Home » Not just a mob, but an ignorant one


Not just a mob, but an ignorant one — 24 Comments

  1. All violence-oriented mobs are ignorant. ALL.
    And Democrats are OK with that. Democrats incite, Democrats allow.
    Law and order will determine the election.
    And right now, Antifa and BLM are planning their massive multi-city responses to Trump’s re election.

  2. Axelrod couldn’t care less about Rand Paul’s safety.

    He’s concerned about the “optics”.

  3. No failure of Police. These Blue City Governors/ Mayors/City Councils are all complicit and I would imagine involved in all this.

  4. Gerry:

    I wrote “failure of police planning.” Perhaps it wasn’t altogether clear, but that was meant to include not just the police heads themselves, but the DC non-police government too. Since the White House area was also involved, there may have been a federal element as well.

  5. Who would think ignorant, violent mobs are good for optics? There has been a polar change, Democrats are now the stupid party. Keep it up blue state/city politicians you are providing immeasurable aid to Trump.

  6. I can only laugh at Axelrod’s bitter tears. Few deserve them more except perhaps his former boss Obama.

  7. If these mobs were concerned about actual black lives and police procedural reforms, they’d be pressuring their representatives to enact some kind of police reform package — maybe like something proposed by Sen. Paul.

    There is no purpose to these gatherings other than destruction. I hope people see that. I’m sure Republican ads will be showing that.

  8. This is Washington DC. The mayor and police chief are typical leftists who aid and abet riots. It’s like the mayor and police chief in Charlottesville, VA, where the police chief told the police to stand down and let them fight. Charlottesville was where Antifa discovered the democrat DAs wouldn’t prosecute them for their crimes.

  9. IIRC one couldn’t aspire to a quaestorship without first serving as a junior officer at the pointy end of a legion.

    Perhaps the present Cursus Dishonorum could be cleaned up a little by requiring DA Candidates to have first played Whack A Mole / Rescue the Goat in Afghanistan… no faking it with REMF jobs like Mayor Buttplug (who seems to have disappeared into thin air of late).

    If the US is going to waste trillions on pointless wars in irredeemable #@#$holes, it might as well claw back some value through requiring candidates for public office to demonstrate true courage and leadership in harm’s way.

    Most of the current crop of DAs should just be hanged from nearest lamp post.

  10. These protest people are being coached and supported by some others, professionals connected to the DNC, and they would like nothing better than to have an open shooting war break out and kill about half the protestors, they are expendable for the greater good of moving the story along into chaos. I think what we are seeing now is the warm up, preseason riot/protests and by the end of September we might be engaged in a civil war, I sincerely hope I am wrong but there is no reasoning with the crews who show up, no desire whatsoever to find a middle ground as we have seen with some of the nitwits who have been elected to office in the congress.

  11. “right now, Antifa and BLM are planning their massive multi-city responses to Trump’s re election.” Cicero

    That’s a virtual certainty.

    As parker above points out, I too am fairly certain that Trump rightly sees the riots and dem mayors and governor’s inaction as a great boon to his re-election. I have no doubt that he’d love to activate the National Guard but doing so before the election would allow the MSM to portray his action as tyrannical and his reelection is absolutely vital to the continuance of the American republic.

    Once reelected, I expect that Trump will issue an E.O. placing the Insurrection Act into force. Then, in the face of the escalating riots, he’ll declare Martial Law. He can then outlaw public support for totalitarian ideologies, which will include progressivist advocacy. That BTW would include politicians…

    Then he can declare the mass media and academia are acting in support of sedition and insurrection. Hold military trials and of those found guilty, permanent revocation of citizenship and deportation.

    Once he’s cut through our ‘Gordian Knot’ he can hold an Article V Convention. And, as there will be no leftists at that Convention, they can pass (among other needed measures) “take the Electoral College down to the State level” https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/08/is_it_time_to_take_the_electoral_college_down_to_the_state_level.html

    Passing amendments that will go a long way in preventing the Left from ever internally threatening liberty again.

  12. IIRC, David Axelrod was instrumental in publicizing some sort of sexual misconduct charge against Herman Cain- by a woman who lived in Axelrod’s building in Chicago.

  13. neo:
    I wasn’t insinuating that I believed that is what you thought. I was pointing out that the Powers to be are corrupt as hell and have Law Enforcements hands tied. I don’t understand why the Feds weren’t up to speed on this. Keep up the good work I enjoy reading your blog.

  14. “Why were the “protestors” (aka mob) allowed to get anywhere near the site of the convention speeches? Were there just too many of them to stop? Or was it a failure of police planning? Just guessing, but:

    Democratic Mayor agrees to cause as much mischief as possible in planning conference with DNC.

    Democratic Mayor meets with Chief of Police to ensure resources are dispatched to achieve desired effect.

    DNC sends message through the legally-deniable firewalls to the PACs and logistical support groups that organize BLM and Antifa employees.

    Lather, rinse, repeat. This is exactly what has been going on in the Democratic cities across the USA.

    Meanwhile in DC, US Marshals, National Park police, FBI/DOJ, and Secret Service try to plug the holes as they have done on past riots this year. But they cannot venture onto city streets outside of strictly-defined areas.

    Just guessing of course.

  15. Regarding David Axelrod, word going around is that Team Biden/Harris is planning a false-flag Jussie Smollett event for Axelrod, this time with really serious infliction of negative health effects. With the typical time required to discover the false-flag nature of the event, the election would be over before the advantage Axelrod envisions evaporates.

  16. Very revealing to me that Axelrod considers law and order to be a “meme.” Or, in other words, an advertisement. This is how the political game is played by the professionals: the advertising is about sales, not truth.

    Just as Nationwide Insurance is not in fact “on your side,” but selling a product which they hope you will buy at a profit to them, political pros, presumably on both sides, construct ads which have everything to do with potential voters buying the product and little or nothing to do with what the party’s actual intentions are.

  17. “I don’t understand why the Feds weren’t up to speed on this. ” – Gerry
    Aggie’s link to Jack Murphy’s Tweets answers that question.

    High level sources tell me:
    – The Secret Service wanted to protect the Trump guests returning to their hotels but @MayorBowser refused.

    The W is across the street from the White House and yet the SS wasn’t given clearance to provide safe transport.

    To clear up the initial tweet: the secret service requested additional coordination and support from MPD and it was refused. The SS is not in the business of protecting ordinary citizens on the streets of DC. The mayor is.

    And she declined to address this serious issue.

    And since this gentleman has been brought up on a related post: this reply was in are in that same thread the first time I accessed it, but the randomness of Twitter has moved it into an alternate universe now.

    Brandon Tatum
    Bro, it’s 2020!

    Black people are not oppressed in America!

  18. Take a look at the story linked below, about this hand printed missive that was left at a person’s house because they had a Trump sign on their lawn.

    Now that’s some comprehensive 360 degree hate, and also projection on a massive scale i.e I’m betting that, whatever the letter writer accuses this Trump supporter of, is exactly what the letter writer himself/herself is guilty of; they’ve inadvertently given us an image of their mind and attitudes.

    Two choice quotes, among a lot of other choice accusations–

    “You make it clear by these signs that you neither respect us as humans nor believe we are entitled to equal protections and rights under the laws of this great country. You do not believe that we deserve life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness, that we are not really Americans to you, simply because we may not look like you or share your beliefs. So again, thank you for showing us the prejudice and hate that truly fills your heart and telling us so proudly that although you may be our neighbor, we are not equally yours.”


    “P.S. If you believe yourself to be a Christian (which we assume is also likely) thank you for further proving that you do not hold true Christian values or follow the teaching of Christ, who preached love and acceptance for all your neighbors. We sure hope you enjoy the heat!”

    See https://dailycaller.com/2020/08/29/guy-benson-neighbors-letter-trump-yard-sign/

  19. P.S. According to the story, the recipient is a first generation legal Mexican immigrant, as are his other family members.

    This note was not signed.

  20. If you listen to Kimberle Crenshaw you will understand “Say her name.” It is specific woke argot.

  21. Dnaxy – thanks for the link. Had no clue. I read this story (top of the browser search), and found it most interesting.


    It’s also interesting that ALL of the analyses of police killings I have read (mostly from Heather Mac Donald) are focused exclusively on black MEN. Of course, that’s the way the Left is framing the narrative, and they are higher profile cases due to media reports, but the women’s deaths Crenshaw talks about are, in some ways, even worse. I suspect none of the officers was in any danger of being hurt or killed by the women, although I would have to do some research on that.

    At any rate, making “martyrs” of the women may be next on the #BLM agenda, and they are probably more sympathetic ones for the public, even if some might have egregious rap sheets like the men’s (the few cited in the story didn’t seem to).

    However, it was pure theater to shout that at Rand Paul, since he is sponsoring a bill that addresses at least one of the causes of wrongful deaths that Crenshaw should be concerned about.

    So, I’m going for “ignorant mob” on this one; even if the leaders knew who Paul was (but why deliberately target him?), the followers were going to shout at anyone.

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