Home » We’ve made so much progress between 2008 and 2020, haven’t we?


We’ve made so much progress between 2008 and 2020, haven’t we? — 24 Comments

  1. ” by any means necessary” comes to my mine. Friedman advocates to commit a felony to win those senate seats. Now Friedman could care less if those people would take his advice commit the felony, get convicted and go to jail. It won’t be him in jail so why should he care … as long as it achieved the goal.

    So come on Dems … who’ll take one for the team!

    No doubt he’ll get some takers.

  2. The Democratic Party in a nutshell:

    “We must flagrantly break the law in order to save the country from itself (i.e., our political enemies). It’s our only hope and therefore our supreme moral imperative.”

    Once upon a time it was “opponents”, not enemies.
    Once upon a time it was “fight the good fight”, not subvert the system or commit felonies.

    No longer.

    And these are the country’s elites. It’s moral superiors. It’s intellectual leaders. Those who see themselves as experts, people of responsibility whose role is to educate the public and shape proper attitudes.

    Alas, believing their own delirious concoctions and fantasies, and repeating them hysterically, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, they have gone totally and absolutely insane. They have simply lost it.

    Berserk has become thoughtful, considered analysis.
    Crazy is now intellectual integrity.

    And they have no idea what has happened to them or what they are doing because it’s always Trump’s fault. Trump and his supporters.

    Their fears and hatred have taken them beyond pathetic into the oxygen- (and common-sense-) starved stratosphere of criminal insanity.

    And they don’t seem to have any idea of where they are let alone any idea of how to get out.

    Our intellectual betters. Our moral superiors. Our elites.

    And right on cue, the upcoming leaders of the next generation are primed and pumped:

    A terrible sickness is raging across the land and no, it’s not COVID-19.

  3. There are some considerable problems, alas.
    In addition to a criminal Democratic Party, this is what the country is up against:
    https://twitter.com/DavidOAtkins/status/1328898661569363969 (especially the comments).
    H/T Ron Coleman twitter feed.

    Utterly insane. A parallel universe of pathological delusion. But it’s undeniably there and it’s not likely to be going away anytime soon. In fact the opposite….

    (“Interestingly”, if one wonders where the obsessive talking point regarding the “Fairness Doctrine” popped out from—bandied about repeatedly by a certain visitor in an earlier thread—well, it features heavily in the comments in the link above. Apparently the Left feels that they’re not sufficiently represented in the media….have no way to get the word out, etc. IOW VICTIMS!! of Trump and his Fascist followers….)

    So where exactly does one—can one—start with insanity at such a high pitch?…

  4. The Red State fellow points out that Warnock’s remarks are nonsensical. Well, George McGovern is dead, Nat Hentoff is dead, and Alan Dershowitz is 82 years old and commonly despised by partisan Democrats. Warnock’s target electorate is content with this nonsense because their politics consist of irritable mental gestures.

  5. Official Code of Georgia Annotated,
    Section 21-2-501 Number of votes required for election
    (a) * * *
    (10) The run-off primary, special primary runoff, run-off election, or special election runoff shall be a continuation of the primary, special primary, election, or special election for the particular office concerned. Only the electors who were duly registered to vote and not subsequently deemed disqualified to vote in the primary, special primary, election, or special election for candidates for that particular office shall be entitled to vote therein, and only those votes cast for the persons designated as candidates in such run-off primary, special primary runoff, run-off election, or special election runoff shall be counted in the tabulation and canvass of the votes cast. No elector shall vote in a run-off primary or special primary runoff in violation of Code Section 21-2-224.

  6. The Democratic Party leadership’s support of Warnock is the result of it finding itself upon the “tiger’s back” and forced to support its most extreme radicals in order to retain support from the radicals that now form a decisive factor in the party’s base.

    Ilhan Omar just offered defensive support of Warnock by stating that Christians cannot serve God and also serve in the military. That is a formula for America’s destruction.

    White children are being taught in school that the color of their skin makes them racists from birth.

    These are not politically successful long term strategies.

    Demonstrated by in reality Trump winning in a landslide both in votes and in the electoral college. Only massive fraud has covered up the reality of the majority of the American public’s mindset revealed in this election.

    And its going to get worse for the democrats as they advocate for and impose increasing radicalism upon Americans.

    Even democrats are disgusted by California Newsome’s hypocritically flouting his own executive orders. And then being caught lying about it.

    Democrat’s ideological fanaticism has them blindly pursuing a terrible reckoning. If they’re very, very lucky it will mainly be a major political reversal for them. If not and they succeed in stealing this election, they will sow such division that it will result in them reaping “a terrible swift sword”. 75-80 Million Americans are not going to go quietly into “deprogramming” camps.

  7. Barry Meislin,

    “Their fears and hatred have taken them beyond pathetic into the oxygen- (and common-sense-) starved stratosphere of criminal insanity.

    Utterly insane. A parallel universe of pathological delusion.”

    Once again demonstrating that “Those the gods would destroy, they first make mad”…


    That is their justification. But to achieve the end sought, one must have the means to do so. They don’t and it will end very badly for them when they try to finally reach that end. They think themselves so close, it’s their ideological fanaticism that has them blinded to the cliff ahead.

  8. “The Laws are for the little people.” — St Hillary, or else the logical eduction of her verbiage.

  9. I’m not going to say what I’m expected to say about Thomas Friedman.

    But the fact that he said what he said, gives me a perverse kind of hope.

    This guy has, in the immortal words of Wolfgang Pauli been ‘Not Even Wrong’ so many times that he’s just doomed this woman to spend eternity flipping burgers in the slave kitchens of Redneck Valhalla.

    One of my personal epiphanies along the road from GloboHomo via Cucksville to Deplorableton was one morning over first coffee of the day in the Soi Langsuan Starbucks in Bangkok suddenly feeling possessed by something as my hands seemingly of their own volition typed into the Google search box: ‘Tom Friedman is a Dick’.

    To think that a few years before I’d actually paid money to purchase a book of his solipsistic brain farts…

  10. Zaphod:

    I thought that was such a good idea, I just typed it into Google too. If enough people do so, perhaps it will begin to trend!

  11. Tom friedman has been wrong since 1982, when he got the shatila story and blames the wrong party (who ultimately served 12 years in prison) the error is noted in the fact he didnt repeat it in from beirut to jerusalem. Widlanski brought this detail to light

  12. Tom Friedman doesn’t care that he’s been consistently wrong because he serves a higher ‘truth’. A truth entirely willing to sacrifice facts, reason and logic upon its ideological altar.

    All he really cares about is that he gets his 30 pieces of silver and gets invitations to the ‘right’ people’s parties. Which writing for the NYT gets him.

  13. During the 2008 campaign a friend and I agreed that an Obama victory would set back race relations by decades.

    I’m thinking half a century now.

  14. The utter moral coward, Obama, threw his generous, mentoring, sheltering Grammy under that bus where Rev.Wright & Billy (Weather Underground) Ayers were dwelling. An early look at Barack’s Vast Testicular Concavity.

  15. Geoffrey Britain:

    The American sheep are not going to revolt. A revolution requires organization and commitment, binding Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor to the cause, as was said in 1776. Who will organize militias with Dopey Joe as POTUS? He’ll call the Guard out to put them down, Constitution be damned..

    If the Democrats take the Senate (Kamala’s one vote!) and the White House, this country is forever finished, and the Democrats will rule, riding the American horse into the ground.

  16. During the 2008 campaign a friend and I agreed that an Obama victory would set back race relations by decades.

    Disagree. White liberals in their mundane lives set back race-relations as a part of their everyday labor. Obama didn’t add much to that.

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