Home » Hunter’s laptop and Joe’s judgment: what could possibly go wrong?


Hunter’s laptop and Joe’s judgment: what could possibly go wrong? — 39 Comments

  1. I think hunter took q s atonement deal.

    In return for him bombing it, he gets a new life and other bennies.

    Hunter is very meticulous, given he has to deal with mafia killers. And he keeps his appointments and words.

    It is not a coincidence he started admitting things and dropped his stuff same month.

    Biden family is a classic mini vampire cabal.

  2. Yo Ymar… Did you inherit Hunter’s crack pipe when he ‘atoned’? 🙂

    We’re ruled over largely by degenerates. Up to a point, that’s tolerable and just part of the Human Condition, but ***incessantly being preached at by these degenerates*** seems to trigger my Inner Genghis more and more of late.

  3. Mattsky:

    How much can a Koala Bear? How long is a piece of string?

    To the Gulag with you, my man… It’s the Russians, doncherknow? 😛

    Pay no attention to the Inscrutable Giant Panda in the room, if you please.

  4. Mattsky:

    A lot, but then again, how can he be blackmailed further? An awful lot of things have already been revealed.

  5. My wife feels sorry for Joe B because he is making such a fool of himself, and doesn’t know it. She blames his wife for not reining him in. We have no idea what her agenda might be.

    I could probably be sympathetic to both Biden son and father, if the Old Man were not putting himself up to be President with the unspeakable possibility of winning.

    Besides, as Trump has started saying; “he is not a nice person”. Never was.

    It has occurred to me that the head injury to Hunter might have played a role. That may explain his behavior; it does not excuse his father’s.

  6. … goodies we’re just hearing about via the British press. The American press (other than the NY Post and a few other isolated examples) would rather not touch it with a ten-foot pole. — Neo

    I was watching some Fox shows yesterday that I don’t usually watch and somebody said something that had the ring of truth to me. This person said that none of the journalists in the MSM want to be the one person that legitimized taking a hard look at the laptop and Biden family foreign influence peddling.

    If an MSM journalist is first in doing that, and Harris/Biden loses the election, then their entire existence might be canceled. Note that this type of thinking presumes that everything that is discussed in the purportedly Alt-Right media is irrelevant.

    The thrust of Neo’s piece is, in part, “what was Joe thinking!?” about the risks Hunter was taking. If Joe’s financial “take” was zero or maybe 5 or 10% that would be very logical. But the one email suggests that Joe’s take was 50% of all of Hunter’s booty. That gives some weight to an alternative theory I’ve read, which is that Joe planned and organized most of this and Joe pulled Hunter into it rather than the other way around.

  7. In the Christian sphere there is a whole debate about Trump’s character and if a Christian can support Trump. Then the laptop story reveals that Biden is worse and more wicked…

    Some people get so confused or catch up in the propaganda

  8. Hillary’s questionable security on her in-home PC and Hunter Biden’s laptop.

    Jeez, are these Democrats really the people some voters want to trust with US security?

  9. Neo:

    I think the “fool or knave” question was settled long-ago. VP Biden was a knave, and a serious one. He is now a fool, and a serious one.

    Would a fool have threatened a friendly country to drop an anti-corruption investigation, and then bragged about it? He did that as a sitting VP, which, at the very least, looks like corruption at a vast scale.

    Would a knave stumble over his own tongue on the campaign trail, as Biden has repeatedly done?

    He was then a corrupt, cynical knave, perfectly willing to use his son to advance his crooked schemes, and he didn’t care. He is now a doddering old fool, perfectly willing to make a laughingstock of himself every time he opens his mouth, and again, he doesn’t care.

    Nor do I. Vote against Biden because of his past corruption, or vote against him for his current (apparent) senility. Either reason is sufficient. Neither quality is compatible with the Presidency.

    I support President Trump. But even if I didn’t, knowing what we do, I’d vote for a malfunctioning toaster before I’d vote for Biden.

  10. @ Charles,

    Do a search on the terms “OPM” and “Data Breach”. Read up on it, and then ask yourself why the hell the entirety of the Obama/Biden administration wasn’t ever charged with treason and executed for their crimes against the nation.

    The sheer volume of what was lost in that breach is staggering, plus the fact that the enemies of this country had access to the entire OPM database and could have inserted or deleted whatever files they wished to. It is my strongly held belief that many of our recent “issues” relating to things like lost intelligence assets and the whole Snowden debacle had their roots in this breach. The entire question of how someone like Snowden got clearance in the first damn place hasn’t ever been asked or answered–His described CV and background would have precluded him from ever getting a low-level clearance back in the old days, and yet he was somehow granted a TS clearance as a contractor…?

    The OPM breach was perhaps the most significant loss of intelligence data in the history of the world, and it went right by everyone’s radar because it was never highlighted by the media. The only people really outraged by that bit of willful incompetence and venality are old Security Managers like myself who recognize the amount of potential blackmail material and personal data that was exposed to our enemies about our most carefully screened citizens.

  11. @Kirk:

    Yes. Also no sane Russian or Chinese will ever provide human intelligence to the USA in future given that anyone so placed so as to be able to provide useful information have had their faces rubbed firmly in screenings of the tortures and executions following the Obama years security breaches. It’s an open secret that employees at various Chinese bodies were forced to watch lunch time bullet to the head executions of spies caught thanks to US data leaks.

    Probably a wider problem than just the US. Out in the Real World ™ serious people know that Western governments and their security agencies are fundamentally un-serious and untrustworthy. I mean would you risk your life in China or Russia in the knowledge that an ethnic Chinese or Russian immigrant is probably able to view your files in one of the Three Letters because to deny them employment or security clearances would be ‘Racist’? Jaysus wept.

  12. Daniel, “fool” and “knave” are not mutually exclusive. In fact my own belief is that the intelligence of knaves is consistently overrated. Achieving your goals by thuggery is not evidence that you are an “evil genius” but only that you are a sociopath able to take advantage of trusting, honest people. Though there is also the saying, “You can’t cheat an honest man” …

  13. Kirk, Zaphod, yes and yes. American credibility is entirely shot, thanks to Obama, Hillary, Biden and their assortment of like-minded gangsters.
    (Rather interesting how many varieties of “Transforming America” (Inc.) there can be… “Let us count the ways…”(?))

    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    “…his father didn’t seem to be interested in either finding out…”

    True, but neither—and this is as big, or bigger, a scandal—did the CIA nor the FBI.

    Now why might that be?

    They HAD to have known about Hunter’s proclivities over the past half-dozen years (at least). His father’s too. It’s IMPOSSIBLE that they could not have—unless in the debate between being TOTALLY unscrupulous and TOTALLY incompetent, one comes out on the side of those agencies being TOTALLY incompetent. But um no; somehow I don’t think so.

    So what to think?
    – Did they choose “omerta” (see Neo’s previous posts) and remain silent? (And if so, why?)
    – Did they choose to save their precious knowledge for a rainy day? (IOW did the blackmail potential of their knowledge give CIA/FBI a say in directing “projects”, in making and distributing “budgets”?—Similarly, see “Hillary” in the following bullet.)
    – Were they “bought” and/or given a piece of the action and therefore stayed “bought” (IOW “remained loyal”)? — Note that this may also have ramifications regarding Hillary and “bathroom” server
    – Did they choose to support Obama/Biden/Hillary for ideological reasons (snort!)
    – Other
    – All of the above?
    – None of the above?

    Which leads one to the question, who were they protecting? The answer, of course, is “complex”.

    Which leads one to another question: Might there be any connection between Michael Flynn’s crucifixion and the Biden Family Crime Syndicate? Certainly, Obama and his filthy henchman had loads of criminality that had—HAS—to be “protected” from the “light of day”—enough certainly to make sure that Flynn was knee-capped and put away for good. Now we find—officially (anyone paying attention should have have had inklings of it even if not being fully cognizant of the extent of the depravity)—that a desperately compromised Biden needed protection from Flynn as well (hence his suggestion of using the absurd “Logan Act” as the “tool” with which to crucify Flynn in Strzok’s—echoing Comey—“memo”? IIRC).

    (Not sure that Tom Clancy could have thought this one up.)

    Which leads one to a third question, no doubt already postulated:
    What if Edward Snowden, given what we know now about Obama’s insidious deceptions, is actually a (reluctant) HERO?…. (Such a conjecture, not new but traditionally coming from a different vector entirely, will no doubt cause no little consternation….)

    And if so, then what of Julian Assange….

    Very much related to which is just a little reminder (another one of my “fave” videos):

    It may well be necessary that certain “reassessments” be made.

    In the meantime, the main goal MUST be to nail the bast***s.

    File under: Give Durham a chance (to the tune of….), which means “Four More Years”.

  14. Continued…
    Alas, this whole extended, long-term scam is most certainly NOT a matter of “Joe’s judgment”.

    Does anyone speak of Lucky Luciano’s “judgment”? Al Capone’s?

    (Well OK, maybe in connection with the accountants they listened to, or didn’t, regarding paying taxes (IOW giving Uncle Sam a cut of their hard-earned income, Lord knows how THAT can rankle)—but no doubt Biden has that con figured out….or does he…?

    File under: What doth Hunter know?

  15. Hunter Biden is a seriously deranged individual.

    “The smartest guy I know” ?

    All the MSM’s wiles shall not erase the contents of sonny boy’s laptop.

  16. And then there’s the roll-up of CIA agents in China.

    One fell swoop….

    Wonder how that possibly could have happened.

    (Bad luck, no doubt….)

  17. We’re ruled over largely by degenerates.

    Do you think I know less on this topic than you?

    In truth I am way ahead of you.

  18. “Joe is either fool or knave, probably both.”
    As well as senile.

    Regardless, about 50% of voters will cast a vote for Bidet.

    What does this say about many Americans?
    What does this indicate about the goals of the demokrat party leadership and what does it say about how they perceive the citizenry? How they perceive the US Constitution? Our system of govt?

    It took ONE national vote to destroy Venezuela. It took ONE decision of several political parties to agree that a fellow named Hitler should be Chancellor (the Nazis never got more than 38% of the vote in any national election).

    Yep, just one bad move and it’s all over, but it is unpredictable which bad move will send a nation into the abyss.

    Given the treatment of Kavanaugh , of Bork, of Thomas; their somewhat subdued effort to slime Barrett, the corruption of Obama and those who served under him, of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, etc., etc., it’s clear that the demokrats are literally evil and malevolent.
    They are motivated solely power.

    Scary times it is.

  19. I’d say my favorite Toynbee quote has come around on the guitar again: ‘When the Dominant Elite loses the confidence of the Internal Proletariat, they stop defending it against the External Proletariat’ Even more so when the Internal Proletariat catches the Dominant Elite selling them out to the External Proletariat. I doubt Alaric got to Rome without some degenerates selling out the greatest military power of the age. For a fanciful (and I suspect homoerotic) depiction of statue toppling from an 1890 French painting by Silvestre:


    Pshaw….Brothers and Sisters of the Internal Proletariat – all we get are these weedy little Antifa types.

  20. Nothing says ‘decency’ like pimping out your crackhead son for foreign baksheesh

    Great guy that Joe

  21. Joe Biden knew every single thing Hunter was doing. In fact, he put him up to it. The real evil here is Joe who degraded his own son and took his cut, so that he could live a life of luxury.

  22. Wow. Again. Thanks for finding my link ABOVE, Neo. It’s very valuable.

    You’re unlikely to miss my next LINK find from other sources, but a segue to Victor Davis Hanson’s consideration of what’s at stake on Tuesday as the consequence of a Biden-Deep State-Globalist victory, versus Trump’s counterrevolutionary leadership, is deeply salient:

    New, at American Greatness.

    We kind of know what VDH outlines. But painting the alternative portrait of a callow future is very much necessary. This hopeful election victory is one for The People. The American People.

  23. Thoughtful people couldn’t vote for HRC because her private email server was compromised leaving her vulnerable to blackmail.

    And now it turns out that Biden is similarly compromised.

  24. it’s clear that the demokrats are literally evil and malevolent.
    They are motivated solely power.

    *clap clap*

    What’s scary is how it long it took people to get here. Here being less than 1% of what’s really going on behind the scenes.

    Barry Meislin on November 2, 2020 at 3:59 am said:

    Do you realize that your normal mode of thought and emotional constructs here is seen in that type of comment, but when you attempt to comprehend Ymar, you have to adopt a different methodology of writing entirely?

    Even someone without telempathic skills, can detect a noticeable and effective difference.

  25. Yawrate — but overall 60 billionaires in 2016 could not see Hillary your thoughtful way. Or else acted against good judgment and gave to her campaign anyway.

    By contrast, about 5% of that number of billionaires supported Trump, then.

    And even this year, the Ruling Class, Wall Street, and other elites are backing Joe. While Trump’s again smaller campaign wins the small donor support.

  26. Please, Neo, withdraw your suggestion that a head injury at age two may have determined Hunter Biden’s depraved but financially extremely rewarding life. You’re merely using the old joke about a fool having been dropped on his head as an infant, making him a fool. His development was nurture, not nature.


    Que Gladiator.

    Now that Oct surprises are over… get ready for November surprises. And after that… the Ymar 2021 Golden Age, aka Apocalypse, Divine Revelation, Full Disclosure.


    Where is your gratitude, Om, for this Divine script we are in? This grand stage that you get to have front row seats for. Endlessly repeating this “Ymar is what Ymar does” line is as entertaining as Big Guy Biden.

    Raise your hand or make the same reply, if you want to join Biden’s New World for the next 26k years. I will get you a ticket.

  28. yammer

    loud and sustained or repetitive noise.
    “the yammer of their animated conversation” · [more]
    make a loud, repetitive noise.

    No signal, just random noise from a megalomaniac.

  29. I think it’s likely that the sole reason Joe Biden stepped into the “use me and throw me away” deal for the nomination after his abysmal showing in the primaries is so that he can use the “it’s dishonorable to investigate your opponent” dodge after the election. He certainly doesn’t seem to be interested in campaigning.

  30. “…dishonorable…”

    Good one, Ed!

    How about “during the election”?

    I was actually wondering if Biden decided he had to throw his hat in the ring simply to ensure the continuation of that most impressive edifice—that magnificent coverup, which the Biden Family Crime Syndicate has, with able assistance, has managed to sustain!

    (More “insurance”!!)

    Even now, it’s “Pay no attention to that gibberish-spouting man in the basement.” Even now, it’s “But there’s no proof”; or “no concrete proof”; or “no reliable proof”; or the granddaddy of them all—“It’s Russian collusion”—for all those who strive mightily to maintain the gruesome fiction that is the Democratic Party (led oh so appropriately, at least on the surface, by Joe Biden—and even more appropriately, in the back rooms, by Barack Obama) and defend the indefensible.

    Just another instance of the Democrats, telling themselves they smell of roses (and believing it, no doubt—the media tells us so, after all) exude an all-pervasive, overpowering, nauseating skunk-musk scent of perverted “values” at every turn, reeking of the foul stench of hypocrisy.

    “You must be honorable, they say. Gentlemen and gentlewomen! While we flay the flesh from off your face, destroy your reputations, your families, your soul, your business, your community, your future.

    “And we’ll do even more if you’ll only let us.
    “Because we know that you know that we know what’s best for you.
    “Because we know that you know that Trump is EVIL personified. After all we have said so, time and time and time again.
    “Can there be any doubt?

    “So VOTE for Biden/Harris on November 3rd!”

    Ironically (though irony isn’t exactly their strong suit), they simply don’t realize just how persuasive they are….

  31. This quote by Bill McGurn (I think) sums up the most pivotal factor in the 2020 election:

    “Watching the press handle Joe Biden is like watching someone make sure a 3 year old wins Candyland.”

  32. Well, twitter did turn back on NY Post, after two weeks of birdcage.

    Their editing as a private publisher, which is their legal right, should allow the laws to treat them as a publisher.

    And it would be fine for more DoJ supported lawsuits against them for allowing the publishing of speech that incites riots. They should be “made to pay”, legally, for the destruction and even deaths & injuries which their publishing decisions made possible.

    Joe is even more stupidly corrupt than Hillary was. So sad that so many people support corruption and vote Dem.

  33. om on November 2, 2020 at 12:35 pm said:

    That’s why I said you write more comments here on this blog than peak Ymar. What was your response to that?

    If you think I am loud now (in your head), wait until 2021, assuming you survive the Harvest/Culling/Test.

    I will be a P6 by the time 2021 rolls around the corner.

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