Home » Biden admits the election is only about Trump and that Biden’s plans simply do not (or should not) matter to voters


Biden admits the election is only about Trump and that Biden’s plans simply do not (or should not) matter to voters — 22 Comments

  1. This is the first Presidential Election that I know of, where one of the two candidates makes it a matter of policy to avoid public scrutiny of any kind. All of his public appearances are extremely limited; He has no time to schmooze with the audience, if there even is one. There is no interaction with normal people. And most importantly: there is not a single moment that isn’t scripted and moderated. Even Joe’s Q&A sessions are conducted with a list of prepared questions with answers on the teleprompter. No impromptu questions are answered, as we see here; No platform put forward and discussed; and at each appearance, there is a short scripted speech and then he leaves the podium and abruptly walks offstage ignoring the press. Since he appears to be winded even on short walks to the podium, I wonder if Joe’s health is not quite a bit more precarious than they are letting on. I notice the media is happy to badger Trump about his doctor’s visits, but so far I have not heard any hard challenges about Joe’s evaluations. Maybe it’s because everyone understands that it doesn’t matter.

    Although Joe’s campaign team is attempting to hide this masquerade behind the COVID epidemic, this gambit is unprecedented in its outrageousness – that a Presidential campaign could be conducted in this way, essentially on sound-stages. I think Trump is betting correctly in his strategy of getting out to the masses, almost every night a different state, roaring out his stem-winders and getting the crowds up to a fever pitch.

  2. Probably the best Biden strategy, not that I admire it.

    Also serves to keep things simple for Joe — a paramount concern.

  3. Are Democrats planning to simply abolish elections if they win in 2020? ‘Cause I genuinely cannot see any way things don’t spin completely apart for them about 5 minutes after Biden takes the Oath of Office.


  4. I have been saying for months that the Democrats were not going to put up a candidate; they’re gonna run an anti-Trump campaign. That’s all they have. It might be enough, because the hatred runs so deep. But the hatred would run deep against any Republican — it is a function of the press being totally in the tank for the Democrats.

    Every presidential election, we’re treated to pretty much the same line: the last Republican was a good candidate, but this current one is bad, evil, incompetent, venal, dishonest, and so on. And when the next one comes along, the same line is trotted out, in total conviction that the American public will forget that just four years ago, they were calling this one such names. And it works. Every four years. Remember how the press treated Bob Dole? John McCain? Mitt Romney and his “binders of women”? Now they think Romney is statesmanship personified, until he votes to confirm Trump’s Supreme Court nominee — then that will all change.

  5. It kind of worked four years ago for Trump when he ran as I’m not Hillary but he also had a lot of energy and kept himself on the front page of the news week after week. Slow Joe is just running as a place holder so the Democrats can seat someone and then let Valarie Jarrett move in once more and make the decisions until they move Old Joe on out to pasture.

  6. Is Biden even the one talking? If he keeps the mask on the whole time, how would you know? Maybe there’s a good reason he appears to be sharper when masked.

  7. Biden…said his 1st choice is to select an African-American woman, but outlined his reasoning for not releasing a list of nominees…

    About 2% of the working lawyers in the United States are black women. Foolish to box yourself in this way. Since we’ve had a black man on the court continuously since 1967, a woman on the court continuously since 1981, and three women on the court for the last 10 years, it’s gratuitous (at least if you’re anyone but the most madcap ‘diversity’ pusher).

  8. Now, it’s also obvious that Biden and/or his handlers think it’s a question they don’t want Biden to answer because his answer is certain to displease one wing or other of his party.

    Not to mention possibly be incoherent and full of gaffes.

    Is Biden even the one talking? If he keeps the mask on the whole time, how would you know?

    Ah yes, the old Cyrano de Bergerac ploy. Or maybe just Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy.

  9. From what I can tell via FB interactions with people who are liberal,educated etc, is that the Harris/Biden campaign is doing the correct strategy. They would vote for a piece of rock if it was running against Trump. That’s all they care about. Why campaign when all your voters are sealed up? Just assume that’s enough to win and then put Harris in place

  10. Biden is running as if he were Obamacare — vote for him and then find out what that means. But I think AOC is correct to say he can be pushed left.

    Has he shot himself in the foot with some of his base by claiming, in Wisconsin, that he beat the socialist (Sanders)?

  11. Physicsguy. There are no signs of any kind in my neighborhood, except one lone anti-Trump sign. But I know that the vote here is going to be 100% Biden. There were no signs for Hillary four years ago either, there was no need, she got all the votes.

  12. Art Deco,

    “About 2% of the working lawyers in the United States are black women. Foolish to box yourself in this way.”

    “a Zogby poll released on Monday showed 20 percent of black voters intend to vote for Trump instead of Biden.”

    “37% of Hispanic voters favor Trump over Biden”

    I expect those numbers to increase in reaction to the coming democrat insanity.


    “From what I can tell via FB interactions with people who are liberal,educated etc, is that the Harris/Biden campaign is doing the correct strategy.”

    Liberal? Yes. Educated? No.

  13. Geoffrey,

    Could you provide a link to the Zogby poll?

    Zogby is so often the wildest of wild cards…sometimes spot on when all the other polls are wrong, but also sometimes absurdly wrong itself.

    I mean…20% of the black vote (Trump got 8% in 2016) combined with 37% of the Hispanic vote (Trump got 29% in 2016) not only ensures a victory (even if Trump dips a little with whites) but makes a sizeable victory likely. Of course, it depends largely on distribution, but those numbers likely secure Florida and Ohio, make Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona heavily favored for the President and put Colorado, Nevada and Virginia in doubt for Democrats. Hell, with those numbers, Trump might even have a shot in New Jersey!

  14. “Liberal? Yes. Educated? No.”

    GB: ‘educated” in the sense they are white, suburban, college educated, liberals, lacking common sense and infected heavily with TDS. You’re correct though that “educated” today means a lot less than “educated” 50 years ago, or even 20 years ago.

  15. ““educated” today means a lot less than “educated” 50 years ago, or even 20 years ago.”

    I would contend that the ‘education’ “liberal arts” students receive to day is so lacking as to equate to no education at all but fully qualifies as an indoctrination commensurate with China’s.

  16. Ackler,

    Here’s the link to the Zogby poll:

    and here’s the article from which I got that data.

    “Support for President Trump has surged in the black community, according to three recent polls.”

  17. re: “educated” 50 years ago vs today…

    I caught the tail end of that academic golden age, when professors were scary-smart and burning with a mission for knowledge. Or that was at least the image they cultivated.

    For instance, in 1989 for the New Yorker Cynthia Ozick wrote “T.S. Eliot at 101”, a reexamination of Eliot as a writer and a phenom. I liked her essay so much, I ocr’ed it and saved it. Here are a few paragraphs (with my bolding) from the first page.

    But by the close of the eighties only “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” appears to have survived the indifference of the schools—-as two or three pages in the anthologies, a fleeting assignment for high- school seniors and college freshmen. “Prufrock,” and “Prufrock” alone, is what the latest generations know (barely know): not “The Hollow Men,” not “La Figlia the Piange,” not “Ash Wednesday”—-not even “The Waste Land.” Never “Four Quartets.” And the mammoth prophetic presence of T. S. Eliot himself-—that immortal, sovereign rock-—the latest generations do not know at all.

    To anyone who was an undergraduate in the forties or the fifties (or possibly even in the first years of the sixties), all that is inconceivable—-as if a part of the horizon had crumbled away. When, four decades ago, in a literary period that resembled eternity, T. S. Eliot won the Nobel Prize in Literature, he seemed pure zenith, a colossus, nothing less than a permanent luminary, fixed in the firmament like the sun and the moon—-or like the New Criticism, the vanished movement he once magisterially dominated.

  18. Or maybe just some old and tattered sock puppet with the hand so rudely forced, jug jug. –vanderleun

    As it happens, in an earlier comment VDL dated his education with an allusion to Eliot’s “The Wasteland.”

    The change of Philomel, by the barbarous king
    So rudely forced; yet there the nightingale
    Filled all the desert with inviolable voice
    And still she cried, and still the world pursues,
    “Jug Jug” to dirty ears.

    –T.S. Eliot, “The Wasteland”

    I’m not sure VDL’s allusion works. Philomel has been raped by King Tereus and the king cuts out her tongue so she can’t tell anyone. She becomes a nightingale and cries out but the people are impure, so they can’t understand and only hear, “Jug Jug.”

    I guess VDL is saying that Biden is a hand-puppet raped by his Democrat handlers and Americans can’t understand Biden is really talking about his rape. Hmm…

    Anyway. That’s what it’s like to read T.S. Eliot. I was never convinced Eliot’s vision was what the ultimate poetry should be, but I was impressed by his ambition, knowledge and discipline. As poetry has become more political, postmodern and,to my mind, shoddier, I miss Eliot.

  19. I’ve read “The Waste Land” once so far, a couple of years ago, and barely understood it at all. (Have been taking Wordsworth out on some of my hikes, so that gives you an idea of my usual level. Frost was a major influence on me when I was writing in the nineties. I suppose Shelley was rattling around in there somewhere as well.) I’m a little embarrassed that I missed the allusion.

  20. Philip Sells: I could never have gotten through Eliot or Joyce without substantial side reading. (Geez. I even misspelled “The Waste Land.”)

    Prof. Jeffrey Perl has an intriguing entry in “The Great Courses” about Modernism, particularly strong on Eliot.

    “Literary Modernism: The Struggle for Modern History”

    It upset some of my convenient simplifications about that era and who was who and why. I plan to revisit sometime soon.

    It’s so great how many of “The Great Courses” I can check out of the library. This is a golden age of self-education for those who care to self-educate.

  21. “This is a golden age of self-education for those who care to self-educate.” – huxley

    That may become the only choice soon, if the universities implode under the weight of their administrative barnacles* and the populace in general turns to either home- or pod-schooling. **

    “Are Democrats planning to simply abolish elections if they win in 2020?” – MBUnge

    Elections are so Old Skul. Riots have replaced them.***

    “From what I can tell via FB interactions with people who are liberal,educated etc, is that the Harris/Biden campaign is doing the correct strategy.” – physicsguy

    That may be the Bubble talking.****

    *Will the colleges choose CRT/SJW over Federal Funding, or throw their diversity officers under the school bus?

    **Parents are not happy that unions have revealed their true agenda, which has nothing to do with educating the children.

    ***Riots are the new elections.

    ****Democrats are Red-pilling the country.



    Saving the best for last:

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