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Fentanyl and George Floyd — 12 Comments

  1. And the media is happy to perpetuate the lies:
    Knee on the neck
    Hand up don’t shoot
    “fine people on both sides”
    “genocide of black people”

    Lather rinse repeat…

  2. So, thanks to the deliberate actions of the MSM and their political allies on the Left/Democrats, an alternate reality and alternate world-view–one deliberately created and, then, cited to justify all sorts of violence and Insurrection–is created and perpetuated; a Lie that will linger in the air like a bad smell, one that you can never really completely get rid of.

  3. Just adding”In the setting of” Covid-19 would combine current narratives. No test nessessary.

  4. Here is what happened the way i see it…

    Floyd took as much fentanyl as he could to maximize his high
    IF he was sitting around being lazy as most people who do that much of that kind of drug do, he would not have required more oxygen from his lungs. There would be a good chance he would have survived if he was just laying on the couch floating in and out.

    However, this was not what he was doing. He had actively committed a crime for which he probably was not clear headed enough to get away with as he probably had before. He was walking around.

    When the police showed up, and he was caught, his natural stress response kicked in, his heart rate went up, his need for oxygen went up, and that exceeded his bodies capacity to deliver it. This is akin to a person who gets dies from vigorous exercise they are not used to doing… they push their requirements over a line, the heart doesn’t get enough, and a bad thing happens.

    This is what i think ultimately happened to Floyd…
    He took his max, and if he was lazy on the couch would have not taxed his system… but he wasn’t, and did something, that then put him in a stressful situation, his body ramped up, required more oxygen than he could provide, and that was that…

  5. Question–so what’s going to happen when these cops get acquitted?
    National rioting round 2?

  6. Bill Serra:
    it is the responsibility of the citizens to prevent the burning down of their cities by voting all democrats out of office. Democrats don’t deserve to get 1 vote.

  7. Chauvin is innocent. Rolfe is innocent.

    Further information on the Kenosha incident required.

  8. In the days immediately after Floyd’s death, my first thought was “Chauvin should not have had his knee on his neck — especially for 8 minutes.”

    After a few days of seeing the “knee on neck” photos, I began to think “Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s shoulder, not his neck, so death was most likely the result of over exertion or fear.”

    Now we learn of the heavy dose (perhaps “overdose” is the right term) of fentanyl in his system, and I’ve revised my opinion. It now looks likely over exertion combined with fear and fentanyl might have been what caused the death.

    In any case, the knee on the neck explanation appears to have dropped off the screen entirely.

    But the bottom line is the worst offender in this whole tragic scene was not Chauvin, nor even the police department as a whole.

    It was the American press, who merged an anti-authority, anti white, anti Trump prejudice into some of the most biased and irresponsible reporting possible. America and Americans are very badly served by the Fourth Estate.

  9. Shades of the first half of the Ronald Opus urban legend (man jumps off building intending to commit suicide, but is shot on the way down, and then the story gets weirder..)

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