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The plans for Joe — 29 Comments

  1. I seriously doubt that the Democrats would want Kamala to run for two extra terms once the public gets to know her. On the other hand, I never dreamed the public would vote for Joe Biden.


    To state the obvious, I believe that Obama is really pulling the strings. At one point I was not sure of the identity of the puppeteer; but, I am now convinced. So, I suppose that Kamala’s future depends on how malleable the Obama people see her to be.

  2. The Obama faction will blackmail Joe. I strongly suspect that the FBI has evidence of money going from Hunter to Joe. It might be bitcoin. It might be with offshore accounts.

    The deal will be that Hunter won’t be prosecuted and won’t implicate Joe. Joe steps down “to spend more time with his family.” This is the Chicago way. And why the corrupt FBI was silent since 2018.

    Recall that spare bedroom in the WH where Michelle mom lived? Barack and Michelle are moving back in.

  3. Bill M,
    I keep saying to my wife that this is Obama’s 3rd term, but she remains absolutely convinced that Jill is running the show. Woman’s insight into other women??

  4. “I seriously doubt that the Democrats would want Kamala to run for two extra terms once the public gets to know her.”
    The days of free and fair elections are a thing of the past south of the 49th, so I doubt that the US populations opinion on Kamala will matter much. They will want folks to know that the steal is in. Propaganda in Soviet style states is intended to be known to be false. Then, by not actively resisting it, you are part of it. Intended to humiliate. Good luck folks. js

  5. To state the obvious, I believe that Obama is really pulling the strings.

    Oldflyer: Not to be forgotten!

  6. They’d probably like to have him last a couple of years, thinking the power of the incumbency would carry Harris through. It depends, I think, on how rapid his decline is. It seems to be moving right along.

  7. I keep saying to my wife that this is Obama’s 3rd term, but she remains absolutely convinced that Jill is running the show. Woman’s insight into other women??

    physicsguy: Maybe Jill Biden has Edith Wilson aspirations, but how would that work?

    As soon as she wanted something different from Obama et al., there would be a showdown and she would lose.

    The Obama people are ruthless. Ask Bill and Hillary. Ask the Tea Party. Ask the bereaved of Benghazi. Ask Michael Flynn. Ask Donald Trump.

  8. Neo said: “Plus, the Democrats impeached Trump for even suggesting to the Ukrainian president that these matters should be investigated.”

    Not to put too fine a point on it, Neo, but I think the Democrats impeached Trump for being Trump.

    I suppose that sounds facile, but it is meant to be a serious statement. The Dems believed firmly that Hillary deserved the presidency. For Trump to have won, especially to have won while losing the popular vote, was an affront to the party, to Obama, and to their sense of right and wrong. They were fortunate in that a fair number of Republican old guard were disgusted by Trump and were not, under any circumstances, going to defend him.

    It is true the first article of impeachment invokes Trump’s solicitation of Ukrainian intervention vis-à-vis the Bidens, but that was a convenient hook upon which they could hang the whole ruse. They could not just say “we’re impeaching Trump for being Trump,” but that is what they were thinking.

    At least that’s my reading of the last four years.

  9. I agree that Jill is a player (or wants to be) and glad to read that I am not the only one to think so.

  10. what cornhead said. they’ve got so much on Joe (what there is left of him) and he wants SO bad to be president that he’ll do whatever they say.

  11. If the S.C. fails to uphold the Constitution and Biden is sworn in, it doesn’t matter whether Biden, Harris or Obama is in charge.

    Rebellion and Civil War will be inescapable.

    Reportedly, Biden’s puppet masters have decided to make gun ‘control’ (effective disarmament) their first order of business.

    Apparently, they fail to recognize it as one of the trigger wires for Civil War ll… not in and of itself but as the impetus for really serious preparations for Civil War.

    Americans are not going to allow themselves to be disarmed.

  12. F:

    Actually, I’m in complete agreement that the Democrats impeached Trump for being Trump. But what he said to the Ukrainian president was used as an excuse, a cover. If it hadn’t been that it would have been something else.

  13. James Adair wrote, “They will want folks to know that the steal is in. Propaganda in Soviet style states is intended to be known to be false. Then, by not actively resisting it, you are part of it. Intended to humiliate.”


  14. I stand by what I said about four months ago: the Obami will keep China Joe in place as a figurehead for as long as they can until his dementia becomes so extreme, even the sycophantic MSM cannot ignore it and/or, his junkie son’s pandora’s box of scandal becomes too damaging. Given the slavish loyalty of virtually the entire media to the Democrat Party, it’s likely both will take a while to happen (perhaps a full four years).

    Slo’ Joe gets to be the figurehead POTUS, which is a great gift for his twilight years. I’m sure his diminished capacity can be easily manipulated into convincing him he really has power and authority. And the Obami will trot him out for diplomatic events, signing ceremonies, and an occasional press conference (where he won’t take questions). If he’s drugged enough, he might even be able to deliver an adequate SOTU. He’ll show up at cabinet meetings, occasionally, for the photo op at least. But, that’s about it. The remainder of the time, he will be tucked away in the White House (or Camp David) babbling to the walls, while the Obami go on a socialist orgy.

  15. Here is what Andrea Widburg wrote this morning:

    With Americans at large finally learning that Hunter Biden and James Biden are crooked and that Joe is the big, corrupt tree from which these rotten apples fell, there’s going to be lots of pressure on Joe to retire as quickly as is politely possible. It’s The New York Times that gives the game away. On Thursday, it published a positively wistful article entitled “Investigation of His Son Is Likely to Hang Over Biden as He Takes Office: Unless the Trump Justice Department clears Hunter Biden, the new president will confront the prospect of his own administration handling an inquiry that could expose his son to criminal prosecution.” The opening paragraph speaks of Biden in a “no-win situation” that could be “politically and legally perilous,” and the report continues in that vein. The subtext is clear: leave. Leave now.

    I haven’t read the NYTimes article and maybe Ms. Widburg is overstating things. If she isn’t, then it is still possible that the Times is simply preparing the ground ahead of a DOJ indictment that they know is coming. But if the plan is to be eventually dismissive of the charges, then they’d be dismissive now as well and it seems that they are not.

    My theory is that they do wish to get rid Joe quickly and neither Biden family crimes nor dementia alone will get the job done. They’ll do both together.

    Alinsky RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

    The crafted news stories about Biden family graft will personalize and polarize public opinion. I choose the Ukraine/Burisma story as the preferred narrative. It won’t ruffle any Chinese feathers and the Russians will be thrilled and may even be willing to pay a few hundred million to some Dem operators for the privilege. But the Dems will never ever proceed to impeachment of Joe for obvious reasons.

    Then, after public opinion is poisoned, they can proceed to a 25th Amendment action. So what if Slow Joe is not entirely incapacitated? Joe can be eliminated without having to own up to Dem corruption in an official manner.

  16. Neo:

    I guess my writing was too obscure, in that I fully suspected you were of the same opinion as I. We are in agreement! Total agreement — if it had not been Ukraine, it would have been something else.

    Someday someone should write a book about a president who lasted four years under enormous pressure from the opposition party as well as his own. It would be a good read.

  17. And it’s not even necessary. There’s a very simple solution for getting rid of Joe if they think that’s best – just declare him to have mentally and/or physically declined to the point where it would be a good idea to retire him. That might sound like an admission that those Republicans who claimed Biden was senile were correct, but the news could be carefully described as referring to a very recent decline in Joe’s mental abilities.

    I suspect Schumer’s recent talk with Diane Feinstein was a dry run for a future talk with Biden.

    I’m also starting to wonder if they really want Kamala to take over from Joe. I may have missed it, but they haven’t exactly been beating the drum about how she’s the first female VP.

  18. I’m also starting to wonder if they really want Kamala to take over from Joe.

    NorthOfTheOneOhOne: I don’t believe Democrats have quite wrapped things up yet so they can coast into the American version of Mexico’s PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party) which ran Mexico for 70 years.

    There’s still plenty of room for numerous slips between cup and the lip over the next four years. Biden is the most fragile president we’ve had in modern times, maybe ever. Harris is even less qualified than Obama and with near negative charisma. Plus half the country is quite angry, with reason, and looking for payback.

    Then there is the likelihood that with Covid and disastrous Democratic economic policies, the economy will crash on the Biden/Harris watch.

    Democrats don’t have an easy hand to play and they are only now considering how to play it.

  19. Neo: “Plus, the Democrats impeached Trump for even suggesting to the Ukrainian president that these matters should be investigated. No, that’s just too much to own up to, both for the Democrats and for the MSM.”

    Ha, they will never own up to anything. Their SOP is to deny, deny, deny, and keep repeating their preferred narrative until enough people accept it. They have no shame, no conscience, and no morality. We are seeing openly what has occurred in other nations where the Liberal Fascists have taken over. In that respect, I agree with James Adair. They are not even attempting to be deceptive about their intentions.

    Now is the time for all good men & women to come to the aid of their country. That doesn’t mean a shooting war, yet. It means pushing back everyday in every way that we can. Write letters; comment on blogs; talk to neighbors; if you have school age children, get them out of public schools; promote charter schools; demand free speech at universities; ditch Twitter, Google, Facebook, You Tube, and other leftist social media; and much more. Join the NRA, train with your gun(s), buy ammo. Contribute to Judicial Watch, Prager University, and good conservative candidates. There is much that can be done to reclaim the narrative from the left. The facts are on our side and we must stand up against the false narratives of the left.

  20. Huxley: “Democrats don’t have an easy hand to play and they are only now considering how to play it.”

    I agree. The potential for an economic disaster looms. Between the huge property losses in the cities ravaged by BLM/ANTIFA, there is a good chance of 50% of small businesses going down. Add to that the rental and mortgage arrears that have occurred and will continue until the pandemic is controlled and there is a big adjustment in debt that is going to happen. All this will take a chunk out of the GDP. If Biden raises taxes and tries to stifle the energy sector, it could add fuel to the deflationary fires. Yeah, the Fed can inject money by buying up debt, but there comes a point when the Federal deficit has to become an issue. So, yes, they have a difficult hand to play.

  21. “I’m also starting to wonder if they really want Kamala to take over from Joe. I may have missed it, but they haven’t exactly been beating the drum about how she’s the first female VP.” – North of the 101

    They have to keep Kamala on hand as the rejoinder to all complaints about Democrat maladministration — Racist! Sexist — because Biden does not have the shield that Obama had (and he only could lay claim to the first line).

    That’s one of the dilemmas of him running the show from behind the throne.
    And the main reason for selecting Harris as the Potemkin VP.

  22. The simplest answer to the question as to why not keep him in: Jill Biden. Don’t lose sight of the fact that as first lady, she will actually have far more power and influence than Harris. If any of the accusations about Biden’s behind the scenes financial shenanigans is true, she certainly has knowledge of them. She also is probably more aware than anyone of Joe’s current cognitive state. If all of this is accurate, she is as power hungry and greedy as anyone else in the Biden family. Don’t discount her role in any power struggle in a Biden White House. She will need to be dealt with. The cleanest way to to have Joe Biden removed from power either through the 25th or impeachment over the Hunter Biden allegations and links to Je himself.

  23. If the NYT is talking about how “tough” it’s going to be with Hunter being investigated, that’s a clear sign the Deep State + Media is preparing the Dump Joe program.

    They might have to wait until Trump concedes – or Biden gets sworn in Jan 20 – or it’s postponed until March? (0.05%) or something.

    Biden is too far gone PLUS Hunter is too obviously guilty to last even 2 years. So Harris will want max years, max months, max days as President. Maybe starting Jan 20 instead of Joe – with Joe resigning Jan 19.
    For family reasons.
    Not guilty of any crimes, nor misdemeanors, nor even any improprieties – pure white snow Biden.
    Family reasons.

    “Dr.” Jill better get used to that idea, right away, or she’ll become the butt of far too many jokes.

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