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SCOTUS denies emergency injunctive relief in the PA case… — 45 Comments

  1. I was hoping, though skeptical, after Powell and Wood went to bat about the enormity of the fraud and the ease of demonstrating it, that we would see some hard-hitting massive evidence ASAP.

    But we didn’t and the weeks slipped by.

    Oh, there was some good stuff, and I’m convinced the election was stolen, but it was too little too late.

  2. The Supremes may have declined to take the PA case, because the Texas complaint is stronger, and simpler.

  3. The TX case is superior in many ways; just a better case legally and it is much simpler. TX case solves the problem in 4 states and not just 1. A comprehensive solution.

  4. I would hope many states would join the Texas suit. The key states would be Ohio and Florida as they are large neighboring states. Florida will I believe but the Ohio AG is Dave Yost and I don’t know anything about him.

    But as stated many times before popular pressure has to be brought to bear to put some spine into the SC and ultimately Congress where this will end up. So keep up everything you are doing.

  5. Because conservatives do not riot but liberals do therefore it is better to do conservatives wrong then offending BLM and antifas. If being good and peaceful gets you bullied and being called nazi, why be good, only if conservatives start to riot like BLM their demands will never get taken seriously, because fucking with conservatives faces no repercussions.

  6. To many established political figures and judges don’t understand that the political paradigm has changed. Once a sizeable number of folks believe the elections are not reliable and observe a distinct lack of effort to answer and solve real election issues the legitimacy of those who think they deserve to govern is exposed as false.

    These people trying to cover up the problems don’t realize they are defending a system that no longer has legimacy. Regardless of how the election resolves the Democrats have big problems, they are exposed to be cheats, they lack popular support and they are going to be stuck with infighting as they don’t have a mandate.

    This period of wedge issue electioneering followed by do nothing to advance said electionered policies is old and doesn’t work. If the GOP wants to play the game they have to start defending and supporting the base. They seem unaware that the base can find a new organization and we don’t need the NRO types. We just need organisers and team builders.

  7. “Because conservatives do not riot but liberals do therefore it is better to do conservatives wrong then offending BLM and antifas.” (from Dave, above).

    When conservatives – almost certainly still a majority, at the very least quite a substantial proportion of the country – judge the government that will try to rule over them completely illegitimate because of election fraud the Antifa riots will seem like Very Small Beans.

    A comment at Powerline and highlighted by Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit regarding the Texas filing with SCOTUS: “I wonder if the left, and the court realize this is a hail mary to prevent a civil war, not to keep trump in office. 30% of democrats and 80+% of republicans think the election was stolen. That is a loss of legitimacy of the nation’s governments from the state level through the federal.”

    SCOTUS can run and hide, which is probably what Roberts would prefer, but this gets resolved either by enforcing established Constitutional requirements and procedures and clearly under the rule of law or it gets resolved by The People, who will not resolve it at all gently; I would very much prefer seeing proof that the Constitution and Rule of Law matter and are taken seriously. Should it be necessary for The People to do the job government, and SCOTUS, is Constitutionally charged with, the result could damage the country beyond repair.

    But if we must, then we must, with all vigor possible.

  8. }}} “the staggering upheaval, turmoil, and acrimony it would unleash.” Of course, the right is already in such turmoil. But the left is more violent and threatening – at least, it has been so far.

    Yeah, well, they ain’t seen shityet.

    I believe the line from Network has become appropriate:

    I’m mad as Hell, and I’m not going to take it any more!

    … except that was an empty cry. The Right is sick and tired of this bullshit.

    They thought the Left was an obnoxious bunch? They haven’t come close.

  9. }}} Because conservatives do not riot but liberals do therefore it is better to do conservatives wrong then offending BLM and antifas.

    This is incorrect.

    Conservatives CHOOSE not to riot.

    When we DO decide it’s time to do violence, we aren’t going to just RIOT.

    Remember, the Right has most of the retired military. Especially the ones who are GOOD at “military”.

  10. OBloodyHell, Alien,

    I found this quote from Ol’Remus (may he rest in peace) from his Woodpile Report:

    “Middle class America is no less violent than any other people. They seem passive because they’re results oriented. They rise not out of blood frenzy but to solve the otherwise insoluble. Their methods of choice are good will, cooperation, forbearance, negotiation and finally, appeasement, roughly in that order. Only when these fail to end the abuse do they revert to blowback. And they do so irretrievably.

    Once the course is set and the outcome defined, doubt is put aside. The middle class is known, condemned actually, for carrying out violence with the efficiency of an industrial project where bloody destruction at any scale is not only in play, it’s a metric. Remorse is left for the next generation, they’ll have the leisure for it. We’d like to believe this is merely dark speculation. History says it isn’t.”

    Our “betters” have forgotten this and have bet on psychopathic, narcissistic, blue-haired, black-masked graduates, carrying useless diplomas in various “Intersectional” studies programs and skateboard-clubs to keep us afraid. These same Antifa people, and many of our “betters” are merely tools of foreign usurpers.

    When the people stuck in the middle light a fire, it’s going to be Biblical, to paraphrase Sidney Powell.

  11. If they don’t rule on cases because they are afraid of what will happen, they’ve essentially given the left veto power over everything. You don’t give a child throwing a tantrum what they want, it only leads to more problems, but I guess we don’t want to look long term anymore.

  12. It appears at this time that Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and Arkansas have joined with Texas’ suit. That’s a start, but we need a few states with more electoral heft to join in — like Ohio and Florida.

  13. Supposedly these election problems should be handled by the respective state legislatures without any need for court intervention.
    Too bad that the state legislatures will abrogate their responsibilities and allow the fraudulent results to stand.

    Frank B commented earlier that the dems will have big problems. I respectfully disagree.
    The dems are masters of the political game; they never give up, they NEVER break ranks. And once in power, they will rule using all legal and illegal means.
    True, some dems are more leftist than others and this will lead to some squabbling.
    Big F’n deal.
    They will still get their agenda through regardless.
    If they can’t get Congress to agree with them, they simply will go around Congress via executive orders and use of the appropriate federal agencies to implement their agenda. The EPA, just by changing, say, emissions standards, can shut down entire segments of the oil/gas industry. It is that simple.
    Bidet et. al., will also use those federal agencies to eliminate all those who they consider enemies.. These agencies will be the FBI, IRS, DOJ, NSA, CIA , etc. just for starters. Recall how Obama authorized any and all federal agencies to pursue (and indict) his enemies as well as allow him to engage in sedition.

    Bidet and the dems are NOT interested in governing the people in line with the Constitution or even federal law. They are interested on imposing their leftist agenda upon the citizenry through the use of absolute power.

    Recall when Obama was issuing patently illegal executive orders that countermanded existing federal law. Nobody did anything at all to challenge him in any real way. He used his “pen” to govern, just like any other dictator.
    The republicans sat silent with their thumbs up their ass.

    A UNITED front in congress – of republicans – will be needed to “check” the abuse of power Bidet will engage in. This includes republicans having the cohones to take issues , promptly, to the SCOTUS as needed.
    Well, good luck with that.
    Unfortunately, the dumbpublicans have never learned to play hardball (until Trump showed up), and they can’t wait to break ranks so as to get their faces on CNN, etc.

    Bidet and his bunch will be placing the oppressive boot of the entire Federal apparatus to shut down any and all resistance and ram through anything they want. Obama showed it could be done and with that experience in mind, the evisceration of our Constitutional Republic can proceed at a faster rate.

    Lastly, the media (the propaganda arm of the demokrat party) will be running interference for the Bidet administration. IWO, about half, or more, of the citizenry will have ZERO idea of what really is going on.

  14. I believe there are many votes without “chains of custody”, but don’t quite see tracking of this. The anti-fraud Republicans could have been much better on tracking such things, as well as more video-taping of vote counting and all cars & trucks coming and delivering votes, especially after midnight. {Dems gonna let it all hang out.}

    To avoid losing the election battle, conservative protesters need to be non-violent but inconvenient.

    Maybe illegally inconvenient, and maybe get arrested. A protest movement needs martyrs. In Slovakia, a couple years ago, a young reporter and his fiancé were murdered by local Mafia, connected with the prior Robert Fico gov’t. There was almost 2 years of protests over this, and against corruption. Protests need to know what the injustice is. It is in being against injustice that a group gains moral superiority.

    Democrats and election officials are the villains; some bad officials are Republicans, like Brad Raffensperger. They should be named, and their names publicly cursed. He claims he supported Trump and Trump threw him under the bus. But election process problems are his problems.

    Angry conservatives did NOT learn how to protest “more vigorously” for or after the Tea Party. Those unwilling to protest with peaceful illegal actions seem fairly unlikely to be willing to protest with violent illegal actions.

    Note that Trump’s Republicans gained seats in the House, and hasn’t yet lost the Senate. Fighting for a legal-only vote will take priority until that vote is made. To get the violence from conservatives, there will have to be more violence against them. Tho Antifa is provoking a lot, but so far not too much violent backlash. This could change. Yet I doubt it, for awhile.

    The Texas lawsuit does look like a Hail Mary pass to avoid conservatives fighting back with guns, not just peaceful civil disobedience.

    I claim car congestion protests will be inconvenient enough to get news, and get many people “angry” at the protesters, but is on the Morally Superior non-violence side of protests.

    Not much mentioned is that, for many many GOPe Republicans, they’re pretty happy with the election results, and with saying goodbye to Tweeting Trump. That’s a bit implied by their silence about the steal. Also probably their fear of the FBI unchecked power to destroy domestic targets thru legal and illegal methods.

    The other reason to protest this election fraud results, is the longer-term War over Freedom in America. Freedom is being lost with unfree, unfair elections. Each election is a battle, and this one is a big battle that is on the verge of being lost. Yet the war is NOT yet lost, so let’s get Reps learning lessons from this battle.

    Further note on slogans / reasons for the protest.
    “The election was stolen” – is pretty good, but also too general.
    And Pres. Trump is not such a sympathetic “victim” – it is Free Elections that are the victim.

    “Mickey Mouse and his 12,000 friends’ votes are ALL illegal in Georgia”.
    “Votes without signed possession transfer notes are all illegal – thousands illegal in Georgia”
    “Votes without Chain of Custody are illegal”

    “One person, One vote, In person – that’s FAIR”
    “Mickey Mouse votes … are illegal votes” (2 lines)
    “Do NOT Count … illegal votes”
    “Count ONLY … LEGAL votes”
    “Democrats count votes … from DEAD “voters” ”
    “Fair Elections Matter” (Free elections? Honest elections?)

  15. There are 18 million veterans in America and many of us are Oath keepers. Our side has most of the 400 million + weapons. SCOTUS should beware loosening the Dogs of War.

  16. Not much mentioned is that, for many many GOPe Republicans, they’re pretty happy with the election results, and with saying goodbye to Tweeting Trump. That’s a bit implied by their silence about the steal. Also probably their fear of the FBI unchecked power to destroy domestic targets thru legal and illegal methods.

    Yes, this is a huge problem with using the Party as the vehicle.

  17. Neo,

    Actually, Trump is acting like a power mad piece of work. Lawsuits aren’t enough for his fragile ego. He actually wants electors or legislatures to overturn the election because he has a hunch there was fraud to the point that hundreds of thousands of votes were created out of thin air or flipped or whatever other method he can imagine.

    And, no, the SCOTUS and all these other judges are not getting cold feet because the left may cause violence. They are getting cold feet in overturning an election by the citizens of a democratic republic based on very thin evidence. It really makes no sense to toss out millions [or even hundreds of thousands] of mail-in ballots because some may be fraudulent. Asking judges to do that is incredible. I’ve been following the ‘evidence’ and as compelling as some testimony is there is not enough to literally overturn an election in any of the states in question.

    Over on planet Parler Trump supporters want a martial law election. Because, apparently, they want a dictatorship and everything else that is the opposite of what The United State of America stands for.

  18. My great concern about all of the legal activity surrounding the election is that the inertia of the status quo at SCOTUS will overpower the legitimacy of these lawsuits their justification and validity notwithstanding. IMO SCOTUS is at a crucial juncture. To even accept these lawsuits for review requires the courage mustered by the founding fathers in announcing their rejection of British rule (does that even still exist in this country?) To dismiss these suits will appear tendentious and result in trashing SCOTUS’ credibility for at least a generation. It will reaffirm to half of American voters that U.S. elections have joined the Banana Republic League. Where is the incentive to ever vote again if the political elite get to pre-determine the winner? (Ha! Just like living in Pittsburgh, New York, Chicago, et. al.)

  19. Montage,

    “Actually, Trump is acting like a power mad piece of work. Lawsuits aren’t enough for his fragile ego. He actually wants electors or legislatures to overturn the election . . . .” [Montage @ 2:21 pm]

    What a stupid and uninformed remark!

    If Trump were really acting as you say the military would have been called up already. Everything that is being done, is being done constitutionally through the constitutional system, unlike the unconstitutional last minute unauthorized changes in election law by various state; there are your real dictators.

    Secondly, influencing electors is politics. Were you complaining in 2016 when leftists tried to to exactly the same thing? Do electors have the right (as per each state consitution to “vote their conscience” (as the left put it in 2016) or does their state constitution hold them to voting only for the winner of the popular vote? You seem to blow right by these considerations.

    If the second case, then one is now faced with the question of just what the popular vote actually is. Does it include unlawful votes? Does it include votes unlawfully cast under unconstitutional changes in election procedure?

    As many have noted, the leftist argument seems to be that they stole this election fair and square. Win or lose, I, applaud Trump’s aggressive heavy-handed assault on this leftist “by any means necessary” heavy-handed cheating because, as my father said many, many years ago, “I would rather lose a dime than be cheated out of a penny!”

  20. Montage is a bit worried. So sad, it is upsetting his lockdown. Cabin fever sets in even in sunny Los Angeles.

    Think of the beach Montage while Emperor Nuisance or his minions takes further liberties with you. It’s for your own good and for the good of the people (the masses) after all.

  21. Dishonest commenters like Montage always gloss over the fact that if Trump were the power hungry tyrant they claim, they would have been arrested and shuffled off to a gulag or firing squad years ago.

    Just as the press ignores that while Trump considers them fake news, he has taken no action other than tweets.

    As Antifa calls us terrorists and fascists while they attack and murder Trump supporters and burn neighborhoods.

    If Montage were actually honest, and I’m not ready to entertain that notion, I’d have a hard time putting myself in the place of a person who believes such contradictory things at the same time.

  22. Montage:

    Actually – which is how you began your comment, as though you are the purveyor of truth – actually, that’s just your interpretation (or the interpretation of the people from whom you get your talking points) of Trump’s actions based on your pre-existant ideas about Trump’s motives and personality.

    In fact, however, there’s plenty of reason to believe there was election fraud, and if there was, he is following the exact constitutional steps to respond to it. Any president ought to do the same under similar circumstances.

  23. Montage tries to be as “wise” as Mr. Bennet:

    “For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?”

    But unfortunately for Montage, Mr. Bennet had insight, self awareness, and though lazy, was was not dishonest.

  24. T

    It’s convenient that your definition of ‘unlawful’ votes is just enough to flip the election to Trump. Sorry, if a state tells voters they can vote by mail then you can’t change the rules after the fact because you don’t like the results. The mail-in ballot change did not say ‘only Democrats can use mail-in ballots’ or ‘Republicans can only vote in person’. Everyone was given the choice and they voted in good faith. Changing it now and essentially tossing out the way the people voted would- yes – be a coup.

    Electors do have a right to vote their conscience but changing electors to vote the way you want them to when it goes against the way the voters voted in the general election in that state is – again, a coup. The fact that you cannot see that is phenomenal. What does this bode for future elections? That if those in power do not like the election results they would find an excuse to get those currently in power to choose new electors and decide who wins? Why even have elections?

    This isn’t a Democratic or Republican issue because what’s to stop Democrats from doing the same? I’ve never been one to do away with the Electoral college but this is a good reason to consider getting rid of it. And the military coup part? If the SCOTUS doesn’t go Trump’s way he may entertain it. His supporters will certainly encourage him.

    I’ll grant you if the SCOTUS goes along with this then Trump will win. But I do not think they will. But it won’t be because they are afraid of anything other than frivolous lawsuits.

  25. Montage has a remarkable ability to ignore evidence of unlawful votes and unlawful practices and then say there is nothing to see. Something about changing the rules in contravention of legislative bodies in states or in contravention of the Constitution of some states? Nothing to see. Nothing to see. Everyone voted in good faith? The dead, those with fraudulent addresses, those who voted in more than one state? Are they part of the “everyone” or the “good faith?”

    Look up “coup” moron. You are indeed a phenomenon and fantastical.

    Consider that the Democrats have done all these things you are supposedly concerned about at some future date. One man, one vote, one time. That is the way you guys play the game in your one-party states when you have your way.

    All Commies Are Bastards. Do you know who your parents were?

  26. Montage,

    You are either a troll or a moron (I know, I should embrace the power of “and”).

    “Sorry, if a state tells voters they can vote by mail then you can’t change the rules after the fact because you don’t like the results.”

    Election rules, as per the U.S. constitution, are established by state LEGISLATURES. You get that? That means a governor or secretary of state cannot unilaterally make legal changes, whether that is extending a deadline, or providing for mail-in votes if heretofore such did not exist. Only a bill passed by a state legislature can institute those changes. As for your claim of my definition of “unlawful” note that I did not provide one; once again, you simply gloss over facts to state your narrative.

    “Electors do have a right to vote their conscience . . . .”

    Once again assumed facts not in evidence. Prove your assertion. Does each individual state constitution allow that? Does ANY state constitution allow that? If the state constitution dictates how they must vote then, in fact, no they do not have that right as you would like to believe.

    Your post is spurious nonsense.

  27. If Trump loses, Montage will get the dictatorship he schizophrenically simultaneously both fears and desires.
    I think it is past time to block Montage, Neo, because of his irrationality and his writing of fiction.

  28. Cicero:

    I feel it’s very useful to have Montage here as a commenter, as long as he doesn’t become abusive/insulting (or incredibly repetitive), which he never has been. Montage is very typical of a certain kind of “reasonable” person on the left, and it is good to hear his approach to things and keeps us on our toes, I think.

    You can always scroll past his comments if you don’t want to read him.

  29. What a nasty, power-mad piece of work Sullivan is.]

    not much different from regular humans here, in God’s eye. Just a difference of scale. Kill one person, kill one animal, torture one Flynn family. A matter of degrees or the slippery slope.

    huxley on December 8, 2020 at 10:09 pm said:

    Just a number of reasons why I don’t put faith in humans. Useless.

    Need something a bit more powerful. Fortunately, that power is behind Flynn and Sidney, as with Trump.

    One man or two men and 1 woman can’t get it done, but they weren’t factoring me in that equation.

  30. T Red was always a far shot bet in 2015 and 2016. Although I knew anyone could win, if God approved of them. God approved, I did not.

    T Red was feeling too much “burn it all down, martial law” type emotions. He wasn’t running for an elective office, he was putting himself into a position to be a tyrant or dictator.

    Because that was the only dead man’s switch option to save what he thought of as America, given the threats he was briefed on.

    The last part, I didn’t verify until recently. As I have, I approve of Trump, no longer Trum. Hussein is still Hussein.

    So GB, as I told you, the media was never going to stop Trump from becoming a tyrant or dictator. The media, in fact, is what is pushing him across the Rubicon.

    Future proves past.

  31. The Supreme Court getting “cold feet” in this case isn’t really pertinent. If they do, I dismiss, they may just bring about a bigger and nastier problem – possible secession. Texas has thrown down the gauntlet and the Court can either uphold the constitution – and face the consequences that follow from a likely Trump victory; or they can ignore the constitution, and tell Texas, the other 17 states which have joined its suit, and all Americans who believe in the constitution to pound sand. They REALLY won’t like the consequences that follow from this.

  32. T

    In PA the legislature did pass an election law called Act 77 of 2019 that made a big change to mail-in voting. It wasn’t unilaterally implemented. Which states had the governor or the SoS change the law unilaterally with regards to mail-in ballots?

    If there are some states then note the key component you are missing is that the voters in GA, WI and MI would be penalized because of [what you call illegal] action by the government. If the flood gates are opened and people are allowed to have water it’s impossible to get that water back. Lawsuits should have been filed earlier or any lawsuit filed now should only be to fix a problem going forward.

    I think you misread my Elector comments.

    The SCOTUS has not yet agreed to hear the Texas case. Laurence Tribe [who knows a thing or two about the SCOTUS and laws] has read the complaint and says it’s riddled with internal legal errors and “articulates no coherent theory” and will likely be tossed due to those errors.

  33. Montage:

    Are you an ignorant sl*t (Saturday Night Live)? The PA Constitution requires those changes (Act 77) to be ratified by a vote of the citizens of the state before it would be effective. That was not done, dufus. That Act was further modified by the State Supreme Court, that isn’t the Pennsylvania legislature.

    You are a dishonest troll or not very bright, or both. Get better talking points from your troll master.

    Have you missed the denial of standing tactic that is often played by courts when defending executive agencies? Plaintiffs not yet having suffered harm before an election and then laches argument after harm has occurred, aka PA Supreme Court? News to you, nothing to see?

  34. . . . Texas reveals in its detailed summary of the facts, each of the defendant states, through non-legislative actors, nullified legislatively established election laws in violation of the Electors Clause.

    . . . several large Wisconsin counties used drop boxes in direct violation of the Wisconsin Election Code that provides detailed procedures by which municipalities may designate sites . . . .

    Wisconsin election officials also ignored the statutory certification requirements . . .

    Michigan election officials likewise violated the statutory mandates established by the state legislature, with the secretary of state mass mailing absentee ballots in contravention of state law.

    Texas’s beef is not with the states’ election laws, but with the states’ violation of their own election laws, in contravention of the U.S. Constitution.

    The most egregious violations alleged came from Pennsylvania, where election officials ignored the statutory bar on inspecting ballots before election day, then illegally provided voter information to third parties and allowed illegal curing of the ballots. Significantly, in Pennsylvania these illegal practices only occurred in Democratic strongholds, with Republicans following the law.

    These and other practices, Texas alleges, establish a clear violation of the Electors Clause, because that clause makes clear that it is the state legislature—and not administrative agencies, election officials, or even courts—charged under our constitutional system with selecting electors.

    . . . what Texas seeks is for the Supreme Court to mandate that the defendant states comply with the Constitution

    Emphasis mine.

    Essay by Margot Cleveland.



  35. “Montage is very typical of a certain kind of “reasonable” person on the left, and it is good to hear his approach to things and keeps us on our toes, I think.” – Neo

    I agree with Neo’s reasoning here, but sometimes wonder if Montage is one of Neo’s friends, stealthily trying to reconvert her to the True Faith.

  36. Well, the “reasonable” is (most reasonably) in scare quotes….

    He/she/xhe has, alas, let the mask slip a few too many times (but brownie points for extra-special effort as well as for a special talent at pressing buttons).

    File under: Actually….

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