Home » Trump’s doctors are extremely happy with his progress


Trump’s doctors are extremely happy with his progress — 21 Comments

  1. Good news. But, as the Brits would say; “early days yet”.

    We were also told that that days 7-10 was the critical time. If you got through day 10 without serious ramifications, you were probably in the clear.

    Off topic. I know the media is saying that so many Trump people are infected because they don’t wear masks. On the other hand we were told that everyone that was going to be near him was tested. Suddenly, significant numbers of those people are getting sick. Something does not add up.

    I shun conspiracy theories as a rule; but, considering how many of Trump’s inner circle have contracted the virus, along with the fact that only Republican Senators–in particular Judicial Committee members–also have it; I hope that an investigation is underway. Maybe coincidence; or maybe not. After all, “everything is on the table” as the Dems repeatedly tell us; and we learned from the coup attempt to take them at their word.

  2. Oldflyer,

    That is most definitely a possibility. It’s vile, but as you say, they told us everything was on the table. They got someone close to the First Lady so she could be secretly recorded (Dem. Own Goal: sounding, down to earth, like your average wife and mother).

    I wouldn’t put it past the Left to throw as many possibly Covid infected people at the White House as possible, at this point.

  3. I’m glad I’m not the only suspicious person…!

    You know…you hear about ugly people who work in food facilities who spit into food serving items, so you _know_ there are people who are willing to do nasty things to cause harm to people for virtually no reason. How much more likely is it that someone who _has_ a reason might use some devious means to cause Trump to get sick and hopefully – in their minds – either die or be completely incapacitated prior to the elections.

  4. As Nancy Pelosi said to George Stephanopolis on Sunday and at several other times recently, “We have many arrows in our quiver.”

  5. This is the most insane and crazy thing I have ever said or written, but given the hatred of Trump and the Russia collusion scam plus all the other crap he has had to endure, all in an effort to get rid of Trump, I would not put it past his enemies – deep state? local officials at one of his event? who knows – to have “planted” the virus around him.
    How one would do this? I have no idea .
    Is this even possible? I have no idea.
    But I have become so cynical of our govt. officials / bureaucracy / deep state inhabitants, I would not put this beyond their capability and intent.

    Yea, I realize this idea is really nuts.

  6. John Tyler:

    It may not be true. But it’s not nuts.

    When so many people talk and talk and talk so freely about assassinating him, I think one must consider the possibility that someone came up with a way. Personally, I think he caught COVID in the regular manner, by chance. But I wouldn’t say that lots of people wouldn’t try to kill him if they could manage it.

  7. Sorry, I haven’t read the RedState article and I’ve only skimmed this one.

    Cleveland Officials Traced COVID Cases Back to the Debate… Before Trump Was On-site

    For the conspiracy theorists … yes, it’s a stretch but Dems have talked themselves into believing all sorts of strange things.

    My mind goes back to the shootings at the Repub congressional baseball team practice. The one where Steve Scalise almost died. The shooter was a Bernie Bro.
    Compare the treatment he got/gets with, say, Kyle Rittenhouse. How many of us even recall the shooter’s name?

  8. Scott Adams also suggested that this could be an assassination attempt. I can’t discount it out of hand. I wish I could.

  9. When you have the ex-high muckety muck of Twitter saying last week that conservative businessmen should be lined up and shot, and not a word of outrage from the progressives, then why isn’t a COVID-19 assassination scenario unreasonable?

  10. I was thinking about how many times I have came down with a cold when I was under particular stress, then noticing this happened right after Trump’s debate.

    Aside from having Chris Wallace and the media against him, Trump also had the minor inconvenience of running the United States on four hours sleep per night, while prepping for the debate.

    Meanwhile, Joe Biden is hiding out in a basement and calling a “lid” on the day’s activities at 9:20 AM, and doing his debate prep.

  11. Call me a cockeyed optimist, but given the jump Trump got on his Covid infection plus the best medical care in the world, my bet is Trump bats this one down and forges ahead.

    In terms of votes it’s a wash or in his favor.

  12. Trump has an extremely strong spirit. I have faith he will shake this off. I think of this not as Trump has Covid, rather as Covid has Trump. As to why so many in his orbit have recently been infected may seem suspicious, but there are many possibilities.

    However, the left is the playground of many nefarious and utterly vile ghouls. They are capable of anything. People who slaughter babies in the womb (with flippant glee) are capable of any depraved act imaginable.

  13. From a strictly medical POV, there is so much hype floating around it is impossible. The AP calls Trump “obese” when he is not; he is overweight but does not meet the published, easily available criterion for obesity. Is he on oxygen or is he not? Uhh, no!

    In my part of the country we have now had close to 10,000 “cases” of the Wuhan virus, per Johns Hopkins. Are “cases” the same as “illnesses”? With the Wuhan, we know it’s not so. Our local death rate is said to be 1.3% of “cases”, again per the Hop.
    As I’ve written before, the Wuhan dead are the aged with multiple chronic co-morbidities, who are fixing to die soon anyway, not ten years from now. Cuomo sure proved that. Median nursing home survival is 1.3 years before any COVID. But you don’t get that from the MSM, which delights in reporting one case of a 40 year-old, who refused to mask, and died 3 months later. They love that, and the Ignorati read it and think, “That could be me!”

    So MSM “anxiety” about Trump is misplaced, purposefully. Its purpose is agitation. The AP found an anonymous source that claims Trump is more seriously ill. Who believes anonymous sources any more? They all have axes to grind.
    If Trump were to be assassinated, planting the Wuhan virus is not the way! It is not deadly enough. His risk of serious pulmonary illness from this I put at about 10%.

  14. I don’t think Trump and those around him caught the virus through some nefarious Democratic scheme. The Dems are evil, but they’re not that diabolical or clever to be able to infiltrate and infect a bunch of Republicans. In fact, sometimes they are merely stupid. The Kavanaugh hearings are a good example of what they will do, but it was obvious that Blasey-Ford was a fraud.

  15. So if the virus infection event was the Rose Garden conference where Amy Coney Barrett was introduced as a Supreme Court candidate, that would be 26th September and Day 1 of infection? And today would be Day 7 (am I understanding this correctly, or are you counting from diagnosis date?). I’ve seen the list of people who attended that event and have become infected – they seem to be sitting in the first few rows there.


  16. I hope that President Trump will get some well deserved rest due to this.

    Prayers for him, Melania and the other leaders infected!

  17. Aggie:

    No, the first days after exposure are the incubation period. Thursday may have been the first day of infection – that is, the first day he tested positive. We would only know that was the very first day if they test him every day, which might be the case.

  18. On the other hand we were told that everyone that was going to be near him was tested. Suddenly, significant numbers of those people are getting sick. Something does not add up.

    The tests were never accurate. In fact, some were adulterated with active viral loads, not that this is what is behind Corona X

    The Dems are evil, but they’re not that diabolical or clever to be able to infiltrate and infect a bunch of Republicans.

    Do you think the Deep State is only composed of Demoncrats?

    Heh. Logic and thinking is required there.

    Here’s a hint, what do the FBI and CIA have in common that they often do?

    In terms of votes it’s a wash or in his favor.

    prepare for more october surprises. And november. And december. And…

  19. “The Dems are evil, but they’re not that diabolical or clever to be able to infiltrate and infect a bunch of Republicans.”

    Recall the murder of Seth Rich, a democrat party employee who was suspected of leaking information . His murder was never solved; no suspects, no witnesses, no nothing. . He was found shot dead. No sign of a robbery attempt .

    When “our” govt. wishes to accomplish something, they can do it.

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