Home » Remember the “protestors” who harrassed patrons sitting outdoors at a restaurant?


Remember the “protestors” who harrassed patrons sitting outdoors at a restaurant? — 19 Comments

  1. They are so used to getting away with this sort of thing that the idea of consequences is unlikely to have even entered their heads.

    Like the Lancaster rioters facing million dollar bail.
    Like the Portland hordes in the catch-and-release game.
    And so forth.

  2. It’s pretty obvious that the only way to stop these violent actions is to identify and to arrest as many of these rioters as possible and, then, to slap those rioters with the greatest number of the highest penalty charges they can and, then, to actually, quickly, and vigorously prosecute them.

    Once convicted, the perps should also be sent to do hard time–none of this “country club prison” crap–and a SUPERMAX prison, or even Guantanamo would be preferable.

    That is the way to stop this rioting.

  3. I saw a poll earlier today showing that far leftists are the group less likely to feel they need to be cautious about their beliefs. And based on actions over the last 4 months, clearly on their actions. All of this providing the backdrop for “shy Trump voters”. On a side note, I am seeing much fewer Harris/Biden bumper stickers on cars than I saw Clinton/Kane 4 years ago. Much fewer. Here’s hoping California’s popular vote will be less democrat this time around

  4. P.S.–If any of those arrested are older minors they should be tried as adults, and they and, as well, their parents, ought to be held financially responsible for any damage that they caused, or financial penalties they incurred..

  5. Trump said today at the History Day at HillsDale’s Constitution Day event that since he ordered that people who demolish statues would get 10 years in prison, the toppling of statues has stopped. These types are cowards who don’t want to eat baloney sandwiches.

  6. Don’t know if you’ve come across it yet, but Antifa-style rioters that have been arrested and booked (and then usually released) are now going after Andy Ngo because he’s been publishing their names, mug shots, and partial bio’s from the public record onto his Twitter feed.

    Of course all of this information is publicly available. But they are furious that the fact of their participation has been uncovered and spotlighted, and that they are no longer safely anonymized as ‘Black Bloc’.

    It’s amazing how many school teachers and counselors and other ‘human services’ type people are in this demographic.

    Given the municipalities involved, I don’t think it will be too long before their Public Records department goes dark in order to protect the ‘rights’ of the arrested. Ironic, huh? We can’t have rioters, arsonists, and violent-assaulters who blind people with lasers feeling any twinges of shame, now can we?

  7. “We can’t have rioters, arsonists, and violent-assaulters who blind people with lasers feeling any twinges of shame, now can we?” [Aggie @ 4:43 pm]

    Bringing back the public stocks for these miscreants seems like as good idea.

  8. Aggie, rules for radicals turned against them. Now they get a taste of cancel culture and doxxing.

  9. “It’s pretty obvious that the only way to stop these violent actions is to identify and to arrest as many of these rioters as possible”

    It’s not the only way but it should certainly be used as rigorously as possible until such time as it no longer works. Then you have to level up.

  10. While this is a serious matter, especially if you are the customer of the restaurant who is being verbally assaulted, I did laugh at this quote:

    “The paper quoted Craft as saying the videos only show one side of the story and that she was offered the beer.”

    Ha! That explains it all – someone who the “protester” was screaming profanities at “offered” the beer to her!?

    I think this quote/excuse goes to show how out of touch with reality some people can be if they think anyone is going to believe that excuse.

  11. Aggie:

    In Portland the Antifa/BLM allies in government are working to make it illegal to livestream or film “mostly peaceful protestors” without their full consent. Privacy of those who riot/loot/burn/murder must be preserved don’t you know.

  12. Saw an invisible man today. Going into McD’s for coffee while on a long drive in Michigan. He was slightly above average height, twenty pounds over burly, wearing heavy clothing and work boots. Had a Trump hat.
    He is everywhere but he’s invisible. Can’t count the number of long haul truckers we saw. But once off the interstate, the pickups and vans and panel trucks with the names of various trades on the side and local phone numbers.
    Guys standing next to utility truck looking up at the guy in the bucket.
    Fixing the door at WalMart.
    Flat bedding an excavator down a dirt road.
    Putting a neighbor’s summer cottage back on its slab after moving it to allow for construction access.
    The guy I saw in McD’s can count on not getting any crap from the rest of the invisibles. There’s a lot of them and, once you get to talking, they don’t trust authority, which would likely include polling calls.
    One said he’d vote in person in case there were some “protestors” outside the voting location. No fun mailing it in.

  13. Snow on PIne,

    “It’s pretty obvious that the only way to stop these violent actions is to identify and to arrest as many of these rioters as possible and, then, to slap those rioters with the greatest number of the highest penalty charges they can and, then, to actually, quickly, and vigorously prosecute them.”

    Clearly in leftist enclaves that won’t happen at the local level. Nor in democrat controlled states, at the State level.

    If Trump is reelected and the pubs take back the House, while retaining control of the Senate and Trump gets another SC justice or two, then reforms and prosecutions can take place.

    If only Trump is reelected and nothing else changes, his invoking the Insurrection Act will get some prosecutions through.

    If the Left manages to steal the election then IMO Civil War will be unavoidable because our choice will then be either ‘living’ under 1984 or fighting to reestablish 1776.

  14. “…even if convicted whether they’ll get anything more than a weak slap on the wrist.”

    Whatever severity of punishment they receive from the court should be regarded as a gift; were the restaurant patrons so moved as to deliver punishment on the scene, the wounds would likely be permanent.

    As for Pittsburgh, they still have a real DA because Soros hasn’t bought his way down to the “P”s yet.

  15. Whatever severity of punishment they receive from the court should be regarded as a gift; were the restaurant patrons so moved as to deliver punishment on the scene, the wounds would likely be permanent.

    You notice they aren’t raiding truck stops and biker bars. The places they raided in my old neighborhood in Rochester are filled with young people, but commonly bourgeois young people with affects.

    Young men from wage-earning families often receive from their fathers and / or their peers encouragement and instruction in different sorts of personal independence. The young men of the salaried classes, not so much.

  16. A recent commenter here suggested that the appropriate response by diners to Leftist rioters who were pictured on Youtube, smashing their way though a outdoor cafe full of peaceful diners–upending tables, throwing diner’s food on the floor, and harassing and threatening those peaceful diners–should be “a knife in the neck.”

    Unfortunately, while it used to be that it was standard practice–that you could likely, with some certainty, count on–that the cops and legal system would see to it that peaceful, law abiding citizens would be protected from criminals–that law and order would be enforced and peaceful society defended–no more!

    Today–with all of the moral and political rot that has set in–in many cities and localities, the problem is that, if you are not a Leftist rioter, and you do have to use force to defend yourself against such a violent rioter, it is you who will end up in a lot of trouble, likely be arrested, have to spend a lot of money getting a lawyer to defend yourself, perhaps end up spending some time in jail, and almost certainly have your life upended.

    Could this, would this happen in your area?

    If rioters show up in your area, outside your local shop or restaurant, or at your door, will your local police protect you, and your right to self defense?

    If they attack you, and you try to defend yourself, will your local prosecutors indict and prosecute these violent thugs–the attackers–or you?

    Well, in this current atmosphere, faith in local authorities has been shaken–see, for instance, the authorities response to recent riots in Charleston–the question is now in doubt and, whatever they might say, you won’t really know which way your local authorities will jump until an actual violent attack takes place, now, will you?

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