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Yelp… — 21 Comments

  1. This is such a stupid idea for Yelp. Lawsuits galore will follow, and then bankruptcy for Yelp — after numerous small business bankruptcies, of course.

  2. Will it ever end?

    Latest way to judge a restaurant is not by quality of food, cleanliness or service but the political viewpoints of the owners and staff, “Nice place you have here, it would be a shame if something happened to it.”

  3. “One of the big big differences between riots now and riots back in the 60s is that now big businesses are encouraging and sympathizing with the rioters.”

    Yes, an apt insight.
    Dems, foreigners, MSM, celebs, the professoriate, government workers and now Big Business have joined forces to crush the independent citizenry.

    During the Covid shutdowns, small business has been methodically destroyed. Meanwhile, big chains remained open. Not a coincidence, methinks.

  4. One of the worst failings of the mostly woefully inept GOP in Congress over the last several years has been the failure to produce any legislation curtailing the anti-competitive and monopolistic behavior of Big Tech (not to mention its egregious censorship of conservative voices and its blatant manipulation of search algorithms). Unfortunately, some Republicans (such as Mike Lee) seem to be beholden financially to Silicon Valley through massive lobbying efforts in DC, although most political contributions from SV accrue to the DNC. In addition, the only “election interference” of any consequence at the moment is the result of highly unethical action by the oligarchs of Big Tech.

  5. In Portland under the Wheeler wokeism and fascism has been flourishing. A restaurant was closed down or forced to change it’s names because it was selling Mexican/Latin American food but the owners/chefs/cooks were non-Hispanic. It appeared that only Hispanic people are permitted to cook and sell such food. Otherwise cultural culinary appropriation!

  6. During the Covid shutdowns, small business has been methodically destroyed. Meanwhile, big chains remained open. Not a coincidence, methinks.

    JimNorCal: Agreed.

    IMO Covid measures add up to a massive policy to redistribute wealth from the middle-class to the upper-class, which has gone largely unremarked upon.

  7. Can anyone tell me how to write YELP a Yelp review telling them how stupid they look? I’d use “shooting yourself in the feet with a 105mm howitzer” and “using a flame-thrower inside your house” to start, and then let my bad self go wild.

  8. I hope people here don’t go for the too-easy “Let them get it good and hard” about everyone living in Portland. It’s been a one-party city for 25 years. Right now the top two choices for mayor are the Antifa candidate vs the lamentable Ted Wheeler.

  9. I’m a Yelp Elite here in Omaha; 193 reviews written by me. I complained.

    This is like the whole social credit system in China. Stupid idea.

  10. And now both Facebook and Twitter are actively, and publicly censoring any posts relating to the NY POST story on the Hunter Biden email about his father meeting with the Burisma chap. Can’t let that get out too far. They are truly operating against the country.

  11. The behavior of progressives when they get control of political and social systems and the behavior of radical Muslims (Sharia law) seems similar regarding heretical beliefs/non-believers.

  12. Just wait till it’s election time for the mayors and city council members of Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis.
    The voter there will elect candidates that are far more leftist than those presently in office.
    I lived in a Seattle suburb for about 20 years; the folks in Seattle literally live in another solar system, a fantasy land. In the Fremont District of Seattle, there is a statue of Lenin. And as you correctly guessed, nobody has yet attempted to topple it; and nobody will.
    Their naivete is so profound they would willingly walk into a new apartment complex named Arbeit Macht Frei and look forward to the free and modern showers available.
    Someone I know that lives in a Seatte suburb actually explained to me that the good folks of BLM were just peaceful demonstrators until the ANTIFA folks “hijacked” their peaceful demonstration.
    It really is hard to believe that folks can be that stupid.

  13. I think the point is. Big business believes it can escape the mob due to sheer size and control of the platform. They have the pull to stop these Yelp ratings from appearing. Small business does not. So they not only get to eliminate the competition. But get to crow about their moral bona fides to everyone else.

  14. I’ve been reading Richard Fernandez since not long after 9-11. A brainy Harvard guy who also fought in the underground against the Phillipine Marcos regime. These days, in addition to his superb Belmont Club blog, Fernandez has an active twitter feed under “wretchardthecat” with plenty of Good Stuff, such as:

    The reason the establishment doesn’t care to hide the iron fist anymore is they’ve bet the farm. They’re all in.

    –wretchardthecat, Sep 29

    That about says it.

  15. To me, the most disturbing aspect of the linked story is how the businesses window’s were broken; “Antifa rioters shot inside the Heroes American Cafe in downtown Portland last night during their mass rampage.”Andy Ngo [my emphasis}

    Since no mention of it was reported, I presume that the business was not open for business. Which begs the question; how long till Antifa/BLM start shooting into businesses that are occupied? I imagine a good guess is after Nov 3rd and the reelection of Donald trump.

  16. This isn’t all too surprising. Incredibly stupid and extremist, but not too surprising. Yelp showed their wokeness a few years back when they asked a question during a review if the establishment had gender neutral bathrooms.

  17. I wonder what happened? It used to be that YELP had a good thing going, working a protection racket for businesses. I stopped using it when I discovered it – that critical reviews (e.g. for poor service) had a way of being hidden, for the benefit of the business. Or at least, the paying customers types of business. That’s when I stopped using it, when I found out how it worked.

    I also signed off of Trip Advisor when they went through the scuttling of their reputation by getting woke.

    So now YELP is so woke, they attack businesses for non-business ideas. I wonder if they’re attacking businesses that are paying customers, or just the ones that are daring to ignore them.

  18. I have not used Yelp for years. It is a criminal extortion racket and the people running it deserve long prison sentences. If you don’t advertise with them they withhold favorable reviews and publish negative reviews.

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