Home » Why the media makes Trump denounce white supremacy over and over


Why the media makes Trump denounce white supremacy over and over — 67 Comments

  1. Everyone who has ever read a thriller or watched a certain kind of film is familiar with the concept of a “red herring” introduced in order to distract attention from the real culprit. Whenever leftists (MSM, DNC, etc) become obsessed with something which bears little or no relation to reality (i.e. Russia, Russia, Russia, COVID as the contemporary plague, “right-wing extremism” or “white supremacy”, QAnon). it is an attempt to distract the easily propagandized from the actual problems (China, the destruction by lockdown of the economy, totalitarian control by Big Tech, Antifa/BLM violence and chaos from the far left). Those responsible are well aware that many of the citizens of our moribund republic are easily influenced by misinformation, disinformation, and outright fabrications.

  2. The left ALWAYS uses race to divide and conquer.
    They were accusing Trump of racism before there were any incidents which could be played for racism (like charlottesville).
    His pops was mean to black tenants, soooo …
    It’s just a working assumption on the left wrt any Republican.
    They keep using the term “white supremacist” in context with President Trump, like it’s an ongoing issue. It’s more than just “make the son of a bitch deny it.” It’s just having the term in the air, like a foul cloud around him.
    Meanwhile, their candidate says openly racist stuff, things that would end a Republican candidacy immediately.
    And don’t even get me started re Kamala the Incarcerator, great friend to the Clerks with Badges who “police” our streets.

  3. I think ratings matter, too, perhaps a lot. The competition for our attention is fierce, and I have read elsewhere that newsroom editors who monitor the attention that stories receive discovered that anything Trump sells the best. Almost nothing else matters when it comes to people’s interest and propensity to “click.” And “clicks” = $$$$ in ad revenue, the lifeblood of today’s online news sites.

  4. Maybe some white people realize that the only armor they have against those who claim all white people are inherently racist and white supremacist, is by virtue signalling and continuing to “earnestly” ask the question about Trump. They know the crocodile is eventually going to come for them.

    But yet again, has Trump ever publicly said anything near as racist as Biden’s “black woman stocking grocery shelves” comment (not that what Biden said was horribly racist, but you know darn well that any conservative making such an awkward statement would get excoriated)?

  5. It’s a variant of the “Have you stopped beating your wife?” sort of question. There’s an implicit “now” or “finally” in the question: “NOW will you FINALLY denounce white supremacy?” The fact that he is being asked is all that is needed to associate him with racism.

  6. Projection much? Who keeps insisting black/brown people are incapable of being functioning adults? What major party is the party of slavery, the kkk, Jim Crow, and lynching? Hmmm….. surprise, surprise it is the democrats aka the leftists. The people that promote aborting those people of color babies need to look into a mirror and recognize they are the actual racists.

  7. Fallacy of equivocation is at play here too. When a progressive is part of white supremacy it’s just in a structural way as being part of a system. When Trump is accused of white supremacy it’s a personal moral failing due to invidious prejudice. When you take the HR-mandated training, they assure you that no one is accusing you of the personal moral failing kind, just the structural part of a system kind, but they exploit the guilt in the one to motivate you to support their prescriptions for the other.

  8. CNN and other outlets are reporting that Trump’s Walter Reed doctors are refusing to denounce white blood cell supremacy.

  9. AMartel:

    You write:

    It’s more than just “make the son of a bitch deny it.” It’s just having the term in the air, like a foul cloud around him.

    But isn’t that exactly what “make the sonovabitch deny it” means? Isn’t that what the ploy is about – having the accusation in the air, like a foul cloud around the accused?

  10. In the poisoned atmosphere of today, if you don’t reflexively and loudly condemn anything that has even the remotest smell of racism, you are painted a racist. This is the progressive way.

  11. neo: Yes. All of the above.

    I’ve known real, certified, KKK, white supremacists. Democrats at al. don’t know what they are talking about beyond their hatred of Trump and traditional white Americans, and their willingness to attack by any means necessary.

  12. “CNN and other outlets are reporting that Trump’s Walter Reed doctors are refusing to denounce white blood cell supremacy.” – ken

    Looking for that to show up on the Babylon Bee any minute now….

  13. The Dems are using LBJ’s old trick.

    But I want to see some Dem tell Herschel Walker – to his face – that his friend Donald Trump is a racist. Walker gave a powerful speech at the RNC convention.

  14. Neo: “But isn’t that exactly what “make the sonovabitch deny it” means? Isn’t that what the ploy is about – having the accusation in the air, like a foul cloud around the accused?”

    Not exactly. By having the topic in play they don’t even have to ask the question. It just goes without saying. Just the fact that it’s a topic that’s in play allows people to jump to a conclusion and make connections that they would not ordinarily. Like if Melania wears something white or has some holiday decor that is white. Automatic reference to white supremacy.

  15. This morning’s cafe conversation got a bit heated, when I brought up my displeasure at being required to identify my racial background on the web census form unless I was smart enough to click the boxes properly to avoid doing so.

    One guy thought it would be funny to creep up behind me and pin me to my chair so others could beat me up. A joke, don’t you see. I leapt up out of my chair and hissed, “Don’t you dare.”

    Another frowned and let me know that I was obviously speaking from a position of white privilege. I got hot under the collar and said, “Bull****. You know little of me.”

    Well, for being Democrats and all, they are decent fellows. Apologies were made all-around and we sort of made up.

    But geez, I hate this stuff.

  16. During the debate Trump could have done a better job denouncing the Proud Boys. The leader of the Proud Boys celebrated and made t-shirts of Trump’s ‘Stand back and Stand By’ comment. So they certainly thought he was not condemning them.

    Senators Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Tim Scott (R-SC), Lindsay Graham (R-SC), John Thune (R-SD) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.] all said after the debate that Trump needed to clarify his comments.

    Among the media friendly Brian Kilmeade, the cohost of Fox and Friends, criticized Trump for blowing “the biggest layup in the history of debates by not condemning white supremacists.” Scott Adams [Dilbert comic strip] who really loves Trump said that, “He botched it. It was a layup. It was free money sitting on the f—ing table and he left it there…”

    Now all these guys will still vote for Trump. But the point is if even they were critical then Trump needs to be clearer. And he was… the next day when he claimed not to know who the Proud Boys were. [I would say that’s questionable].

    I know he has condemned white supremacy often in the past but when 73 million people [voters] are watching it’s imperative to take a definitive stance at that moment.

    This is why the media makes him do it over and over…

  17. Never underestimate the need of the Democrats to motivate a key constituency not otherwise motivated to vote for their uninspiring candidate and just maybe Biden’s old “lock you back in chains” is too blatant and this is thought to be the better tactic. We will see how well the race mongering works.

  18. Montage: So when does Trump get to stop condemning white supremacy? Never? And how is white supremacy the imperative, definitive stance of moment?

    The KKK is out of business, no one supports white supremacists, blacks get a hundred or more SAT points advantage when applying to college, white supremacist hate crimes seem nearly all bogus, several prominent black activists turn out to be white. Black slavery and Jim Crow decades are long ago.

    Meanwhile black-on-white crimes are orders of magnitude higher than white-on-black crimes.

    But none of this matters to Democrats, progressives and people like you. When will you take a stance?

  19. See, you’ve bought into the notion that the Proud Boys is a racist organization.
    Before you do an internet check and find a quote from some guy that backs your notion, think about how and why the notion was sold to you.
    Was it because they refused to denounce white supremacy in response to a direct question or was it all just assumed? Was the term “white supremacy” linked, over and over again, to the phrase “Proud Boys” to the point where you felt compelled to assume it must be true? Who was the first to emit the white supremacy fart that now lingers in the air around the Proud Boys?
    I’ll do the same and not consult the internet, just going on memory: the original media portrayal of the Proud Boys was that they were misogynist incels who were intimidated by strong modern feminist women and so retreated to their little group to gripe. Then they started showing up at antifa protests in Portland to show the flag and got into self-defense fights with the fascists and so their presence has been banned or discouraged as it is triggering to fascists.
    How did the media make the leap to white supremacy?

  20. Montage doesn’t know what the Proud Boys actually have done in the past but it appears but he has his hit of daily talking points. In Portland the Proud Boys became “notorious” because they would not cede the streets and public places to Antifa. The Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer would have a rally in Portland, Antifa would show up and initiate at riot and often as not the Proud Boys would take it to them. During these events the Wheeler of Portland would not arrest the Antifa instigators. That went on for years (2015 – 2019). Funny that the press were not concerned with the anarchy and violence of Rose City Antifa, eh Montage?

  21. There’s only one answer to this constant questioning and it’s this:

    “It’s OK to be White.”

    However, two can play at this game.

    Regarding Bestiality, the smart strategy would be to accuse any and all Leftists one encounters of being enthusiastic participants. The nature of their mutant mental dysfunctions practically demands that even those who are not themselves devotees must still loudly defend the correctness, neigh (sic), Righteousness of their fellow Progressives who feel the urge to follow their Nostalgie de la Boue into the Barnyard and Beyond.

    There is nothing to be gained by attempting to rise above the Fray (Bentos) at this point.

    In the immortal words of Frederick the Great to his troops when things were looking a bit iffy: “Hunde, wollt ihr ewig leben?!”

  22. And for those who don’t speak German or wonder why they should click a link, here’s the translation:

    Dogs, would you live forever?

    Which apparently made it into the DC “Sgt. Rock” war comics, where I first encountered it, as:

    Come on, you apes, do you want to live forever?

    Which appears in Robert Heinlein’s “Starship Troopers” and is also attributed to a Marine Corp leader in 1918, who may or may not of known Frederick the Great.

  23. Quick plug for Sir David Fraser’s biography of Frederick the Great.

    @Neo: Assuming he was a West Pointer, pretty sure Daly would have known the original quote and used something very close to and similary earthy in the heat of battle.

    (Edit: Marine Officer, so wouldn’t have been to the Point, but would likely have studied Frederick’s campaigns.

    This reminds me of a passage in John Masters’ Masterful WWI trilogy:

    Now God Be Thanked
    Heart of War
    By the Green of the Spring

    Can’t remember which volume and would take too long to dig out the passage, but the part which sticks in my memory is the intense bonding between vastly different social strata, *accompanied by profanity* which occurs in close combat.

    History didn’t record what Frederick’s troops yelled back to him at that precise moment, but it may not have been altogether fit for the drawing room either and he wouldn’t have taken offence.

  24. Alphaville’s “Forever Young” came out in 1984, a big dance club hit.

    I lived in San Francisco then. Gays were dropping like flies from AIDS and the Cold War was escalating. A nuclear war starting in Europe was a real possibility.

    Let’s dance in style, let’s dance for a while
    Heaven can wait we’re only watching the skies
    Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst
    Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?


    That song marked me.

  25. The real solution is to get back into their face.

    For the moment, Biden’s clear association with Byrd, along with his endless racist gaffes, make responses clear — there are at least a half-dozen to a dozen racist claims applicable to Biden, so when someone asks, turn it about: “I dunno — why do you support a blatant racist?” and then immediately, before/while they deny it, launch into some obvious stupidity that Biden has splorted about, esp. a recent one, if there is one, but any old one will do… you should have at least a half dozen memorized. Whipsaw them with a couple too fast for them to defend.


    This is a large part of their tactics — it’s why the “correct” word for someone who is “black” changes every ^#^@$#%&& other year. “Negro”, “Black”, “African American”… use the one which is “out of fashion”, and they get to correct you, which puts you on the defensive. After that point, they continue to push.


    You can reduce them to spluttering incoherence just with this tactic.

    One issue with Cons is that they constantly let the Leftist bastards lead.

    Stop it.

    Take control of the game. YOU can think, THEY are spouting talking points. Take the lead away, they can’t push those talking points.

  26. They want him to make it real for them…
    i denounce unicorns… implies there are unicorns to denounce

  27. i denounce unicorns… implies there are unicorns to denounce –ArtflDgr

    ArtflDgr knows his Russell … Bertrand, that is:

    As France is currently a republic, it has no king. Bertrand Russell pointed out that this raises a puzzle about the truth value of the sentence “The present King of France is bald.”


  28. AMartel

    The Proud Boys are a far-right, neo-fascist, male only organization that thinks Western white male culture is under siege and believe political violence is the solution. Are they white supremacists? Maybe not technically. But the founder is a piece of work. He is quoted as saying: “I want violence, I want punching in the face. I’m disappointed in Trump supporters for not punching enough.” He has made a video about why he hates Jews and also said some awfully ugly things about women.

    If I lived in Portland and was given the choice I would not side with them or ANTIFA. And btw the protests in Portland involve many more types of people than The Proud Boys and ANTIFA. Not everyone there who protests falls into either one camp of the other.

    At least Trump did condemn the Proud Boys a day after the debates. I DO think Trump should get credit for that – and the media has reported it but it’s not front page when he says the correct things the media expects him to say.

  29. OBloodyHell has the right of it. You fight fire with fire.

    “there are at least a half-dozen to a dozen racist claims applicable to Biden, so when someone asks, turn it about: “I dunno — why do you support a blatant racist?”

    “Biden’s history of controversial racial comments”

    September 2020: “Some Black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf”

    May 2020: “I tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,”

    August 2019: “Poor kids” just as bright as “white kids”

    June 2019: “The kid wearing a hoodie.”

    “We’ve got to recognize that the kid wearing a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate and not a gangbanger,” Biden said.

    June 2019: Biden touts his work with segregationist senators

    August 2012: “Put y’all back in chains”

    February 2007: Obama is “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean”

    2006: “You can’t go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

  30. Montage:

    By the way, it’s difficult to pin down exactly what the Proud Boys are about, beyond a certain point. They are definitely Western chauvinists and they do indeed believe that “Western white male culture is under siege.” I can’t say I disagree at all on that last point; it seems quite obviously correct.

    McIness is a strange bird indeed. I can’t get a bead on him. My impression is that he likes to shock people and has made his name by doing so. He reminds me of a 21st Century, right-wing version of Abbie Hoffman. Political performance. He was once known as the quintessential hipster. And a couple of years ago he broke off with the Proud Boys.

    From last year:

    Again and again, prosecutors [in a trial of some other Proud Boys, not McIness] have turned to his words to convince jurors that the Proud Boys, who describe themselves as patriots and “Western chauvinists” who reject political correctness, are prone to violence and tolerant of misogynistic, racist and xenophobic sentiments.

    By repeatedly citing Mr. McInnes, prosecutors have also tied him to an organization that he has recently sought to distance himself from.

    Last November, Mr. McInnes said he was reluctantly quitting the Proud Boys “in all capacities, forever,” because his lawyers had told him the gesture might help members who had been arrested after his talk.

    At the time, Mr. McInnes said the Proud Boys were not extremists and had no ties to white nationalists, though he added, “This whole idea of white nationalists and white supremacy is a crock” and “such people don’t exist.”

    Responding to an email on Monday, Mr. McInnes said he had only ever advocated self-defense. “I never suggested random acts of violence,” he wrote.

    Mr. McInnes said his jokes and parodies of racism had been misconstrued. He added that many statements made about him during the trial by prosecutors had been inaccurate or misleading. That included the prosecution’s assertion that he had once referred to President Barack Obama as a “monkey,” which Mr. McInnes said was “100 percent false.”

    “The left scrutinizes jokes and denies they’re jokes in order to crowbar some kind of malicious agenda within the joke,” he said in the email.

    Mr. McInnes has not entirely abandoned all right-wing activism. In July, he appeared at a rally in Washington, described fighting Antifa and told the crowd — which appeared to include some members of the Proud Boys — “The truth is we don’t start fights. We finish them.”

    I can’t come to a definitive conclusion about the Proud Boys’ present position, except to say that they are willing to fight Antifa (which isn’t a peaceful organization) and (as I’ve already said) that they want to defend Western civilization and the perceived onslaught on white males within it. I wouldn’t take the word of the left on them, which makes ascertaining the truth rather difficult.

    Another point is that, if Trump is supposed to condemn the Proud Boys, why isn’t Biden forced – over and over and over – to condemn Antifa? And for that matter, the Marxist leaders of BLM? I don’t think he’s ever said a word against the latter. As for the former, as far as I can tell he only once condemned Antifa, and this was the context – an interview in early September:

    Q: Do you condemn Antifa?

    BIDEN: Yes, I do — violence, no matter who it is.

    And that is apparently the sum total of what’s he’s said about Antifa. Pretty weak. And yet the MSM doesn’t seem to need him to say much more on the subject.

  31. Monatage:

    And Antifa are “anti-fascist” too? You wouldn’t side with anyone IMO.

    Is neo-fascist that different from old-old fascist or semi-sorta fascist (SS fascist)? How can the Proud Boys be technically not white supremacists if they value western civilization above others? Don’t you know that to be white is to be inherently racist, but other pigmentation affinities can’t be racist? Get with it Montage.

    Oh yes there are lots of affinity groups that “protest” in Portland; communists, anarchists. militant alphabet people, black racists, even disgruntled golfers (not). When were you last in Portland BTW? Me, about 8 months ago. Portland used to be a place I would look forward to visiting, and usually did at least twice a year, going on 35 years now. Not any longer. How about if I educate you about the culture of southern California since in lived there in 1988?

  32. huxley:

    One of the most chilling moments of my childhood theatergoing was when I was taken to the original Mary Martin musical version of “Peter Pan”. I was very young but I remember it well. It was this scene that I found frightening:

    The musical, instead of using Barrie’s original ending, in which Peter simply let Wendy and the other children return home, includes an additional scene that Barrie had written later and titled An Afterthought (later included by Barrie in his 1911 novelization Peter and Wendy). In this ending, Peter returns after many years to take Wendy back to Never Never Land for spring cleaning. He finds that he has been away so long that Wendy is now an adult, married woman with a daughter. Despondent at first, he is delighted when Wendy’s daughter Jane offers to be his new mother, and instead takes her with him.

    I knew what that was about.

    Also, my mother – who as a child had seen the legendary Eva La Gallienne in a “Peter Pan” production in which she flew out over the audience – told me about that. And so I sat there throughout the entire play waiting for that moment, which never came. That was a real disappointment, although I loved the production and found it magical nevertheless. I was a bit sad that the wires were visible, though.

  33. Montage is clearly unable to afford his/her secret Castor Oil Habit and is trolling us in the hope that someone here will oblige.

  34. Come on, you apes, do you want to live forever?

    Which appears in Robert Heinlein’s “Starship Troopers”

    where Juan Rico pointed out while “ape” might be a reference to the way the Mobile Infantry looked suited up, it seemed more likely that Caesar’s sergeants had used the same honorific.

  35. No, the tactic is not as intellectually complicated as the ones that imagine an opponent being put into a difficult circumstance, with a question that premised to be impossible to answer successfully. Accusing the Senator of wife-beating or pig f***ing – That is rhetorical sophistry. It has no place in modern politics.

    They don’t imagine Trump answering any more than they think twice about outraged, fact-checking people dredging up the same old video clips. They don’t care about any of that.

    It’s much simpler as a soundbite to just keep making the accusation; the accusation survives for as long as you own the camera and microphone – and we know that score, don’t we MSM?

    And then when it’s made again and again, it becomes what people remember in their modern, twitter-bit sound-bite minds. If they could get away with having a Trump dummy next to them and slit its throat each time they repeat the accusation, they would do it.

  36. Frederick: I have no idea for sure who gets credit for what in the quotation game. I discovered Heinlein and comic books within a few years of each other, so it all gets jumbled together.

    Plus, when I beseech the great god Google, I find the origin of most of my favorite quotes tends to vanish in a puff of smoke the further back I go.

    Q: What is the Golden Age of Science-Fiction?
    A: 12.

  37. huxley:

    What is the golden age of Wodehouse or Austen? 🙂

    I began reading both far too late, but better late than never.

  38. om: Indeed!

    I was quite late to Wodehouse myself and am currently enjoying another tour through the Jeeves & Wooster shows and audiobooks.

    What ho!

  39. I knew what that was about.

    neo: Yow! I’ve had a few moments like that myself…mostly too personal to share.

    However, one was “Why Do They Hate Us?” after 9-11, in which I realized some people (My People at the time) really hated America.

  40. Jeeves & Wooster has a surprising resonance to today.

    Bertie Wooster is a sympathetic upper-class twit, who gets by on a generous allowance of vague provenance, but is eternally bedeviled by aunts intent on marrying him off to some properly high society female with the strength to mold young Bertram into a passable husband.

    One particular aunt, Agatha, is referred to as the “Nephew Crusher.” Holy Freud, Batman!

    However, Bertie is usually rescued by his omniscient guardian angel of a butler, Jeeves. It’s not clear why Jeeves is so intent on protecting his master’s independence. But let’s leave that be.

    My point is Bertie has opted out of his fore-ordained role as worker and husband and that’s his whole character arc. He doesn’t hate women or marriage, but it’s just not for him and because he has options not to, he doesn’t.

    Which seems to be what the “Men Going Their Own Way” (MGTOW) movement today is about.

  41. I’m wrong about the “It’s OK to be White Response”. Trump should not say that.

    But whenever he’s pressed on BLM or Toxic Whiteness, he should respond with

    “Tell me, do you agree with me that it’s OK to be White?” — this would produce an amazing library of clips for him to tweet out to his base.

  42. Wodehouse: Still Waters Run Deepest when they’re running under a Cancun Foam Party’s worth of froth and bubbles.

  43. “I was fooled by this Bee article in my aggregator feed and believed it was real.” – huxley

    That’s because the same kind of ploy has been used by real people.
    The Internet will not yield to my search, but back when NYC first revealed the blatant hypocrisy of shutting down orthodox Jewish schools while allowing “peaceful protests” with multitudes more people jamming the streets, one of the schools had their students carry signs saying “This is a protest” when they came to class.

  44. “You can’t go into a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

    I know I’m expected to be *shocked* I tell you! but this has always seemed hilarious to me. Partly because I think he meant you can’t *operate* a 7- Eleven unless you are Indian, but he mis-spoke and it’s just absurd.

    Biden was a laughingstock to me before he became a “real candidate”.

    And only Whites are allowed to be joked about now.

  45. Hmmm… Indians and Cobras. Only snake charmer we know of in this election is Kamala Harris.

    Erase that thought. That’s totally not what I wanted to say!

    In SE Asia (country doesn’t matter, I’ve heard it in several so likely ubiquitous) there is a standard joke which goes like this:

    Q: “You’re going for a stroll in the paddy fields and you happen across an Indian and a Cobra. You reach for your trusty revolver and suddenly remember that you forgot to reload and are down to your last round. What do you do?”

    A: “Shoot the Indian and take your chances with the Cobra.”

  46. @OliverT:

    Some Immigrants being self-selecting highly motivated types is a given I don’t dispute. Blood being thicker than water, some ethnicities may also have easier access to startup credit than others You’re going to make a good solid go of a new venture if you’re a Patel and every other Patel in the whole damn world will hear all about it if you flub things.

    But how about just *you* who are not a Patel try to get financing to take over a motel or a 7-eleven franchise, or a gas station. Then try to keep it staffed without being in perpetual contravention of a myriad of labor laws. Laws which may or may not be equally enforced against members of different ethnicities. Additionally at this now very late stage of the game you may find that the upstream logistics for whichever of these businesses in your region are now controlled by an ethnic cartel which might not always deliver on time or at the same prices to you, an outsider. But that would be in contravention of all kinds of laws you say. Oh Mister, say it ain’t so!

    Biden aside, there are some truths we’re not supposed to investigate or even think about if we want to hang on to our Good White Certificates and Boy Scout Badges. One of those truths is that there is no level playing field and that the Laws are not applied equally without fear or favor and that we do see different ethnic groups capturing entire industries and keeping others out. But this doesn’t matter until such time as they drive the Jews and Legacy WASPs out of White Shoe Law firms and Wall Street 😛 Which would be kind of funny to see.

  47. Additionally at this now very late stage of the game you may find that the upstream logistics for whichever of these businesses in your region are now controlled by an ethnic cartel

    There are no cartels not organized under the auspices of public agencies. Pools in restraint of trade are unstable and unsustainable in the commercial sectors to which you allude.

  48. I see that President Trump has again “authorized” all of the currently classified documents related to the various parts of the attempted coup against him—Russiagate, Ukrainegate, Hillary’s emails, etc.–to be completely declassified and released to the public in unredacted form.

    President Trump took a similar action several months ago, with little effect—the various “resistant” organizations involved—CIA, DOJ, FBI, etc.–used various delaying pretexts to ensure that this declassification and release either never happened at all, or happened at a snail’s pace.

    Sundance points out that the President did not “order” this comprehensive declassification and release, he merely “authorized” it, and that, says Sundance, makes a big difference, and apparently still gives these agencies room to put obstacles in the way of declassifying and releasing these documents.

    For some reason President Trump does not want to make what he wants to happen an “Order,” perhaps so his opponents cannot characterize him as giving “orders” like a “dictator.”

    Took bad it can’t be an “Order,” with the added proviso that any attempt to in any way delay complete compliance within, say, 72 hours of receiving this order—which should be hand delivered to each agency holding such documents, and signed for–will be judged to be deliberate “insubordination,” and grounds for immediate dismissal from the Federal service–this dismissal to encompass everyone in each agency, from the head all the way down to the lowest GS-1 employee.

  49. P.S.–At least one commenter over at Sundance believes that the just announced DOJ press conference “on a Matter of National Security” at 11 am today will be these various agencies detailing all of the reasons why they cannot comply with the release of currently classified and redacted documents that the President–silly man who just doesn’t understand how things work, and all the laws, regulations, procedures, reviews, and “complications” involved–has foolishly authorized.

  50. Indeed, could be they’ll do everything they can to sit on it, using every trick up their greasy sleeves, citing the holy cause of “national security”…which would seem to make a lot of sense since after Hillary-gate, Obama-gate, Comey-gate, Brennan-gate, Clapper-gate, Strzok-gate, Biden-gate, Rice-gate, Yates-gate, Halper-gate, Mueller-gate, Weissmann-gate, Haspel-gate, etc.-gate (not to mention MSCM-gate), in short, the hugest, most intricate, most convoluted, most ingenious, most brazen, most criminal, most hypocritical, most-foul, most covered-up political scandal in American history (and I’ll go out on a limb here and say “the biggest political scandal in all of Western political history”—actually, it’s not AT ALL a stretch to say so; and maybe I should delete “Western”), it stands to reason that the Democrats and their hordes and minions, their hit-men and helots, their hewers of wood and carriers of water, are FINALLY and SERIOUSLY concerned with “NATIONAL SECURITY”.

    And it’s about time!!

    Yes, FINALLY! Phew, what a relief….

    (Did I say, “could be”?)

    On the other hand, it could well be the start of an AVALANCHE, as Trump and Co. (Ratcliffe/Grenell, etc.) appear to be suiting up.

    …since (as was hinted a bit earlier in the thread) Trump may well be “in the mood” to go full-mongoose.

    (Or should that be “full honey-badger”.)


  51. “C’mon you apes”:

    Gunnery Sgt. Daniel Daly is said to have yelled, “Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?” at the Battle of Belleau Wood (he had already won the Medal of Honor. Twice). I suspect the “apes” probably comes from Heinlein. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Daly

    huxley —

    “Forever Young” sure has a different meaning in my fifties than when I was nineteen. Still love that song.

  52. Critical race theory and the wokeism has metastasized in the US military academies much as it has in the universities. It is a serious problem given the Marxist/communist basis of the theory and movement. Every Thursday cdr salamander has a new post on this cancer in the US Navy.


    cdr salamander

    Thursday, October 08, 2020
    Diversity Thursday

  53. An extended quote from cdr.salamander’s post on the Woke brigades in the US Naval Academy:

    “I warned years ago that, as people are policy, that the USNA’s desire to compete on the US News and other college ranking self-licking ice cream cones, that they were going to hire people who are focused on the same things their colleague in civilian universities focus on and do … which may not fully align with what the US taxpayer thinks it has service academies for.

    Sure enough, when you dig through the public and private exchanges on the topic, it becomes clear what is going on. You have a group of civilian professors who are pushing this issue along with a select group of Woke Youth Brigades to give them cover.

    Professors using students as shield and sockpuppets is one of oldest radical tactical moves in the book. I won’t name them, because they are the scorpion to USNA’s frog; this is their nature. USNA invited them for the ride, they are only acting as to their nature. Heck, in one interview, one of the professors involved stated,

    “My initial interests were centered solely on questions of race and identity formation. But I realized that I had an opportunity to tell an important story about maritime communities in the Caribbean often forgotten in histories of the plantation complex and postemancipation labor struggles.”

    Of course, such a person would look for some way to manifest her interests in the bare and rocky soil of Annapolis. I don’t fault such a person. They are what they are.

    What I find most interesting is the utter and complete terror uniformed senior leaders have when faced with such a challenge. These are people who have faced the dangers of combat and a career in the military … and yet when faced by the Woke Brigades, they turn in to things we used to tut-tut about when we read about them in communist countries. You can see them trying to find a compromise, but they simply do not understand their opponent. You cannot make them happy. They demand that you agree with 100% of their opinion – and that is just that, and opinion – but they will be content with your submission.”


  54. Neo:

    cdr.salamander has commented that his “Diversity Thursday” topic is his least favorite, but that every week a new diversity tumor presents itself. Something about how the sea is always trying to kill you, even when a human enemy or accident/incompetence isn’t involved, and that should focus your priorities. Well that isn’t the case for the Woke brigades.

    I remember that post and commented on it.

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