Home » The game plan of the MSM in not showing the evidence that would tend to support a self-defense argument for Rittenhouse


The game plan of the MSM in not showing the evidence that would tend to support a self-defense argument for Rittenhouse — 31 Comments

  1. The mendacity of the MSM truly has no limits. Last month in Seattle an Eritrean immigrant, driving erratically at very high speed, struck and killed a young Antifa/BLM protester (Summer Taylor, who happened to be white). Never was this described by the media as an incident of a black motorist causing the death of a young white woman (had the races been reversed, the reporting would surely have been different)), but rather as a white Jaguar bringing about the death of a demonstrator.

  2. I saw quite a number of Trump signs in northern Wisconsin last week, and only one or two Biden signs. I don’t think this rioting will result in increased votes for Democrats.

  3. Whatever the designs of the Left may be regarding Floyd, Brooks, and Blake – those three thugs aren’t martyrs.

    But the BLM/MSM/Dem combine is suddenly realizing that Chauvin, Rolfe, and Rittenhouse are now being perceived by the general public as defenders of law, order and civilization.

    Stay tuned. The tables may be turning.

  4. It took riots and double jeopardy for the jury to get the Rodney King cops’ trials “right”.
    Cropped footage on television didn’t fool the Simi Valley jury.

  5. Lin Wood, the lawyer who represented the Covington kids, has offered his services to Rittenhouse. I think the kid was not smart to volunteer but we will see more of this as violence continues.

  6. I would agree it’s looking more like self-defense. That said, I disagree the Left want riots. Anymore than the Right wants to shoot rioters dead. There are extremists on both sides running the narrative. Both Trump and Biden and most Americans condemn the riots and the shootings. As it should be. I don’t see a win/win until it all stops.

    BTW thinking about how people will vote in two months because of all this is rather cynical.

  7. We’re having this perfectly even-tempered discussion for which our priors are that the media are approximately who Glenn Reynolds says they are: “Garbage people lying for the benefit of the Democratic Party”. I doubt Reynolds when he got into topical commentary 19 years ago thought this would be the state of affairs two decades hence. We live in a decadent age. I cannot see a way out of this.

  8. There are extremists on both sides

    Except the extremists on one side are inconsequential and the extremists on the other are the main vector. Get it through your head: the Boogaloo boys are a fiction.

  9. One thing I noticed about 8 years ago is that the liberal mentality is such that they very readily find objects of loathing among ordinary people. George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, Nicholas Sandmann, Derek Chauvin, Garret Rolfe, Kevin Rittenhouse – all notable for being everyman. ‘Ere that there was the Duke trio – very affluent people, but otherwise quite ordinary – imagine one of Mike K.’s children. Ever wonder what sort of characterological damage lies behind these impulses?

  10. Montage:

    Joe Biden spoke about riots yesterday, only it seems after polling showed riots are costing the progressives (that would be you) support. There was no mention of riots being not good during the Democrat National Convention. Who is cynical again?

    Portland, nearly 3 months of daily riots and not a peep. Extremists on both sides, How does that work again? BLM doing their Red Guard act with diners in DC. Who are the extremists on both sides again?

    You are pathetic.

  11. Revisit Ngo’s twitter feed.

    You will notice that the revolutionary who lost his bicep while attacking Rittenhouse, is only sorry that he was not able to empty his semi-auto into Rittenhouse earlier because he was fumbling while extracting it.

    These leftists are, contrary to Montage’s simpering disclaimers, homicidal pieces of work intent on murder and mayhem.

    One dead 36 year old pedophile. One dead 26 year old “semi-professional” skateboarder with a record of domestic abuse, and a Marxist revolutionary sans one arm muscle who still wants to kill. Quite a crew.

  12. So the question becomes, how can a society function–what sort of mental condition are people in–when the MSM and almost all of the other sources of information are presenting/pumping what are obviously lies into the society, are presenting as genuine what many people know to be a deliberately constructed and false “reality”?

    I guess the answer can be found in the memoirs of people in the countries of the former U.S.S.R., who where forced to give lip service to, and to live their lives as if the lies spread by Communist propaganda/propagandists were true, even though they pretty much all knew they were lies.

    Thus, everyone in these countries was deliberately made a party to those lies–made dishonest–and this made everyone a co-conspirator in perpetuating those lies; a deliberate degradation.

  13. om:

    Whatever they’re paying Montage, it’s too much.

    And that’s even if they’re paying him nothing.

  14. DNW:

    Poor Mr. One Arm bandit, bested twice by 17 yr. Kyle, once when he was fumbling and again after Kyle was knocked to the pavement and had shot Saint Skateboard of Kenosha in the chest (aka center of mass).

  15. My thinking about our friend from under the bridge, the troll Montage, if you don’t think the left wants riots where do you go for your news. Fully funded, fully staffed, ready to go on the freshest social justice news break, your custom made Antifi’s, auditioning at your nearest liberal city, no background checks, no drug tests.

    It’s only just begun: These protest creatures are fully trained and loaded up to make the news showing peaceful protest with live action, police reaction and Incendiary devices on demand.

    There are a number of good concerned citizens who will not allowed fine towns and cities to be destroyed and they are willing to stand their ground and “if they want a war, don’t fire the first shot but let it begin here.”

    Never in the history of the world has there been an armed population of regular citizens like we have here in the good old U.S.A. There are more firearms in this nation at this time then there are people and the people have billions of bullets to shoot through those guns. As for the old folks, we might be Viet Nam era vets but we still know how to shoot and I hope this stuff never devolves into a civil war but we are kind of entering a danger zone.

  16. In not showing the evidence that would tend to support a self-defense argument for Rittenhouse, the MSM once again demonstrates not just its betrayal of its very rationale for its existence but demonstrates itself to be a mortal threat to the Republic. It’s sedition and in its incessant fomenting of insurrection, it amounts to a planned campaign of treason.

  17. parker:

    The Antifa in WA have their John Brown Gun Club and dreams of glory and justice. It didn’t work when one of their martyrs tried to blow up burn down an ICE facility in the Sound area earlier this year.

  18. ” I cannot see a way out of this.” Art Deco

    “Those who make peaceful resolution of disagreement impossible will make violent resolution of disagreement inevitable.” Pres. John F Kennedy paraphrased

    The Left will not allow peaceful resolution of our differences. There is no “live and let live” in their totalitarian ideology.

    “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them”. Vladimir Lenin

  19. montage: “I disagree the Left want riots.”

    I recall Biden staffers donating to funds that bailed out arrested rioters.
    That sounds like pretty strong support to me.

  20. “In not showing the evidence that would tend to support a self-defense argument for Rittenhouse …”

    Yes, the agenda for some time has been “white supremacist terrorists”. MSM has used every trick in their book to push this agenda. There are hordes of lefties who quote links to the vast numbers of these “W/S Terror” guys … who somehow haven’t managed to burn down any cities so far.

  21. “So the question becomes, how can a society function–what sort of mental condition are people in–when the MSM and almost all of the other sources of information are presenting/pumping what are obviously lies into the society, are presenting as genuine what many people know to be a deliberately constructed and false “reality”?” Snow on Pine

    Obviously it’s not sustainable. America will serve “either one master or the other”.

    Yes, we will either participate in the LIES and live on our knees or… decide there are worse things than death.

    History repeatedly demonstrates that, the greater the evil, the greater the sacrifice good must make to defeat it.

  22. JimNorCal:

    You can see that but Montage can only see the beach from the sidewalk or from his magic bicycle.

    Montage can see the violent extremists on both sides although he has to strain to see those who aren’t right wing. His vision is a curious thing.

    The White Supremacists seem to be outnumbered by hate crime hoaxers for some reason. Another curiosity.

  23. A gold ring to the politician who can craft a law to make what the news is doing illegal without actually setting up a division of truth…

    Perhaps sue them for fraud?

    You paid for news (truth), news is not false (fiction), providing falsehood is a fraud in terms of what one was being told one was being offered (a good of lesser value – actually value has nothing to do with it, its a good that was misrepresented as something else).

    Fraud is a broad term that refers to acts intended to swindle someone. … Fraud always includes a false statement, misrepresentation or deceitful conduct. The purpose is to gain something of value, usually money, by misleading or deceiving someone into believing something that the perpetrator knows to be false. – FindLaw

    For those that didn’t outright pay…
    Time is money
    (as that is what they convert into advertising revenue – they convert your time into their money)…
    and a class action suit would be interesting

  24. So the left calculates that it’s win/win/win for them – except for the possibility of backlash against the riots, which they don’t seem to have originally factored in.

    Communists from Lenin onward have always been surprised no one wanted to join their revolution…….

  25. OldTexan- It seems that Rittenhouse first shot a crazy who was screaming at him, chasing him, and threw something at him just before he was shot.
    I think you can see videos from here: https://www.redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/08/26/905992

    After that he was being chased and shot the other two scumbags.
    These three nut-jobs being white doesn’t fit the narrative; I don’t see the feral blacks rioting over these palefaces.

    Shame on the “public servants” who don’t keep order! The blood and financial wreckage are on their hands!

  26. Carl Benjamin, a classical liberal vblogger in the UK (as Sargon of Akkad), does a lengthy breakdown and defense of the right to self-defense in the Rittenhouse case using video. He defiantly defends against carping, hectoring, moral relativists who demand men submit to the mob.


    Hell no, we ain’t gonna go! This is stirring stuff.

  27. I know I’m late to comment on this post but I felt the need to express an opinion here which has, in other forums, met with much backlash. First, not having been there, I don’t know the whole story of what took place between Rittenhouse and those he shot. The video analysis I have seen makes a strong case for self defense. However, what gets lost on the “Kyle is a hero” crowd is this: he will certainly be convicted of illegal possession of a firearm (18 is the minimum age for open carry in WI) and his parent(s) face liability for his actions since he is too young to own a firearm in his state of residence (IL requires a firearm owners ID to purchase guns and you have to be 21 to obtain a FOID).

    What’s more, Rittenhouse, in my opinion, is a victim of too much propaganda about the role of firearms in law enforcement and the military and too little training with respect to the responsible use of firearms to protect one’s own life and property. As a veteran, a firearm owner and concealed carry permit holder I can tell you that there is a significant difference between these three (military, law enforcement, citizen) categories and the use and handling of firearms requires a very different mindset by each.

    I hope Kyle gets a fair trial. If he does, I am guessing the murder charges will not stand. However, even if he gets off scot-free, the following is true: his apparent aspirations for a career in law enforcement are pretty much done; social media will see to him being hounded out of “polite society” (as if such a concept even exists or matters any longer); but most importantly, he will be dealing with the emotional toll of that night for the rest of his life.

    No matter where I mention this last point, it is very clear to me that most people do not comprehend how traumatic it is to take a life. It is life changing and, depending on how one deals with it, can destroy who you were as a person prior to that. Whatever happens to young Kyle from here on, he will have this on his conscience for the rest of his life. The “hero narrative” that I have seen from many refuses to acknowledge this fact. i suspect this is due to the lack of experience with trauma of this magnitude and its consequences.

  28. Chris J, I agree, with the possible exception of the rifle and its origin. His defense attorneys are saying the rifle did not cross state lines. I infer that it was provided by a local defense or “militia” unit, or maybe by a property owner. He clearly knew how to use it; I’m guessing he hunts.

    Can he serve in the military, assuming these charges are withdrawn or he is acquitted?

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