Home » Joe Biden and Hunter’s towering intellect


Joe Biden and Hunter’s towering intellect — 28 Comments

  1. Not only is the formerly crack-addicted Hunter a man of great intelligence, but he is also an artist of such remarkable talent that he is now being represented by a gallery in NYC’s Soho. In addition, the wife of the senile buffoon truly merits being called Dr. and should perhaps (according to one of the imbeciles on The View) be considered for the post of Surgeon General.

  2. Well, my wife calls me the smartest man she ever knew. That is sweet, but I think that accolade must be about as meaningful as the hackneyed phrase, “have a nice day”.

    Or one of the more recent obligatory shibboleths, “thank you for your service”

    Or as we used to say, “with that and a quarter and you can buy a cup of coffee”. That one is obviously very old.

    When Joe says something these days it raises the question, “does he know that he is lying?”. Not that it would matter to him either way.

  3. Kate – my thoughts exactly. There is a theory that C level intelligent people only use D or F people because they don’t want to be shown up so badly. But A level intelligent people aren’t afraid of using A or B level people because they are secure in their position and don’t mind having other people perform. I have been in several large organizations and I have seen some of this tangentially.

    So if Obama was a C level person and he hired D level people like Joe can you imagine what level of people Joe is picking?……Opps, he isn’t picking anyone but his chief of staff.

  4. Raymond Shaw Hunter Biden is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life. Not to mention, the smartest.

  5. Oldflyer – Of course your wife calls you the smartest man ever. You married her. That proves you have a higher intellect than most.

  6. Joe Biden is such a pathetic, middling figure. The first two times he ran for President he did not win a single, primary delegate and the third time he was tanking until the DNC panicked at Bernie’s success and scrambled behind the scenes to engineer a Biden win. Buttigieg has received his reward for bowing out and endorsing. Warren’s and Klobuchar’s are coming. Not sure if Harris was promised anything in advance, since she was already out of the running as one of the few candidates even less appealing than Joe.

    As a lot of men of small intellect do, Joe often results to bizarre, knee jerk physical or intelligence comparisons. For decades he has been challenging adversaries to push up contests and shouting that his IQ is higher than theirs. There are also many occasions of him, on record, reciting false academic accomplishments as a defense of a question he is incapable of addressing coherently.

    Many in the media will try to build a facade of respect around him but everyone with even the most rudimentary knowledge of his long, sorry career knows what’s up. He’ll get some respect to his face, but, as has been the story of his life the past 4 decades, folks will be laughing at him when he’s not in the room.

  7. I think we will see the media continue to lose credibility and extremely precipitously. Primarily because of Obama’s race they completely abdicated their roles. Rather than honestly examining the President and his team in support of the public, they became cheerleaders for the administration, no matter what it was doing or saying.

    With Trump they not only went back to the role of “fighting the power,” they committed many atrocities through libel, slander and manipulating news stories in order to attack and defeat the President and his administration.

    They now think they can go back, but we all see the trick now. It’s like a magician who accidentally drops an ace from his sleeve, then puts it back and tries to continue with the illusion. We can’t unsee the dropped ace. We know it’s a trick. And Biden does not have the benefit of being a minority.

    I saw a few minutes of Colbert interviewing Joe and Jill. They all looked like complete jokes. A zoom interview with the President elect by one of the “biggest” talk show hosts. Colbert looked like a sycophant (which he is). Joe said dumb stuff and nobody called him on it. Look, I hope Hunter gets his life straight, but Hunter has made such a string of illegal and immoral life choices that stating he is, “the smartest man I know” comes across as not only insincere, but idiotic. And it it an idiotic statement. Imagine Johnny Carson even doing a zoom interview with Reagan or Clinton. It would be beneath Johnny, it would be beneath Ronnie, it would be beneath Bill. Then imagine Johnny not saying something if Bill said his brother Billy was the “smartest man I know.” Colbert came across as the partisan hack he is and the President came across as the minor intellect he is.

    People are very, very awake. Many tolerated the charade with Obama because most all of us wanted to see a black President succeed. Now, after 12 years of the media demonstrating openly that they are partisan hacks the game is over.

    What the media will hate worse, far worse than Trump attacking them, is a loss of relevance. They live for attention and they will lose it now. Look at the abysmal ratings for Biden’s recent speeches and appearances. More than anything they crave our attention and they no longer have it. If you thought the last four years were nuts, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. These people will completely lose it when they come to understand they no longer have relevance.

  8. Clearly and like any conman bereft of a conscience, Biden long ago fully embraced Hitler’s “Big Lie”.

    “The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously”.”

  9. So, then I guess Obama was only the smartest man in the room if Hunter was not present?


    Top search result:

    McCain: Obama smartest man in the room
    BY KYLE BALLUCK – 03/03/14 12:06 PM EST 210

    Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said President Obama impressed Republican senators by being the smartest man in the room during a series of intimate dinners last year intended to repair relations with Capitol Hill.

    But the Arizona lawmaker and Obama’s opponent for the White House in 2008 said the president’s outreach efforts are now flagging.

    “There are some things that he could find that we could do on a bipartisan basis, and that may not be his top agenda items, but he’s got to do more outreach,” McCain said in an interview published this weekend with Time magazine.

    “I thought when he had a couple of dinners with Republican senators, we really had a good environment there. Because he is a very very articulate and attractive guy in a setting with eight or nine senators and him. Because he was smarter than the rest of us,” he continued. “But I don’t see that now. I don’t see any of that.”

    Well, McCain may actually have been correct.

  10. “Many tolerated the charade with Obama because most all of us wanted to see a black President succeed. Now, after 12 years of the media demonstrating openly that they are partisan hacks the game is over.” – Rufus

    See my comments about the press (Democrats with bylines, as is said) in re Rathergate and their entrenched position that Dan did nothing wrong:


    The Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin unveiled this week two awards honoring disgraced former CBS News anchor Dan Rather.

    “The Dan Rather Medals for News and Guts honor the process of journalism as much as the end product,” the organization announced Wednesday. “They will be awarded to professional and collegiate journalists who go the extra yard — overcoming obstacles like stonewalling and harassment — to get the story that tells truth to power.”

    Rather must have been right; they made a movie about him!

  11. AesopFan,

    Not to speak ill of the dead, but being superlatively smart in a room that contained John McCain may not be an extraordinarily high bar to clear. Didn’t McCain joke about graduating second from the bottom of his class at Annapolis and being disappointed he wasn’t last when he learned the first and last Cadets got to meet the President at graduation?

    And that’s not a knock against young men and women who are accepted to Annapolis. I know they are typically at the top of their High School classes, but John McCain’s father was an Admiral and one can assume he was a lock for acceptance regardless of his High School record.

  12. AesopFan,

    Regarding Rather, we see so much of this type of thing lately. Obama and his Nobel Peace Prize, Cuomo and his Emmy, Hannah-Jones and her Pulitzer…

    The people doing these awards have to know what they are doing. Is it just a sort-of joke on their part; to poke the Plebes? Or are they trying to foment unrest? Or, maybe, as you seem to imply, are they trying to imprint a historical record on the hope it will prevail once all witnesses (us) have passed from this Earth?

  13. How smart do you have to be to knock up a stripper from Arkansas?

    Not that smart. Anyone could do it if they had enough MONEY!

  14. Faint praise coming from McCain.
    Rufus T. Firefly, not only was McCain’s father an Admiral, his grandfather was as well.
    It would have been unthinkable for McCain to not be accepted; and virtually impossible for him to be dismissed.
    There actually a number of reasons for acceptance into the service academies. They now actively recruit athletes in the major sports. Presumably a top notch athlete is also a potential leader; except that now if they are pro material, they don’t even have to serve the obligation that
    is mandatory for other graduates. I don’t know if this corruption had anything to do with the increased diversity among academy athletes; but, I have my suspicions.

  15. Chuck Grassley on the senate floor a couple of days ago. This is stunning!

    ‘Biden has some explaining to do’

    I guess the gloves are off.

    If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? If the fake news media doesn’t cover a story, did it really happen?

    Sen. Grassley: ‘Hunter and James Biden Essentially Served as Agents of the Communist Government’


  16. Obama the smartest man in the room?

    Well, it was a low bar given there being only Senators present. I presume Ted Cruz wasn’t present for if he was there, it would prove McCain to be a liar, as well as a pompous jackass.

    However, every time I’ve seen Obama speaking extemporaneously or even in an unscripted interview both his intelligence and expressed articulation have been decidely less than impressive.

    Which leads me to conclude that he’s a fair hand at memorizing a speech and reading a teleprompter. But of course, it would be racist to point out that “the lightbringer” had no clothes on…

    God, what a low bar democrats set for their ‘betters’.

  17. Geoffrey Britain,

    neo has written on the topic of Obama’s intelligence before. Like you, I’m not overly impressed. He almost certainly did not have good grades or test scores in High School, or he wouldn’t have taken the circuitous route he did to the Ivy’s. And others have dissected his minimal work as the Editor of the Harvard Law Review.

    However, there are some very intelligent people who did not have stellar High School academic records, so that alone is not necessarily an indicator of intelligence. My impression, from hearing him speak on a variety of subjects; he has a fairly good EQ and is significantly above average at understanding human relationships and is skilled at manipulation. Like Biden, he seems to believe his intellect is stronger than it is, and often makes outsized, egotistical statements when comparing himself to others. He does seem to have a good mind. He can speak in depth on topics he is well versed in, and has a decent vocabulary. He doesn’t seem well read from a breadth standpoint. I doubt he’s read most of the “Classics,” or has studied any hard sciences in depth; Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy. But he does seem fairly well versed in Politics and Sports; at least Basketball. When he was a local Pol on Chicago’s South Side (and a resident for decades) he claimed to be a White Sox fan, yet, in a live interview was unable to mention a single, active player.

  18. Brian E,

    Maybe you are right, but the Republicans have a long history of thriving when they are out of power. They make bold, aggressive statements about what they would do if only they had control, yet, when given control they do nothing. Repealing Obamacare is a classic, recent example, but examples are legion.

  19. Anyone else up for Neos reflections on Kurt Schlichter’ column recommend to Trump, “Pardon Everyone”?

  20. T.J.,

    Schlichter is great. I would also like to see Trump release tons of “classified” material prior to January 20th. We have a government of the people and for the people. There is very little that happens at the Federal level that should not be public information. Dump so much material that it gives great detectives and patriots years of material to sift through. It will prove to all, once and for all, that so many of our betters in D.C. are tiny, vindictive tin pot traitors. More motivated by their own self interests than patriotism.

    Watergate is a great example. For decades it was seen as a noble crusade led by two white knights, Woodward and Bernstein, to topple a corrupt dictator and save the Republic. In actuality it was a disgruntled, mid-level functionary, Mark Felts, getting back at his boss for being passed over for a promotion. Both Nixon and Felts were tiny men, and Woodward and Bernstein’s great feat was, in actuality, fairly pedestrian. Felts used them to get back at his boss.

    There must be thousands of things like that in our “classified” documents.

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