same thought. Getting it “good and hard” might be the only way to awaken the liberals to what they’re enabling. But if Biden gets in and the dems steal Georgia they’ll effectively control the Federal government… then it won’t matter how many liberal eyes are opened because the dems will continue to control the counting of votes.

    Welcome to 1984 where your rights are what the people in control say they are and which can be changed or rescinded as a particular case dictates. We’re far closer to it than most will admit.

    We are on the precipice of Civil War because we’re very close to that being the only means left to retain our Constitutional rights.

  12. Geoffrey Britain:
    A Civil War is a dream, nothing more. Wars need structure, organization, coordinated movement, leadership. None of those exist and cannot be created in the time available. We as a people have huge personal holdings of firearms, but when will you personally go out and shoot your Leftist-voting neighbor? Killing the enemy is so much better done in the anonymity of “proper” warfare.

    As I’ve said before, we are the neo-USSR. It has been a century-long campaign which the Progs have won, using Gramsci’s notions. As Whitaker Chambers said to his wife when they ceased being Communists, “We are joining the losing side”.

  13. I’m petrified. I am a very artsy type of person but grounded in pure logic and I’ve been asking the same question for months: How is it possible – regardless of party, can so many people vote for Ossoff and more, Warnock? At least anyone who is even minimally informed? Warnock is a pure racist (maybe “pure” not the right word) and Ossoff …. I just don’t get it. While I supported most of Trump’s policies (and no Democrat policies that I can think of) I can understand that there are people who couldn’t get beyond his noise and tweets and listening/reading exclusively the MSM only propelled them more (by design) to vote against him. But the huge chasm between the Republican and Democratic candidates, and the closeness of the vote boggles my mind!

  14. Oldflyer — agree w/ you about Medals of Freedom. OK, some give it to popstars and sports celebrities, but the people who really get in there and fight for our freedoms: military heroes, and yes, few politicians who are earnest and continue despite the crap they’ve had to go through for doing it- Isn’t that the point of the award?

  15. @Cicero 8:24 pm

    “a Civil War is a dream…”

    Really? More of a nightmare, IMHO. While I find the tactics Dems, Progressives, Far Left, Antifa… appalling as much as the fact that they get away with the things they do, not sure a civil war is the only answer. (Don’t have another solution but the first Civil War was horrible enough. A war within our country, with the advances in technology, weaponry, (and no doubt our enemies for whatever advantages a win for one side or another would benefit them) would literally result in destroying this continent, and good chance, mankind living on it…
    Is that a dream?

  16. csimon621:

    Why so many votes for Democratic candidates who are so dreadful? I think it’s simple. Most people don’t pay that much attention to the news and most Democrats will vote for anyone – and I mean that quite literally, anyone – with a “D” after their name. I know plenty of Democrats who are otherwise brilliant or at least smart people, with together lives, quite sensible, who nevertheless would never – and again, I mean that quite literally, never – vote for a Republican.

    There are many ways that people rationalize such things.

  17. Cicero,

    Not a dream, a necessity. Unless of course your life is more important than your liberty. In which case, get what pleasure you can from living on your knees because that will be your future. Oh, it won’t happen immediately but it will happen because Marxists have an ideological imperative to make that the prole’s reality. Doubt it? Look to Cuba and Venezuela for verification.

    “Wars need structure, organization, coordinated movement, leadership.”

    Conventional wars, yes. Unconventional, guerilla wars that attack the enemy’s infrastructure and logistical support need far less of it. The left is concentrated in urban and suburban environments, which are utterly dependent upon the importation of ALL of life’s necessities. They can be easily disrupted by bands of guerillas, who only need to be made aware of the overall strategy with local forces left to implement tactics at their discretion. The object is not to directly fight the enemy but to disrupt and destroy the enemy’s ability to control territory. Ability to project force. Tanks and military aircraft are fearsome weapons. Without fuel they’re massive doorstops.

    Google 4th Generation Warfare.


    Yes, it would be a nightmare. Check with the people in Cuba and Venezuela whether, had they the power, they’d now prefer the horror of a civil war or their current, neverending nightmare.

    We have a choice and it’s a bitter one, be prepared to die fighting for your freedom in whatever way you’re able or accept the certainty of being forced upon your knees to grovel at the feet of your betters. Though on second thought collaboration is another available choice, one that many have and will make. The reality of whether or not that choice is unavoidable will be determined by events occuring over the next two weeks.

    “These are the times that try men’s wo-men’s souls.”

  18. “Check with the people in Cuba and Venezuela whether, had they the power, they’d now prefer the horror of a civil war or their current, neverending nightmare.” – Geoffrey

    One of the reasons we read history is to be able to see what’s at the end of a long line of seemingly benign events, each one supported by the populace because it seems fair or just or simply selfishly beneficial .

    One of the primary reasons the Left has concentrated on removing history from the schools and media is so that we are no longer able to see what’s at the end of a long line of seemingly benign events.

    That goes doubly for removing the memory of the blatantly unbenign ones.


    Eva Marie on January 5, 2021 at 5:34 pm said:
    Is it a coincidence that the rise of the left is accelerating as the very last of our WW2 victorious warriors and Holocaust survivors are dying?

  19. TJ – after two months of everyone on the Left and almost everyone on the alleged Right telling them fraud was not only okay but praiseworthy, why wouldn’t they do it again?

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